
Nintendo World Store Tour - November 2013
Tour of Nintendo World! I was in New York and took a video of the whole store. The amount ...
published: 08 Dec 2013
Nintendo World Store Tour - November 2013
Nintendo World Store Tour - November 2013
Tour of Nintendo World! I was in New York and took a video of the whole store. The amount of merchandise is overwhelming!- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 457

Tour of the Nintendo World Store - Nov. & Dec. 2011 (Ep. 12)
This is an in-depth look/tour of the Nintendo World Store in Rockefeller Center in New Yor...
published: 05 Dec 2011
author: Danny4842
Tour of the Nintendo World Store - Nov. & Dec. 2011 (Ep. 12)
Tour of the Nintendo World Store - Nov. & Dec. 2011 (Ep. 12)
This is an in-depth look/tour of the Nintendo World Store in Rockefeller Center in New York City. It is located at: 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020....- published: 05 Dec 2011
- views: 24226
- author: Danny4842

Nintendo World Store Tour UPDATE - April & May 2012 (Ep. 21)
This is an in-depth look/tour UPDATE on the changes made at the Nintendo World Store since...
published: 24 May 2012
author: Danny4842
Nintendo World Store Tour UPDATE - April & May 2012 (Ep. 21)
Nintendo World Store Tour UPDATE - April & May 2012 (Ep. 21)
This is an in-depth look/tour UPDATE on the changes made at the Nintendo World Store since my last video tour back in November & December 2011. This time aro...- published: 24 May 2012
- views: 9274
- author: Danny4842

Nintendo World Store New York 2013
I finally got to visit the Nintendo World Store at 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York! At the ...
published: 15 Jul 2013
author: yauy
Nintendo World Store New York 2013
Nintendo World Store New York 2013
I finally got to visit the Nintendo World Store at 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York! At the time of this video, the 2-story store featured gaming stations for ...- published: 15 Jul 2013
- views: 2492
- author: yauy

Nintendo World, Again!
I have returned to the City to visit none other than the Nintendo World Store in Rockefell...
published: 27 Oct 2013
Nintendo World, Again!
Nintendo World, Again!
I have returned to the City to visit none other than the Nintendo World Store in Rockefeller Center. This time there are no 2 seperate videos, just one video and one large, creepy Pac-Man.- published: 27 Oct 2013
- views: 18

Nintendo World Store, January 2014
Enjoy. I pretty much got the whole stor...
published: 21 Jan 2014
Nintendo World Store, January 2014
Nintendo World Store, January 2014
MY FIRST TRIP TO NINTENDO WORLD STORE!!!! OMG!!!!! Enjoy. I pretty much got the whole store. The store is located at 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, New York. Music: Super Mario 3D World Double Cherry Pass Super Mario 3D World Main Theme- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 136

Nintendo World Store Fun :)
Stephen and I decided to take a visit to the Nintendo World store because I wanted to see ...
published: 11 Feb 2013
author: mootypwns
Nintendo World Store Fun :)
Nintendo World Store Fun :)
Stephen and I decided to take a visit to the Nintendo World store because I wanted to see if they got a new stock of stuff ^_^ Enjoy the VLOGing randomness :...- published: 11 Feb 2013
- views: 2857
- author: mootypwns

Nintendo World Store Walkthrough
A quick walkthrough the Nintendo World Store from my recent trip to New York. The Nintendo...
published: 10 Mar 2012
author: almeu2011
Nintendo World Store Walkthrough
Nintendo World Store Walkthrough
A quick walkthrough the Nintendo World Store from my recent trip to New York. The Nintendo Store Museum section starts at 1:15.- published: 10 Mar 2012
- views: 2363
- author: almeu2011

Videotour: Nintendo World Store New York
Wir waren für euch in der Stadt die niemals schläft: New York. Dort haben wir die Nintendo...
published: 12 Oct 2013
Videotour: Nintendo World Store New York
Videotour: Nintendo World Store New York
Wir waren für euch in der Stadt die niemals schläft: New York. Dort haben wir die Nintendo World besucht und zeigen euch in unserem aktuellen Video, was wir alles erlebt haben! :)- published: 12 Oct 2013
- views: 93

DKC: Tropical Freeze Nintendo World Store Preview Event
More info on Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze at http://www.nintendoworldreport.com...
published: 05 Feb 2014
DKC: Tropical Freeze Nintendo World Store Preview Event
DKC: Tropical Freeze Nintendo World Store Preview Event
More info on Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze at http://www.nintendoworldreport.com- published: 05 Feb 2014
- views: 3897

Talking To Luigi At The Nintendo World Store
Me "Devin Hayden" Talking To Luigi At The Nintendo World Store On Friday; July 26, 2013 In...
published: 27 Jul 2013
Talking To Luigi At The Nintendo World Store
Talking To Luigi At The Nintendo World Store
Me "Devin Hayden" Talking To Luigi At The Nintendo World Store On Friday; July 26, 2013 In New York, NY- published: 27 Jul 2013
- views: 439

Nintendo - Nintendo World Store Launch Event Coverage
Official Website: http://happyholidays.nintendo.com/
Like Nintendo on Facebook: http://www...
published: 24 Nov 2013
Nintendo - Nintendo World Store Launch Event Coverage
Nintendo - Nintendo World Store Launch Event Coverage
Official Website: http://happyholidays.nintendo.com/ Like Nintendo on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Nintendo Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica Contact Us: http://www.nintendo.com/contact Newsletter: http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/newsletters/- published: 24 Nov 2013
- views: 39833

Ein Besuch in der Nintendo World!
Viele von euch werden sicher schon davon gehört haben, dass es in New York einen Laden von...
published: 08 May 2011
author: 10doTV
Ein Besuch in der Nintendo World!
Ein Besuch in der Nintendo World!
Viele von euch werden sicher schon davon gehört haben, dass es in New York einen Laden von Nintendo gibt, in dem man nicht nur Systeme, Spiele und Zubehör ka...- published: 08 May 2011
- views: 4746
- author: 10doTV

Kirby 20th Anniversary Celebration at Nintendo World Store
Kirby 20th Anniversary Celebration at Nintendo World Store September 16, 2012....
published: 16 Sep 2012
author: kirbygcn17
Kirby 20th Anniversary Celebration at Nintendo World Store
Kirby 20th Anniversary Celebration at Nintendo World Store
Kirby 20th Anniversary Celebration at Nintendo World Store September 16, 2012.- published: 16 Sep 2012
- views: 6973
- author: kirbygcn17
Vimeo results:

Nintendo World Store
Updated with color correction and grading.
I Remember - Deadmau5.
Shot at the Nin...
published: 30 Jul 2012
author: Israel González
Nintendo World Store
Updated with color correction and grading.
I Remember - Deadmau5.
Shot at the Nintendo World Store on NY. This store is a museum of the brand, full of retro stuff and rarities.
5D Mark II + Canon 50mm 1.4

3D Modeling/Texturing Commercial Reel
----------REEL BREAKDOWN-----------
NISSAN Altima Wouldn't It Be Co...
published: 17 Jun 2009
author: Alek Vacura
3D Modeling/Texturing Commercial Reel
----------REEL BREAKDOWN-----------
NISSAN Altima Wouldn't It Be Cool
-took hundreds of CAD model pieces and created a single empty, water-tight shell of entire car for Houdini shatter sim
-worked on look dev for shatter pattern
-adjusted environment model
-cleaned and organized many pieces from engine Cad
-remodeled various gears based on sim requirements
-remodeled wheel rim based on fx sim requirements
-modeled key fob pieces
-worked on track modeling and layout
-modeled mangled/destroyed tracks
-Modeled the scaffolding environment
-Animated the falling news stand, swaying overhead scaffolding and spotlights
-Modeled scaffolding environment
-modeled and textured sets using camera projection: Office, Kitchen, shot002 Kitchen, 2 front stands in grocery store
BUDWEISER Bridge: (SuperBowl 44)
-Textured shirts, pants, skirts, faces, hair and accessories for 3D people
-Assisted modeling shirts, pants, skirts, heads, and hair styles
-Created normal maps for all clothing and hair
-Modeled and textured Mushrooms, modeled Star
-Modeled and textured dancing flowers, modeled sign
NISSAN Pathfinder Wouldn't It Be Cool
-took hundreds of CAD model pieces and created a single empty, water-tight shell of entire car for Houdini shatter sim
-modeled hero rim
-Modeled all elements
-Modeled all elements
-Modeled all elements
-remodeled car body for sim
LG Rocket Car:
-Modeled and textured rocket car
-Modeled/textured avatar characters (wearing multi-faced helmets,) all traffic, various buttons and signs, assisted with matte painting placement
BEN & JERRY'S Cores:
-modeled hundreds of fluid geyser models with keyed visibility for a stop motion animation, matched reference of soda exploding frame by frame
JIM BEAM Red Stag:
-Deer design, development and modeling.
-Building layout
-Modeled and textured bottle and shot glass
IKEA Mattress:
-Modeled Bed frame, mattresses, linens and every prop in room for projection texturing and lighting
CIF Cinderella:
-Modeled entire bathroom and Cinderella's feather skirt
-Modeled and textured British Pound Note birds
NINTENDO Mario Wii Ice World:
-Modeled Penguin, Snow Clock, Snow flakes, Mushroom
-Modeled house siding, porch pieces, roof pieces, porch plants, railing, lamps
NYLOTTERY Little Bit Of Luck
-textured 5 different faces for heads used in the crowd
FORD Puppets:
-Modeled dog and old woman puppets, car cables, building shutters and cinema marquee
-Textured old woman, 2 young women outfits, pigeons, building shutters
-Modeled and animated previs
The elephant gas mask on the title was an asset created for a canceled pitch that I modeled and textured. The mask is based on a real life piece by artist Tom Banwell.
I am a 3D artist working in NYC.
Software used: Maya, Mudbox, ZBrush, Photoshop
Song: A tout a l'heure by Bibio

Beck "Gameboy Homeboy"
The official video for Beck's "Gameboy/Homeby (Que' Onda Guero)" 8Bit remix from the Guerr...
published: 20 Dec 2005
author: wyldfile
Beck "Gameboy Homeboy"
The official video for Beck's "Gameboy/Homeby (Que' Onda Guero)" 8Bit remix from the Guerro album/Hell Yes EP (also featured in Guerrolito, remix album, Interscope 2005). The first animated video ever directed by Wyld File.
Verse one:
Scene: The streets of Los Angeles
- We see a rug with reggae-salsa-techno mashup bootlegs, awesome noise 7inches, lazer discs, tapes, used Nintendo games, and a Yanni cassette. The dude's sidekick blows into the Nintendo carts.
- Another dude buys the Yanni tape (its Beck in disguise), and a crazy vegetable van passes letting out a ton of smoke from the exhaust, we fade into a graph mural on a wall of a butt farting out a huge fart cloud, it says "????7th heaven, cloud nine...ect..."
- A stretch hummer limo passes by (foreshadowing)
- A crazy street man with a burger king crown is dancing with a rave top hat out for donations. The dude throws the tape into the hat and we zoom into the smelly floppy rave top hat to see a magic world of intrigue and magic.
- also 3 thugs in white T's play jazz classics in triple time, no one puts a cassette in their hat.
Scene: workout room:
- Hipsters with electro-clash tank tops on excercise equipment watching closed-circuit television of the street outside
- They see nerdy dude with same t-shirt as them. Their faces melt.
- We see out from windshield of driving limo. The hood ornament looks like a replica of the leaning tower of pisa or the eiffel tower wearing a bikini. People on the streets are dancing, of course.
Verse 2:
- The Yanni tape falls from the sky into a huge monster jeep that drives over the limo.
- There's a lot of graffiti dudes on the streets and the walls covered in these tags like "Michael Bolon" and "Jammz Juice" and especially the "Yanni" crew has particularly bombed this particular hood (as seen in the animated short).
- A graf dude trades cassette for a can of spray paint from girl in pink jeep.
- The tape falls out of other graf dudes bag and into this woman's tight butt cleavage.
- She trades the tape to dog faced man for a valuable gems stone.
- Dog faced man puts the cassette in into a blockbuster return slot.
- We see someone leaving blockbuster with the Yanni tape in a Bill Cosby "Ghost Dad" video box.
- We zoom into the darkness of Bill Cosby's mouth where we see a chorus line of popsicles dancing.
- Robots dancing: then a giant soccer ball with face on it comes and knocks them down and a fancy cat laughs at it all
- Dancing guy in a Gameboy outfit hands out flyers that has different fake video games playing on his face and lots of pixel animated bits. (might use live action for this part with our homemade cardboard gameboy costume and green screen it over the animated background.)
Verse 3:
- A huge soccer ball hits man with a huge mullet and replaces his head, but mullet remains on soccer ball.
- The soccer man gets kicked by a go-bot's foot into a Kinko's pile of trash and then a Xerox machine falls on him and copies come out that are of Yanni's face.
- Dude rolls up poster and smokes it.
- A little kid watches fake cartoons on televisions in window of a store
- Graf guys are tagging "yanni" and cops don't notice
- Yanni's limo passes and his window opens and he sees a big Yanni tag and he sheds a tear.
- for screwed part: some one spills cough syrup onto a boom box and it gets fucked up, we see its
the Yanni tape, some one takes the tape off and begins to lick clean the tape of its slimey syrup coating
- A hummer limo is at a stop light and someone tags "Yanni" on the side. the window comes down and it's a dude with long hair and a mustache (aka Yanni) and he looks concerned, but then he sees how tight the piece is and how it looks like him so he gives the thumbs up and is surrounded by hotties in the limo and realizes that life is good so he drives away feeling satisfied.
Youtube results:

Nintendo World Store's Mario Party plushie set review. http://www.ClassicGameRoom.com
published: 17 Nov 2013
Nintendo World Store's Mario Party plushie set review. http://www.ClassicGameRoom.com Shop CGR shirts & mugs! http://www.CGRstore.com Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of the Nintendo World Store's Mario Party plushie set. Throw your own Mario Party with this awesome collection of plush toys exclusively from the Nintendo World Store! There are countless Nintendo plushies on the market, but these ones have a certain quality that sets them apart. Classic Game Room's Derek bought them during a visit to the Nintendo World Store in New York City, which is centrally located in Rockefeller Center. As far as he can remember, the set includes Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Donkey Kong and the evil Bowser, King of all Koopas! There may have been a Wario plush, but Derek has already spent all of his money on Nintendo toys. Each plush is beautifully designed and manufactured, with much better material and sewing than other Mario plush toys. We think this set of five figurines is available exclusively at the Nintendo World Store, but with the Internet and all, who can really be sure? One thing is certain, though. If you're a Nintendo fan or collector, this set is certainly worth seeking out. This video review features video footage of the Nintendo World Store's Mario Party plushie set and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.- published: 17 Nov 2013
- views: 1708

Wii U - Nintendo World Store Launch Event Video
published: 23 Nov 2012
author: 2play2gamer
Wii U - Nintendo World Store Launch Event Video
Wii U - Nintendo World Store Launch Event Video
- published: 23 Nov 2012
- views: 160
- author: 2play2gamer

Super Mario 3D World and Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Launch Event at Nintendo World
Nintendo also released Mario Party: Island Tour.
Check out Nick's Marathon here:
published: 22 Nov 2013
Super Mario 3D World and Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Launch Event at Nintendo World
Super Mario 3D World and Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Launch Event at Nintendo World
Nintendo also released Mario Party: Island Tour. Check out Nick's Marathon here: http://www.nicksmarathon.org/- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 5405