27 August 2014

Obama vows protracted military campaign in Iraq, Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 27 August 2014

Obama delivered a militarist speech Tuesday to the American Legion convention amid reports that US air strikes could begin in Syria by the end of this week.

France admits it directly supplied arms to Syrian “rebels”

By Pierre Mabut, 27 August 2014

Harper to escalate Canadian military intervention in Iraq

By Félix Gauthier, 27 August 2014

Who is responsible for the murder of James Foley?

More on the crisis in Iraq »

Indefinite ceasefire commences in Gaza

By Peter Symonds, 27 August 2014

While the truce holds out the prospect of an end to Israel’s one-sided war on Gaza, the Israeli military remains poised to resume action at the slightest pretext.

More on the war in Gaza »

Egypt, UAE conducted joint air strikes in Libya

By Patrick Martin, 27 August 2014

Armed conflicts now extend across North Africa and the Middle East in a continuous band from Tripoli to Baghdad.

Video: Interviews with workers at the funeral of Michael Brown

27 August 2014

In this on-the-spot report, the WSWS interviews some of those attending Brown’s funeral on Monday.

“The cops don’t respect anyone”
Attendees at Michael Brown’s funeral denounce inequality, police repression

By our reporters, 27 August 2014

The WSWS spoke to workers in St. Louis and Ferguson, Missouri during and following the funeral service for Michael Brown, the 18-year-old youth shot by police on August 9.

German workers, youth speak on Ferguson: “This is not a democracy any more”

By our reporters, 27 August 2014

New York transit workers discuss political lessons of Ferguson, Missouri

By our reporters, 27 August 2014

Three more US police killings

By Shannon Jones, 27 August 2014

Over the course of the past several days, three more young men have died in the US at the hands of the police.

Class and race in US police killings: A further comment

More on the police killing in St. Louis »

Former head CIA lawyer defends torture in Der Spiegel interview

By Eric London, 27 August 2014

In defending state torture, John Rizzo, former acting CIA general counsel, has laid bare the growing presence of fascistic elements in the highest echelons of the American state.

Obama administration denies FEMA assistance to Washington State fire victims

By Angelo Bosworth and Hector Cordon, 27 August 2014

A request to provide financial assistance for hundreds of individuals impacted by wild fires was rejected by FEMA.

US backs new French offensive in Mali

By Jill Lux, 27 August 2014

After last year’s military campaign in northern Mali, Paris is launching expanded military operations in West Africa.

Bangladesh Tuba garment workers confronted by plant closures

By Wimal Perera, 27 August 2014

In order to close down the factories and evade his outstanding liabilities to workers, the owner invoked the 2006 Bangladesh Labour Act.

Australian government moves to outsource key social services

By Terry Cook, 27 August 2014

The move will effectively cut the human services department in half, paving the way for the axing of tens of thousands of jobs.

New in French

France: Le gouvernement s’effondre tandis que la colère enfle contre la politique d’austérité

Par Alex Lantie, 27 août 2014

Le président Hollande a dissous lundi le gouvernement en congédiant d’influents ministres qui avaient publiquement attaqué sa politique d’austérité profondément impopulaire.

Québec : Le projet de loi 3 s’attaque aux retraites des travailleurs municipaux

Par Louis Girard et Laurent Lafrance, 27 août 2014

Sous le prétexte de lutter contre les déficits dans les régimes de retraite, le gouvernement Couillard introduit divers moyens pour réduire radicalement les salaires et les prestations de retraite des travailleurs municipaux.

New in German

Die deutsche Intervention im Irak

Von Johannes Stern, 27. August 2014

Die deutsche Intervention im Irak markiert ein neues Stadium in der außenpolitischen Wende Deutschlands hin zu einer aggressiven Großmachtpolitik.

Merkel stützt Kiewer Regime

Von Christoph Dreier, 27. August 2014

Die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel stellte sich bei einem Besuch in Kiew am Samstag nachdrücklich hinter das brutale Regime in Kiew, das seine Offensive gegen die Großstädte im Osten des Landes unvermindert fortsetzt und gegen die Opposition im ganzen Land vorgeht.

Holocaust-Überlebende verurteilen Israels Massaker in Gaza

Von Bill Van Auken, 27. August 2014

Die prinzipielle und mutige Verurteilung des Massakers an Palästinensern ist ein Symptom für die existentielle Krise des Zionismus.

Stimmen zu Ferguson, Missouri
"Das ist keine Demokratie mehr"

Von unseren Reportern, 27. August 2014

Die Ereignisse in der amerikanischen Arbeiterstadt Ferguson treffen auch in Europa auf großes Unverständnis und Empörung, bei Jugendlichen genauso, wie bei älteren Menschen.

Wachsende Wut über Austeritätspolitik bringt französische Regierung zu Fall

Von Alex Lantier, 27. August 2014

Manuel Valls hat am Montag auf Verlangen von Präsident Hollande die Regierung entlassen, um führende Minister loszuwerden, die seine zutiefst unpopuläre Austeritätspolitik kritisiert hatten.

US-Militär plant Operationen in Syrien

Von James Cogan, 27. August 2014

Zusätzlich zu den Angriffen im Nordirak bereitet die Obama-Regierung jetzt Operationen in Syrien vor.

ThyssenKrupp kündigt weitere Einsparungen an

Von Elisabeth Zimmermann, 27. August 2014

Obwohl die in den letzten zwei Jahren angekündigten Sparprogramme in Milliardenhöhe noch nicht abgearbeitet sind, kündigte der ThyssenKrupp-Vorstand in der letzten Woche ein neues Sparprogramm in Höhe von 500 Millionen Euro an.

Other Languages


The official cover-up of social and political issues in the police murder of Michael Brown

27 August 2014

Two weeks after the eruption of protests in Ferguson, Missouri in response to the police murder of Michael Brown, the Obama administration is hoping to bury popular opposition to its policies together with the young man’s body.

Earlier Perspectives »


Holocaust survivors indict Israel’s massacre in Gaza

By Bill Van Auken, 26 August 2014

Fears of “a new cold war” and conflict in Asia

By Peter Symonds, 26 August 2014

French government collapses amid mounting anger over austerity policies

By Alex Lantier, 26 August 2014

German chancellor Merkel visits Kiev and backs regime

By Christoph Dreier, 26 August 2014

The Bank of America settlement and the “justice” of capitalism

Arts Review

The Newburgh Sting: A case of entrapment

By Isaac Finn, 27 August 2014

The HBO documentary reveals how the FBI and mainstream media worked to get four impoverished men in New York state convicted of a “terrorist plot.”

Woody Allen’s Magic in the Moonlight: Keeping life at a distance

Scottish referendum campaign

Second televised debate on Scottish independence: A dialogue of bankrupts

By Jordan Shilton, 27 August 2013

The bitter exchanges exposed the referendum campaign as a conflict between rival bourgeois factions over the division of resources and the right to reap the spoils from the exploitation of the working class.

How Scotland’s Radical Independence Campaign sells nationalism to the working class

Scottish Socialist Party seeks to divide the working class

More coverage on the Scottish referendum campaign »

Socialist Equality Party

SEP/IYSSE public meetings
Military-police violence in Ferguson, Missouri: The war comes home

The Socialist Equality Party and International Youth and Students for Social Equality are hosting a series of meetings throughout the country on the lessons of police violence in Ferguson.

The Fight Against War and the Political Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party
Resolution of the SEP (US) Third National Congress

25 August 2014

This is the main resolution of the Third National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US), adopted unanimously on August 5, 2014.

The Detroit Bankruptcy

“Folks just can’t afford water, rent, lights, gas and food”
Detroit “water affordability fair” attendees denounce shutoffs

By Zac Corrigan and Tim Rivers, 26 August 2014

Thousands attend “affordability fair” as Detroit prepares to resume water shutoffs

“They treat us like savages!”
Detroit workers, retirees denounce water shutoffs

More on the Detroit Bankruptcy »

Video reports on police violence in Ferguson, Missouri

“We have the right to protest. We have the right to assemble”
Anger mounts in Ferguson, Missouri over police repression

By Andre Damon and Eric London, 20 August 2014

More on the police killing in St. Louis »

25 years ago: Voyager 2 flies by Neptune and Triton

On August 25, 1989, the spacecraft Voyager 2 made its closest approach to the planet Neptune, still the only successful visit by a manmade craft to the most distant planet in the solar system.

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50 years ago: Uprising in Philadelphia

On August 28 an uprising against police brutality took place in Philadelphia. In three days of rioting that followed, 774 people were arrested, 341 people were injured, and 225 businesses were damaged.

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75 years ago: Anglo-Polish defense pact signed

In the wake of the signing of the Hitler-Stalin pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, on August 25, 1939, an Anglo-Polish Common Defence Pact was reached between the British government and the Polish administration in Warsaw.

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100 years ago: German army conducts assault on Louvain, Belgium

On August 25, 1914, the German army entered the Belgian city of Louvain, unleashing mass destruction over the following five days.

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