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      StreamNewsAnalysisVideoAll PostsVoicesSamer BadawiMairav ZonszeinHaggai MatarActivestills Larry DerfnerDahlia ScheindlinOmar H. RahmanAmi Kaufman HaoketsNoam SheizafSocial TVMya GuarnieriYuval Ben-AmiCafé GibraltarLisa GoldmanAziz Abu SarahDimi ReiderMichael Omer-ManEdo KonradRoi MaorLaissez PasserYossi GurvitzRoee RuttenbergOri J. Lenkinski+972 Blog+972 ResourcesAbout             By Yuval Ben-Ami |Published August 6, 2013  Israel as a public embarrassment    Are the embarrassments Israel’s diplomats produce truly unintentional? They appear to be part of a deliberate policy, intended to promote our sense of isolation. 

 Facepalm at the Jardin des Tuileries, Paris (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

 In an episode of the brilliant Danish television series “Borgen” (“The Castle”), Denmark’s fictitious Prime Minister Birgitte Nyborg travels to the imaginary African country of Kharun. Hoping to broker a peace accord between warring factions in that land, she rushes from the airport to a meeting with the local prime minister. He, however, fails to attend.

 Angered, Nyborg demands to be taken back to the airport. One of her ministers, the Arabic speaking Amir, turns to a Kharunian dignitary and says: “Hadi fadiha.” This is when my girlfriend Ruthie and I burst out laughing in front of the screen. Fadiha! A familiar word! The Arabic expression for “embarrassment” or a “faux pas” was borrowed by Hebrew and is used incessantly in our culture. “Hadi fadiha” – “this is an embarrassment.” Indeed.

 Not only do we know the word, we are also amply familiar with the situation, from a Kharunian, rather than a Danish perspective. Fadihas committed by the state have become habit around here, particularly since Avigdor Liberman was instated as foreign minister in the previous government. Liberman brought with him an anti-diplomatic approach that has since turned Israel into a state-sized fadiha. A famous example was the 2010 summoning of the Turkish ambassador to the Foreign Ministry, where he was offered a low chair. The low chair was meant as a public punishment, since the Turkish government allowed a certain television channel to air a drama series critical of Israel. Then-Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon soared above the ambassador on a taller chair and the media was invited to photograph his triumph.

 Meanwhile, around the world, anti-diplomats were given prime posts. Among them are Israel’s ambassador to Ireland Boaz Modai, and his activist wife Nurit Tinari Modai, formerly of the Foreign Ministry herself. Last Christmas, the two sent the world a Christmas message of hate. On a Facebook page managed by the embassy, they posted an image of Jesus and Mary with the caption: “A thought for Christmas… If Jesus and mother Mary were alive today, they would, as Jews without security, probably end up being lynched in Bethlehem by hostile Palestinians. Just a thought …”

 Liberman no longer serves as minister while he stands trial for corruption (he is still in the Knesset, however, and last week passed the first reading of the blatantly anti-democratic Governability Law). Netanyahu is holding on to the post until that beacon of international relations is available again. Faithful to Liberman’s agenda, he Netanyahu is keeping anti-diplomats in their posts. Yesterday, the similarly staffed Dublin embassy did it again, this time on Twitter. It claimed that “The UN itself has become a tool against Israel. Hitler couldn’t have been happier.” (Screenshot here)

 Ambassador Modai’s position is under no threat. Hadi yet another fadiha, of course, but while most embarrassments are unintended, I have reason to suspect that the ones mentioned above are at least to some extent calculated. When society mocks an individual or a minority group, the one being mocked does not identify with the mockers. Rather, he feels alienated from them, lonely and angry. Netanyahu’s wish is to isolate Israel from the world, while augmenting our paranoia and presenting himself as our only savior. He amply benefits from the goofy hasbara, the misunderstanding and the sarcastic reactions.

 As Israelis who do enjoy communicating with people from other countries, Ruthie and I feel the impact every day. We host couch-surfing guests who ask us questions about Israel, its occupation policies and its domestic issues, often with a slight snicker. It has become comical, in a tragic sort of way. I also experience the inevitable reaction of the alienated. “Don’t be condescending!” I warn, in a voice just a tad too defensive. A few more conversations like this and I, too, will move over to the mainstream. Who wants to be a walking faux pas?

 How can we prevent this process from taking root more deeply? There are no easy answers. Manipulation is a powerful tool, and the Right has a nearly absolute reign on information in Israel at the moment. Our job as conscious Israelis is to share alternative views and homegrown criticism of our so called diplomacy as powerfully as we can, ignoring our designation as “traitors.” The world would do better not to point mocking fingers and make sardonic remarks, but instead offer a helping hand. Two nations are held hostage in the hands of evil clowns, nothing can be less funny than that.

 Correction: The transliteration of “fadiha” was corrected in order to more accurately reflect both the Arabic and Hebrew pronunciation and spelling. Thanks to commenter Ed for pointing out the mistake.

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    Reply to Comment         sh TuesdayAugust 6, 2013     Affecting a couldn’t-care-less attitude has a long pedigree in Israel, it didn’t start with Liberman. Shamir was pretty immune to what people thought of him too, but unlike Sharon or LIberman, he expressed himself well in several languages and came over in interviews as an interesting, rather old-fashioned gentleman.

 Must say, Yuval, your biblical choice of subject to illustrate this article lends it extra dimension.

    Reply to Comment         Laurent Szyster TuesdayAugust 6, 2013     Those “evil clowns” don’t do it to embarass nice and intelligent couch surfers like you. Nor do they hold two nations hostage with blunders.

 “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.”

    Reply to Comment         Ed TuesdayAugust 6, 2013     Sorry to be pedantic, but the more correct transliteration of فضيحةis ‘fadiha’, not ‘fadikha’.

    Reply to Comment         Yuval Ben-Ami WednesdayAugust 7, 2013     Thank you, Ed. Made the correction.

    Reply to Comment           Danny TuesdayAugust 6, 2013     The biggest embarrassment for Israel is the one running the whole show – the man who calls himself “Bibi”. From his cartoonish speeches at the U.N. to his incompetent and error-prone management style. He is the reason why Israel has been looking bad the last few years, and the sooner he departs the PM’s office (hopefully for good), the better.

    Reply to Comment         Mareli TuesdayAugust 6, 2013     I agree. Bibi may get standing ovations in the US Congress, but many American Jews cringe at his statements.

    Reply to Comment           Khaled Khalid TuesdayAugust 6, 2013     I think part of this mocking tone from critics of Israel comes from this feeling that non-Jewish observers (Goyim?) are simple cattle, there to be manipulated by over emotional and shrill propagandists. And if they can’t be manipulated by hysterics then they could only be followers of Hitler.

 It never occurs to Israeli Propagandists that their argument is built on a Lie; And the assumption that people outside Israel are incapable of coming to any conclusion by virtue of the fact that they are Not Jewish. 

 Lesson for the Pro-Israel Propagandists. Here is what the world sees no matter what is said about Israel: 1) Israel wants all of West Bank and any Peace Process is a delay Tactic. 2) America Vows to always stand by Israel ($3Billion every year) hence is a Dishonest Broker in the Peace Talks. 3) Israel wants Palestinians to get sick and leave or die quietly. 4) Israel uses Palestinians to bomb and target practice out of some sick power fantasy. 5) Israel would start a war with Iran just to stop dealing with the Palestinian Peace Process. 6) If Israeli Jews are killed the it works great for the Politicians power base. 7) Israel can deal with Palestinian insurgents but not Peace talks hence Israel taunts and pushes knowing full well they can call it “Terrorism” and also kill more Palestinians. 8) God gave this Promise Land to the Jews but they have second homes in America, Canada, Australia. Did God only ever promise land to Central European Jews? 9) Zionists live inside a self imposed bubble the way Fox News predicted a Mitt Romney Presidency.

    Reply to Comment         Weinstein Henry ThursdayAugust 8, 2013     “8) God gave this Promise Land to the Jews but they have second homes in America, Canada, Australia. Did God only ever promise land to Central European Jews?”

 Continental European Jews have been exterminated, and most Israelis don’t have second homes somewhere else, so what do you mean with your point 8) Khaled Khalid?

    Reply to Comment           Khaled Khalid TuesdayAugust 6, 2013     Another thing Israeli Propagandists Ignore: Despite all forced evictions, Bulldozing, bombings and killing of Palestinians men, women and children, I have never heard a Palestinian say they wish the Jews deserved to die in the Holocaust, or denied the Holocaust ever happened.

 To think, these “Palestinian Animals” not crossing that line of hating Jews despite the ruthless and systematically racist way Israelis mistreat Palestinians

    Reply to Comment         XYZ TuesdayAugust 6, 2013     Really? What about having Muslim clerics repeating all the time that Jews are decendents of apes and pigs? What about the street celebrations of suicide bombings directed agasint Israel and the honoring of the terrorists who carried them out by the official “moderate” Palestinian authority? You apparently live in a different reality than the rest of us.

    Reply to Comment         Gearoid TuesdayAugust 6, 2013     That was not a Palestinian, and you should know that.

 Here you make the slightly racist mistake of conflating two distinct groups, and attempting to erase the identity of one.

    Reply to Comment           The Trespasser TuesdayAugust 6, 2013     >To think, these “Palestinian Animals” not crossing that line of hating Jews despite the ruthless and systematically racist way Israelis mistreat Palestinians

 As a matter of fact, most Israelis do believe that some (many? most?) of “Palestinian Animals”, as you put it, would happily live in a Jewish state.

 The problem is with a racist few, who would rather kill everyone than live in a state ruled by dirty Jews.

    Reply to Comment         Tarud TuesdayAugust 6, 2013     It is fact that most Palestinians prefer to live in a democratic Jewish state, then under Arab dictatorship. 7 million Palestinians “refugees” demand the right to return” in to Israel – no to a Palestinian state! Read more about it here:

    Reply to Comment         David T. ThursdayAugust 8, 2013     ” 7 million Palestinians “refugees” demand the right to return” in to Israel”

 Absoulutely BS like the rest of your pathetic Hasbara blog, including your distorted definition of a refugee. To demand the RIGHT to return doesn’t mean to demand to RETURN. 10% would like to return.

 “… no to a Palestinian state”.

 I know, only Jews should be allowed to “return” to their “homeland” and that’s neither hypocrit, nor racist, right?

    Reply to Comment             Vadim WednesdayAugust 7, 2013

 “I have never heard a Palestinian say they wish the Jews deserved to die in the Holocaust, or denied the Holocaust ever happened.”

 I think you should check your hearing.

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   Please enter a valid e-mail Please enter a name            SUBSCRIBE TO OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTERSubmitYuval Ben-Ami is an author, journalist, traveler and cultural critic. He was born in Jerusalem in 1976 and raised in diverse corners of the country. He traveled Europe extensively in his twenties, working as a musician. He later moved to the United States and began writing for Israeli and international newspapers and magazines, among them Haaretz, Boston Globe, National Geographic (Israel), and Yedioth Aharonot. More…

 Since 2004 he has been resettled in Israel, writing the blog Everywhere. His books include “Susanna, Don’t You Cry” – a travelogue of the American South, “Finnish Mythology”, the novels “I’ll meet you Halfway” and “The Tel-Aivian Comedy” as well as two travel books about Israel: “Wonderland” and “A Day on the Town.” Yuval hosts a weekly show on Galatz radio and is always on the search for interesting projects. You may reach him at MOST READ MOST COMMENTED    24 HOURS|WEEK|MONTH      [op-ed] Israelis, stop swimming in our shit    Why are Palestinian citizens expected to be loyal to Israel?    Fight occupation, anti-Semitism, Islamic State at the same time    IDF demolishes Hebron orphanage’s dairy factory    What to expect from the Israeli Right after Protective Edge       What if Hamas fired rockets at Britain?    One- or two-state solution? The answer is both (or neither)    When Israel grabs land, the U.S. grabs a thesaurus [satire]    ZARA presents: A striped pyjama with a yellow star for your child    How freedom of speech was crushed during Protective Edge      ZARA presents: A striped pyjama with a yellow star for your child    Israelis on Facebook wish death for Holocaust survivors against ‘Protective Edge’    ZARA apologizes, says yellow star shirts will be ‘exterminated’    10,000 protest in Tel Aviv for a just peace, end to occupation    Palestinian teen: I was used as a human shield in Gaza      24 Why are Palestinian citizens expected to be loyal to Israel?   17 Fight occupation, anti-Semitism, Islamic State at the same time   10 [op-ed] Israelis, stop swimming in our shit   9 Homeless and widowed: One Gazan's tragic story   5 Bringing the boycott back home: Palestinian stores drop Israeli goods     47 One- or two-state solution? The answer is both (or neither)   42 What if Hamas fired rockets at Britain?   36 How Israeli media obscures Palestinian humanity   35 War is the new system of governance (and five other Gaza takeaways)   35 A Palestinian ultimatum to end occupation?     63 10,000 protest in Tel Aviv for a just peace, end to occupation   57 Debunking Gaza war lies   56 A letter to the Israeli government from a retired terrorist   47 War is the new system of governance (and five other Gaza takeaways)   47 One- or two-state solution? The answer is both (or neither)          googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1352362722708-1'); });   More from Yuval Ben-Ami  A voice calling in the wilderness: A journey to the 'Castle of the Jews'Published May 29, 2014 Between elegance and desolation: A short journey to QalqilyaPublished May 7, 2014 The world's only ethnic time zonePublished October 28, 2013 Scenes from a guided tourPublished August 23, 2013 twitter widget loaded a cached one@972magPHOTO: The Gaza aftermath - A Palestinian woman stands in her damaged house in Shejaiya (photo: @activestills)

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