Adri Nieuwhof’s blog

Veolia, feeling pressure, launches attack on Israel boycott movement

Veolia says it has sold its Israeli bus lines, but the company is still profiting from Israeli violations of Palestinian rights.

Palestinian girl last had a hug from her imprisoned dad 10 years ago

12-year-old Zeina longs to be reunited with her father who was sent to prison shortly after she was born.

Diamond magnate's firm admits ongoing work in Israeli settlement

Letter proves that Africa Israel is continuing its activities in East Jerusalem.

Israeli raid showed "total disregard" for Palestinian lives, report finds

After investigating the killing of three Palestinians, Palestinian rights organization Al-Haq finds Israeli army used excessive force.

Dutch firm withdraws from sewage plant for settlers in East Jerusalem

Israel is blocking the provision of vital services for Palestinians in the West Bank.

Norway urged to reintroduce investment ban on Israeli diamond magnate

Oslo government has previously condemned “grossly unethical” behavior by Lev Leviev’s Africa Israel.

Dutch firm's role in Jerusalem sewage plant would help settlements, Palestinians say

Palestinian organizations urge Dutch engineering firm to pull out Israeli wastewater treatment plant in East Jerusalem.

Israeli firm lying to Norway that it no longer builds settlements on Palestinian land

Norway’s finance ministry has revoked the exclusion of Africa Israel from the state pension fund based on the company’s claim it is no longer involved in settlement construction. Evidence reveals that this is untrue.

Dutch government advises firm to pull out of East Jerusalem sewage plant

Engineering company Royal HaskoningDHV risks losing public contracts if it aids Israel’s settlement activities.

Brutality is “in my veins,” says former Israeli soldier

Israelis should accept that they are not victims, according to Breaking the Silence activist Noam Chayut.


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