
(Anne Paq / ActiveStills)


Gaza hospital chosen for solar power project

Rami Almeghari
Gaza Strip
16 April 2013

Renewable energy should make Gaza less vulnerable to power cuts.

Cuts threaten UN food aid in Gaza

Gaza City
11 April 2013

Although the number of refugees in Gaza continues to rise, funding for the UN agency caring for them has stagnated.

Stop playing by Israel's rules, aid workers urged

15 January 2013
Groups trying to help Palestinians should not ask the occupier for permits.

Rooftop gardens project aims to reduce refugees' dependence on aid

Jillian Kestler-D'Amours
Dheisheh refugee camp
10 September 2012

Growing vegetables in rooftop gardens empowers Palestinian families who live in an overcrowded refugee camp.

Child malnutrition remains high in West Bank and Gaza

3 August 2012

Food insecurity for Palestinians living in refugee camps, the Gaza Strip and in Area C of the West Bank is rising, despite international aid agency reports to the contrary.

Repressive PA police trained, equipped by Western donors

7 July 2012
Many Palestinians and external experts say the developments inside the PA and its security services are worrying.

Water desalination projects to solve Gaza’s problems: a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

8 June 2012
Controversy over a desalination plant in Gaza highlights the role of aid agencies in subsidizing the occupation and letting Israel off the hook for destroying Palestinian infrastructure.

Egyptian presidential hopeful Amr Moussa still committed to decade-old Arab Peace Initiative

15 May 2012

The decade-old Arab Peace Initiative “is our initiative and we will stick to it,” Egyptian presidential candidate Amr Moussa told The Electronic Intifada in an audio interview.

After narrow escape, Gaza woman educates peers about lethal danger from generators

Rami Almeghari
Gaza Strip
7 May 2012
Ten persons have died so far this year due to various accidents with generators in the Gaza Strip, plagued by chronic power shortages.

Islamic aid to Gaza grows, despite restrictions

Gaza Strip
30 January 2012
Despite movement and access restrictions on humanitarian staff and supplies, and obstacles to the transfer of funds into Gaza, the number of Islamic organizations working with the vulnerable in Gaza is actually increasing.


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