United LEFT

**working for unity in action of all the LEFT in the UK** (previously known as the RESPECT SUPPORTERS BLOG)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tommy Sheridan Conviction “Completely Unsafe”

Tommy Sheridan Conviction “Completely Unsafe” by Defend Tommy Sheridan Campaign.

Following the arrest of Bob Bird, former Editor of the now defunct Scottish News of the World, Tommy Sheridan’s conviction for perjury must now be considered as Completely Unsafe.

Mr Bird’s arrest comes on the back of the charges of perjury levied against Andy Coulson and Douglas Wight. Now that Mr Bird is being questioned on suspicion of attempting to pervert the course of justice, huge questions over the role and actions of the News of the World against Mr Sheridan continue to arise.

Following the arrest of Douglas Wight earlier this month, the Defend Tommy Sheridan Campaign questioned the role played by his boss, Mr Bird. The validity of our suspicions now appears to have been borne out.

The Campaign has always supported Mr Sheridan’s contention that he was the subject of a conspiracy. Now that all three News of the World executives, who gave evidence at the Sheridan trial, have now been charged with offense relating to the trial, vindicates Mr Sheridan and his supporters.

Ken Ross, Chair of the Defend Tommy Sheridan Campaign said: “The fact that Mr Bird ihas been charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice over Mr Sheridan's defamation action in 2006, on the back of Andy Coulson and Douglas Wight being charged for committing perjury at Tommy’s trial in 2010, shows that Tommy has been the subject of a long standing and wide spread conspiracy, which he and his supporters have long argued was the case.

“It is now untenable for anyone to continue to argue that Tommy’s conviction is anything other than completely unsafe.

Fiona Macdonald, Secretary of the Defend Tommy Sheridan Campaign said: “The arrest of Mr Bird reveals the huge role that the News of the World played in the arrest and conviction of Tommy Sheridan.

“This development must surely now lead to the quashing of the conviction of Scotland’s best known defender of ordinary working people.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

No Cuts - Walsall Socialists show the way

PhotobucketNo Cuts - Walsall Socialists show the way.

One Walsall Councillor’s response to: Consultation on Walsall Council’s Spending Priorities for 2013/14 – Have your say.

Walsall DLP very much stood as part of TUSC (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition) in the last elections. The stand Pete Smith has made, his report is below, is exactly what TUSC has said its councillors would do if elected, as Pete Smith was in May.

FROM: Councillor Pete Smith.

RE: Council Spending Priority email/attachments.

Dear Elaine,

Thank you for your e-mail regarding the Council’s budgets and attempts to engage the wider community in helping to decide where the axe should fall on Council services.

With due repect, those who care about public services would be well advised to keep out of this exercise in my opinion..why should they be so naive as to (even through the indirect way of answering simple questions) play a part in helping to provide £millions of cuts in services alongside a Council tax freeze at best (highly unlikely in 2013/14 and beyond) or more likely a significant rise in Council tax?

Are we seriously asking the people to legitimise a process whereby they and their fellow citizens will pay more and receive less services, year by year? With respect, count me out.

We are NOT all in this together.

My position as a Councillor who fought AND WON the last local election clearly committed to fighting the cuts (being imposed by Conservative, Liberal and Labour Councillors all over the country) is as follows and I would encourage as many people as possible to take a similar position, led, hopefully, by Walsall Councillors.

The citizens and workers of Walsall Borough, led by their Councillors should:

■Oppose all cuts to council jobs, services, pay and conditions – rejecting the claim that ‘some cuts’ are necessary to our overall services.

■Reject increases in council tax and increases in service charges to compensate for government cuts.

■At each and every opportunity, campaign and vote against the privatisation of council jobs and services, or the transfer of council services to ‘social enterprises’ or ‘arms-length’ management organisations, which are first steps to privatisation.

■Use all the legal powers available to Councils, including powers to refer local NHS decisions, initiate referenda and organise public commissions and consultations, to oppose both the cuts and government polices which centrally impose the transfer of public services to private bodies.

■When faced with government cuts to Council funding, call on Councillors to refuse to implement the cuts. Councils should, in the first instance, use their reserves and prudential borrowing powers to avoid passing on the cuts, whilst simultaneously campaigning alongside workers, residents and service users to build up a mass, popular public opposition to the cuts.

■Argue that the best way to mobilise the mass public campaign that is necessary to defeat the cuts, is to set a budget that meets the needs of the local community and demands that the government makes up the shortfall.

■Call on all Councillors to stand up and be counted and oppose these cuts. Call on every Councillor to refuse to implement Government imposed cutsand present the bill for meeting the funding gap back to the government even if this results in the Government “doing its own dirty work” by imposing the cuts themselves in Walsall. Today, Councillors can no longer be surcharged unless they are found guilty of financial crime for personal gain. Such a stand could shake this Coalition into a re-think if carried out by Councils across the country, especially Labour run Councils who are presently shedding “crocodile tears” before wielding the axe with as much force as Conservative/Liberal led Councils. The few Labour Councillors, across the country who have voted against cuts proposed by a Labour controlled Council faced suspension or expulsion from the Party.

■Above all, the most important aspect of all this is to mobilise as many sections of the community as possible to join a mass peaceful and lawful campaign to demand that their elected representatives stand up to the massive and hugely unfair cuts rather than aid and abet their implementation, which is unfortunately what Conservative, Liberal and Labour Councillors are doing all across the country.

At least you now know where I stand on the budget and the cuts. 57 of the present 60 Walsall Councillors belong to one of the 3 main Party Groups and therefore will behave and vote as directed by their Party bosses in London (that means implementing the cuts if in control of the Council). Only a mass popular, public, legal and peaceful campaign engaging hundreds, even thousands of local citizens, might, just might, bring a change of mind. I would hope the Voluntary Sector would also be very much part of such a public campaign.

Thank you and best wishes,

Councillor Pete Smith

Democratic Labour

Blakenall Ward

Walsall MBC.

Now that's the way to give a Socialist lead! Well done Councillor Pete Smith.

Link: Independent Socialist Network (part of TUSC).

Julian Assange asylum debate : John Rees on the Jeremy Vine Show

John Rees debates with Tory MP Anna Soubry over whether the Ecuadorian embassy's diplomatic immunity should be lifted to allow the arrest of Julian Assange.

Link: Counterfire

Friday, August 17, 2012

Tommy Sheridan is innocent ok!

PhotobucketScottish news chief charged with Sheridan perjury - The Herald, Scotland.

The former news editor of the News of the World Scotland has been arrested and charged with committing perjury during the trial of former MSP Tommy Sheridan and conspiracy to hack telephones, police said.

Douglas Wight, 39, also faces allegations of other data protection offences following an investigation by officers from Operation Rubicon of Strathclyde Police.

A force spokeswoman said a report would be sent to the procurator fiscal in Glasgow.

A statement from Strathclyde Police said: "Officers of Operation Rubicon of Strathclyde Police arrested and charged an 39-year-old male with perjury before the High Court in Glasgow during the trial in 2010 of Tommy Sheridan, the former MSP, conspiracy (in Scotland) to hack telephones, multiple charges of conspiracy to obtain the personal data of members of the public in breach of the Data Protection Acts and individual offences under these Acts."

In May, David Cameron's former communications chief Andy Coulson was arrested and charged with committing perjury at the same trial.

The 44-year-old former News of the World editor gave evidence in Sheridan's perjury trial at the High Court in Glasgow in December 2010. Mr Coulson said he would "vigorously contest" the allegations.

Operation Rubicon detectives have been looking at whether certain witnesses lied to the court during Sheridan's trial as part of a "full" investigation into phone hacking in Scotland.

Sheridan was ultimately jailed for three years in January last year after being found guilty of perjury during his 2006 defamation action against the News of the World.

He had been awarded £200,000 in damages after winning the civil case but a jury at the High Court in Glasgow found him guilty of lying about the now-defunct tabloid's claims that he was an adulterer who visited a swingers' club.

The trial, which lasted almost 12 weeks, was one of the longest of its kind in Scottish legal history.

The former Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) leader represented himself after parting company with QC Maggie Scott.

He was convicted of five out of six allegations in a single charge of perjury relating to his evidence during the civil action at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.

His wife Gail was on trial along with him but was acquitted of lying to the court during his successful defamation action against the News of the World in 2006.

He was released from jail in January after serving one year of his sentence and vowed to continue the fight to clear his name.

Link: BBC News

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Britain's Olympic lift won't last - by John Wight

Britain's Olympic lift won't last - by John Wight - Morning Star.

For the past two weeks the nation has been engaged in something akin to a group hug over the undoubted success of the London Olympics.

Team GB have done better than expected and amassed enough medals to make Britain seem a nation of high achievers.

This has been reflected in the BBC's blanket coverage of the event, which early on abandoned objectivity for jingoism to the point where on day eight of the Games - when Team GB won six golds - you could have been forgiven for expecting a squadron of Lancaster bombers to fly over the Olympic stadium to the theme from Dambusters.

The uplift the Games have given to the nation is undeniable, as has been the extent to which the likes of David Cameron, Boris Johnson and the government as a whole have sought to extract as much political capital from this event as they possibly can.

Cameron in particular would appear to have lost all sense of perspective as he sets about using the event as a launchpad for the promotion of competitive sport in schools, equating Britain's future prosperity with sustained Olympics success. Running faster, throwing farther and jumping higher are the ingredients of a healthy society all of a sudden, one in which everything will be rosy and bright if we can just harness the competitive spirit and achievements of Team GB.

This of course chimes with the fulminating one-nation Tory "we're all in this together" mantra, the very same the party been spouting since entering Number 10 two years ago to set about implementing the vast experiment in human despair it has the gall to describe as an economic policy.

The disconnect between the fantasy world of a society of sporting heroes portrayed on our TV screens and covering the front and back pages of the nation's newspapers these past two weeks and the reality of the misery and despair which daily engulfs the lives of more and more people was made stark at the High Court last week.

There Cat Reilly and Jamieson Wilson, both from Birmingham, learned from Mr Justice Foskett that workfare - the scheme whereby people claiming jobseeker's allowance (JSA) are compelled to work in return for their benefits - is not a violation of the litigants' human rights and does not constitute slave labour.

The importance of this decision was overshadowed by the Olympics but cannot be overstated.

It affects tens of thousands of people up and down the country, currently working for their benefits in charity shops, supermarkets and other assorted workplaces, where they are typically engaged in menial tasks designed to acquaint or reacquaint them with the world of work regardless of their age, qualifications, and/or career goals.

The controversy surrounding the scheme, highlighted by campaigners earlier this year, has forced some businesses to back out, fearing the bad publicity that has come to be associated with it.

Though trumpeted as providing invaluable work experience to the long-term unemployed, the scheme's opponents allege that in truth it is a source of cheap labour for employers and a form of punishment being meted out to those claiming benefits.

In this regard workfare fits in with the philosophical bent of the Tories, for whom society is defined by the deserving rich at one end of the spectrum and the undeserving poor at the other.

Cat Reilly, a university graduate who's been unemployed since 2011, was volunteering at a museum before being forced onto an unpaid work scheme at Poundland for a period of six weeks, where she says she spent her time cleaning and stacking shelves.

Jamieson Wilson, unemployed since 2008, was informed that he must complete 30 hours of unpaid work every week for six months or else lose his JSA for up to 26 weeks. He refused and had his benefits stopped, whereupon the father of three was forced to live on the charity of family and friends.

While Justice Foskett did acknowledge that the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) had made errors in the way it communicated details of the work programme - the right in Reilly's case to opt out for example, and sanctions if the claimants refused to take part - he denied the allegation that it amounted to forced labour.

Here he focused on a somewhat quixotic interpretation of Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), prohibiting forced labour and slavery.

Instead of understanding Article 4 as a constitutional protection against these practices, he chose to focus on its association with the colonial exploitation by a state of a subject people.

Given that the European Convention on Human Rights was drafted just after the second world war, with Article 4 framed in that context, this interpretation is clearly a narrow one.

In his ruling, the judge stated: "The convention is, of course, a living instrument, capable of development to meet modern conditions, and views may reasonably differ about the merits of a scheme that requires individuals to 'work for their benefits' as a means of assisting them back into the workplace."

Predictably the government was delighted with the ruling. A spokesman for the DWP said: "Comparing our initiatives to slave labour is not only ridiculous but insulting to people around the world facing real oppression."

Also delighted was the usual chorus of right-wing commentators for whom the unemployed need whipping into shape and are suffering from moral turpitude, not an economic policy which has deepened the recession and seen thousands of jobs axed.

Dominique Jackson, writing in her blog for the Daily Mail on July 4, deserves pride of place here.

"The German slogan 'Arbeit Macht Frei' is somewhat tainted by its connection with nazi concentration camps, but its essential message, 'work sets you free,' still has something serious to commend it," she wrote.

These can only be the words of someone who has swapped their moral compass for a mince pie.

In the midst of Olympic fever young people in Britain are being inculcated with the belief that they can be the next Jessica Ennis or Chris Hoy if only they dedicate themselves to the task.

The energy being expended by Cameron and co in spreading this message calls to mind Bertolt Brecht's dictum: "Unhappy the land that is in need of heroes."

Given the increasingly vicious attacks on the poor and the unemployed in the country, Britain increasingly becomes a nation more in need of the next Rosa Luxemburg and Vladimir Lenin than either of the aforementioned Olympians.

As the saying goes, "they that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind."

If you have enjoyed this article then please consider donating to the Morning Star's Fighting Fund to ensure we can keep publishing your paper.

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Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition London Assembly Election Broadcast 2012

The above video lets you know more about the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC).

The first ever TUSC National Supporters Conference takes place on Saturday September 22nd in London. Agenda below:
There will be three Sessions. Speakers will be restricted so that there is ample time for discussion

Session One: Building working class political representation against the austerity consensus. Speakers to be invited from the RMT executive, PCS and one speaker each from the affiliated socialist organisations, the SP, SWP and ISN

Session Two:For councillors who will stand up to the Con-Dems! This session will also be an opportunity for proposals to update the TUSC local elections policy platform to be discussed.

Session Three: ‘Reviewing TUSC’s structures’: Introducing the ‘Reviewing TUSC’s Structures’ commission initial report and plans for how to continue the discussion.

TUSC conference, Saturday 22 September 11am-5pm, Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1E. Includes an afternoon session, ‘For councillors who will stand up to the Con-Dems!’, which will discuss TUSC’s local election policy platform and preparations for the 2013 local elections. All welcome. Registration £5 waged/£2 unwaged.
Link: Register for the TUSC Conference Now!

Link: Independent Socialist Network (Independent Socialists who support TUSC) - ISN
Link: TUSC