Bollywood's assistant director and aspiring writer, Shekhar Giriraj, permits a friend, Rajesh Kumar, to move in with him in his Chawl room, after the later is fired by Film Director, Ghosh. Shortly thereafter Shekhar quits his job, writes a movie script, and accepts an advance from V.C. Chhadha. He starts recruiting staff for this project, but finds his life shattered when his work is plagiarized by Rajesh; his sweetheart, Mansi, a reigning Bollywood actress, leaves her abusive and demanding family, and publicly declares that she will be moving in with him. Unemployed, forced to marry Mansi, he becomes neglectful, alcoholic, and goes on a road of self-destruction, compelling Mansi to leave him.
Ashley's life transforms after a chance encounter with the beautiful Angela, who lifts his life out of its stagnating routine and introduces him to a love he never thought possible. Fate tests this unexpected happiness when a stranger assaults and rapes Angela. Determined to not lose his new found love, Ashley devotes himself to helping her overcome her trauma. His refusal to accept anything but the perfect life he had so briefly with Angela pushes both of them to the brink of love and sanity.
Keywords: break-up, church, date, drinking, female-nudity, fight, friend, funeral, human-immunodeficiency-virus, indie-band
Today Ashley started living. Tomorrow he'll wish he hadn't.
A loner ex-cop driven by his need for vengeance, no one, nothing, is able to penetrate his shell. Not even the love of Meghna who hopes in vain that her love will make him forget his pain. As he drives his rickshaw through the streets of Bombay. Amjad still scours the thousands of faces on the streets looking for his brother Azhar who went missing years ago. Amjad tries in vain to hide his pain with his love for Hina. But how do you dilute the pain of such a personal loss? Ambition brought Avinash Kapoor to Bombay, the same ambition that drew Indu; the ambition to become a film star. To find glamor, fame, success and wealth. Instead they found each other. Ajit Rathor. Avinash Kapoor, Amjad, Three different men with three different missions. Find now that their worlds are linked by a secret which will change them forever. Three men are going to find that the very qualities that made them human; Hate. Sorrow. Despair. Love. Pain. Ambition. Hope. Are going to make them cross the line struggle to remain human. To remain Insaan.....
She needed his love -- but had to leave home to get it!
This sprawling, surrealist musical serves as an allegory for the pitfalls of capitalism, as it follows the adventures of a young coffee salesman in Europe. Many actors play multiple roles, giving the film a stagy tone.
Keywords: actor-playing-multiple-roles, adultery, allegory, ambition, apple, assault, audition, balloon, barrel, based-on-novel
Smile while you're makin' it. Laugh while you're takin' it. Even though you're fakin' it. Nobody's gonna know...
Gloria Rowe: The future is in your hands, Mr. Travis. Take it... now!
Crowd: [referring to an on-stage sex-act performance] Chocolate sandwich! Chocolate sandwich! Chocolate sandwich! Chocolate sandwich!
Monty: Beware of Mrs. Ball's treacle tart. There is many-a-fly that got stuck in that!
Film director: Smile!::Michael Arnold Travis: For what? There's nothing to smile about!::Film director: You don't have to have a reason. Just do it.::Michael Arnold Travis: But there's nothing to smile about.
Michael Arnold Travis: Would you like some soup, sir?::Homeless person: No thanks, son. I don't take solids.
Monty: Try not to die like a dog.
Michael Arnold Travis: Yes, but what's gonna happen to me? Will I come out the same as I went in?::Professor Millar: Not the same: better.
Professor Millar: Now, I would just like you to sign this release form.::Michael Arnold Travis: [reads from the form] "I hereby consent to lease the Millar Research Clinic all physical experimental rights in my body for one week for the sum of £100." Well, I'd like to help Professor Millar, but £150 is definitely my minimum price.::Professor Millar: Definitely? A figure like that is just beyond us.::Michael Arnold Travis: One hundred and fifty pounds... and I'm not going to argue about it.::Professor Millar: A hundred and thirty.::Michael Arnold Travis: A hundred and forty-five.::Professor Millar: A hundred and thirty-five.::Michael Arnold Travis: A hundred and forty.::Professor Millar: Done! Sign by the cross.
Professor Millar: What do you think is the most successful animal that's ever lived on this earth?::Michael Arnold Travis: The ant?::Professor Millar: The dinosaur. Uh, do you realize that the dinosaurs dominated this globe for 140 million years before they became extinct? Modern Man has been on this planet for only a fraction of just over 40,000 years and yet already he faces extinction. In fact, the species will be lucky to survive beyond the year 2010. Mankind has only one hope: science. Technology is a survival kit of the human race. Even the politicians realize this. What they don't, or won't realize is, that the technical solutions are already entirely within our power. The entire population of India could be rehoused on the moon within ten years. It's only a matter of learning to live in a new way.
Michael Arnold Travis: [graffiti] Revolution is the opium of the intellectuals.
A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, while guiding the technical crew and actors.
A new director working on feature films might earn as much as $200,000 a year, while the most successful can earn over $500,000 per film plus a "back-end" percentage of the profits, which in some cases can lift their income to several million dollars.
Directors are responsible for overseeing creative aspects of a film under the overall control of the film producer. They often develop the vision for a film and carry out the vision, deciding how the film should look, in other words they make their vision come to life. They are responsible for turning the script into a sequence of shots. They also direct what tone it should have and what an audience should gain from the cinematic experience. Film directors are responsible for deciding camera angles, lens effects and lighting with the help of the cinematographer and set design with the production designer. They will often take part in hiring the cast and key crew members. They coordinate the actors' moves, or blocking and also may be involved in the writing, financing and editing of a film.