• Private_island_homage_panel-max_462

    Private Island by James Meek

    “From Thatcher to Cameron, prime minister after prime minister has flogged off our public assets at rock bottom prices to the private sector. The result has been massive returns for investors and middle men, poorer services for the public – and a downgrading of our entitlements as citizens.” – Aditya Chakrabortty

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    In Defense of Gaza

    The residents of Gaza assess the destruction of hospitals, schools, mosques and homes. Verso’s Israel-Palestine reading list charts the history of the conflict, the military and economic forces at work, and the real obstacles to a lasting peace—from history, analysis and memoir to fiction and poetry.


  • Rsz_lynne_segal_311013_0_450-2_1_-max_141

    Lynne Segal

    “A powerful manifesto for dealing with the march of time.” – Observer
  • Roudinesco___lisabeth_for_web-max_141

    Élisabeth Roudinesco

    Élisabeth Roudinesco isResearch Director in the History Department of the Université de Paris...

  • Mcguirk__justin_for_web-max_141

    Justin McGuirk

    Justin McGuirkis a writer and curator and has worked as theGuardian’s design columnist and editor...

  • 114044027_eric_341506c_cropped-2-max_141

    Eric Hobsbawm

    A Fellow of the British Academy and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Eric Hobsbawmwas...
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    Vijay Prashad

    Vijay Prashad is the George and Martha Kellner Professor of South Asian History at Trinity...
  • Ilan_pappe1_cropped-max_141

    Ilan Pappe

    Ilan Pappe is an Israeli historian and socialist activist. He is a professor with the College of...




  • The Privatisation Scam: An exclusive extract from James Meek's Private Island in the Guardian

    Privatisation promised to turn the UK into an island of small shareholders. It failed: the faceless state bureaucrats have been replaced by faceless (better-paid) private bureaucrats and big foreign corporations. The Guardian has published an exclusive extract from James Meek's Private Island: Why Britain Now Belongs to Someone Else, which details how we got to this point. Below you can read a section from the extract:

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  • Ferguson and the normalization of black murder

    Since Michael Brown died at the hands of police officer Darren Wilson, the protests in Ferguson have shone a light on major issues of today: militarization, Gaza, the police state, and the myth of post-racial America. In the media, a battle to control the narrative has shadowed the turmoil on the streets, as sources of news and opinion vie to dominate discussion. The debate develops by the hour, but the essential facts remain unchanged: Michael Brown was an unarmed African-American. In his murder are echoes of the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Renisha McBride, Oscar Grant, Ramarley Graham, and many more.

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  • Manning Marable's "African-American Empowerment in the Face of Racism: The Political Aftermath of the Battle of Los Angeles"

    In response to the 1992 LA Uprising, the late scholar Manning Marable wrote: “Ultimately, the choice of ‘violence or nonviolence’ is not ours, but white America’s. Those who make peaceful change and democratic advancement impossible make violent revolution inevitable.”

    Marable's essay, “African-American Empowerment in the Face of Racism: The Political Aftermath of the Battle of Los Angeles,” originally published in
    Beyond Black and White: Transforming African-American Politics, resonates with the Ferguson protests and their popular conception as a riots rather than acts of resistance. With the hope of giving perspective to current events, we bring you Marable’s essay in full.

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  • Why is Gaza alone?: Luciana Castellina remarks on the need for active demonstrations

    By Luciana Castellina, 30 July 2014 for Il Manifesto.

    I do not want to talk about what is happening in Gaza. I do not want to write about it, because it is too painful for me to have to let out a cry of indignation for the umpteenth time. Because I do not want to reduce myself to hoping in good faith for dialogue between the two sides – an exercise to which so many lofty words are being devoted here in Italy. As if it were a matter of two little kids in a fight, who us civilised types had to school in good manners. Not to mention those people writing justifications for poor old Israel, so cruelly under attack by the terrorists (the Palestinians are never soldiers, but always and everywhere terrorists, while the Israelis are only ever soldiers, and never terrorists).

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