Adri Nieuwhof’s blog

Israel uses UK-made JCB digger to demolish Palestinian home in south Hebron hills

Israel continues to use JCB equipment to destroy Palestinian property built on Israeli-occupied Palestinian land, this time in Lasefer in the south Hebron hills.

Sparrows successfully break through Gilboa prison "bird checkpoints," writes Ameer Makhoul

The Israeli Prison Authority fails to block sparrows from entering Gilboa Prison square, reports Ameer Makhoul.

Palestinian children testify about cruel treatment by Israeli soldiers in new short film

Today, Defence for Children International-Palestine Section (DCI) released a short film about Israel’s ill-treatment of Palestinian children during their arrest, transfer and detention

Danish clients dump G4S because of security company's ties to Israeli occupation

After pressure from BDS activists, several Danish clients have terminated contracts with British-Danish security company G4S for the company’s role in the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Professional BDS in South Africa overpowers pro-Israel lobby, says former AIPAC man

Former AIPAC lobbyist says that the South African boycott, divestment and sanctions movement is overpowering the pro-Israel lobby.

New Al Haq report says governments within their rights to sanction Israel over settlement enterprise

Providing a solid legal framework for BDS activism, a Palestinian rights organization has published a legal report about the responsibility of states in relation to Israel’s settlement enterprise

End complicity in Israeli occupation, South Korean activists tell their government

Ties between South Korea and Israel have contributed to Israel’s impunity, activists say

Abusing children "part and parcel" of Israeli ideology, says rights defender

Youngsters arrested as part of deliberate policy to break Palestinians emotionally.

"You want to kill him but he’s crying": More Israeli soldiers' confessions of crimes against children

More confessions of horrifying crimes and killings by Israeli soldiers against Palestinian children.

Choose a kid at random, "aim at his body": Israeli soldiers confess their violence

A new publication documents the violence, arrests, intimidation and harassment from the perspective of the perpetrators — the Israeli soldiers.


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