Adri Nieuwhof’s blog

How Israel’s high court abuses international law to pave way for colonization

In new book international law expert Sharon Weill shows how Israel’s top court provides legal tools for settlement expansion.

Boycott movement has empowered Palestinians, says co-founder

“When we talk of boycotting Israel, we talk of boycotting a system of ruling, a way of thinking and behaving, that denies the existence of the Palestinian people and their rights.”

Bad news for Israel: headlines only tip of European boycott iceberg

A new survey of Dutch pension funds, banks and insurance companies shows that as many as one in seven have excluded companies from investment due to their involvement in the Israeli occupation.

International court should rule on Israeli “apartheid,” says UN official

Richard Falk’s report puts forward ample evidence that Israel commits the crime of apartheid against Palestinians.

Amid Scarlett Johansson row, French court upholds right to boycott SodaStream

Jewish Daily Forward misinterprets significance of Paris ruling on occupation profiteer SodaStream

Israeli soldiers get "addicted to power" over Palestinians, says new book

Troops admit that they enjoy administering “punishment” at checkpoints.

Dutch union dumps G4S for aiding Israel's human rights abuses

Greens have also decided to sever ties with private security firm.

Jewish National Fund "repents" for erasing Palestinian villages

A talking tree is deeply upset at how it has been planted on the ruins of an ethnically cleansed village.

Dutch encourage business with firm stealing Palestinian water

Mekorot provides water to illegal settlers in the occupied West Bank.

90 percent of Gaza's water unfit for drinking, says Falk

The UN’s special rapporteur sounds the alarm over Palestinian water scarcity.


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