
(Hatem Omar / Maan Images)

Media Watch

The good and the bad of media coverage of Palestine

In asymmetric Twitter war over Gaza, Palestinians are winning

Where Palestinian and Israeli narratives confront each other with no go-between, the Palestinians win.

"Liberal" Guardian to print pro-genocide ad

Guardian justifies plan to run blood libel ad about Palestinian “child sacrifice” on Monday.

BBC agrees to air Gaza charity appeal after getting Israel's permission

The BBC seems to think it needs permission from Israel to broadcast a simple charity appeal for Gaza.

Rudoren: I did not have journalistic relations with that censor

New York Times bureau chief Jodi Rudoren claims that the story of Hadar Goldin, the Israeli soldier captured in Gaza, constituted her first “encounter with Israel’s military censor”. However…

Send dissidents to "detention centers," says Israeli columnist

Globes columnist Matti Golan advocates for interning Haneen Zoabi, Gideon Levy and “those like them.”

Is the BBC trying to shore up support for Israel's assault on Gaza?

Broadcaster floods its programs with Israeli spokespeople and Zionists presented as “impartial” analysts.

Protesters force BBC to confront its pro-Israel bias

Thousands of protesters blocked BBC’s London headquarters, demanding that BBC report the reality in Gaza.

Israel student union sets up “war room” to sell Gaza massacre on Facebook

As the death toll from Israel’s savage bombardment of Gaza continues to climb, Israel has once again turned to students to sell the slaughter online.

Brian Eno joins criticism of BBC's bias against Palestinians

The musician joins a former BBC Middle East correspondent and other public figures condemning the BBC for valuing the lives of Israelis above those of Palestinians.

ABC News tells viewers that scenes of destruction in Gaza are in Israel

Diane Sawyer tells viewers that images and video of people suffering in Gaza are Israelis reeling from Palestinian rocket fire.


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