Adri Nieuwhof’s blog

Soldiers' confessions prove shocking Israeli Instagram photo soldiers not just a few bad apples

The confessions of Israeli soldiers collected by Breaking the Silence expose a clear pattern of abuse

Veolia suffering "expensive" damage due to Palestine campaigners' publicity, says financial expert

Hege Sjo says the French multinational’s reputation has been damaged due to its role in Israel’s abuse of Palestinian rights.

Settlers erect new outpost on Palestinian village land to block court-ordered wall reroute

A few days after the new outpost was erected on the land of Jayyous, Caterpillar equipment paved the way for the wall’s new route.

Settler attacks on Palestinian village backed by Israeli army arrests and violence

Israeli violence against Palestinians living in Azzoun escalated last week, warns rights organization Addameer.

Half Israel's Palestinian child prisoners are held illegally outside West Bank in G4S-equipped prisons

Defence for Children - Palestine Section reports that half of Palestinian child detainees are unlawfully held in prisons inside Israel.

Israel plans to evict Palestinians, building new Jerusalem-area garbage dump on their villages

Palestinian villages have protested against the plans for the construction of an Israeli garbage dump on their land.

Israeli water firm drying up Palestinian springs, says UN report

Eighty percent of water drilled in the Jordan Valley is consumed by Israel and its illegal settlements.

Hyundai equipment used for new Israeli demolitions in Silwan, while company distances from local dealer

Israel destroyed Palestinian property in Silwan for the development of a “national park” on Monday. Meanwhile, Hyundai announced it has ended a deal with an Israeli agency.

Israel fails to show up at mandatory UN human rights review

Israel is the first state to skip the periodic meeting required of all UN member states.

Israeli ministry confirms Veolia still owns West Bank landfill, despite corporation's repeated denial

Israel confirms that Veolia owns and operates Tovlan landfill contrary to claims by the company that it has sold its interest.


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