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Template 100 - August 2014

A design with a vertical logo and a large choice of background color theme.

  • 600+ Google fonts available

    I include a selection of 30 Google fonts in Template manager with a preview of each of them. Not enough ! you can paste the code of the font of your choice : more of 600 fonts available.

  • Font Awesome 4

    Font Awesome allows you to add vector icons from a library of over 360 to any part of your joomla template including Articles, Article titles, Menu items and Module titles

  • New typography

    I offer a large choice of menus, lists and tables to according with all your needs.

  • Bootstrap 3

    This template is build with Bootstrap 3

Free template 99 - july 2014

A versatile and free design.

  • 600+ Google fonts available

    I include a selection of 30 Google fonts in Template manager with a preview of each of them. Not enough ! you can paste the code of the font of your choice : more of 600 fonts available.

  • Font Awesome 4

    Font Awesome allows you to add vector icons from a library of over 360 to any part of your joomla template including Articles, Article titles, Menu items and Module titles

  • New typography

    I offer a large choice of menus, lists and tables to according with all your needs.

  • Bootstrap 3

    This template is build with Bootstrap 3

Template 98 - july 2014

The template of my website is available.

  • 600+ Google fonts

    I include a selection of 30 Google fonts in Template manager with a preview of each of them. Not enough ! you can paste the code of the font of your choice : more of 600 fonts available.

  • Font Awesome 4

    Font Awesome allows you to add vector icons from a library of over 360 to any part of your joomla template including Articles, Article titles, Menu items and Module titles

  • New typography

    I offer a large choice of menus, lists and tables to according with all your needs.

  • Bootstrap 3

    This template is build with Bootstrap 3

Template Hotel - june 2014

An original design with 8 color themes : black, blue, green, grey, red, turquoise, white and yellow

  • 600+ Google fonts available

    I include a selection of 30 Google fonts in Template manager with a preview of each of them. Not enough ! you can paste the code of the font of your choice : more of 600 fonts available.

  • Font Awesome 4

    Font Awesome allows you to add vector icons from a library of over 360 to any part of your joomla template including Articles, Article titles, Menu items and Module titles

  • New typography

    I offer a large choice of menus, lists and tables to according with all your needs.

  • Bootstrap 3

    This template is build with Bootstrap 3