ANDREA - NAY-DOBRATA / Андреа - Най-добрата
I Pooped My Pants - Story Time W/ Andrea
Jennxpenn and Andrea Russett PAINT EACH OTHER + GIVEAWAY
Andrea & Jenn SURF!!
ANDREA - NYAMA DA SAM AZ / Андреа - Няма да съм аз
Andrea is scared of GHOSTS. Jenn is not - THE JENN & ANDREA SHOW ep. 10
THE PRAYER with Lyrics_Celine Dion & Andrea Bocelli
Andrea Faustini sings Jackson 5's Who' Lovin You - Audition Week 1 - The X Factor UK 2014
Andrea Faustini - The X Factor UK 2014 - AUDITIONS
Fabrizio De Andrè - Andrea
Forty-something Irene had a dream job that made her life easy: she was indeed a luxury hotel inspector and her work got carried out in a wonderful ever-renewed setting, from Paris to Gstaad to Berlin to Morocco to China... But does a dream job necessarily mean a dream life? Irene tried not to ask herself the question too openly. Yes she was single but she had manged to remain on good terms with Andrea, her former life companion. For sure she was childless but she occasionally took care of her two little nieces. And it was such fun to play the mystery guest in those magnificent hotels... Things could have gone on that way hadn't one day Irene met Kate Sherman...
Keywords: title-directed-by-female
Andrea, 27 year old, just graduated from University with a useless degree. He spends his days looking for a job and killing time talking endlessly with room-mate Bart and Indo-Italian friend Lucia. Everything changes when he meets Dolores, a beautiful teacher and actress.
Keywords: female-nudity, italian-cinema, sex-scene, topless-female-nudity
Manager: Allora... Quale crede che sia il suo maggior pregio?::Andrea: La sincerità.::Manager: E il suo principale difetto?::Andrea: La sincerità.::Manager: Qual'è la sua più grande aspirazione?::Andrea: La sincerità.::Manager: É un giovanotto sveglio, vedo... e allora mi dica, qual'è il reddito annuo della sua famiglia?::Andrea: La sincerità?
Lucia: Non mi ricordo mai se tu fumi, Bartolomeo.::Bart: Ma perché...? Bart. Per favore, per cortesia, te lo ripeto ogni volta, Bart.::Lucia: Comunque?::Bart: Nah, non fumo.::Lucia: Perché?::Bart: Ci dev'essere un perché?::Lucia: C'è un perché si fuma e c'è un perché non si fuma.::Bart: Vuoi sapere il perché? Ti dico il perché. Io non fumo perché al cinema non si può fumare e non potrei mai vedere un film senza fumare, se fumassi. Quindi non fumo. Bart. Hm?::Lucia: Grazie.::Bart: No, grazie a te. Sai qual'è la verità? È che è tutta la vita che aspetto di dire questa cosa e non me l'aveva mai chiesta nessuno. E guarda che è brutto avere una risposta bella pronta e nessuno mai ti fa la domanda giusta.::Lucia: Capisco.::Bart: Possiamo fare l'amore, adesso?::Lucia: Temo sia prematuro.::Bart: Ah, già.
Bart: Se sono tutte stronzate, dimmi perché adesso non esci da quella porta eh? e la smetti di imitare la vita e la smetti di prenderti per il culo e cominci a fare le cose sul serio e ti trovi uno schifo di lavoro e vai in ginocchio da quella donna a chiedere perdono per il male che le hai fatto e per lo stronzo che sei stato con lei e se la tua partita non è ancora finita cerchi di riacciuffare un'occasione rarissima che ti è capitata di vivere una vita da persona normale. Me lo sai spiegare perché non lo fai? Me lo sai spiegare, che cazzo? Eh?
Dadi e Andrea sono due amici inseparabili sui banchi di scuola. I due ragazzi e i loro ex compagni di classe, durante il periodo estivo che li separa dall'università o dal primo lavoro, cercano di rimanere uniti, ma si sentono conto che la vita di tutti i giorni, con le sue difficoltà, li sta allontanando l'uno dall'altro. Ognuno di loro ha alle spalle un ambiente familiare difficile e, molto spesso, negativo. Rimanere uniti sarebbe necessario, per darsi sicurezza; ma, piano piano, il gruppo si sfalda ed ognuno prende la sua strada. Andrea partirà per il servizio militare e Dadi racconterà al regista Emmer (suo padre nella vita) la storia della sua classe, sulla quale il regista vorrebbe girare un film.
With a deadly plague ravaging his Renaissance kingdom, Prince Prospero invites his friends to retire to the protection of his castle for ongoing revels, leaving the peasantry to die. But fate is not so easily escaped by the debauched nobility. This film is Roger Corman's second adapation of Poe's story, a remake of the earlier version starring Vincent Price.
Keywords: horror-movie-remake, independent-film, mask, plague, remake
Prospero: Now it is death that serves man!
Lucrecia: I've removed the color red from my veins!
Machiavel: So shall death exact his charge against man.
Claudio: God no longer acts in creation - he simply watches.
Prospero: We've brought this upon ourselves - we've called death to us.
Young Prospero: [first lines; riding together, they come across a hanged man] Do you know what crime this man committed, Machiavel?::Machiavel: All crimes exact the same punishment.::Young Prospero: It's easy to kiil.::Machiavel: [glancing at his pupil] Not even Death can look on your father's excesses with approval.::Young Prospero: My rule will be different.::Machiavel: You're a good pupil, Prospero. When your turn comes, I hope you'll remember that there's more justice in this world than mercy... and little enough justice.::Young Prospero: You've been a good tutor, Machiavel.::Machiavel: Well, if I've helped lighten the weight of generations, then my energies will be well spent.::Young Prospero: I won't disappoint you.::Machiavel: It's yourself you'd best not disappoint.
Julietta: [to Paolo, the lecherous land-owner, whom she's just knocked down] You may own the land, Paolo, but you don't own the she-goats!
Machiavel: [who's just entered the Great Hall in his Red Death costume] I have a riddle, young pupil... when a man invades Death's domain, where is Death to go?
Prospero: I've not heard much about you since you left court.::Prospero: [pause, then] I've heard much about you.::Prospero: Well, I hope you won't judge me without a trial.::Machiavel: [stops and turns to face Prospero] No more than would you.
Prospero: [realizing that Machiavel has brought the Red Death into his fortress] You! You brought the plague within these walls!::Machiavel: No, dear pupil... it was you invited me in!
ANDREA - NAY-DOBRATA / Андреа - Най-добрата
I Pooped My Pants - Story Time W/ Andrea
Jennxpenn and Andrea Russett PAINT EACH OTHER + GIVEAWAY
Andrea & Jenn SURF!!
ANDREA - NYAMA DA SAM AZ / Андреа - Няма да съм аз
Andrea is scared of GHOSTS. Jenn is not - THE JENN & ANDREA SHOW ep. 10
THE PRAYER with Lyrics_Celine Dion & Andrea Bocelli
Andrea Faustini sings Jackson 5's Who' Lovin You - Audition Week 1 - The X Factor UK 2014
Andrea Faustini - The X Factor UK 2014 - AUDITIONS
Fabrizio De Andrè - Andrea
BEAN BOOZLED CHALLENGE (aka Andrea vomits 50 times)
CAPAREZZA presentato da Andrea Diprè
Andrea Dipré dona 100.000 € in spiaggia
Andrea Faustini sing "Who' Lovin You" Auditions Week 1 | The X Factor UK 2014
Juventus #IceBucketChallenge – Andrea Agnelli
Jenn & Andrea Cook with Arden Rose!: Iron Chefs - THE JENN & ANDREA SHOW ep. 8
Get Ready with Me: ANDREA & JENN's Summer Outfits
Andrea Berg - Heimspiel - Das große Sommer Open Air - Show 2014 - mechatronik Arena Aspach - ZDF HD
andrea la pelicula dominicana.avi
Andrea Berg Heimspiel 2014 Sommer Open Air
The Suso's Show con Andrea Guerrero
L'intervista a Andrea Delogu
Andrea Berg "Atlantis" LANXESS arena Koeln am 22.03.2014
Andrea Diprè, il mio primo film porno
Dependência Emocional - Andrea Vargas - Congresso Família em Foco - Lagoinha
Mentira: O Maior Problema de Nossas Vidas - Andrea Vargas - Congresso Família em Foco - Lagoinha
Josematch con Andrea Rincón
Andrea Paz Boiler Room & Ballantine's Stay True Chile DJ Set
Koffee with DD Andrea Jeremiah - [ CineForce.Com ]
Andrea Motis Joan Chamorro Quintet al Siglo - 27 decembre 2013
Andrea Bocelli - Mi Navidad, Version en Español (Full Album)
Doce casas: Julio. Historia de Andrea. Capítulo 1
Media Næstved 240713 Andrea Berg koncert i Aspach ved Stuttgart
Andrea Fappani "Preparing Your Horse to Show" Clinic 2014
Diploma de Vencedor - Andrea Fontes | CD COMPLETO
ANDREA - Pelicula Dominicana PARTE 2
Концерт Андреа Бочелли (Andrea Bocelli) в Тоскане
Andrea Diprè e Dio Manimarco contro il falso invalido Jhondoe74
Andrea pennington
Andrea Faustini | The X-Factor UK 2014 | Auditions 2 | Season 11 Episode 2 | 31/08/2014 [HD]
Andrea Berry SI YO TUVIERA EL CORAZÓN Programa Otra noche con ustedes
MI PRIMER VIDEO!- Presentacion- Maria Andrea y Yo♥♡
Andrea Ruscitti @LebenSound (2) 05.09.2k14
Raffaella Carrà★ Tango Argentino★ By Mario & Luca D'Andrea Carrambauno
Polyák Lilla, Simon Boglárka, Szulák Andrea, Szerednyey Béla: Ami szívemen, a számon
Szulák Andrea, Szerednyey Béla: Jobb ez így nekem
silvio andrea
Deadlocks-Rapunzel Andrea lässt Ihre Locks herunter - Super long dread locks revealed
Andrea Bocelli - Con te Partiro
Polyák Lilla, Simon Boglárka, Szulák Andrea: Nem leszek a játékszered
¡Recibimos a Andrea por sorpresa!
Andrea Pirlo special!
Parabéns Andrea (Created with @Magisto)
andrea t extrañare
Asian People.... | Andrea & Victoria's Stuff | BDAY!! | jus
Andrea Cabras - 1 minute scratch
Andrea Ottochian- HNK Cibalia
Andrea Guerrero la periodista mas hermosa de colombia en ESPN
► Soy Tu Doble TV Azteca™ | ANDREA BOCELLI 3 de Septiembre 2014
Andrea is a given name common in many parts of the world:
It derives from the Greek ανήρ (anēr), genitive ανδρός (andrós), that indicates the man as opposed to the woman (while man in the meaning of human being is άνθρωπος, ánthropos, ανθρώπου, anthrópou); ανήρ might be related with the Indo-European root ner which means man, vital force.[citation needed] The original Greek name, Andréas, represents the hypocoristic, with endearment functions, of male Greek names composed with the andr- prefix, like Androgeos, Androcles, Andronikos.
In the year 2006, it was the third most popular name in Italy with 3.1% of newborns. It is one of the Italian male names ending in a, with others being Elia (Elias), Enea (Aeneas), Luca (Lucas), Mattia (Matthias), Nicola (Nicholas), Tobia (Tobias).
It is traditionally popular because, according to the Christian Bible, Saint Andrew was one of the earliest disciples of Jesus and one of the twelve Apostles.
Andrea Bocelli, OMRI, OMDSM (Italian pronunciation: [anˈdrɛːa boˈtʃɛlli]; born 22 September 1958) is an Italian tenor, multi-instrumentalist and classical crossover artist. Born with poor eyesight, he became blind at the age of twelve following a football accident.
Since winning the Newcomers section of the Sanremo Music Festival in 1994, Bocelli has recorded thirteen solo studio albums, of both pop and classical music, two greatest hits albums, and eight complete operas, selling over 75 million records worldwide. Thus, he is the biggest-selling solo artist in the history of classical music and has caused core classical repertoire to "cross over" to the top of international pop charts and into previously uncharted territory in popular culture.
In 1998, he was named one of People Magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People. In 1999, his nomination for Best New Artist at the Grammy Awards marked the first, and so far only time a classical artist had been nominated in the category, since Leontyne Price, in 1961.The Prayer, his duet with Celine Dion for the animated film The Quest for Camelot, won the Golden Globe for Best Original Song and was nominated for an Academy Award in the same category. With the release of his classical album, Sacred Arias, Bocelli captured a listing in the Guinness Book of World Records, as he simultaneously held the top 3 positions on the US classical albums charts. Six of his albums have since reached the Top 10 on the Billboard 200, and a record-setting 8, have topped the classical albums charts in the United States.
Andrea Agnelli (born 6 December 1975 in Turin) is an Italian businessman and president of Italian football club Juventus F.C.. He is also a board member of FIAT and Exor.
Agnelli is the son of late Juventus president and senator of the Italian Republic Umberto Agnelli, CEO of Fiat from 1970–1976, and Donna Allegra Caracciolo di Castagneto, first cousin of Marella Agnelli, born Donna Marella Caracciolo di Castagneto. Andrea is the last male member of the family to carry the Agnelli name. He studied at St Clare's in Oxford, England and then at Bocconi University in Milan.
After university, Agnelli started his career in the business world with various companies abroad in England and France including Iveco and Auchan Hypermarché. He also spent several years in Switzerland working in marketing and development for Ferrari Idea and Lausanne-based Philip Morris International.
In May 2010 he was appointed President of Juventus by his first cousin John Elkann, becoming the fourth member of the Agnelli family to run the football club after his father, his uncle and his grandfather. Elkann had come under criticism from Juventus fans for the club's poor results during the 2009-10 season and many die-hard fans saw Agnelli as the "rightful" heir due to his family's long-time association with the club. Despite entering the job during a period when the club was still dealing with the aftermath of the infamous Calciopoli scandal, he is credited with overseeing the club's transition into the new stadium and balancing their finances in wake of the ongoing recession ravaging Italy. One of his first acts as new president was to appoint Sampdoria duo Giuseppe Marotta as Director of Sport and Luigi Delneri as new coach.
Andrea Berg (born 28 January 1966) is a German singer in the schlager genre. According to record certifications, she has sold at least 7,535,000 records.
Berg was born in Krefeld. As a child she would experiment with performing short sketches at carnivals and other celebrations. She later played with a band, and also worked backstage on stage set-up and drove the band's van. During this time she supported herself working as a nurse in the intensive care and oncology departments of a hospital.
Berg's musical career began in 1992 when the producer Eugen Römer obtained a cassette of her performing. He was enthused by her voice, and within a week the first tracks had been recorded for her debut album Du bist frei ("You Are Free"), which contained the singles "Kilimandscharo" and "Schau mir noch mal ins Gesicht". Römer also produced her second album, Gefühle ("Feelings"), which proved her commercial breakthrough. The singles from the album, "Wenn du mich willst, dann küß mich doch" and "Einmal nur mit dir alleine sein", were hits. The album also featured one of her most popular songs, "Die Gefühle haben Schweigepflicht".
Meeting you was just so unexpected
I guess I was scared of being rejected
Since you were so nice
I wouldn't think twice
I'd give it all away for one more day with you
If ever there was a girl to be engaged to
That amazing girl would have to be you
Before we hung out
Don't know how I lived without
Your beautiful face - like God's amazing grace
Andrea, I say your name and all I can do is
Think about the way you smiled
And kinda sorta held my hand
Went out for coffee in what must have been the smallest town in Kentucky
Andrea, we walked together
Down the dirt road by the bridge
That we sat by each other
Talked about a few things
You looked at me I looked at you
Earlier tonight I got a little scared
I thought that I had failed
I closed my eyes bowed my head and prayed
I saw that all and everyone were one
Never knowing if I'm lost
Never knowing if I'm found
Chasing that long dark spiral
Going down and down
And down
And down
Andrea I'm so happy that you called
Just to hear your voice
Helped dissolve
The paranoia
Until the drugs wore off
I think the reason why
You're so high
Is that you know the truth
I see it in your smile
Your gentle eyes
And your hollow tooth
Where some might despair
You find a way to celebrate
And you can see through me
Just like I can see through you
You see through me
Andrea I'm so happy that you called
Just to hear your voice
Helped dissolve
The paranoia
Until the drugs wore off
Andrea you are not alone here
You must be everywhere
Like any savior might be
do you remember how you held her?
do you remember how you cried?
do you remember sayin never?
as she slowly dried your eyes.
i remember what i did then
and how i always felt inside
happiness surrounds the others
every single day i die
what could you say now
all the stars cost so much
do you remember when our scene was
still so young and still so alive?
do you remember when i was happy?
so happy to arrive?
what could you say now
all the stars cost so much
my sense of touch!
i know the answer to this question
i know the answer to this rhyme
i know the answer to this riddle
its andrea every time.
do you remember what she said?
do you remember what she did?
i could never tear my heart for me to forgive
what could you say
when i just looked you in your eyes?
what could you say
because you knew you wanted to lie!
oh oh oh oh oh
retribution uniting of our nation
come on lets join this revolution
You were standing tall
In the corner of a light
While everybody talked
I just stared at you
Singin' on and on and on and on
Singin' on and on and on and on
I was moving closer
You pretended not to notice
I was waiting on a sign
Then you looked up and smiled
Singin' on and on and on and on
Singin' on and on and on and on
O Andrea
Oh I think I'm sinking down
O Andrea
Honey, I want you around
And when you turned to me
Your hair fell in your eyes
And I moved it away
And you looked so surprised
Singin' on and on and on and on
Singin' on and on and on and on
And on
And now
You said you loved my charm
And then you took my arm
And then we slipped away to the burgandy rooms
Our old sound music played
Singin' on and on and on and on
Singin' on and on and on and on
Singin' on and on and on and on
Singin' on and on and on and on
O Andrea
Oh I think I'm sinking down
O Andrea
Honey, I want you around
O Andrea
Oh I think I'm sinking down
O Andrea
Honey, I want you around
And you were standing tall
Andrea s'è perso
e non sa tornare
Andrea aveva un amore
riccioli neri
Andrea aveva un dolore
riccioli neri
c'era scritto sul foglio che'era morto
sulla bandiera
c'era scritto e la firma era d'oro
era firma di re
ucciso sui monti di Trento
dalla mitraglia
occhi di bosco, contadino del regno
profilo francese
occhi di bosci, soldato del regno
profilo francese
e Andrea l'ha perso
ha perso l'amore
la perla più scura
Andrea coglieva, raccoglieva violette
ai bordi del pozzo
il secchio gli disse:
"Signore io pozzo è profondo
più fondo del fondo degli occhi
della notte del pianto"
Lui disse: "Mi basta che sia
più profondo di me"
Lui disse: "Mi basta che sia
più profondo di me"
I was thrown when a saxophone died on Thompson Street
Sexy radio voice said this day would be hard to beat
Then in a traffic jam my mind got stuck in self-review
You're planted inside of me,
Can't take down the tree that grows more thoughts of you
Andrea, what were we thinking of?
This may not come as news
You pushed me off my shoes
I misread the scale that showed the weight of your shove
Anticipation of your touch was sweet and slow as a drug
Lifting me from the dark crowded hole no one claims they dug
I can still count those back steps leading to your place
Who takes my space on your pillow case?
Whose memory sees you like a doll always with a smiling face?
Andrea, if you only knew
My love is a morning sun rising for you,
High above the silver names the street gangs drew
Won't open up one more day wrapped in SoHo sorrow
Don't want to delay turning shadows toward the light
It's such a struggle to see past tomorrow
When you're always there dancing in my line of sight
In the theater of my dreams I see a curtain rise
Your beauty steals the easy applause until the sad clown cries
In the spotlight your diamond dress appears sapphire blue
Illusion fitting you complete
As I rise from my expensive seat to cheer for more of you
Andrea, that's what I'm dreaming of
Nights when you treated to a backstage pass
Wake up, I want your lies
DON'T DIE, it won't be nice
Is that what I've been waiting for?
Now I saw your face
Wake up, I want your lies
Don't die, it won't be nice
Me despojó del corazón
sin darme cuenta
ya estaba en mi voz.
Tanta ansiedad se disipó
y sin un beso
mi vida compró.
Sabe de contar estrellas
de poemas pinta el sol
lleva siempre puesta
alguna apuesta en
la agenda.
No le falta
andar buscando
un corazón
que cumpla sus sueños.
Ni que lleven
las promesas
del amor
de tiempo completo.
Hace planes
sobre nubes
de algodón
Andrea tiene un don.
Sabe soñar con un lugar
donde se encuentre
la felicidad.
Reina su andar sin antifaz
juego con humo
y no sabe bailar.
No le causa indiferencia
la pobreza ni el dolor
Tiene siempre a mano
la respuesta correcta
No le falta...
No le falta...
Andrea tiene un Don
Sieger sein-Sieger
sein-jeder kann ein Sieger sein
Sieger sein(yeah)-Sieger sein
Ich bin der John-die meisten kennen mich schon
Ich hab' in meinem Leben noch nie was gewonnen
Doch dann hab ich diese Chance bekommen
Hab' nicht lange überlegt-hab' sie wahr genommen
Wir sind zusammen in dieses Haus gegangen
Und damit hat sann alles angefangen
Wir haben dort sehr viel Spaß gehabt
Verbrachten mit Shakesbeer die ganze Nacht
Ich war der Puck-und ich Dimitrius
Auch haben wir gestritten-gemeinsam gelitten
Doch ging einer raus-wir hielten's kaum aus
Jürgen Zlatko und Verena-Alex,Jona und Despina
Kerstin,Jana und Sabrina-alle sind Gewinner
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein sein-Sieger sein-Sieger sein
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein-Sieger sein(yeah)-Sieger sein
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein-Sieger sein-Sieger sein
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein
Sieger sein-Sieger sein-jeder kann ein Sieger sein
Sieger sein (yeah) Sieger sein-jeder kann ein Sieger sein
Ich habe viel gedacht-und hab' es gern gemacht
Doch eins hätt' ich wirklich nie gedacht
Das wir mal zusammen hier oben stehen
Doch jetzt wissen wir-Wunder geschehen
Du kannst nur gewinnen-hast nichts zu verlieren
Leb deinen Traum-dann wird es passieren
Du kannst alles erreichen-wenn du nur willst
Leb deinen Traum-den du in dir spürst
Jürgen,Zlatko und Verena-Alex,Jona und Despina
Kerstin,Jana und Sabrina-alle sind Gewinner
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein-Sieger sein-Sieger sein
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein-Sieger sein (yeah)-Sieger sein
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein-Sieger sein-Sieger sein
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein
Sieger sein ,,bleib dir selber treu"-,,denke positiv"
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein
Sieger sein ,,und alles wird gut"
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein
Sieger sein-Sieger sein-Sieger sein-Sieger sein
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein-Sieger sein-Sieger sein
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein-Sieger sein (yeah)-Sieger sein
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein-Sieger sein-Sieger sein
Jeder kann ein Sieger sein-Sieger sein-Sieger sein-Sieger sein
Пр.:Хайде, пак да ме излъжеш имам нужда
пак ще ти се вържа само да се вържеш,
зная, че накрая пак за теб ще питам
само с тебе искам всичко да опитам!
1.За теб къде не ходих, къде не обикалях
как и в сърцето ми стоял си
един измамник търсих лъжите ти ми липсват
нали от мен да вярвам искаш!
Пр.:Хайде, пак да ме излъжеш имам нужда
пак ще ти се вържа само да се вържеш,
зная, че накрая пак за теб ще питам
само с тебе искам всичко да опитам!
2.Как искам да те върна, доброто старо зло си
и да ме мъчиш искам още,
не се отказвам лесно да искам твойта болка
без да я чувствам аз не мога!
"Oh baby can’t you see
I need you come with me, something is telling me
That you feel the way I do , I want you close to me
My heart is telling me, I hate the fact that
I love you I feel blue, even know im not with you
I always think about you lately I’ve been going crazy
‘Cause Im missing you,
Can’t you see we were ment to be baby, I wanna be with you baby
Oh baby can’t you see, I need you now
Can’t you see were ment to be baby, I wanna be with you baby.
Oh baby can’t you see, I need you now
Now that I think about it , the love and times we shared
How can I make it right, I just wanna go back again
There something I can do, there something I can say
Don’t make you change your mind, just let me know if I could stay
Even know im not with you, I always think about you lately I’ve been going crazy
‘Cause im missing you,
Can’t you see we were ment to be baby, I wanna be with you baby.
Oh baby can’t you see, I need you now
Can’t you see we were ment to be baby, I wanna be with you baby.
Oh baby can’t you see, I need you now
Can’t you see we were ment to be baby, I wanna be with you baby.
Oh baby can’t you see, I need you now
Can’t you see we were ment to be baby, I wanna be with you baby.
Oh baby can’t you see, I need you now
Well, oh, I’m seventeen
And I live round here,
And it’s not so bad,
And oh, my sister’s left,
So I’m just at home
With my mum and dad
(Well he’s not my dad,
But I call him dad),
But oh, I’m really looking forward
To when I won’t be here,
When I fly, fly away
To a better day.
That’s my idea.
That’s my best idea.
It’s a great idea.
And oh, I have these mates
And they’re really great.
They’re really prime,
And oh, about once a week
We all go out.
We have a brilliant time.
We get out of our heads.
We have a brilliant time.
I tell them, they’re all coming with me,
The day I break away.
Cos I feel, in my heart,
That will be the start
Of a better day,
A better day.
God, these houses are so small,
Neighbours rowing through the wall.
Will it never change at all?
Oh, well I had this lad.
And it were really sad.
It were such a shame,
Cos oh, cos he crashed his car.
And he looked OK,
But he weren’t the same.
He looked the same,
But he weren’t the same.
But oh, if he’d taught my driving,
I’d just drive clean away.
Cos oh, if I had a car
I could get so far
Towards a better day,
A better day.
And oh, and I had this job,
And it weren’t much cop,
So I packed it in.
And oh, and my mam went mad,
Said, "What’ve you done?"
I said I’ve packed it in.
I just walked out,
I packed it in,
Cos oh, somewhere round the corner,
And headed straight my way,
I can see so clear
That I won’t be here.
I’ll have a better day,
A better day.
No-one round me seems to mind.
Given up, they’re like resigned.
Me, I’ll leave it all behind.
Oh, but they say at school,
And like on the news,
It’s all a con,
Cos look at me. I have these dreams,
And they won’t come true.
Like they say, dream on.
My mum says that:
"Dream on Andrea.
Dream on Andrea"
But oh, something set me thinking,
This thing my gran would say,
"We’ll win. It’ll all begin
When us ship comes in.
We’ll have a better day,
A better day."
How much longer can I hold
These dreams of mine? They’re turning cold.
Just a little bit longer till I see my way,
And I’m running so fast towards my better day,
And oh, something's set me thinking,
This thing that she would say,
"We’ll win. It’ll all begin
When us ship comes in.
We’ll have a better day."
Well, I’m seventeen
And I live round here,
And it’s not so bad,
And my sister's left,
So I’m just at home
With my mum and dad.
And oh, something's set me thinking,
This thing that she would say,
"We’ll win. It’ll all begin
When us ship comes in.
We’ll have a better day,
A better day,
Il mare si riposa ed io vengo a prenderti
Silente e sinuosa la mia mano come sposa
Immagino il tuo odore fresco e tenero, sa di sale
Piccolo gentile io ti aspetto se vorrai arrivare
Andrea, la tua anima diventa nobile
Per fortuna
Acqua e terra sa di mare fiera
Dentro un'emozione di una dolce attesa
I miei pensieri al vento sospirano
Ora mi guardano sfiorandomi
Nell'attesa un'aspirante arresa
Una parola data una mano tesa
Un desiderio dentro un elegante anello
Che vagamente mi sorprenderà
Sei al mia poesia ed io vengo a dirtelo
Di notte ed in silenzio io ti guarderò
Andrea, la tua anima diventa nobile
Per fortuna
Acqua e terra sa di mare fiera
Dentro un'emozione di una dolce attesa
I miei pensieri al vento
Ora mi guardano sfiorandomi
Nell'attesa un'aspirante arresa
Una parola data una mano tesa
Il mare si riposa ed io vengo a prenderti
Silente e sinuosa la mia mano come sposa
Immagino il tuo odore fresco e tenero, sa di sale
Piccolo gentile io ti aspetto se vorrai arrivare
Andrea, la tua anima diventa nobile
Per fortuna
Acqua e terra sa di mare fiera
Dentro un'emozione di una dolce attesa
I miei pensieri al vento sospirano
Ora mi guardano sfiorandomi
Nell'attesa un'aspirante arresa
Una parola data una mano tesa
Un desiderio dentro un elegante anello
Che vagamente mi sorprenderÃ
Sei al mia poesia ed io vengo a dirtelo
Di notte ed in silenzio io ti guarderò
Andrea, la tua anima diventa nobile
Per fortuna
Acqua e terra sa di mare fiera
Dentro un'emozione di una dolce attesa
I miei pensieri al vento
Ora mi guardano sfiorandomi
Nell'attesa un'aspirante arresa
Una parola data una mano tesa
You make me wanna die
If looks could kill then you'd be a murderer
Dying in the hills of Hollywood
I found out that you got lost with her
Don't call me here one more time
The night is closin' in
Andrea you came and stole my girl
With just a kiss
Are you gonna save her from the world?
But you kissed her lips
Living my days in the future
You came in and had a baby
Entertain in this sensation
Andrea you took my girl from me
Don't call me here one more time
The night is closin' in
Andrea you came and stole my girl
With just a kiss
Are you gonna save her from the world?
But you kissed her lips
Andrea you come on like a machine
Andrea the night is closin' in
Don't you know what I mean?
If looks could kill you'd be a murderer
If looks could kill you'd be a murderer
Don't call me here one more time
The night is closin' in
Andrea you came and stole my girl
With just a kiss
Are you gonna save her from the world?
Are you gonna save her from the world?
Andrea you come on like a machine
Andrea the night is closin' in