Ħaż-Żabbar (also known as Città Hompesch) is the sixth largest town in Malta, with a population of 15,002 in March 2011. It is located in the south-east of the country. Originally a part of Żejtun, Ħaż-Żabbar was granted the title of Città Hompesch by the last of the Grandmasters of the Knights of St. John to reign in Malta, Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim.
The name of the city probably derives from the Maltese word 'tiżbor', the process of pruning trees. Indeed, a number of families who specialised in pruning, żbir, are known to have lived in the vicinity of this village during the Middle Ages. Other possibilities of this derivation exist. Żabbar was also the surname of an important family that was known to have lived in the area. Ħaż-Żabbar could also have been a corruption of Ħas-Sabbar (the consoler village), because people from all over the island used to visit the village to pray Our Lady of Graces for consolation.
The word sabbar could also be the plural of sabbara (the Aloe Vera plant) in Maltese. This would be derived from the Arabic sabbar or subbar meaning cacti. In fact, in some Arab countries sabar means prickly pear. The “s” in this case, is strong and is pronounced as “z”. Judging by the names of other Maltese villages, like nearby Zejtun (meaning olive in Arabic) it seems quite probable that such names may have agricultural connotations.
Pellegrinaġġ tar-Roti 2014 - Festa Madonna tal-Grazzja Ħaż-Żabbar
Pellegrinaġġ tar-Roti 2014 - Festa Madonna tal-Grazzja Ħaż-Żabbar
Pellegrinaġġ tar-Roti 2014 - Festa Madonna tal-Grazzja Ħaż-Żabbar
Filmed with GoPro Hero3 Black, thanks to my cousin Mark Cassar for providing me the camera.
Jattendu eluf għall-pellegrinaġġ f’Ħaż-Żabbar.
Jattendu eluf għall-pellegrinaġġ f’Ħaż-Żabbar.
Jattendu eluf għall-pellegrinaġġ f’Ħaż-Żabbar.
Eluf ta’ persuni attendew il-pellegrinaġġ assoċjat mal-Festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja f’Ħaż-Żabbar. Kull min attenda din l-attivita', segwa t-tradizzjoni Maltija li tmur lura għas-snin ħamsin.
Charlon Gouder: Id-Diskors ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
Charlon Gouder: Id-Diskors ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
Charlon Gouder: Id-Diskors ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
Infakkru t-traġedja tal-Vulcan f'Ħaż-Żabbar
Infakkru t-traġedja tal-Vulcan f'Ħaż-Żabbar
Infakkru t-traġedja tal-Vulcan f'Ħaż-Żabbar
66 Ave spes solamen (Ħaż Żabbar) I
66 Ave spes solamen (Ħaż Żabbar) I
66 Ave spes solamen (Ħaż Żabbar) I
The antiphon used after the high mass of the feast of Our Lady of Graces celebrated at the marian shrine in Żabbar. Music by Lorenzo Galea. Recorded live on 10 September 2006. Special thanks to Mr Mark Micallef for some of the photographs.
Il-Laburisti f'Ħaż Żabbar jibbuwjaw mal-isem ta' Eddie Fenech Adami
Il-Laburisti f'Ħaż Żabbar jibbuwjaw mal-isem ta' Eddie Fenech Adami
Il-Laburisti f'Ħaż Żabbar jibbuwjaw mal-isem ta' Eddie Fenech Adami
Kien għall-ħabta tal-4.00 tal-lum waranofsinhar xħin f'Ħaż Żabbar, waqt il-mass meeting tal-Malta Labour Party issemma l-isem tal-eks President u eks Prim Mi...
Sinjali ta' sfiduċja fis-Sindku Laburista ta' Ħaż-Żabbar Quinton Scerri
Sinjali ta' sfiduċja fis-Sindku Laburista ta' Ħaż-Żabbar Quinton Scerri
Sinjali ta' sfiduċja fis-Sindku Laburista ta' Ħaż-Żabbar Quinton Scerri
5 kunsillieri tal-PL u 3 tal-PN jakkużaw lil Scerri b'nuqqas ta' trasparenza Il-pressjoni qed tkompli tiżdied fuq is-Sindku Laburista ta' Ħaż Żabbar Quinton ...
nar f'Ħaż-Żabbar
nar f'Ħaż-Żabbar
nar f'Ħaż-Żabbar
Jibdew ix-xogħlijiet biex itaffu l-għargħar f`Ħaż-Żabbar u Marsascala.
Jibdew ix-xogħlijiet biex itaffu l-għargħar f`Ħaż-Żabbar u Marsascala.
Jibdew ix-xogħlijiet biex itaffu l-għargħar f`Ħaż-Żabbar u Marsascala.
Jibdew ix-xoghlijiet li ghandhom iwasslu biex itaffu l-gharghar f`Haz-Zabbar u Marsascala.Dawn ix-xogholijiet huma parti minn progett ikbar, mifrux fuq diver...
Dubji dwar attivita' tal-Kunsill Lokali ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
Dubji dwar attivita' tal-Kunsill Lokali ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
Dubji dwar attivita' tal-Kunsill Lokali ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
L-attivita' 'L-Itwal Mejda tad-Dinja' li saret nhar is-Sibt li għadda f'Ħaż Żabbar kienet suċċess u għaliha attendew aktar minn elf persuna. Attivita' li ġie...
Outdoor Gym gdid f'Ħaż-Żabbar (July 2012)
Outdoor Gym gdid f'Ħaż-Żabbar (July 2012)
Outdoor Gym gdid f'Ħaż-Żabbar (July 2012)
Jinfetaħ l-outdoor gym f'Ħaż-Żabbar li jinsab fil-kumpless tal-football ta' St. Partick FC. Matul din il-leġislatura l-Gvern vara pjan biex jiftaħ numru ta' ...
Pilgrimage in Ħaż-Żabbar
Pilgrimage in Ħaż-Żabbar
Pilgrimage in Ħaż-Żabbar
Filmed by Jurgen Scicluna Edited by Marilyn Scicluna Articles: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20120909/local/thousands-turn-up-for-cyclists-bikers...
Ġabra għat-tfal tal-istitut ta' San Ġużepp f'Ħaż Żabbar minn Red Touch Fone
Ġabra għat-tfal tal-istitut ta' San Ġużepp f'Ħaż Żabbar minn Red Touch Fone
Ġabra għat-tfal tal-istitut ta' San Ġużepp f'Ħaż Żabbar minn Red Touch Fone
Bhala inizjattiva ghal dawn iz-zminijiet ta' festi, l-haddiema ta' Red Touch Phone regghu kienu solidarji mas-socjeta.Din is-sena kien imiss li jferrhu lit-t...
Pellegrinaġġ tar-Roti 2014 - Festa Madonna tal-Grazzja Ħaż-Żabbar
Pellegrinaġġ tar-Roti 2014 - Festa Madonna tal-Grazzja Ħaż-Żabbar
Pellegrinaġġ tar-Roti 2014 - Festa Madonna tal-Grazzja Ħaż-Żabbar
Filmed with GoPro Hero3 Black, thanks to my cousin Mark Cassar for providing me the camera.
Jattendu eluf għall-pellegrinaġġ f’Ħaż-Żabbar.
Jattendu eluf għall-pellegrinaġġ f’Ħaż-Żabbar.
Jattendu eluf għall-pellegrinaġġ f’Ħaż-Żabbar.
Eluf ta’ persuni attendew il-pellegrinaġġ assoċjat mal-Festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja f’Ħaż-Żabbar. Kull min attenda din l-attivita', segwa t-tradizzjoni Maltija li tmur lura għas-snin ħamsin.
Charlon Gouder: Id-Diskors ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
Charlon Gouder: Id-Diskors ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
Charlon Gouder: Id-Diskors ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
Infakkru t-traġedja tal-Vulcan f'Ħaż-Żabbar
Infakkru t-traġedja tal-Vulcan f'Ħaż-Żabbar
Infakkru t-traġedja tal-Vulcan f'Ħaż-Żabbar
66 Ave spes solamen (Ħaż Żabbar) I
66 Ave spes solamen (Ħaż Żabbar) I
66 Ave spes solamen (Ħaż Żabbar) I
The antiphon used after the high mass of the feast of Our Lady of Graces celebrated at the marian shrine in Żabbar. Music by Lorenzo Galea. Recorded live on 10 September 2006. Special thanks to Mr Mark Micallef for some of the photographs.
Il-Laburisti f'Ħaż Żabbar jibbuwjaw mal-isem ta' Eddie Fenech Adami
Il-Laburisti f'Ħaż Żabbar jibbuwjaw mal-isem ta' Eddie Fenech Adami
Il-Laburisti f'Ħaż Żabbar jibbuwjaw mal-isem ta' Eddie Fenech Adami
Kien għall-ħabta tal-4.00 tal-lum waranofsinhar xħin f'Ħaż Żabbar, waqt il-mass meeting tal-Malta Labour Party issemma l-isem tal-eks President u eks Prim Mi...
Sinjali ta' sfiduċja fis-Sindku Laburista ta' Ħaż-Żabbar Quinton Scerri
Sinjali ta' sfiduċja fis-Sindku Laburista ta' Ħaż-Żabbar Quinton Scerri
Sinjali ta' sfiduċja fis-Sindku Laburista ta' Ħaż-Żabbar Quinton Scerri
5 kunsillieri tal-PL u 3 tal-PN jakkużaw lil Scerri b'nuqqas ta' trasparenza Il-pressjoni qed tkompli tiżdied fuq is-Sindku Laburista ta' Ħaż Żabbar Quinton ...
nar f'Ħaż-Żabbar
nar f'Ħaż-Żabbar
nar f'Ħaż-Żabbar
Jibdew ix-xogħlijiet biex itaffu l-għargħar f`Ħaż-Żabbar u Marsascala.
Jibdew ix-xogħlijiet biex itaffu l-għargħar f`Ħaż-Żabbar u Marsascala.
Jibdew ix-xogħlijiet biex itaffu l-għargħar f`Ħaż-Żabbar u Marsascala.
Jibdew ix-xoghlijiet li ghandhom iwasslu biex itaffu l-gharghar f`Haz-Zabbar u Marsascala.Dawn ix-xogholijiet huma parti minn progett ikbar, mifrux fuq diver...
Dubji dwar attivita' tal-Kunsill Lokali ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
Dubji dwar attivita' tal-Kunsill Lokali ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
Dubji dwar attivita' tal-Kunsill Lokali ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
L-attivita' 'L-Itwal Mejda tad-Dinja' li saret nhar is-Sibt li għadda f'Ħaż Żabbar kienet suċċess u għaliha attendew aktar minn elf persuna. Attivita' li ġie...
Outdoor Gym gdid f'Ħaż-Żabbar (July 2012)
Outdoor Gym gdid f'Ħaż-Żabbar (July 2012)
Outdoor Gym gdid f'Ħaż-Żabbar (July 2012)
Jinfetaħ l-outdoor gym f'Ħaż-Żabbar li jinsab fil-kumpless tal-football ta' St. Partick FC. Matul din il-leġislatura l-Gvern vara pjan biex jiftaħ numru ta' ...
Pilgrimage in Ħaż-Żabbar
Pilgrimage in Ħaż-Żabbar
Pilgrimage in Ħaż-Żabbar
Filmed by Jurgen Scicluna Edited by Marilyn Scicluna Articles: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20120909/local/thousands-turn-up-for-cyclists-bikers...
Ġabra għat-tfal tal-istitut ta' San Ġużepp f'Ħaż Żabbar minn Red Touch Fone
Ġabra għat-tfal tal-istitut ta' San Ġużepp f'Ħaż Żabbar minn Red Touch Fone
Ġabra għat-tfal tal-istitut ta' San Ġużepp f'Ħaż Żabbar minn Red Touch Fone
Bhala inizjattiva ghal dawn iz-zminijiet ta' festi, l-haddiema ta' Red Touch Phone regghu kienu solidarji mas-socjeta.Din is-sena kien imiss li jferrhu lit-t...
My Choice - Zabbar: Manuel Casha: Maltese Folk Music
My Choice - Zabbar: Manuel Casha: Maltese Folk Music
My Choice - Zabbar: Manuel Casha: Maltese Folk Music
Maltese Folk Music, "Lil Manwel Cilia", arranged and played by Manuel Casha, a Maltese who lives in Melbourne, Australia. We'll take a brief tour of Zabbar, ...
Ideal Distin - 25 sena Kummissjoni Żgħażagħ Bajdisti - Tal-Bajda Żabbar - Festa Madonna tal-Grazzja
Ideal Distin - 25 sena Kummissjoni Żgħażagħ Bajdisti - Tal-Bajda Żabbar - Festa Madonna tal-Grazzja
Ideal Distin - 25 sena Kummissjoni Żgħażagħ Bajdisti - Tal-Bajda Żabbar - Festa Madonna tal-Grazzja
L-istorja tal-Kummissjoni Żgħażagħ Bajdisti - 25 sena ta' suċċessi, sorpriżi u spettakli ġewwa Ħaż-Żabbar
Miżuri kontra r-rimi llegali tal-iskart.
Miżuri kontra r-rimi llegali tal-iskart.
Miżuri kontra r-rimi llegali tal-iskart.
Se jiġu installati erba' kameras f’żoni li fl-aħħar xhur reġħhu spiċċaw miżbla ta’ skart illegali. F’konferenza ta’ l-aħbarijiet fil-Foss ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar, wieħed seta jara b’għajnejh l-istat ta’ telqa fil-post u għalhekk joħroġ il-bżonn ċar ta’ montieraġġ siewi li jxejjen rimi ta’ skart illegali.
Skultura magħmulha b'imħabba u dedikazzjoni kbira.
Skultura magħmulha b'imħabba u dedikazzjoni kbira.
Skultura magħmulha b'imħabba u dedikazzjoni kbira.
Xbieha ġdida ta' Ġesu marbut sabet postha f'wirja li qed issir f'garaxx ġewwa Ħaż-Żabbar.
Filmat qasir dwar il-festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja ta' Haz-Zabbar 2014.
Filmat qasir dwar il-festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja ta' Haz-Zabbar 2014.
Filmat qasir dwar il-festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja ta' Haz-Zabbar 2014.
Filmat qasir fejn juri xi entitajiet li kellha l-festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja ta' Ħaż-Żabbar matul din is-sena. Festa li hija waħda mill-uniċi festi f'Malta li għanda minn kollox. Fl-armar li ta' kull sena dejjem qed jiżdied numru sabiħ ta' drapp ġdid u ta' l-għola kwalita, il-logħob tan-nar li ħafna minnhu huwa kollu maħdum miz-Zabbarin stess fejn din is-sena offriet spetaklu kbir mill-aqwa, Il-Purcissjoni fejn ta' kull sena dejjem jattendu follol kbar ta' nies minn kull rokna ta' Malta, Pellegrinagg tar-roti u l-muturi fejn kull sena dejjem qed jizdied fil-popolarita tieghu u anke numru kbir ta' patrecipanti kif ukoll affarijiet ohra li s
Grajjietna: Kanzunetta f'Gheluq il-125 Sena
Grajjietna: Kanzunetta f'Gheluq il-125 Sena
Grajjietna: Kanzunetta f'Gheluq il-125 Sena
Nhar is-Sibt 30 t'Awissu, is-Soc. Filar. Maria Mater Gratiæ ta' Ħaż-Żabbar ser torganizza Gala Buffet Dinner li matulu jsir il-Premier tad-dokumentarju u l-k...
Grajjietna: Ilbierah, Illum u Ghada
Grajjietna: Ilbierah, Illum u Ghada
Grajjietna: Ilbierah, Illum u Ghada
Nhar is-Sibt 30 t'Awissu, is-Soc. Filar. Maria Mater Gratiæ ta' Ħaż-Żabbar ser torganizza Gala Buffet Dinner li matulu jsir il-Premier tad-dokumentarju u l-k...
The Malta International Food Festival 2014 - recommended by Azure Malta
The Malta International Food Festival 2014 - recommended by Azure Malta
The Malta International Food Festival 2014 - recommended by Azure Malta
Organised by the town of Ħaż-Żabbar and endorsed by the Ministry of Tourism and the Parliamentary Secretariat for Local Government and Culture, Malta International Food Festival will take place on the 31st of May, 2014 in Żabbar. This culinary and musical event will be spectacular, hosting professional chefs, who will be showcasing food from 10 different countries in areas specifically decorated to represent each country.
Visitors will be entertained by Malta's best artists along with a number of international traditional acts. A number of painters will be also be painting murals live on large walls; a unique experience! Special children's a
Jinstab ħaj is-sajjied .
Jinstab ħaj is-sajjied .
Jinstab ħaj is-sajjied .
Jinstab haj is-sajjied ta' tmienja u hamsin sena minn Ħaż-Żabbar li kien ilu fuq il-bahar bejn sema u ilma minn nhar l-Erbgha filghodu.One News b'filmati tas...
Pellegrinaġġ tar-Roti 2014 - Festa Madonna tal-Grazzja Ħaż-Żabbar
Eluf ta’ persuni attendew il-pellegrinaġġ assoċjat mal-Festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja f’Ħaż-Żabbar. Kull min attenda din l-attivita', segwa t-tradizzjoni Maltija li tmur lura għas-snin ħamsin.
Eluf ta’ persuni attendew il-pellegrinaġġ assoċjat mal-Festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja f’Ħaż-Żabbar. Kull min attenda din l-attivita', segwa t-tradizzjoni Maltija li tmur lura għas-snin ħamsin.
The antiphon used after the high mass of the feast of Our Lady of Graces celebrated at the marian shrine in Żabbar. Music by Lorenzo Galea. Recorded live on 10 September 2006. Special thanks to Mr Mark Micallef for some of the photographs.
The antiphon used after the high mass of the feast of Our Lady of Graces celebrated at the marian shrine in Żabbar. Music by Lorenzo Galea. Recorded live on 10 September 2006. Special thanks to Mr Mark Micallef for some of the photographs.
published:12 Sep 2014
Il-Laburisti f'Ħaż Żabbar jibbuwjaw mal-isem ta' Eddie Fenech Adami
Kien għall-ħabta tal-4.00 tal-lum waranofsinhar xħin f'Ħaż Żabbar, waqt il-mass meeting tal-Malta Labour Party issemma l-isem tal-eks President u eks Prim Mi...
Kien għall-ħabta tal-4.00 tal-lum waranofsinhar xħin f'Ħaż Żabbar, waqt il-mass meeting tal-Malta Labour Party issemma l-isem tal-eks President u eks Prim Mi...
5 kunsillieri tal-PL u 3 tal-PN jakkużaw lil Scerri b'nuqqas ta' trasparenza Il-pressjoni qed tkompli tiżdied fuq is-Sindku Laburista ta' Ħaż Żabbar Quinton ...
5 kunsillieri tal-PL u 3 tal-PN jakkużaw lil Scerri b'nuqqas ta' trasparenza Il-pressjoni qed tkompli tiżdied fuq is-Sindku Laburista ta' Ħaż Żabbar Quinton ...
Jibdew ix-xoghlijiet li ghandhom iwasslu biex itaffu l-gharghar f`Haz-Zabbar u Marsascala.Dawn ix-xogholijiet huma parti minn progett ikbar, mifrux fuq diver...
Jibdew ix-xoghlijiet li ghandhom iwasslu biex itaffu l-gharghar f`Haz-Zabbar u Marsascala.Dawn ix-xogholijiet huma parti minn progett ikbar, mifrux fuq diver...
L-attivita' 'L-Itwal Mejda tad-Dinja' li saret nhar is-Sibt li għadda f'Ħaż Żabbar kienet suċċess u għaliha attendew aktar minn elf persuna. Attivita' li ġie...
L-attivita' 'L-Itwal Mejda tad-Dinja' li saret nhar is-Sibt li għadda f'Ħaż Żabbar kienet suċċess u għaliha attendew aktar minn elf persuna. Attivita' li ġie...
Jinfetaħ l-outdoor gym f'Ħaż-Żabbar li jinsab fil-kumpless tal-football ta' St. Partick FC. Matul din il-leġislatura l-Gvern vara pjan biex jiftaħ numru ta' ...
Jinfetaħ l-outdoor gym f'Ħaż-Żabbar li jinsab fil-kumpless tal-football ta' St. Partick FC. Matul din il-leġislatura l-Gvern vara pjan biex jiftaħ numru ta' ...
Filmed by Jurgen Scicluna Edited by Marilyn Scicluna Articles: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20120909/local/thousands-turn-up-for-cyclists-bikers...
Filmed by Jurgen Scicluna Edited by Marilyn Scicluna Articles: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20120909/local/thousands-turn-up-for-cyclists-bikers...
Bhala inizjattiva ghal dawn iz-zminijiet ta' festi, l-haddiema ta' Red Touch Phone regghu kienu solidarji mas-socjeta.Din is-sena kien imiss li jferrhu lit-t...
Bhala inizjattiva ghal dawn iz-zminijiet ta' festi, l-haddiema ta' Red Touch Phone regghu kienu solidarji mas-socjeta.Din is-sena kien imiss li jferrhu lit-t...
Maltese Folk Music, "Lil Manwel Cilia", arranged and played by Manuel Casha, a Maltese who lives in Melbourne, Australia. We'll take a brief tour of Zabbar, ...
Maltese Folk Music, "Lil Manwel Cilia", arranged and played by Manuel Casha, a Maltese who lives in Melbourne, Australia. We'll take a brief tour of Zabbar, ...
Se jiġu installati erba' kameras f’żoni li fl-aħħar xhur reġħhu spiċċaw miżbla ta’ skart illegali. F’konferenza ta’ l-aħbarijiet fil-Foss ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar, wieħed seta jara b’għajnejh l-istat ta’ telqa fil-post u għalhekk joħroġ il-bżonn ċar ta’ montieraġġ siewi li jxejjen rimi ta’ skart illegali.
Se jiġu installati erba' kameras f’żoni li fl-aħħar xhur reġħhu spiċċaw miżbla ta’ skart illegali. F’konferenza ta’ l-aħbarijiet fil-Foss ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar, wieħed seta jara b’għajnejh l-istat ta’ telqa fil-post u għalhekk joħroġ il-bżonn ċar ta’ montieraġġ siewi li jxejjen rimi ta’ skart illegali.
published:20 May 2015
Skultura magħmulha b'imħabba u dedikazzjoni kbira.
Filmat qasir fejn juri xi entitajiet li kellha l-festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja ta' Ħaż-Żabbar matul din is-sena. Festa li hija waħda mill-uniċi festi f'Malta li għanda minn kollox. Fl-armar li ta' kull sena dejjem qed jiżdied numru sabiħ ta' drapp ġdid u ta' l-għola kwalita, il-logħob tan-nar li ħafna minnhu huwa kollu maħdum miz-Zabbarin stess fejn din is-sena offriet spetaklu kbir mill-aqwa, Il-Purcissjoni fejn ta' kull sena dejjem jattendu follol kbar ta' nies minn kull rokna ta' Malta, Pellegrinagg tar-roti u l-muturi fejn kull sena dejjem qed jizdied fil-popolarita tieghu u anke numru kbir ta' patrecipanti kif ukoll affarijiet ohra li settet tofri din il-festa.
Filmat qasir fejn juri xi entitajiet li kellha l-festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja ta' Ħaż-Żabbar matul din is-sena. Festa li hija waħda mill-uniċi festi f'Malta li għanda minn kollox. Fl-armar li ta' kull sena dejjem qed jiżdied numru sabiħ ta' drapp ġdid u ta' l-għola kwalita, il-logħob tan-nar li ħafna minnhu huwa kollu maħdum miz-Zabbarin stess fejn din is-sena offriet spetaklu kbir mill-aqwa, Il-Purcissjoni fejn ta' kull sena dejjem jattendu follol kbar ta' nies minn kull rokna ta' Malta, Pellegrinagg tar-roti u l-muturi fejn kull sena dejjem qed jizdied fil-popolarita tieghu u anke numru kbir ta' patrecipanti kif ukoll affarijiet ohra li settet tofri din il-festa.
Nhar is-Sibt 30 t'Awissu, is-Soc. Filar. Maria Mater Gratiæ ta' Ħaż-Żabbar ser torganizza Gala Buffet Dinner li matulu jsir il-Premier tad-dokumentarju u l-k...
Nhar is-Sibt 30 t'Awissu, is-Soc. Filar. Maria Mater Gratiæ ta' Ħaż-Żabbar ser torganizza Gala Buffet Dinner li matulu jsir il-Premier tad-dokumentarju u l-k...
Nhar is-Sibt 30 t'Awissu, is-Soc. Filar. Maria Mater Gratiæ ta' Ħaż-Żabbar ser torganizza Gala Buffet Dinner li matulu jsir il-Premier tad-dokumentarju u l-k...
Nhar is-Sibt 30 t'Awissu, is-Soc. Filar. Maria Mater Gratiæ ta' Ħaż-Żabbar ser torganizza Gala Buffet Dinner li matulu jsir il-Premier tad-dokumentarju u l-k...
Organised by the town of Ħaż-Żabbar and endorsed by the Ministry of Tourism and the Parliamentary Secretariat for Local Government and Culture, Malta International Food Festival will take place on the 31st of May, 2014 in Żabbar. This culinary and musical event will be spectacular, hosting professional chefs, who will be showcasing food from 10 different countries in areas specifically decorated to represent each country.
Visitors will be entertained by Malta's best artists along with a number of international traditional acts. A number of painters will be also be painting murals live on large walls; a unique experience! Special children's area will be set up including Bouncy Castles, face-painting and other activities will be set up fpr the young ones.
Żabbar will be given a temporary facelift with Pavilions and special conceptual lighting to make the event visually memorable. Bars in the area will also be set up outside, as Sanctuary Street will be pedestrianised for the night.
The Malta International Food Festival, is being held on the 31st May 2014 from 19:00hrs onwards.
This was an event recommended by our public relations co-ordinator Henri Diacono. For more events in Malta, visit Azure Malta's website page http://www.azure.com.mt/malta/whats-on-in-malta/
Organised by the town of Ħaż-Żabbar and endorsed by the Ministry of Tourism and the Parliamentary Secretariat for Local Government and Culture, Malta International Food Festival will take place on the 31st of May, 2014 in Żabbar. This culinary and musical event will be spectacular, hosting professional chefs, who will be showcasing food from 10 different countries in areas specifically decorated to represent each country.
Visitors will be entertained by Malta's best artists along with a number of international traditional acts. A number of painters will be also be painting murals live on large walls; a unique experience! Special children's area will be set up including Bouncy Castles, face-painting and other activities will be set up fpr the young ones.
Żabbar will be given a temporary facelift with Pavilions and special conceptual lighting to make the event visually memorable. Bars in the area will also be set up outside, as Sanctuary Street will be pedestrianised for the night.
The Malta International Food Festival, is being held on the 31st May 2014 from 19:00hrs onwards.
This was an event recommended by our public relations co-ordinator Henri Diacono. For more events in Malta, visit Azure Malta's website page http://www.azure.com.mt/malta/whats-on-in-malta/
Jinstab haj is-sajjied ta' tmienja u hamsin sena minn Ħaż-Żabbar li kien ilu fuq il-bahar bejn sema u ilma minn nhar l-Erbgha filghodu.One News b'filmati tas...
Jinstab haj is-sajjied ta' tmienja u hamsin sena minn Ħaż-Żabbar li kien ilu fuq il-bahar bejn sema u ilma minn nhar l-Erbgha filghodu.One News b'filmati tas...
Zabbar (Malta) Sanctuary, Parish Church Our Lady of Grace - Procession PEAL - 2012 5 Bells - Item 28
Zabbar (Malta) Sanctuary, Parish Church Our Lady of Grace - Procession PEAL - 2012 5 Bells - Item 28
Zabbar (Malta) Sanctuary, Parish Church Our Lady of Grace - Procession PEAL - 2012 5 Bells - Item 28
Mota Qabel il-Purcissjoni Sollenni tal-Hadd in-Nies - 2012) This peal started with big to small bells. In this recording you shall hear bells sounding La be...
Zabbar (Malta) Sanctuary, Parish Church Our Lady of Grace - PEAL 1 - 2009 5 Bells - Item 4
Zabbar (Malta) Sanctuary, Parish Church Our Lady of Grace - PEAL 1 - 2009 5 Bells - Item 4
Zabbar (Malta) Sanctuary, Parish Church Our Lady of Grace - PEAL 1 - 2009 5 Bells - Item 4
L-Ewwel Mota Min 4 Moti Qabel It-Translazzjoni f'Lejliet il-Festa ta' Madonna tal-Grazzja - 2009
In this recording you shall hear bells sounding La bem3, Mi3, Mi bem3, Re3, and Si bem2.
The twin belfries of Zabbar contain 5 bells; three of which are cast by Maltese bellfounder Giuliano Cauchi and two cast by another local bellfounder under the name of Gioacchino Trigance. The former were cast in the late 19th Century while the latter come from the late 18th - early 19th Century.
The largest bell weighs almost 2.8 tons and is one of five bells sounding the same note and also cast by Cauchi. None of the bells is mechanically tuned from the
The Malta International Food Festival
The Malta International Food Festival
The Malta International Food Festival
For one night only, on the 1st June 2013, Zabbar will be hosting professional chefs, who will be showcasing food from six different areas of the world, inclu...
One Direction - Kiss You Cover - Travel Guide to Malta
One Direction - Kiss You Cover - Travel Guide to Malta
One Direction - Kiss You Cover - Travel Guide to Malta
A travel video about Gozo (Malta), performed with the help of One Direction. Visit our blog: http://www.tellemstories.com Songs used: One Direction - Kiss Yo...
The Malta International Food Festival 2nd Edition.
The Malta International Food Festival 2nd Edition.
The Malta International Food Festival 2nd Edition.
For one night only, on 31st May 2014, Zabbar will be hosting professional chefs, who will be showcasing food from eight different areas of the world, includi...
Eat me im Famous Malta. Call us on 99992099
Eat me im Famous Malta. Call us on 99992099
Eat me im Famous Malta. Call us on 99992099
Eat me im famous TV advert. We deliver to the following locations; Birkirkara, Bulebel, Cospicua, Fgura, Gudja, Gzira, Iklin, Kalkara, Luqa, Madliena, Mosta,...
Top 10 Cities of Malta
Top 10 Cities of Malta
Top 10 Cities of Malta
Thanks for watching.....
1) Birkirkara
2) Fgura
3) Mosta
4) Qormi
5) Rabat
6) San Ġwann
7) San Pawl il-Baħar
8) Sliema
9) Żabbar
10) Żejtun
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Largest_cities_of_Malta
Malta is a southern European country in the Mediterranean Sea. It lies 80 km (50 mi) south of Sicily, 284 km (176 mi) east of Tunisia and 333 km (207 mi) north of Libya. The country covers just over 316 km2 (122 sq mi), making it one of the world's smallest[9][10][11] and most densely populated countries. The capital of Malta is Valletta which is also the smallest capital in the EU at 0.8 km2.[12] Malta has two official languages: Mal
Marfa Ahrax tal Mellieha it Tnejn 25 ta' Lulju 2011 Il maltemp fis Sajf malcolm schembri zabbar malta part 1
Marfa Ahrax tal Mellieha it Tnejn 25 ta' Lulju 2011 Il maltemp fis Sajf malcolm schembri zabbar malta part 1
Marfa Ahrax tal Mellieha it Tnejn 25 ta' Lulju 2011 Il maltemp fis Sajf malcolm schembri zabbar malta part 1
Mdina Malta Travel Guide Magazine
Mdina Malta Travel Guide Magazine
Mdina Malta Travel Guide Magazine
Know it: "This former capital, often called the "Silent City" because of its very quiet environment, is surrounded by walls built by the Arabs and fortified ...
Bugibba, Malta - Thomas Cook Guide
Bugibba, Malta - Thomas Cook Guide
Bugibba, Malta - Thomas Cook Guide
Bugibba, Malta - Thomas Cook Guide http://www.thomascook.com/lp/1x6-enctae/holidays-bugibba/ Bugibba is a small town with a big personality on the north east...
Attractions in Malta, Your Essential Guide | lowcostholidays
Attractions in Malta, Your Essential Guide | lowcostholidays
Attractions in Malta, Your Essential Guide | lowcostholidays
There are so many things to do in Malta, you'll be spoilt for choice! And because the island is so small, it won't take you long to get anywhere! So go on, t...
Marfa Bay, Malta - Video Review
Marfa Bay, Malta - Video Review
Marfa Bay, Malta - Video Review
Marfa Bay, Malta - Video Review
Your Holiday in Malta! A quick guide to the sights and more!
Your Holiday in Malta! A quick guide to the sights and more!
Your Holiday in Malta! A quick guide to the sights and more!
The Three Cities! Marsaxlokk! Valletta! Mdina! The Festa! The Beaches! Dining and Nightlife..... and more! This is Malta! http://www.reachmalta.com.
Malta: top 10 touristic attractions
Malta: top 10 touristic attractions
Malta: top 10 touristic attractions
Malta: top 10 touristic attractions
Malta is a touristic hotspot: each year, over a million tourists visit the tiny island. It has a large cultural and historic heritage, making a trip to Malta not only relaxing but also interesting. The best periods to visit Malta are either May or October, although those that prefer sunny weather would be more interested in the hottest months July and August.
Travelling with the buses is cheap and locals happy to welcome you on their island to guide you in your adventure.
In the video, there’s 10 favourite attractions and events, including Valletta, Mosta, Gozo and Balzan, with some insider tips. Have yo
Marsascala Malta Guide
Marsascala Malta Guide
Marsascala Malta Guide
visit www.heartofmalta.com for information about malta.
Qawra, Malta, Your Essential Guide | lowcostholidays
Qawra, Malta, Your Essential Guide | lowcostholidays
Qawra, Malta, Your Essential Guide | lowcostholidays
The picturesque town of Qawra is located on the north coast of Malta and is popular with holidaymakers and locals alike. The long promenade linking it with S...
Malta Girl Guides
Malta Girl Guides
Malta Girl Guides
The Malta Girl Guides - a short video with photos from various activities - to join in the fun, visit www.maltagirlguides.com or send an email to info@maltag...
North Sumatera Backpackers TEASER
North Sumatera Backpackers TEASER
North Sumatera Backpackers TEASER
North Sumatera Backpackers REDTOP 6 - 11 June 2014 telah berjaya kami selesaikan dengan pengembaraan yg sangat padat dan banyak alam semulajadi yg RARE dapat...
MALTA - Dingli: Agriculture & Traditions Festival 2011
MALTA - Dingli: Agriculture & Traditions Festival 2011
MALTA - Dingli: Agriculture & Traditions Festival 2011
We visited Dingli Village for its annual Agriculture and Traditions Festival which was held on Sunday, May 15 and recorded some video footage. The beautiful event was organised by the Dingli Local Council.This video contains some activities that we had attended to. It was a fun filled day with interesting and educational activities.
The activities begun from 7.00am till 6.00pm. The proposed event/festival showcased what this village has to offer in terms of agriculture and traditions.
Exhibition of sheep and goats - traditional way of sheep & goats milking, sheep shearing, demonstration of fresh Maltese cheeselets making, re-enact
Mota Qabel il-Purcissjoni Sollenni tal-Hadd in-Nies - 2012) This peal started with big to small bells. In this recording you shall hear bells sounding La be...
Mota Qabel il-Purcissjoni Sollenni tal-Hadd in-Nies - 2012) This peal started with big to small bells. In this recording you shall hear bells sounding La be...
L-Ewwel Mota Min 4 Moti Qabel It-Translazzjoni f'Lejliet il-Festa ta' Madonna tal-Grazzja - 2009
In this recording you shall hear bells sounding La bem3, Mi3, Mi bem3, Re3, and Si bem2.
The twin belfries of Zabbar contain 5 bells; three of which are cast by Maltese bellfounder Giuliano Cauchi and two cast by another local bellfounder under the name of Gioacchino Trigance. The former were cast in the late 19th Century while the latter come from the late 18th - early 19th Century.
The largest bell weighs almost 2.8 tons and is one of five bells sounding the same note and also cast by Cauchi. None of the bells is mechanically tuned from the inside and all bells are hung fixed to their headstocks and therefore ringing is achieved by manualy swinging the clapper to strike the soundbows of the bells.
L-Ewwel Mota Min 4 Moti Qabel It-Translazzjoni f'Lejliet il-Festa ta' Madonna tal-Grazzja - 2009
In this recording you shall hear bells sounding La bem3, Mi3, Mi bem3, Re3, and Si bem2.
The twin belfries of Zabbar contain 5 bells; three of which are cast by Maltese bellfounder Giuliano Cauchi and two cast by another local bellfounder under the name of Gioacchino Trigance. The former were cast in the late 19th Century while the latter come from the late 18th - early 19th Century.
The largest bell weighs almost 2.8 tons and is one of five bells sounding the same note and also cast by Cauchi. None of the bells is mechanically tuned from the inside and all bells are hung fixed to their headstocks and therefore ringing is achieved by manualy swinging the clapper to strike the soundbows of the bells.
For one night only, on the 1st June 2013, Zabbar will be hosting professional chefs, who will be showcasing food from six different areas of the world, inclu...
For one night only, on the 1st June 2013, Zabbar will be hosting professional chefs, who will be showcasing food from six different areas of the world, inclu...
A travel video about Gozo (Malta), performed with the help of One Direction. Visit our blog: http://www.tellemstories.com Songs used: One Direction - Kiss Yo...
A travel video about Gozo (Malta), performed with the help of One Direction. Visit our blog: http://www.tellemstories.com Songs used: One Direction - Kiss Yo...
For one night only, on 31st May 2014, Zabbar will be hosting professional chefs, who will be showcasing food from eight different areas of the world, includi...
For one night only, on 31st May 2014, Zabbar will be hosting professional chefs, who will be showcasing food from eight different areas of the world, includi...
Eat me im famous TV advert. We deliver to the following locations; Birkirkara, Bulebel, Cospicua, Fgura, Gudja, Gzira, Iklin, Kalkara, Luqa, Madliena, Mosta,...
Eat me im famous TV advert. We deliver to the following locations; Birkirkara, Bulebel, Cospicua, Fgura, Gudja, Gzira, Iklin, Kalkara, Luqa, Madliena, Mosta,...
Thanks for watching.....
1) Birkirkara
2) Fgura
3) Mosta
4) Qormi
5) Rabat
6) San Ġwann
7) San Pawl il-Baħar
8) Sliema
9) Żabbar
10) Żejtun
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Largest_cities_of_Malta
Malta is a southern European country in the Mediterranean Sea. It lies 80 km (50 mi) south of Sicily, 284 km (176 mi) east of Tunisia and 333 km (207 mi) north of Libya. The country covers just over 316 km2 (122 sq mi), making it one of the world's smallest[9][10][11] and most densely populated countries. The capital of Malta is Valletta which is also the smallest capital in the EU at 0.8 km2.[12] Malta has two official languages: Maltese and English.
Malta's location as a naval base has given it great strategic importance throughout history, and a succession of powers including the Phoenicians, Romans, Moorish, Normans, Aragonese, Habsburg Spain, Knights of St. John, French and the British ruled the islands. Malta gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1964 and became a republic in 1974. Malta was admitted to the United Nations in 1964 and to the European Union in 2004; in 2008, it became part of the eurozone.
The name originates from Melite in Greek, or Melita in the Dorian dialect (Μελίτη, Μελίτα), which means very sweet, or honey-like.
Malta has a long Christian legacy and is an Apostolic see. According to the Acts of the Apostles,[13] St. Paul was shipwrecked on Malta.[14] Catholicism is the official religion in Malta.[15][16]
Malta is a favoured tourist destination with its warm climate, numerous recreational areas, architectural and historical monuments, including seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites,[17] most prominently the Megalithic Temples which are some of the oldest free-standing structures in the world. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malta
I, Kaushik Biswas, hereby declare that all information regarding this video I collect from www.wikipedia.org and all Images use to make this video is from Google Search www.google.com . I use Google Advanced Search to collect those images, usage rights : "free to use, share or modify, even commercially" section. Background Sound of this video I collect from Youtube Audio Library which are free to use. Thank you.
Thanks for watching.....
1) Birkirkara
2) Fgura
3) Mosta
4) Qormi
5) Rabat
6) San Ġwann
7) San Pawl il-Baħar
8) Sliema
9) Żabbar
10) Żejtun
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Largest_cities_of_Malta
Malta is a southern European country in the Mediterranean Sea. It lies 80 km (50 mi) south of Sicily, 284 km (176 mi) east of Tunisia and 333 km (207 mi) north of Libya. The country covers just over 316 km2 (122 sq mi), making it one of the world's smallest[9][10][11] and most densely populated countries. The capital of Malta is Valletta which is also the smallest capital in the EU at 0.8 km2.[12] Malta has two official languages: Maltese and English.
Malta's location as a naval base has given it great strategic importance throughout history, and a succession of powers including the Phoenicians, Romans, Moorish, Normans, Aragonese, Habsburg Spain, Knights of St. John, French and the British ruled the islands. Malta gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1964 and became a republic in 1974. Malta was admitted to the United Nations in 1964 and to the European Union in 2004; in 2008, it became part of the eurozone.
The name originates from Melite in Greek, or Melita in the Dorian dialect (Μελίτη, Μελίτα), which means very sweet, or honey-like.
Malta has a long Christian legacy and is an Apostolic see. According to the Acts of the Apostles,[13] St. Paul was shipwrecked on Malta.[14] Catholicism is the official religion in Malta.[15][16]
Malta is a favoured tourist destination with its warm climate, numerous recreational areas, architectural and historical monuments, including seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites,[17] most prominently the Megalithic Temples which are some of the oldest free-standing structures in the world. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malta
I, Kaushik Biswas, hereby declare that all information regarding this video I collect from www.wikipedia.org and all Images use to make this video is from Google Search www.google.com . I use Google Advanced Search to collect those images, usage rights : "free to use, share or modify, even commercially" section. Background Sound of this video I collect from Youtube Audio Library which are free to use. Thank you.
published:23 Nov 2013
Marfa Ahrax tal Mellieha it Tnejn 25 ta' Lulju 2011 Il maltemp fis Sajf malcolm schembri zabbar malta part 1
Know it: "This former capital, often called the "Silent City" because of its very quiet environment, is surrounded by walls built by the Arabs and fortified ...
Know it: "This former capital, often called the "Silent City" because of its very quiet environment, is surrounded by walls built by the Arabs and fortified ...
Bugibba, Malta - Thomas Cook Guide http://www.thomascook.com/lp/1x6-enctae/holidays-bugibba/ Bugibba is a small town with a big personality on the north east...
Bugibba, Malta - Thomas Cook Guide http://www.thomascook.com/lp/1x6-enctae/holidays-bugibba/ Bugibba is a small town with a big personality on the north east...
There are so many things to do in Malta, you'll be spoilt for choice! And because the island is so small, it won't take you long to get anywhere! So go on, t...
There are so many things to do in Malta, you'll be spoilt for choice! And because the island is so small, it won't take you long to get anywhere! So go on, t...
Malta: top 10 touristic attractions
Malta is a touristic hotspot: each year, over a million tourists visit the tiny island. It has a large cultural and historic heritage, making a trip to Malta not only relaxing but also interesting. The best periods to visit Malta are either May or October, although those that prefer sunny weather would be more interested in the hottest months July and August.
Travelling with the buses is cheap and locals happy to welcome you on their island to guide you in your adventure.
In the video, there’s 10 favourite attractions and events, including Valletta, Mosta, Gozo and Balzan, with some insider tips. Have you been in Malta, or do you live there? Post a comment if you have other interesting places or events to see in Malta, since it has so much more to offer than just 10 spots.
All materials have been adapted and are licensed under the license CCBY http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Malta Blue Grotto, PapaJohn, https://vimeo.com/1952135
Tour of Malta, PapaJohn, https://vimeo.com/2294388
Malta video clips, Paul Tasker, https://vimeo.com/117065531
Drifting, http://audionautix.com/~audion/Music/Drifting2.mp3
Malta - San Anton Garden - Mdina (MT 2011 HD), Cees Looijé, https://vimeo.com/23498607
Malta 2, Idea Studio, https://vimeo.com/23432825,
Jazz a the Bridge in Valletta Malta, Dermott, https://vimeo.com/71988024
Malta Gozo Azure Window BW 2011-10-08 11-07-21.JPG, Berthold Werner, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Malta_Gozo_Azure_Window_BW_2011-10-08_11-07-21.JPG#filelinks,
Malta - Valletta - Pjazza Kastilja - Upper Barrakka Gardens + Borza ta' Malta 01 ies.jpg, Frank Vincentz, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Malta_-_Valletta_-_Pjazza_Kastilja_-_Upper_Barrakka_Gardens_%2B_Borza_ta'_Malta_01_ies.jpg
Malta - Valletta - Pjazza Kastilja - Upper Barrakka Gardens + Barrakka Lift 01 ies, Frank Vincentz, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Malta_-_Valletta_-_Pjazza_Kastilja_-_Upper_Barrakka_Gardens_%2B_Barrakka_Lift_01_ies.jpg
Malta - Ghajnsielem - Cominotto + Blue Lagoon (Comino) 05 ies.jpg,Frank Vincentz, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Malta_-_Ghajnsielem_-_Cominotto_%2B_Blue_Lagoon_(Comino)_05_ies.jpg
Malta - Ghajnsielem - Comino - Blue Lagoon (Comino) 02 ies.jpg,Frank Vincentz, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Malta_-_Ghajnsielem_-_Comino_-_Blue_Lagoon_(Comino)_02_ies.jpg
„Blue Lagoon and Cominotto“ von Erik1980 - Eigenes Werk. - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blue_Lagoon_and_Cominotto.JPG#mediaviewer/File:Blue_Lagoon_and_Cominotto.JPG
Subscribe via www.youtube.com/alainderaymond
More touristic information and events on Malta on:
Malta: top 10 touristic attractions
Malta is a touristic hotspot: each year, over a million tourists visit the tiny island. It has a large cultural and historic heritage, making a trip to Malta not only relaxing but also interesting. The best periods to visit Malta are either May or October, although those that prefer sunny weather would be more interested in the hottest months July and August.
Travelling with the buses is cheap and locals happy to welcome you on their island to guide you in your adventure.
In the video, there’s 10 favourite attractions and events, including Valletta, Mosta, Gozo and Balzan, with some insider tips. Have you been in Malta, or do you live there? Post a comment if you have other interesting places or events to see in Malta, since it has so much more to offer than just 10 spots.
All materials have been adapted and are licensed under the license CCBY http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Malta Blue Grotto, PapaJohn, https://vimeo.com/1952135
Tour of Malta, PapaJohn, https://vimeo.com/2294388
Malta video clips, Paul Tasker, https://vimeo.com/117065531
Drifting, http://audionautix.com/~audion/Music/Drifting2.mp3
Malta - San Anton Garden - Mdina (MT 2011 HD), Cees Looijé, https://vimeo.com/23498607
Malta 2, Idea Studio, https://vimeo.com/23432825,
Jazz a the Bridge in Valletta Malta, Dermott, https://vimeo.com/71988024
Malta Gozo Azure Window BW 2011-10-08 11-07-21.JPG, Berthold Werner, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Malta_Gozo_Azure_Window_BW_2011-10-08_11-07-21.JPG#filelinks,
Malta - Valletta - Pjazza Kastilja - Upper Barrakka Gardens + Borza ta' Malta 01 ies.jpg, Frank Vincentz, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Malta_-_Valletta_-_Pjazza_Kastilja_-_Upper_Barrakka_Gardens_%2B_Borza_ta'_Malta_01_ies.jpg
Malta - Valletta - Pjazza Kastilja - Upper Barrakka Gardens + Barrakka Lift 01 ies, Frank Vincentz, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Malta_-_Valletta_-_Pjazza_Kastilja_-_Upper_Barrakka_Gardens_%2B_Barrakka_Lift_01_ies.jpg
Malta - Ghajnsielem - Cominotto + Blue Lagoon (Comino) 05 ies.jpg,Frank Vincentz, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Malta_-_Ghajnsielem_-_Cominotto_%2B_Blue_Lagoon_(Comino)_05_ies.jpg
Malta - Ghajnsielem - Comino - Blue Lagoon (Comino) 02 ies.jpg,Frank Vincentz, http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Malta_-_Ghajnsielem_-_Comino_-_Blue_Lagoon_(Comino)_02_ies.jpg
„Blue Lagoon and Cominotto“ von Erik1980 - Eigenes Werk. - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blue_Lagoon_and_Cominotto.JPG#mediaviewer/File:Blue_Lagoon_and_Cominotto.JPG
Subscribe via www.youtube.com/alainderaymond
More touristic information and events on Malta on:
The picturesque town of Qawra is located on the north coast of Malta and is popular with holidaymakers and locals alike. The long promenade linking it with S...
The picturesque town of Qawra is located on the north coast of Malta and is popular with holidaymakers and locals alike. The long promenade linking it with S...
The Malta Girl Guides - a short video with photos from various activities - to join in the fun, visit www.maltagirlguides.com or send an email to info@maltag...
The Malta Girl Guides - a short video with photos from various activities - to join in the fun, visit www.maltagirlguides.com or send an email to info@maltag...
North Sumatera Backpackers REDTOP 6 - 11 June 2014 telah berjaya kami selesaikan dengan pengembaraan yg sangat padat dan banyak alam semulajadi yg RARE dapat...
North Sumatera Backpackers REDTOP 6 - 11 June 2014 telah berjaya kami selesaikan dengan pengembaraan yg sangat padat dan banyak alam semulajadi yg RARE dapat...
We visited Dingli Village for its annual Agriculture and Traditions Festival which was held on Sunday, May 15 and recorded some video footage. The beautiful event was organised by the Dingli Local Council.This video contains some activities that we had attended to. It was a fun filled day with interesting and educational activities.
The activities begun from 7.00am till 6.00pm. The proposed event/festival showcased what this village has to offer in terms of agriculture and traditions.
Exhibition of sheep and goats - traditional way of sheep & goats milking, sheep shearing, demonstration of fresh Maltese cheeselets making, re-enactment of the pre war picnic performed by the Ghaqda Talent Dingli, homemade wine competition, eco tours, pony rides, falcons displays, homemade wine competition, displays of fruit & vegetables, local crafts, traditional Maltese food, traditional farm/wine tools, traditional Maltese games and Dingli Scouts Band March amongst all. The sound system was very professionally engineered and arranged for this open-air event. The technicians certainly had done a great job on it. The Mnarja Folk of Nadur Gozo performed magnificently and so did the Ta' Seguna Band from Sannat.
Brief info about Dingli:
Dingli (or Had-Dingli) is a village on the west coast of Malta, with a population of 3,326 persons (Nov 2005), 13 kilometers from the capital Valletta and two kilometers from the nearest city, Rabat.
The village lies on a plateau some 250 metres above sea level, which is the highest point of Malta. The area provides not only open sea views over the tiny, uninhabited isle of Filfla, but also an excellent vantage point over Malta.
From the cliffs there are views inland of nearby Buskett Gardens and Verdala Palace. The countryside here is ideal for walking.
Maltese Music performed by Mark & Denise Vella of Zabbar Village, Malta.
*A note of thanks to Mark & Denise for giving us permission to use their beautiful music for this video.
Video footage & editing by Choy Hong (Jasmine) Grech
Produced by Alfred & Choy Hong (Jasmine) Grech, Mosta, Malta
Youtube Channel jasalf5959
We visited Dingli Village for its annual Agriculture and Traditions Festival which was held on Sunday, May 15 and recorded some video footage. The beautiful event was organised by the Dingli Local Council.This video contains some activities that we had attended to. It was a fun filled day with interesting and educational activities.
The activities begun from 7.00am till 6.00pm. The proposed event/festival showcased what this village has to offer in terms of agriculture and traditions.
Exhibition of sheep and goats - traditional way of sheep & goats milking, sheep shearing, demonstration of fresh Maltese cheeselets making, re-enactment of the pre war picnic performed by the Ghaqda Talent Dingli, homemade wine competition, eco tours, pony rides, falcons displays, homemade wine competition, displays of fruit & vegetables, local crafts, traditional Maltese food, traditional farm/wine tools, traditional Maltese games and Dingli Scouts Band March amongst all. The sound system was very professionally engineered and arranged for this open-air event. The technicians certainly had done a great job on it. The Mnarja Folk of Nadur Gozo performed magnificently and so did the Ta' Seguna Band from Sannat.
Brief info about Dingli:
Dingli (or Had-Dingli) is a village on the west coast of Malta, with a population of 3,326 persons (Nov 2005), 13 kilometers from the capital Valletta and two kilometers from the nearest city, Rabat.
The village lies on a plateau some 250 metres above sea level, which is the highest point of Malta. The area provides not only open sea views over the tiny, uninhabited isle of Filfla, but also an excellent vantage point over Malta.
From the cliffs there are views inland of nearby Buskett Gardens and Verdala Palace. The countryside here is ideal for walking.
Maltese Music performed by Mark & Denise Vella of Zabbar Village, Malta.
*A note of thanks to Mark & Denise for giving us permission to use their beautiful music for this video.
Video footage & editing by Choy Hong (Jasmine) Grech
Produced by Alfred & Choy Hong (Jasmine) Grech, Mosta, Malta
Youtube Channel jasalf5959
Pellegrinaġġ tar-Roti 2014 - Festa Madonna tal-Grazzja Ħaż-Żabbar
Filmed with GoPro Hero3 Black, thanks to my cousin Mark Cassar for providing me the camera...
published:14 Sep 2014
Pellegrinaġġ tar-Roti 2014 - Festa Madonna tal-Grazzja Ħaż-Żabbar
Pellegrinaġġ tar-Roti 2014 - Festa Madonna tal-Grazzja Ħaż-Żabbar
Filmed with GoPro Hero3 Black, thanks to my cousin Mark Cassar for providing me the camera.
published:14 Sep 2014
Jattendu eluf għall-pellegrinaġġ f’Ħaż-Żabbar.
Eluf ta’ persuni attendew il-pellegrinaġġ assoċjat mal-Festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja f’Ħaż...
published:14 Sep 2014
Jattendu eluf għall-pellegrinaġġ f’Ħaż-Żabbar.
Jattendu eluf għall-pellegrinaġġ f’Ħaż-Żabbar.
Eluf ta’ persuni attendew il-pellegrinaġġ assoċjat mal-Festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja f’Ħaż-Żabbar. Kull min attenda din l-attivita', segwa t-tradizzjoni Maltija li tmur lura għas-snin ħamsin.
published:14 Sep 2014
Charlon Gouder: Id-Diskors ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
published:13 May 2014
Charlon Gouder: Id-Diskors ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
Charlon Gouder: Id-Diskors ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
published:13 May 2014
Infakkru t-traġedja tal-Vulcan f'Ħaż-Żabbar
published:15 Oct 2014
Infakkru t-traġedja tal-Vulcan f'Ħaż-Żabbar
Infakkru t-traġedja tal-Vulcan f'Ħaż-Żabbar
published:15 Oct 2014
66 Ave spes solamen (Ħaż Żabbar) I
The antiphon used after the high mass of the feast of Our Lady of Graces celebrated at the...
published:12 Sep 2014
66 Ave spes solamen (Ħaż Żabbar) I
66 Ave spes solamen (Ħaż Żabbar) I
The antiphon used after the high mass of the feast of Our Lady of Graces celebrated at the marian shrine in Żabbar. Music by Lorenzo Galea. Recorded live on 10 September 2006. Special thanks to Mr Mark Micallef for some of the photographs.
published:12 Sep 2014
Il-Laburisti f'Ħaż Żabbar jibbuwjaw mal-isem ta' Eddie Fenech Adami
Kien għall-ħabta tal-4.00 tal-lum waranofsinhar xħin f'Ħaż Żabbar, waqt il-mass meeting ta...
Il-Laburisti f'Ħaż Żabbar jibbuwjaw mal-isem ta' Eddie Fenech Adami
Il-Laburisti f'Ħaż Żabbar jibbuwjaw mal-isem ta' Eddie Fenech Adami
Kien għall-ħabta tal-4.00 tal-lum waranofsinhar xħin f'Ħaż Żabbar, waqt il-mass meeting tal-Malta Labour Party issemma l-isem tal-eks President u eks Prim Mi...
Sinjali ta' sfiduċja fis-Sindku Laburista ta' Ħaż-Żabbar Quinton Scerri
Sinjali ta' sfiduċja fis-Sindku Laburista ta' Ħaż-Żabbar Quinton Scerri
5 kunsillieri tal-PL u 3 tal-PN jakkużaw lil Scerri b'nuqqas ta' trasparenza Il-pressjoni qed tkompli tiżdied fuq is-Sindku Laburista ta' Ħaż Żabbar Quinton ...
Jibdew ix-xogħlijiet biex itaffu l-għargħar f`Ħaż-Żabbar u Marsascala.
Jibdew ix-xogħlijiet biex itaffu l-għargħar f`Ħaż-Żabbar u Marsascala.
Jibdew ix-xoghlijiet li ghandhom iwasslu biex itaffu l-gharghar f`Haz-Zabbar u Marsascala.Dawn ix-xogholijiet huma parti minn progett ikbar, mifrux fuq diver...
Dubji dwar attivita' tal-Kunsill Lokali ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
Dubji dwar attivita' tal-Kunsill Lokali ta' Ħaż-Żabbar
L-attivita' 'L-Itwal Mejda tad-Dinja' li saret nhar is-Sibt li għadda f'Ħaż Żabbar kienet suċċess u għaliha attendew aktar minn elf persuna. Attivita' li ġie...
Jinfetaħ l-outdoor gym f'Ħaż-Żabbar li jinsab fil-kumpless tal-football ta' St. Partick FC. Matul din il-leġislatura l-Gvern vara pjan biex jiftaħ numru ta' ...
Filmed by Jurgen Scicluna Edited by Marilyn Scicluna Articles: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20120909/local/thousands-turn-up-for-cyclists-bikers...
Ġabra għat-tfal tal-istitut ta' San Ġużepp f'Ħaż Żabbar minn Red Touch Fone
Ġabra għat-tfal tal-istitut ta' San Ġużepp f'Ħaż Żabbar minn Red Touch Fone
Bhala inizjattiva ghal dawn iz-zminijiet ta' festi, l-haddiema ta' Red Touch Phone regghu kienu solidarji mas-socjeta.Din is-sena kien imiss li jferrhu lit-t...
Zabbar (Malta) Sanctuary, Parish Church Our Lady of Grace - Procession PEAL - 2012 5 Bells - Item 28
Zabbar (Malta) Sanctuary, Parish Church Our Lady of Grace - Procession PEAL - 2012 5 Bells - Item 28
Mota Qabel il-Purcissjoni Sollenni tal-Hadd in-Nies - 2012) This peal started with big to small bells. In this recording you shall hear bells sounding La be...
Zabbar (Malta) Sanctuary, Parish Church Our Lady of Grace - PEAL 1 - 2009 5 Bells - Item 4
L-Ewwel Mota Min 4 Moti Qabel It-Translazzjoni f'Lejliet il-Festa ta' Madonna tal-Grazzja ...
published:24 Feb 2014
Zabbar (Malta) Sanctuary, Parish Church Our Lady of Grace - PEAL 1 - 2009 5 Bells - Item 4
Zabbar (Malta) Sanctuary, Parish Church Our Lady of Grace - PEAL 1 - 2009 5 Bells - Item 4
L-Ewwel Mota Min 4 Moti Qabel It-Translazzjoni f'Lejliet il-Festa ta' Madonna tal-Grazzja - 2009
In this recording you shall hear bells sounding La bem3, Mi3, Mi bem3, Re3, and Si bem2.
The twin belfries of Zabbar contain 5 bells; three of which are cast by Maltese bellfounder Giuliano Cauchi and two cast by another local bellfounder under the name of Gioacchino Trigance. The former were cast in the late 19th Century while the latter come from the late 18th - early 19th Century.
The largest bell weighs almost 2.8 tons and is one of five bells sounding the same note and also cast by Cauchi. None of the bells is mechanically tuned from the inside and all bells are hung fixed to their headstocks and therefore ringing is achieved by manualy swinging the clapper to strike the soundbows of the bells.
published:24 Feb 2014
The Malta International Food Festival
For one night only, on the 1st June 2013, Zabbar will be hosting professional chefs, who w...
For one night only, on the 1st June 2013, Zabbar will be hosting professional chefs, who will be showcasing food from six different areas of the world, inclu...
One Direction - Kiss You Cover - Travel Guide to Malta
One Direction - Kiss You Cover - Travel Guide to Malta
A travel video about Gozo (Malta), performed with the help of One Direction. Visit our blog: http://www.tellemstories.com Songs used: One Direction - Kiss Yo...
The Malta International Food Festival 2nd Edition.
The Malta International Food Festival 2nd Edition.
For one night only, on 31st May 2014, Zabbar will be hosting professional chefs, who will be showcasing food from eight different areas of the world, includi...
Eat me im famous TV advert. We deliver to the following locations; Birkirkara, Bulebel, Cospicua, Fgura, Gudja, Gzira, Iklin, Kalkara, Luqa, Madliena, Mosta,...
Thanks for watching.....
1) Birkirkara
2) Fgura
3) Mosta
4) Qormi
5) Rabat
6) San Ġwann
published:23 Nov 2013
Top 10 Cities of Malta
Top 10 Cities of Malta
Thanks for watching.....
1) Birkirkara
2) Fgura
3) Mosta
4) Qormi
5) Rabat
6) San Ġwann
7) San Pawl il-Baħar
8) Sliema
9) Żabbar
10) Żejtun
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Largest_cities_of_Malta
Malta is a southern European country in the Mediterranean Sea. It lies 80 km (50 mi) south of Sicily, 284 km (176 mi) east of Tunisia and 333 km (207 mi) north of Libya. The country covers just over 316 km2 (122 sq mi), making it one of the world's smallest[9][10][11] and most densely populated countries. The capital of Malta is Valletta which is also the smallest capital in the EU at 0.8 km2.[12] Malta has two official languages: Maltese and English.
Malta's location as a naval base has given it great strategic importance throughout history, and a succession of powers including the Phoenicians, Romans, Moorish, Normans, Aragonese, Habsburg Spain, Knights of St. John, French and the British ruled the islands. Malta gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1964 and became a republic in 1974. Malta was admitted to the United Nations in 1964 and to the European Union in 2004; in 2008, it became part of the eurozone.
The name originates from Melite in Greek, or Melita in the Dorian dialect (Μελίτη, Μελίτα), which means very sweet, or honey-like.
Malta has a long Christian legacy and is an Apostolic see. According to the Acts of the Apostles,[13] St. Paul was shipwrecked on Malta.[14] Catholicism is the official religion in Malta.[15][16]
Malta is a favoured tourist destination with its warm climate, numerous recreational areas, architectural and historical monuments, including seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites,[17] most prominently the Megalithic Temples which are some of the oldest free-standing structures in the world. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malta
I, Kaushik Biswas, hereby declare that all information regarding this video I collect from www.wikipedia.org and all Images use to make this video is from Google Search www.google.com . I use Google Advanced Search to collect those images, usage rights : "free to use, share or modify, even commercially" section. Background Sound of this video I collect from Youtube Audio Library which are free to use. Thank you.
published:23 Nov 2013
Marfa Ahrax tal Mellieha it Tnejn 25 ta' Lulju 2011 Il maltemp fis Sajf malcolm schembri zabbar malta part 1
Know it: "This former capital, often called the "Silent City" because of its very quiet environment, is surrounded by walls built by the Arabs and fortified ...
Bugibba, Malta - Thomas Cook Guide http://www.thomascook.com/lp/1x6-enctae/holidays-bugibba/ Bugibba is a small town with a big personality on the north east...
Attractions in Malta, Your Essential Guide | lowcostholidays
Attractions in Malta, Your Essential Guide | lowcostholidays
There are so many things to do in Malta, you'll be spoilt for choice! And because the island is so small, it won't take you long to get anywhere! So go on, t...
A decapitated head has been found posted on the gate at the entrance to a gas factory in south-eastern France which came under attack from terrorists this morning, security officials said. Police sources said the decapitated head was found at the site along with a flag bearing Islamist inscriptions. Local newspaper Le Dauphine said the head was also covered in Arabic writing... He said they attacked the factory “using gas canisters”....
Article by WN.com Correspondent DallasDarling. The world must come to terms with hard truths instead of pleasant sounding euphemisms and soundbites ... Unlike the U.S ... Coupled with mindless policies, the explosion of individual, tribal, stateless and state-sponsored acts of terrorism will continue to soar ... But even progressive political and military ideas or modern human nature are extensions of the historical past....
One of the two New York prison escapees has been shot and the other is being pursued, according to a report from CNN... Here's more from the Buffalo News. ... ....
Article by WN.com Correspondent DallasDarling. American citizenship was tragically defined on the exclusionary principles of racism, slavery and genocide. It is an identity that still shapes many Americans while reinforcing institutional boundaries. As for me, it made blacks invisible in imagining an equal and unified community ... Indeed, my first college roommate (decided by the coaching staff) was a young black athlete my age....