Finding economic data in Eurostat
published: 05 Oct 2012
author: uowLibrary
Finding economic data in Eurostat
eurostat database
An I-Use introduction to the EuroStat Database.
Find data and make you own table in five m...
published: 12 Mar 2014
eurostat database
eurostat database
An I-Use introduction to the EuroStat Database. Find data and make you own table in five minutes. I-Use - www.i-use.eu - an EU Comenius project.- published: 12 Mar 2014
- views: 85
"Eurostat" errechnet beunruhigende Wirtschaftszahlen
Die Wirtschaft lahmt in Euro-Land. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) wuchs im II. Quartal 201...
published: 16 Aug 2011
author: euronewsde
"Eurostat" errechnet beunruhigende Wirtschaftszahlen
"Eurostat" errechnet beunruhigende Wirtschaftszahlen
Die Wirtschaft lahmt in Euro-Land. Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) wuchs im II. Quartal 2011 nur um bescheidene 0,2 %. Zu Jahresbeginn hatte der Aufschwung mi...- published: 16 Aug 2011
- views: 245
- author: euronewsde
Goldman Sachs, Eurostat, and cooked Greek books, part1/2 (20Feb12)
Part 1 of 2: The scandal of how the Greek economy was made to look good, with banking frau...
published: 21 Feb 2012
author: liarpoliticians
Goldman Sachs, Eurostat, and cooked Greek books, part1/2 (20Feb12)
Goldman Sachs, Eurostat, and cooked Greek books, part1/2 (20Feb12)
Part 1 of 2: The scandal of how the Greek economy was made to look good, with banking frauds, and European union frauds. Now the Euro currency is collapsing ...- published: 21 Feb 2012
- views: 2980
- author: liarpoliticians
The Eurostat Group : a European organisation of ESD experts
The Eurostat Group : a European organisation of ESD experts....
published: 15 Dec 2009
author: Eurostatgroup
The Eurostat Group : a European organisation of ESD experts
The Eurostat Group : a European organisation of ESD experts
The Eurostat Group : a European organisation of ESD experts.- published: 15 Dec 2009
- views: 792
- author: Eurostatgroup
Eurostat Seminar on Globalisation - Short Synopsis
A special Eurostat Seminar on the measurement of Global Value Chains and Economic Globalis...
published: 21 May 2013
author: CSO Ireland
Eurostat Seminar on Globalisation - Short Synopsis
Eurostat Seminar on Globalisation - Short Synopsis
A special Eurostat Seminar on the measurement of Global Value Chains and Economic Globalisation was jointly hosted by the Institute for International Integra...- published: 21 May 2013
- views: 121
- author: CSO Ireland
Keeping the balance - Eurostat figures for sustainable development in the EU
In 2012, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development ('Rio+20') renewed the g...
published: 28 Feb 2014
Keeping the balance - Eurostat figures for sustainable development in the EU
Keeping the balance - Eurostat figures for sustainable development in the EU
In 2012, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development ('Rio+20') renewed the global political commitment to taking a holistic approach to tackling modern world challenges. One of the most important outcomes is that the world is currently debating the concrete agenda for the future -- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) -- which build on the current Millennium Development Goals. The European Union already has a lot to say in this debate with its more than 100 Sustainable Development Indicators. Eurostat's quick picture of the mixed trends of Sustainable Development in the EU is an important contribution to this debate.- published: 28 Feb 2014
- views: 113
Eurostat's Alexandre Makaronidis' presentation on EU-wide accounting standards
Alexandre Makaronidis, project lead and head of the GFS quality management and government ...
published: 09 Apr 2013
author: PublicFinanceVideo
Eurostat's Alexandre Makaronidis' presentation on EU-wide accounting standards
Eurostat's Alexandre Makaronidis' presentation on EU-wide accounting standards
Alexandre Makaronidis, project lead and head of the GFS quality management and government accounting unit at Eurostat, gives a at a CIPFA/EY conference in Br...- published: 09 Apr 2013
- views: 127
- author: PublicFinanceVideo
Euro area government deficit at 3.0% in 2013, says Eurostat
According to data released on Wednesday by Eurostat, the government deficit of both the eu...
published: 23 Apr 2014
Euro area government deficit at 3.0% in 2013, says Eurostat
Euro area government deficit at 3.0% in 2013, says Eurostat
According to data released on Wednesday by Eurostat, the government deficit of both the euro area and the EU28 in 2013 decreased in absolute terms compared with 2012, while the government debt rose in both zones. In the euro area the government deficit to GDP ratio decreased from 3.7% in 2012 to 3.0% in 2013, and in the EU283 from 3.9% to 3.3%. In the euro area the government debt to GDP ratio increased from 90.7% at the end of 2012 to 92.6% at the end of 2013, and in the EU283 from 85.2% to 87.1%.- published: 23 Apr 2014
- views: 23
Vídeo explicativo sobre el concepto Eurostat....
published: 07 Apr 2012
author: Arobar Cartera
Vídeo explicativo sobre el concepto Eurostat.- published: 07 Apr 2012
- views: 142
- author: Arobar Cartera
Sócrates comenta a execução orçamental e novos dados do Eurostat. 28 julho 2013
Sócrates comenta a execução orçamental e novos dados do Eurostat. 28 julho 2013....
published: 29 Jul 2013
author: Manuel C
Sócrates comenta a execução orçamental e novos dados do Eurostat. 28 julho 2013
Sócrates comenta a execução orçamental e novos dados do Eurostat. 28 julho 2013
Sócrates comenta a execução orçamental e novos dados do Eurostat. 28 julho 2013.- published: 29 Jul 2013
- views: 8
- author: Manuel C
Youtube results:
Magyarország: Európa-rekord: 74 % nem tudna fizetni! (Az Eurostat vs. KSH-ról is)
Magyarország: Európa-rekord: 74 % nem tudna fizetni! (Molnár F. Árpád és Domján Tibor az E...
published: 15 Jun 2014
Magyarország: Európa-rekord: 74 % nem tudna fizetni! (Az Eurostat vs. KSH-ról is)
Magyarország: Európa-rekord: 74 % nem tudna fizetni! (Az Eurostat vs. KSH-ról is)
Magyarország: Európa-rekord: 74 % nem tudna fizetni! (Molnár F. Árpád és Domján Tibor az Eurostat vs. KSH-ról is) (5 perc 48.88 másodperc) Komment: - Molnár F. Árpád "ÉLI" (Ingyenes Keresztyén jogvédő, otthonvédelmi tudósításokért számos alkalommal elhurcolt, őrizetbe vett és bíróságon elítélt, az Alsóörsi Hírhatár korábbi főszerkesztője, a HÍRHÁTTÉR MULTIMÉDIA Alapító-Főszerkesztője, a HírAréna főszerkesztője, a HHMM Emberjogvédő Szervezet vezetője, minden magyarok Első és a világ Legmélyebb HAARP- és Echelon-Filmjeinek Rendezője, akit minden európai idők Legtöbb Echelon-Tanúja keresett meg) - Domján Tibor (Ingyenes Keresztyén Emberjogvédő, a Debreceni Hírhatár főszerkesztője, a HÍRHÁTTÉR MULTIMÉDIA Főmunkatársa, a HírAréna lapigazgatója, Világszintű Echelon-Leleplező) Executive Producer: Emma Paradigma (Keresztyén, Echelon-Tanú, a HÍRHÁTTÉR Munkatársa, a HírAréna újságírója) Zeneszerző: Molnár F. Árpád (ÉLI): Párhuzamos események (K.1) We Are Christians and Echelon Witnesses and for Human Rights from Hungary. We are in danger, because PRESIDENT VIKTOR ORBAN IS KILLER AND ENEMY OF THE EARTH! We are political pursued investigative journalists. They threaten us with assassinations: Viktor Orban (prime minister of Hungary) and more... Felvétel: 2014.06.14.; Bp., Magyarország. Készült: 2014.06.15.; Budapest, Hungary. Premier: 2014.06.15. http://www.hirarena.com/ http://www.echelon8.org/ http://siteground189.com/~hirhatte/ (Orbántól a hirhatter.com 2011.02.17-én a magyar népirtó [Btk. 155. § (1) b), c), d)] tarhely.eu-n keresztül, a BRFK óhajára hivatkozva BETILTVA, MEGSEMMISÍTVE MINDEN BIZONYÍTÉKOT! (1., 2. és 3.!) A Keresztény HÍRHÁTTÉR átmeneti tárhelyén ugyanúgy náci és sztálini népirtások propagálása hamis vádjával, 2011.03.07-én szintén BETILTVA! A helyére az atw nevű terrorszervezet egy hiányos öltözetű nagy babiloni szajha-reklámot helyezett e felirattal, csupa nagybetűkkel!: "ISMERJE MEG CSÁBÍTÓ AJÁNLATAINKAT!") A filmben olvasható feliratokból: A következő statisztika elhangzott: ATV Start: 2014.06.13. Műsorvezető: Bombera Krisztina, vendég: Tordai Bence (PM). Mint azt egy EBESZ-es elmondta: 2010 (tehát Orbán) óta 800 törvényt hoztak a diktatúra kiépítésére! Az RTL Klub addig fedezte Orbán elnöki diktatúrája kiépítését, amíg az elnök azt nem mondta: most pedig bevételetek jelentős részét is adjátok nekünk! Az Eurostat adatai szerint a váratlan kiadások fedezésében Európa legutolsója Magyarország: már 2012-ben 74% mondta, hogy nem tudna fizetni! Ez rosszabb, mint Bulgáriában, Romániában stb.! Érintve: KSH, Eurostat, statisztika, magyar, Magyarország, Tordai Bence, PM, Fidesz, Orbán Viktor, ATV, statisztikák, Európa-rekord, Európai Unió, EU, Kiszelly Zoltán, közmunka, pogrom, RTL Klub, reklámtörvény, Mészáros Lőrinc, Felcsút, Simicska Lajos, népgyűlölet, oligarchák, multimilliomosok, közpénz, ingyenélők, söpredék, burzsoá, feudalista, újságírók, cigányok, cigányság, EBESZ, Molnár F. Árpád, Domján Tibor, adózás, reklámipar, adókulcs, Központi Statisztikai Hivatal, kozmetikázás, elnöki diktatúra, elnök diktátor, Bombera Krisztina, ATV Start, Hírháttér, HírAréna, szocializmus, váratlan kiadások, Tordai Bence, a Párbeszéd Magyarországért elnökségi tagja. Ha bajban van, ha információval szolgálna: Tel.: +36/30/919-6386. Directed by Molnár F. Árpád "ELI" (Paramount of Echelon Witnesses) http://www.echelon8.org/ http://www.hirarena.com/- published: 15 Jun 2014
- views: 23
25 million remain unemployed in EU: Eurostat
A newly-released report shows that 25 million people remain unemployed across the European...
published: 01 Aug 2014
25 million remain unemployed in EU: Eurostat
25 million remain unemployed in EU: Eurostat
A newly-released report shows that 25 million people remain unemployed across the European Union (EU), amid a slow economic recovery. The official statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, released the report on Thursday. According to Eurostat, the unemployment rate in the European Union fell a mere 0.1 percent in June to 10.2 percent compared to the previous month’s rate of 10.3 percent. This is while unemployment rate rose on a year-on-year basis in five of the bloc’s member states, including Luxembourg, Austria, and Finland. The report also revealed that Greece and Spain continued to have the highest number of unemployed in June. In Greece, the rate stood at more than 23 percent, and in Spain 24.5 percent were unemployed. In addition, the Eurostat data showed that over five million youths under the age of 25 were unemployed in the EU. Meanwhile, analysts are still worried about the bloc's recovery, as the data also revealed a drop in inflation to 0.4 percent from June’s 0.5 percent. Analysts are concerned that the jobs data along with the slowdown in inflation could hurt the EU job market. According to experts, declining inflation carries the risk of falling prices, which discourages consumers from spending as they believe they can wait to buy goods and services, as well as residential and commercial properties cheaper in the future. If such a situation occurs, experts say, demand suffers and companies put off investment, hurting employment and thus launching a vicious circle which can drag down the whole economy. Europe plunged into financial crisis in early 2008. The worsening debt crisis has forced the EU governments to adopt harsh austerity measures and tough economic reforms, which have triggered incidents of social unrest and massive protests in many European countries.- published: 01 Aug 2014
- views: 1
Eurostat Pocket Books at Frankfurt Book Fair 2011
A short interview with a satisfied user of Eurostat's publications at the Frankfurt Book F...
published: 27 Oct 2011
author: Per Hoj
Eurostat Pocket Books at Frankfurt Book Fair 2011
Eurostat Pocket Books at Frankfurt Book Fair 2011
A short interview with a satisfied user of Eurostat's publications at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2011. Shot on the stand of the Publications Office of the Europ...- published: 27 Oct 2011
- views: 261
- author: Per Hoj
Eurostat Seminar on Globalisation - Professor Louis Brennan, TCD
A special Eurostat Seminar on the measurement of Global Value Chains and Economic Globalis...
published: 08 May 2013
author: CSO Ireland
Eurostat Seminar on Globalisation - Professor Louis Brennan, TCD
Eurostat Seminar on Globalisation - Professor Louis Brennan, TCD
A special Eurostat Seminar on the measurement of Global Value Chains and Economic Globalisation was jointly hosted by the Institute for International Integra...- published: 08 May 2013
- views: 22
- author: CSO Ireland