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Investigation into attack on JPMorgan Chase may have expanded to seven of the world's top banks, amid a report that hackers altered records. by August 28, 2014 3:41 PM PDT facebook twitter linkedin googleplus more more + email tumblr stumble delicious reddit pinterest digg presented by Screenshot...
(Source: University of Cambridge) With 35,000 new cases every year in the UK, and around 10,000 deaths, prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men worldwide. Rates are higher in developed countries, which some experts believe is linked to a Westernised diet and lifestyle. David Neal of...
(Source: Northwood University) Our website has recently changed, please update any bookmarks you may have. If you are having trouble...
(Source: University of Cambridge) More than 25 million kilometres of new roads will be built worldwide by 2050. Many of these roads will slice into Earth's last wildernesses, where they bring an influx of destructive loggers, hunters and illegal miners. Now, an ambitious study has created a 'global...