plus d'infos sur www.ormuz.fr
Plus d'infos sur www.ormuz.fr
El estrecho de Ormuz - Parte 1
Este documental ofrece una mirada exhaustiva sobre las características geográficas y la importancia histórica, política y estratégica del Estrecho de Ormuz, ...
El estrecho de Ormuz - Parte 5
El 19 de octubre de 1987, la armada de los Estados Unidos atacó la plataforma petrolífera iraní de Reshadat, situada al sur de la isla de Lavan. Fueron destr...
Irán detecta portaaviones de EE.UU. cerca del Estrecho de Ormuz
La Armada iraní reportó que su avión de patrulla encontró a un portaaviones estadounidense cerca de la agrupación de las fuerzas iraníes, que actualmente est...
El estrecho de Ormuz y la III Guerra Mundial
Irán podria cerrar el estrecho de Ormuz
Resistencia limite grupo final http://www.facebook.com/groups/342061532490548/ Resistencia Límite: Comunidad http://www.facebook.com/pages/Resistencia-L%C3%A...
Aumenta la tensión en el Estrecho de Ormuz
http://fr.euronews.net/ Las provocaciones y advertencias se recrudecen en el Estrecho de Ormuz. La Armada de EE.UU ha asegurado que no tolerará bloqueo algun...
Ariman Ormuz - Game Of Thrones cover
Cover del opening de Game of Thrones. Radio Club Paysandú. 16/08/14
EE. UU. cruza el Estrecho de Ormuz luego de las amenazas iraníes
Fuente: agencia de noticias IRNA El portaaviones, según el almirante iraní Mahmud Musavi, fue fotografiado y grabado en vídeo. Irán inició sus maniobras en a...
Ariman Ormuz - Immortalis y Traidor en vivo en 'Sueño Eterno'
Immortalis y Traidor en vivo en 'Sueño Eterno' el 10/10/2015 en Paysandú, Uruguay.
Jean Rolin Le détroit d'Ormuz
Jean Rolin Le détroit d'Ormuz Ormuz éditions P.O.L : Où Jean Rolin tente de dire pourquoi le Détroit d'Ormuz, et où il est question du Golfe Persique, de la ...
Irán - La isla de Ormuz
En los capítulos anteriores conocimos todo lo atractivo de la isla de Qeshm (sur), en las aguas del Golfo Pérsico, pero aún nos falta por conocer la isla de Ormuz, sus atractivos históricos y ecoturísticos, así como la importancia que ha tenido esta isla desde muchos puntos de vista a lo largo de la historia para las potencias mundiales.
¡Suscríbete a HispanTV!
Le détroit d'Ormuz, carte maîtresse de Téhéran
http://fr.euronews.net/ La Ve flotte américaine, basée à Barhein, ne permettra pas une interruption du trafic maritime dans le détroit d'Ormuz. C'est la répo...
Ariman Ormuz - Arpías (en vivo)
En vivo en 'El Renacer del Fénix'. 11.04.2015 (Paysandú, Uruguay)
Irán: No vamos a verter petróleo en el Estrecho de Ormuz
Irán no está preparando un desastre medioambiental en el Estrecho de Ormuz para conseguir que se levanten las sanciones internacionales que pesan sobre el pa...
El Estrecho de Ormuz (1/3)
Veremos la importancia geoestratégica del Estrecho de Ormuz, así como las bases legales por las cuales Irán tendría la legalidad para cerrar el mismo, o al m...
Irão realiza exercício militar no estreito de Ormuz
http://pt.euronews.com/ O Irão começou, esta sexta-feira, um exercício naval no estreito de Ormuz. A operação vai durar seis dias numa rota por onde passa 40...
Manipulation Au Détroit D'Ormuz-Iran&Israel;&U.S.A-Nouvelle; Guerre2012-plot 911
Manipulation encore et encore!! Quand cessera-tu o toi être humain de te massacré!!
Irán se prepara para cerrar el Estrecho de Ormuz
Legisladores iraníes elaboraron un proyecto de ley para cerrar el Estrecho de Ormuz a los barcos petroleros que se dirijan a los países que apoyan las actual...
plus d'infos sur www.ormuz.fr...
plus d'infos sur www.ormuz.fr
wn.com/Ormuz L'Amour S'EN Va
plus d'infos sur www.ormuz.fr
- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 169
Plus d'infos sur www.ormuz.fr...
Plus d'infos sur www.ormuz.fr
wn.com/Ormuz L'Étang
Plus d'infos sur www.ormuz.fr
- published: 15 Sep 2013
- views: 88
El estrecho de Ormuz - Parte 1
Este documental ofrece una mirada exhaustiva sobre las características geográficas y la importancia histórica, política y estratégica del Estrecho de Ormuz, ......
Este documental ofrece una mirada exhaustiva sobre las características geográficas y la importancia histórica, política y estratégica del Estrecho de Ormuz, ...
wn.com/El Estrecho De Ormuz Parte 1
Este documental ofrece una mirada exhaustiva sobre las características geográficas y la importancia histórica, política y estratégica del Estrecho de Ormuz, ...
- published: 03 Dec 2012
- views: 3030
author: HispanTV
El estrecho de Ormuz - Parte 5
El 19 de octubre de 1987, la armada de los Estados Unidos atacó la plataforma petrolífera iraní de Reshadat, situada al sur de la isla de Lavan. Fueron destr......
El 19 de octubre de 1987, la armada de los Estados Unidos atacó la plataforma petrolífera iraní de Reshadat, situada al sur de la isla de Lavan. Fueron destr...
wn.com/El Estrecho De Ormuz Parte 5
El 19 de octubre de 1987, la armada de los Estados Unidos atacó la plataforma petrolífera iraní de Reshadat, situada al sur de la isla de Lavan. Fueron destr...
- published: 07 Dec 2012
- views: 525
author: HispanTV
Irán detecta portaaviones de EE.UU. cerca del Estrecho de Ormuz
La Armada iraní reportó que su avión de patrulla encontró a un portaaviones estadounidense cerca de la agrupación de las fuerzas iraníes, que actualmente est......
La Armada iraní reportó que su avión de patrulla encontró a un portaaviones estadounidense cerca de la agrupación de las fuerzas iraníes, que actualmente est...
wn.com/Irán Detecta Portaaviones De Ee.Uu. Cerca Del Estrecho De Ormuz
La Armada iraní reportó que su avión de patrulla encontró a un portaaviones estadounidense cerca de la agrupación de las fuerzas iraníes, que actualmente est...
wn.com/Ormuz Marchande
- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 116
Irán podria cerrar el estrecho de Ormuz
Resistencia limite grupo final http://www.facebook.com/groups/342061532490548/ Resistencia Límite: Comunidad http://www.facebook.com/pages/Resistencia-L%C3%A......
Resistencia limite grupo final http://www.facebook.com/groups/342061532490548/ Resistencia Límite: Comunidad http://www.facebook.com/pages/Resistencia-L%C3%A...
wn.com/Irán Podria Cerrar El Estrecho De Ormuz
Resistencia limite grupo final http://www.facebook.com/groups/342061532490548/ Resistencia Límite: Comunidad http://www.facebook.com/pages/Resistencia-L%C3%A...
Aumenta la tensión en el Estrecho de Ormuz
http://fr.euronews.net/ Las provocaciones y advertencias se recrudecen en el Estrecho de Ormuz. La Armada de EE.UU ha asegurado que no tolerará bloqueo algun......
http://fr.euronews.net/ Las provocaciones y advertencias se recrudecen en el Estrecho de Ormuz. La Armada de EE.UU ha asegurado que no tolerará bloqueo algun...
wn.com/Aumenta La Tensión En El Estrecho De Ormuz
http://fr.euronews.net/ Las provocaciones y advertencias se recrudecen en el Estrecho de Ormuz. La Armada de EE.UU ha asegurado que no tolerará bloqueo algun...
Ariman Ormuz - Game Of Thrones cover
Cover del opening de Game of Thrones. Radio Club Paysandú. 16/08/14...
Cover del opening de Game of Thrones. Radio Club Paysandú. 16/08/14
wn.com/Ariman Ormuz Game Of Thrones Cover
Cover del opening de Game of Thrones. Radio Club Paysandú. 16/08/14
- published: 22 Nov 2014
- views: 5
EE. UU. cruza el Estrecho de Ormuz luego de las amenazas iraníes
Fuente: agencia de noticias IRNA El portaaviones, según el almirante iraní Mahmud Musavi, fue fotografiado y grabado en vídeo. Irán inició sus maniobras en a......
Fuente: agencia de noticias IRNA El portaaviones, según el almirante iraní Mahmud Musavi, fue fotografiado y grabado en vídeo. Irán inició sus maniobras en a...
wn.com/Ee. Uu. Cruza El Estrecho De Ormuz Luego De Las Amenazas Iraníes
Fuente: agencia de noticias IRNA El portaaviones, según el almirante iraní Mahmud Musavi, fue fotografiado y grabado en vídeo. Irán inició sus maniobras en a...
Ariman Ormuz - Immortalis y Traidor en vivo en 'Sueño Eterno'
Immortalis y Traidor en vivo en 'Sueño Eterno' el 10/10/2015 en Paysandú, Uruguay....
Immortalis y Traidor en vivo en 'Sueño Eterno' el 10/10/2015 en Paysandú, Uruguay.
wn.com/Ariman Ormuz Immortalis Y Traidor En Vivo En 'Sueño Eterno'
Immortalis y Traidor en vivo en 'Sueño Eterno' el 10/10/2015 en Paysandú, Uruguay.
- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 131
Jean Rolin Le détroit d'Ormuz
Jean Rolin Le détroit d'Ormuz Ormuz éditions P.O.L : Où Jean Rolin tente de dire pourquoi le Détroit d'Ormuz, et où il est question du Golfe Persique, de la ......
Jean Rolin Le détroit d'Ormuz Ormuz éditions P.O.L : Où Jean Rolin tente de dire pourquoi le Détroit d'Ormuz, et où il est question du Golfe Persique, de la ...
wn.com/Jean Rolin Le Détroit D'Ormuz
Jean Rolin Le détroit d'Ormuz Ormuz éditions P.O.L : Où Jean Rolin tente de dire pourquoi le Détroit d'Ormuz, et où il est question du Golfe Persique, de la ...
Irán - La isla de Ormuz
En los capítulos anteriores conocimos todo lo atractivo de la isla de Qeshm (sur), en las aguas del Golfo Pérsico, pero aún nos falta por conocer la isla de Orm...
En los capítulos anteriores conocimos todo lo atractivo de la isla de Qeshm (sur), en las aguas del Golfo Pérsico, pero aún nos falta por conocer la isla de Ormuz, sus atractivos históricos y ecoturísticos, así como la importancia que ha tenido esta isla desde muchos puntos de vista a lo largo de la historia para las potencias mundiales.
¡Suscríbete a HispanTV!
El grupo de HispanTV les recuerda a los seguidores de nuestra página en Youtube de que en el caso de que no se suban nuevos vídeos, en 48 horas, esto significa que han bloqueado el acceso de este canal a su cuenta en YouTube. De ser así, haga Clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener nuestra nueva dirección en YouTube:
wn.com/Irán La Isla De Ormuz
En los capítulos anteriores conocimos todo lo atractivo de la isla de Qeshm (sur), en las aguas del Golfo Pérsico, pero aún nos falta por conocer la isla de Ormuz, sus atractivos históricos y ecoturísticos, así como la importancia que ha tenido esta isla desde muchos puntos de vista a lo largo de la historia para las potencias mundiales.
¡Suscríbete a HispanTV!
El grupo de HispanTV les recuerda a los seguidores de nuestra página en Youtube de que en el caso de que no se suban nuevos vídeos, en 48 horas, esto significa que han bloqueado el acceso de este canal a su cuenta en YouTube. De ser así, haga Clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener nuestra nueva dirección en YouTube:
- published: 23 Jun 2015
- views: 148
Le détroit d'Ormuz, carte maîtresse de Téhéran
http://fr.euronews.net/ La Ve flotte américaine, basée à Barhein, ne permettra pas une interruption du trafic maritime dans le détroit d'Ormuz. C'est la répo......
http://fr.euronews.net/ La Ve flotte américaine, basée à Barhein, ne permettra pas une interruption du trafic maritime dans le détroit d'Ormuz. C'est la répo...
wn.com/Le Détroit D'Ormuz, Carte Maîtresse De Téhéran
http://fr.euronews.net/ La Ve flotte américaine, basée à Barhein, ne permettra pas une interruption du trafic maritime dans le détroit d'Ormuz. C'est la répo...
Ariman Ormuz - Arpías (en vivo)
En vivo en 'El Renacer del Fénix'. 11.04.2015 (Paysandú, Uruguay)...
En vivo en 'El Renacer del Fénix'. 11.04.2015 (Paysandú, Uruguay)
wn.com/Ariman Ormuz Arpías (En Vivo)
En vivo en 'El Renacer del Fénix'. 11.04.2015 (Paysandú, Uruguay)
- published: 15 Apr 2015
- views: 55
Irán: No vamos a verter petróleo en el Estrecho de Ormuz
Irán no está preparando un desastre medioambiental en el Estrecho de Ormuz para conseguir que se levanten las sanciones internacionales que pesan sobre el pa......
Irán no está preparando un desastre medioambiental en el Estrecho de Ormuz para conseguir que se levanten las sanciones internacionales que pesan sobre el pa...
wn.com/Irán No Vamos A Verter Petróleo En El Estrecho De Ormuz
Irán no está preparando un desastre medioambiental en el Estrecho de Ormuz para conseguir que se levanten las sanciones internacionales que pesan sobre el pa...
El Estrecho de Ormuz (1/3)
Veremos la importancia geoestratégica del Estrecho de Ormuz, así como las bases legales por las cuales Irán tendría la legalidad para cerrar el mismo, o al m......
Veremos la importancia geoestratégica del Estrecho de Ormuz, así como las bases legales por las cuales Irán tendría la legalidad para cerrar el mismo, o al m...
wn.com/El Estrecho De Ormuz (1 3)
Veremos la importancia geoestratégica del Estrecho de Ormuz, así como las bases legales por las cuales Irán tendría la legalidad para cerrar el mismo, o al m...
Irão realiza exercício militar no estreito de Ormuz
http://pt.euronews.com/ O Irão começou, esta sexta-feira, um exercício naval no estreito de Ormuz. A operação vai durar seis dias numa rota por onde passa 40......
http://pt.euronews.com/ O Irão começou, esta sexta-feira, um exercício naval no estreito de Ormuz. A operação vai durar seis dias numa rota por onde passa 40...
wn.com/Irão Realiza Exercício Militar No Estreito De Ormuz
http://pt.euronews.com/ O Irão começou, esta sexta-feira, um exercício naval no estreito de Ormuz. A operação vai durar seis dias numa rota por onde passa 40...
- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 239
author: euronewspt
Manipulation Au Détroit D'Ormuz-Iran&Israel;&U.S.A-Nouvelle; Guerre2012-plot 911
Manipulation encore et encore!! Quand cessera-tu o toi être humain de te massacré!!...
Manipulation encore et encore!! Quand cessera-tu o toi être humain de te massacré!!
wn.com/Manipulation Au Détroit D'Ormuz Iran Israel U.S.A Nouvelle Guerre2012 Plot 911
Manipulation encore et encore!! Quand cessera-tu o toi être humain de te massacré!!
- published: 29 Oct 2012
- views: 563
author: MegaSwoof
Irán se prepara para cerrar el Estrecho de Ormuz
Legisladores iraníes elaboraron un proyecto de ley para cerrar el Estrecho de Ormuz a los barcos petroleros que se dirijan a los países que apoyan las actual......
Legisladores iraníes elaboraron un proyecto de ley para cerrar el Estrecho de Ormuz a los barcos petroleros que se dirijan a los países que apoyan las actual...
wn.com/Irán Se Prepara Para Cerrar El Estrecho De Ormuz
Legisladores iraníes elaboraron un proyecto de ley para cerrar el Estrecho de Ormuz a los barcos petroleros que se dirijan a los países que apoyan las actual...
FSF Tips -- Healthy Travel Recommendations
In this video you can find few ideas how you could travel in a more thriving way. We hope they help you to discover this world with more zest and spark. Thanks to Sunwarrior for creating the Ormus Supergreens, Enzymedica for creating Digest Gold, Amazing Grass for creating all your different green snacks, Bergstrom Nutrition for creating the OptiMSM, Dragon Herbs for the amazing Spring Dragon Long
Ormus Day with Chris Emmons RPh, 06/12/2011 Key Largo, FL
2013 03 16 Host Dr Michael Castle Topics rain chemtrails eyes government morgellons protect yourself
UPDATE This Scribd document includes notes I took listening to this radio show, plus important links: Dr Michael Castle Fight Morgellons With Natural Magneti...
Did you ever hear opera in Hebrew? The Israeli Opera's performance at the flea market in Jaffa
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com +972-54-6905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotio
Fountain of Youth - St. Augustine, FL - Travel Thru History
Travel Thru History visits the Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine, FL. For more info visit http://www.travelthruhistory.tv - Things to do in St. Augustine, FL.
Wow gryphon filight in stormwind
Vid recorded months ago. This happend when server died but my client did not realized that. So i started walking with gryphon :P. Please do not say fake or something. There are lots of other vids on youtube showing that.
What is spiritual Ascension? Is it a distraction from real life?
To receive your 7 ebooks as PDFs by email, simply log into your Paypal account and click on the "Send Money" tab. You can then make a donation using my Paypal email address: gabrieltraveler at hotmail dot com. I will see your email address along with your donation and email you the ebooks.
OR, if you don't have a Paypal account or otherwise prefer to make a donation via credit card or other means
Reply to Leija Turunen :) Don't take shit too personally!
Check out Gabriel's intriguing books! http://www.amazon.com/Gabriel-Morris/e/B001JS0KOS/ (All books also available on Amazon.co.uk and other Amazon online st...
How to crash a motorbike & survive
Check out Gabriel's intriguing books! http://www.amazon.com/Gabriel-Morris/e/B001JS0KOS/ (All books also available on Amazon.co.uk and other Amazon online st...
2010 - European travel summary
In terms of travel 2010 was very busy - we visited Tenerife (Spain), Poland, Sardinia (Italy) and UK. Some of pictures taken during trips are in this video.
To read travel notes visit http://travel.odinglobal.com
Some of these and another travel notes and travel tips for planning your own journey you can find if visiting.
Thanks for watching!
Connecting With Guides (Centered Heart Holistics Web Class)
In this web class, Kim and Charis take you through the Centered Heart Method of meeting your own spirit guides, including guided visualizations and ongoing a...
SplitPlaythru: Xenosaga Episode III (039) Floating Landmass guide, p4
This is a playthru for US version of the game on PS2 concole. Xenosaga Episode III Also sprach Zarathustra split infinity splitinfinity splitplaythru walkthr...
Xenosaga Episode III Walkthrough Part 50: Traveling Through The EVS
Though Dimitri is at the Durandal, we revisit the Merkabah to get some nice items.
Astral Projection and Quantum Jumping?
Please refrain from negative comments and leave suggestions of what you would like me to learn and teach in future videos
Thanks, Also please help me out in making more videos by donating, this will help me out in my personal life, any amount is much appreciated, also i will be doing weekly give aways, such as crystals, candles, pendulums, Ormus..ect.To Participate in a FREE give away leave a posi
Saint Lucia The Secrets THEY Don´t Want You to Know About! www.shopamericas.net
guyana secrets travel tourism business viaje turismo negocios www.shopamericas.net.
marvelous egypt.wmv
http://www.ibistravel.net/ 08 DAYS / 07 NIGHTS: 04 Nights Cairo + 03 Nights Nile Cruise (Aswan - Luxor). Breakfast in the hotel. Start our full day tour visi...
Wiang Kum Kam «Underground Ancient City» near Chiang Mai
L'histoire Le roi Mangrai a déplacé la capitale du royaume de Lanna, de Chiang Rai à la vieille ville de Wiang Kum Kam, sur les rives de la rivière Ping en 1...
The Resistance - Lucid Dreaming
Enlightener James Evans Bomar "Sevan" of the The Resistance expands on Lucid Dreaming. Big thanks to Wes and Krystal one again for putting this one together....
Science from scratch - The Meissner effect
Is levitation the future of travel? In this video Prof Robin Grimes and Dr Catherine Zentile demonstrate the spectacular world of quantum levitation using su...
Q&A; with Drunvalo: Episode 2
In which Drunvalo answers user submitted questions. This week he discuss's crystals, triple numbers and their meanings, and the Merkaba and traveling. Thank ...
Balinese Monkey Chant with Paradox Pollack
One of the highlights of our first PSYCHONAUT PRODUCTIONS workshop in Los Angeles: Hollywood fight choreographer Paradox Pollack guides us through the Monkey Chant, a traditional Balinese vocal percussion and performance piece.
David Wolfe "BEST DAY EVER"
A new documentary about the healing and life transforming power of food: http://thehealingeffect.com/ Featuring best selling authors, medical doctors, adventurers, world traveling nutritionists and superfood rockstars. Coming 2013!
DAVID WOLFE A MILLIONAIRE? David Wolfe comes under lots of criticism for his super expensive super food diet infomercial style of selling. Has it made David ...
FSF Tips -- Healthy Travel Recommendations
In this video you can find few ideas how you could travel in a more thriving way. We hope they help you to discover this world with more zest and spark. Thanks ...
In this video you can find few ideas how you could travel in a more thriving way. We hope they help you to discover this world with more zest and spark. Thanks to Sunwarrior for creating the Ormus Supergreens, Enzymedica for creating Digest Gold, Amazing Grass for creating all your different green snacks, Bergstrom Nutrition for creating the OptiMSM, Dragon Herbs for the amazing Spring Dragon Longevity Tea, and Lari Laurikkala for building the DIY zapper. Much love to all! You can find more healthier travel tips from this blog post http://www.foursigmafoods.com/healthy-lifestyle-while-traveling
Music by: Daft Punk - Around The World (Moop Remix) http://soundcloud.com/elmooop/daft-punk-around-the-world-moop-remix
wn.com/Fsf Tips Healthy Travel Recommendations
In this video you can find few ideas how you could travel in a more thriving way. We hope they help you to discover this world with more zest and spark. Thanks to Sunwarrior for creating the Ormus Supergreens, Enzymedica for creating Digest Gold, Amazing Grass for creating all your different green snacks, Bergstrom Nutrition for creating the OptiMSM, Dragon Herbs for the amazing Spring Dragon Longevity Tea, and Lari Laurikkala for building the DIY zapper. Much love to all! You can find more healthier travel tips from this blog post http://www.foursigmafoods.com/healthy-lifestyle-while-traveling
Music by: Daft Punk - Around The World (Moop Remix) http://soundcloud.com/elmooop/daft-punk-around-the-world-moop-remix
- published: 12 Mar 2014
- views: 9
2013 03 16 Host Dr Michael Castle Topics rain chemtrails eyes government morgellons protect yourself
UPDATE This Scribd document includes notes I took listening to this radio show, plus important links: Dr Michael Castle Fight Morgellons With Natural Magneti......
UPDATE This Scribd document includes notes I took listening to this radio show, plus important links: Dr Michael Castle Fight Morgellons With Natural Magneti...
wn.com/2013 03 16 Host Dr Michael Castle Topics Rain Chemtrails Eyes Government Morgellons Protect Yourself
UPDATE This Scribd document includes notes I took listening to this radio show, plus important links: Dr Michael Castle Fight Morgellons With Natural Magneti...
- published: 04 Jul 2013
- views: 435
author: Rose Cupo
Did you ever hear opera in Hebrew? The Israeli Opera's performance at the flea market in Jaffa
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com +972-54-6905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zah...
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com +972-54-6905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this "calling" in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, "glide" over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and "see" the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
wn.com/Did You Ever Hear Opera In Hebrew The Israeli Opera's Performance At The Flea Market In Jaffa
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera
zahigo25@walla.com +972-54-6905522 tel
סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522
My name is Zahi Shaked
In 2000 I became a registered liscenced tourist guide.
My dedication in life is to pass on the ancient history of the Holy Land.
Following upon many years of travel around the world, which was highlighted by a very exciting emotional and soul-searching meeting with the Dalai Lama, I realized that I had a mission. To pass on the the history of the Holy Land, its religions, and in particular, the birth and development of Christianity.
In order to fulfill this "calling" in the best way possible, I studied in depth, visited, and personally experienced each and every important site of the ancient Christians. I studied for and received my first bachelors degree in the ancient history of the Holy Land, and am presently completing my studies for my second degree.(Masters)
Parralel to my studies, and in order to earn a living, I was employed for many years in advertising. What I learned there was how to attract the publics attention, generate and, increase interest, and assimilate information. All this I use as tools to describe, explain and deepen the interest in the sites that we visit. From my experience, I have learned that in this way, the Holy Land becomes more than just history, and that the large stones that we see scattered about in dissaray, join together one by one until they become - a Byzantine Church. This also happens when I lead a group of Pilgrims in the Steps of Jesus. We climb to the peak of Mount Precipice, "glide" over the land to the Sea of Galilee, land on the water and "see" the miracle which enfolds before us. This is a many faceted experience. Not only history which you will remember and cherish, but an experience which I hope will be inplanted in your hearts and minds, and will accompany you all the days of your life.
- published: 27 Dec 2014
- views: 9
Fountain of Youth - St. Augustine, FL - Travel Thru History
Travel Thru History visits the Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine, FL. For more info visit http://www.travelthruhistory.tv - Things to do in St. Augustine, FL....
Travel Thru History visits the Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine, FL. For more info visit http://www.travelthruhistory.tv - Things to do in St. Augustine, FL.
wn.com/Fountain Of Youth St. Augustine, Fl Travel Thru History
Travel Thru History visits the Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine, FL. For more info visit http://www.travelthruhistory.tv - Things to do in St. Augustine, FL.
Wow gryphon filight in stormwind
Vid recorded months ago. This happend when server died but my client did not realized that. So i started walking with gryphon :P. Please do not say fake or some...
Vid recorded months ago. This happend when server died but my client did not realized that. So i started walking with gryphon :P. Please do not say fake or something. There are lots of other vids on youtube showing that.
wn.com/Wow Gryphon Filight In Stormwind
Vid recorded months ago. This happend when server died but my client did not realized that. So i started walking with gryphon :P. Please do not say fake or something. There are lots of other vids on youtube showing that.
- published: 22 Jun 2011
- views: 158
What is spiritual Ascension? Is it a distraction from real life?
To receive your 7 ebooks as PDFs by email, simply log into your Paypal account and click on the "Send Money" tab. You can then make a donation using my Paypal e...
To receive your 7 ebooks as PDFs by email, simply log into your Paypal account and click on the "Send Money" tab. You can then make a donation using my Paypal email address: gabrieltraveler at hotmail dot com. I will see your email address along with your donation and email you the ebooks.
OR, if you don't have a Paypal account or otherwise prefer to make a donation via credit card or other means, you can also use the donation button on my website:
Either way, I will email you the ebooks right away most likely, or at least within a few days. If you don't receive them after a little while, feel free to email me directly and let me know...And thanks a million for helping to support my world travels! A little bit on your part can help a lot in keeping me shooting interesting and thought-provoking videos around the world.
Gabriel Morris on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorGabrielMorris
Check out Gabriel's intriguing books! http://www.amazon.com/Gabriel-Morris/e/B001JS0KOS/
(All books also available on Amazon.co.uk and other Amazon online stores.)
Gabriel's spiritual website: http://www.kundalini-fire.com
Gabriel's adventure travel site: http://gabrieltraveler.com
Gabriel Morris was born in Vancouver, Canada, raised in rural northern California and has also lived in Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon and Alberta, Canada. He is an admitted travel junkie, outdoors enthusiast, creative writer and spiritual seeker, with a B.A. in World Religions. He is author of 'Kundalini and the Art of Being', 'Kundalini and the Power of Awakening', 'The Mystery of Woman', 'Following My Thumb', 'Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel' and other books.
What is spiritual Ascension? Is it a distraction from real life?
wn.com/What Is Spiritual Ascension Is It A Distraction From Real Life
To receive your 7 ebooks as PDFs by email, simply log into your Paypal account and click on the "Send Money" tab. You can then make a donation using my Paypal email address: gabrieltraveler at hotmail dot com. I will see your email address along with your donation and email you the ebooks.
OR, if you don't have a Paypal account or otherwise prefer to make a donation via credit card or other means, you can also use the donation button on my website:
Either way, I will email you the ebooks right away most likely, or at least within a few days. If you don't receive them after a little while, feel free to email me directly and let me know...And thanks a million for helping to support my world travels! A little bit on your part can help a lot in keeping me shooting interesting and thought-provoking videos around the world.
Gabriel Morris on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorGabrielMorris
Check out Gabriel's intriguing books! http://www.amazon.com/Gabriel-Morris/e/B001JS0KOS/
(All books also available on Amazon.co.uk and other Amazon online stores.)
Gabriel's spiritual website: http://www.kundalini-fire.com
Gabriel's adventure travel site: http://gabrieltraveler.com
Gabriel Morris was born in Vancouver, Canada, raised in rural northern California and has also lived in Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon and Alberta, Canada. He is an admitted travel junkie, outdoors enthusiast, creative writer and spiritual seeker, with a B.A. in World Religions. He is author of 'Kundalini and the Art of Being', 'Kundalini and the Power of Awakening', 'The Mystery of Woman', 'Following My Thumb', 'Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel' and other books.
What is spiritual Ascension? Is it a distraction from real life?
- published: 27 Nov 2014
- views: 74
Reply to Leija Turunen :) Don't take shit too personally!
Check out Gabriel's intriguing books! http://www.amazon.com/Gabriel-Morris/e/B001JS0KOS/ (All books also available on Amazon.co.uk and other Amazon online st......
Check out Gabriel's intriguing books! http://www.amazon.com/Gabriel-Morris/e/B001JS0KOS/ (All books also available on Amazon.co.uk and other Amazon online st...
wn.com/Reply To Leija Turunen ) Don't Take Shit Too Personally
Check out Gabriel's intriguing books! http://www.amazon.com/Gabriel-Morris/e/B001JS0KOS/ (All books also available on Amazon.co.uk and other Amazon online st...
How to crash a motorbike & survive
Check out Gabriel's intriguing books! http://www.amazon.com/Gabriel-Morris/e/B001JS0KOS/ (All books also available on Amazon.co.uk and other Amazon online st......
Check out Gabriel's intriguing books! http://www.amazon.com/Gabriel-Morris/e/B001JS0KOS/ (All books also available on Amazon.co.uk and other Amazon online st...
wn.com/How To Crash A Motorbike Survive
Check out Gabriel's intriguing books! http://www.amazon.com/Gabriel-Morris/e/B001JS0KOS/ (All books also available on Amazon.co.uk and other Amazon online st...
2010 - European travel summary
In terms of travel 2010 was very busy - we visited Tenerife (Spain), Poland, Sardinia (Italy) and UK. Some of pictures taken during trips are in this video.
To ...
In terms of travel 2010 was very busy - we visited Tenerife (Spain), Poland, Sardinia (Italy) and UK. Some of pictures taken during trips are in this video.
To read travel notes visit http://travel.odinglobal.com
Some of these and another travel notes and travel tips for planning your own journey you can find if visiting.
Thanks for watching!
wn.com/2010 European Travel Summary
In terms of travel 2010 was very busy - we visited Tenerife (Spain), Poland, Sardinia (Italy) and UK. Some of pictures taken during trips are in this video.
To read travel notes visit http://travel.odinglobal.com
Some of these and another travel notes and travel tips for planning your own journey you can find if visiting.
Thanks for watching!
- published: 07 Jan 2011
- views: 205
Connecting With Guides (Centered Heart Holistics Web Class)
In this web class, Kim and Charis take you through the Centered Heart Method of meeting your own spirit guides, including guided visualizations and ongoing a......
In this web class, Kim and Charis take you through the Centered Heart Method of meeting your own spirit guides, including guided visualizations and ongoing a...
wn.com/Connecting With Guides (Centered Heart Holistics Web Class)
In this web class, Kim and Charis take you through the Centered Heart Method of meeting your own spirit guides, including guided visualizations and ongoing a...
SplitPlaythru: Xenosaga Episode III (039) Floating Landmass guide, p4
This is a playthru for US version of the game on PS2 concole. Xenosaga Episode III Also sprach Zarathustra split infinity splitinfinity splitplaythru walkthr......
This is a playthru for US version of the game on PS2 concole. Xenosaga Episode III Also sprach Zarathustra split infinity splitinfinity splitplaythru walkthr...
wn.com/Splitplaythru Xenosaga Episode Iii (039) Floating Landmass Guide, P4
This is a playthru for US version of the game on PS2 concole. Xenosaga Episode III Also sprach Zarathustra split infinity splitinfinity splitplaythru walkthr...
Xenosaga Episode III Walkthrough Part 50: Traveling Through The EVS
Though Dimitri is at the Durandal, we revisit the Merkabah to get some nice items....
Though Dimitri is at the Durandal, we revisit the Merkabah to get some nice items.
wn.com/Xenosaga Episode Iii Walkthrough Part 50 Traveling Through The Evs
Though Dimitri is at the Durandal, we revisit the Merkabah to get some nice items.
- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 269
Astral Projection and Quantum Jumping?
Please refrain from negative comments and leave suggestions of what you would like me to learn and teach in future videos
Thanks, Also please help me out in mak...
Please refrain from negative comments and leave suggestions of what you would like me to learn and teach in future videos
Thanks, Also please help me out in making more videos by donating, this will help me out in my personal life, any amount is much appreciated, also i will be doing weekly give aways, such as crystals, candles, pendulums, Ormus..ect.To Participate in a FREE give away leave a positive comment and any donation. And I will do a weekly drawing of a random subscriber, I hope to share more of my insite with you soon, stay positive, Namaste and Blessed be :)
wn.com/Astral Projection And Quantum Jumping
Please refrain from negative comments and leave suggestions of what you would like me to learn and teach in future videos
Thanks, Also please help me out in making more videos by donating, this will help me out in my personal life, any amount is much appreciated, also i will be doing weekly give aways, such as crystals, candles, pendulums, Ormus..ect.To Participate in a FREE give away leave a positive comment and any donation. And I will do a weekly drawing of a random subscriber, I hope to share more of my insite with you soon, stay positive, Namaste and Blessed be :)
- published: 10 Apr 2015
- views: 178
marvelous egypt.wmv
http://www.ibistravel.net/ 08 DAYS / 07 NIGHTS: 04 Nights Cairo + 03 Nights Nile Cruise (Aswan - Luxor). Breakfast in the hotel. Start our full day tour visi......
http://www.ibistravel.net/ 08 DAYS / 07 NIGHTS: 04 Nights Cairo + 03 Nights Nile Cruise (Aswan - Luxor). Breakfast in the hotel. Start our full day tour visi...
wn.com/Marvelous Egypt.Wmv
http://www.ibistravel.net/ 08 DAYS / 07 NIGHTS: 04 Nights Cairo + 03 Nights Nile Cruise (Aswan - Luxor). Breakfast in the hotel. Start our full day tour visi...
Wiang Kum Kam «Underground Ancient City» near Chiang Mai
L'histoire Le roi Mangrai a déplacé la capitale du royaume de Lanna, de Chiang Rai à la vieille ville de Wiang Kum Kam, sur les rives de la rivière Ping en 1......
L'histoire Le roi Mangrai a déplacé la capitale du royaume de Lanna, de Chiang Rai à la vieille ville de Wiang Kum Kam, sur les rives de la rivière Ping en 1...
wn.com/Wiang Kum Kam «Underground Ancient City» Near Chiang Mai
L'histoire Le roi Mangrai a déplacé la capitale du royaume de Lanna, de Chiang Rai à la vieille ville de Wiang Kum Kam, sur les rives de la rivière Ping en 1...
The Resistance - Lucid Dreaming
Enlightener James Evans Bomar "Sevan" of the The Resistance expands on Lucid Dreaming. Big thanks to Wes and Krystal one again for putting this one together.......
Enlightener James Evans Bomar "Sevan" of the The Resistance expands on Lucid Dreaming. Big thanks to Wes and Krystal one again for putting this one together....
wn.com/The Resistance Lucid Dreaming
Enlightener James Evans Bomar "Sevan" of the The Resistance expands on Lucid Dreaming. Big thanks to Wes and Krystal one again for putting this one together....
Science from scratch - The Meissner effect
Is levitation the future of travel? In this video Prof Robin Grimes and Dr Catherine Zentile demonstrate the spectacular world of quantum levitation using su......
Is levitation the future of travel? In this video Prof Robin Grimes and Dr Catherine Zentile demonstrate the spectacular world of quantum levitation using su...
wn.com/Science From Scratch The Meissner Effect
Is levitation the future of travel? In this video Prof Robin Grimes and Dr Catherine Zentile demonstrate the spectacular world of quantum levitation using su...
Q&A; with Drunvalo: Episode 2
In which Drunvalo answers user submitted questions. This week he discuss's crystals, triple numbers and their meanings, and the Merkaba and traveling. Thank ......
In which Drunvalo answers user submitted questions. This week he discuss's crystals, triple numbers and their meanings, and the Merkaba and traveling. Thank ...
wn.com/Q A With Drunvalo Episode 2
In which Drunvalo answers user submitted questions. This week he discuss's crystals, triple numbers and their meanings, and the Merkaba and traveling. Thank ...
Balinese Monkey Chant with Paradox Pollack
One of the highlights of our first PSYCHONAUT PRODUCTIONS workshop in Los Angeles: Hollywood fight choreographer Paradox Pollack guides us through the Monkey Ch...
One of the highlights of our first PSYCHONAUT PRODUCTIONS workshop in Los Angeles: Hollywood fight choreographer Paradox Pollack guides us through the Monkey Chant, a traditional Balinese vocal percussion and performance piece.
wn.com/Balinese Monkey Chant With Paradox Pollack
One of the highlights of our first PSYCHONAUT PRODUCTIONS workshop in Los Angeles: Hollywood fight choreographer Paradox Pollack guides us through the Monkey Chant, a traditional Balinese vocal percussion and performance piece.
- published: 14 Apr 2014
- views: 82
David Wolfe "BEST DAY EVER"
A new documentary about the healing and life transforming power of food: http://thehealingeffect.com/ Featuring best selling authors, medical doctors, adventur...
A new documentary about the healing and life transforming power of food: http://thehealingeffect.com/ Featuring best selling authors, medical doctors, adventurers, world traveling nutritionists and superfood rockstars. Coming 2013!
wn.com/David Wolfe Best Day Ever
A new documentary about the healing and life transforming power of food: http://thehealingeffect.com/ Featuring best selling authors, medical doctors, adventurers, world traveling nutritionists and superfood rockstars. Coming 2013!
- published: 27 Sep 2013
- views: 45
DAVID WOLFE A MILLIONAIRE? David Wolfe comes under lots of criticism for his super expensive super food diet infomercial style of selling. Has it made David ......
DAVID WOLFE A MILLIONAIRE? David Wolfe comes under lots of criticism for his super expensive super food diet infomercial style of selling. Has it made David ...
wn.com/Is David Wolfe A Scammer Or Legit
DAVID WOLFE A MILLIONAIRE? David Wolfe comes under lots of criticism for his super expensive super food diet infomercial style of selling. Has it made David ...