Analysis News


  • The world's only ethnic time zone

    For the past month, the Holy Land was the only place in the world where time zones are delineated not by geography but by ethnicity.  As of this morning, for the first time in a month, all the residents of the Holy Land are living in the same time zone. In late September, the Palestinian Authority switched to winter time, but the West Bank's Israeli settlers continued living in line with Israel's clock, which only made the switch today. Thus, for one month, the West Bank became the only place in the world where time is not delineated by geography but…

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  • Deja Vu: Netanyahu on TIME cover - will he make peace?

    Everybody here is celebrating the flattering cover piece Benjamin Netanyahu got at TIME magazine. The cover alone, wondering if the leader of the right will be the one bringing peace to the region, is a PR wet dream. Only that the same magazine, did the same story, on the same PM, wondering the same thing, 16 years ago. You figured TIME would get the answer by now - or are we in for another version in 2028? h/t Amir Mizroch

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Illustrations: Eran Mendel