
Israel's extermination of whole families in Gaza reflects genocidal impulse

Israel’s crimes in Gaza were not only war crimes and crimes against humanity. The evidence suggests they rise to the level of genocide.

Israel lost the war in Gaza but the struggle for justice goes on

The ceasefire deal is a victory for Palestinians, but it faces many dangers and is only a small step on the road to liberation.

Scorched earth: Israel obliterates two more Gaza high rises

Israel perpetrated the destruction of two more high-rise buildings in the Gaza Strip overnight, making hundreds more people homeless and destroying dozens of business.

In last interview, Auschwitz survivor urged Palestinians "not to give up their fight"

Auschwitz survivor Hajo Meyer passed away at the age of 90. Three weeks earlier, he gave his last interview to The Electronic Intifada.

"I don't like you, death" -- Samih al-Qasim's final poem

Thousands of Palestinians pay tribute to the poet of resistance.

Playwright Wallace Shawn translates ADL ad justifying Israeli child murder into plain English

The ad, which appeared in The Hollywood Reporter and was signed by Hollywood executives, quotes a famous statement by Golda Meir justifying Israel’s slaughter of Arab children during her time.

Watch: Short film “Gazonto” by John Greyson imagines Toronto bombed like Gaza

The video uses the device of a simulated video game to show how the horrifying effects of Israeli violence against Palestinians are rendered distant or invisible while the violence itself is celebrated.

“Gaza’s 9/11”: Israel destroys high-rise building in Gaza - video

In what many Palestinians are calling “Gaza’s 9/11,” Israeli warplanes today destroyed the 12-story “Zafir 4” residential tower in Gaza City.

Students take demand to rehire Salaita directly to Univ. of Illinois trustees

There is mounting national and international outrage at the firing of Steven Salaita over his criticisms of Israel.

Starve or surrender: Cut off all food and water to Gaza, says Israeli general

Israeli Major-General Giora Eiland has urged that all food and water be cut off to Gaza residents – a major war crime and precisely the “starve or surrender” policy condemned when used in Syria.


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