Adri Nieuwhof’s blog

Israeli settlers use six times more water than Palestinians -- new report

In a damning new report, the Palestinian rights organization Al-Haq has found that Israel operates a system of water apartheid.

Children beaten and blindfolded by Israeli troops

More evidence has emerged to show that Israel is abusing Palestinian boys, as young as nine.

Israeli soldiers force nine-year-old to act as human shield

Some 236 Palestinian children were held in Israeli detention during February — a considerable increase from previous months.

Palestinian football icons speak out against European championship taking place in Israel

Mahmoud Sarsak and Honey Thaljieh voice opposition to UEFA allowing Israel to host Under-21s tournament.

No Mothers' Day for women held in G4S-equipped prisons

Twelve Palestinian female prisoners are imprisoned inside Israel.

How Israel derails the promising careers of Palestinian football stars

As the careers of Palestinian football players are disrupted by Israeli occupation, the pressure on UEFA to cancel the under-21 championship in Israel continues.

UEFA should cancel football tournament in Israel, says former French sports minister

Israeli restrictions on Palestinian footballers led to Marie-George Buffet calling on the European body to reconsider its plan to host the 2013 European Under-21 championship in Israel

Fighting for freedom: eight Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike right now

The eight prisoners are on hunger strike, most fighting the policy of administrative detention.

Veteran prisoner Maher Younis goes on hunger strike

Maher Younis has been in prison for 31 years; in a message from Gilboa jail, his fellow detainees are demanding his release.

Young Palestinian father dies after Israeli interrogation in G4S-equipped prison

Human rights defender Hassan Karajah under interrogation by same investigators responsible for Arafat Jaradat’s death in custody yesterday.


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