
(Hatem Omar / MaanImages)

Role of the Media

Candid video reveals NYT bureau chief Jodi Rudoren's Zionist bubble

Max Blumenthal
2 August 2014

In private meeting shown on video, Rudoren calls Abe Foxman, head of pro-Israel ADL, “my personal defamation protector.”

Revealed: BBC correspondent portrayed Palestinian collaborator as peace activist

Asa Winstanley
15 October 2012
How can we trust the media when it deliberately misrepresents Palestinian voices?

Discredited BBC reporter attempts to intimidate EI in bizarre interview

Asa Winstanley
30 August 2012
Paul Martin attempts to evade tough questions about fabricated stories exposed by The Electronic Intifada.

Revealed: producer of propaganda BBC report on Gaza attack has history of fabrication

Asa Winstanley
26 July 2012
A journalist who produced a film defending Israel’s war crimes in Gaza for the BBC is the same man who wrote hoax stories about Palestine and Lebanon a decade ago, an investigation by The Electronic Intifada has revealed.

Israel investing $1.6 million in "new media warriors"

Jillian Kestler-D'Amours
24 February 2011

In early February, Israeli military spokesperson Avi Benayahu announced that more than a hundred Israeli “media warriors” are to be trained to use social media tools to disseminate Israeli propaganda to audiences around the world.

PA undermined accountability for Gaza victims, papers reveal

27 January 2011

Among some of the latest Palestine Papers revelations are agreements to push the United Nations Human Rights Council to delay a vote on the Goldstone report, the fact-finding probe of alleged war crimes committed during Israel’s winter 2008-09 attacks on the Gaza Strip.

Documents reveal PA-Israel collaboration to target resistance

26 January 2011

Details on the growing security cooperation between the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority, the United States and the United Kingdom were revealed yesterday, the third day of Al Jazeera network’s release of more than 1,600 internal documents and secret correspondence from the last decade of negotiations between the Israeli government, the Palestinian Authority and the United States.

Refugee rights of little concern to PA, documents reveal

25 January 2011

Al Jazeera has released more leaked documents related to several “core issues,” including the Palestinian refugees’ right of return, as part of the Palestine Papers exposé.

Documents reveal PA offered Israel "biggest Yerushalayim" in history

23 January 2011

The Al Jazeera network has begun to release documents it secretly obtained that expose dramatic concessions made by the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority to the Israeli government and US officials.

WikiLeaks exposes Egypt's duplicity in Gaza siege

Cam McGrath
1 December 2010

CAIRO, Egypt (IPS) - More than 250,000 classified US diplomatic cables released by online whistle-blower WikiLeaks include statements made behind closed doors that could prove embarrassing for Egypt’s government, say analysts.


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