News & Analysis

The News & Analysis section of the Electronic Intifada (EI), offers a quick window on the latest articles added to the Opinion/Editorial, Diaries from Palestine, Human Rights, Development, Israel Lobby Watch, Internet & Technology, and Business & Economy feeds.


Is criticizing Israel worse than murder at the University of Illinois?

David Palumbo-Liu
25 August 2014

Double standards applied to Steven Salaita shows how Israel trumps free speech on campus.

Canada's tax-deductible support for Israel's crimes

Yves Engler
22 August 2014

The attacks on Gaza have led to a flood of inquiries about how Canadians can assist Israel’s military, according to one Zionist group.


Gaza hospital chosen for solar power project

Rami Almeghari
Gaza Strip
16 April 2013

Renewable energy should make Gaza less vulnerable to power cuts.

Cuts threaten UN food aid in Gaza

Gaza City
11 April 2013

Although the number of refugees in Gaza continues to rise, funding for the UN agency caring for them has stagnated.

Israel Lobby Watch

How the Israel lobby is courting US Latinos

Rania Khalek and
Adriana Maestas
27 February 2014

Pro-Israel groups are using free trips and other tactics in effort to win over growing and influential voter bloc.

FBI files reveal Anti-Defamation League spied on Arab students

Grant F. Smith
Washington, DC
14 May 2013

Feds assumed ADL reports were passed on to Israeli government.

Human Rights

Palestinians in Israel beaten, arrested for Gaza support

Patrick O. Strickland
19 August 2014

Activists fear an increase in violent anti-Palestinian racism will persist even if Israel’s latest onslaught ends soon.

Palestinian refugees in Sweden hunger strike to demand asylum

Åsa Jansson
19 August 2014

Migration board denies full protection to people fleeing Gaza and the West Bank.

Internet & Technology

An Egyptian revolution, unplugged

Aprille Muscara
1 February 2011

WASHINGTON (IPS) - Despite the Hosni Mubarak regime’s attempts at muzzling communication and dissent, and the reportedly government-sanctioned shutdown of Egypt’s last standing Internet service provider to individual users Monday, Egyptians are still managing to get their voices heard and mobilize – both through advanced technical workarounds and older, traditional technologies.

Business & Economy

Silicon Valley accord recycles myth of Israel's green record

Charlotte Silver
7 March 2014

Benjamin Netanyahu omitted any reference to theft of Palestinian water resources during his visit to a parched California.