About EI

About The Electronic Intifada

The Electronic Intifada is an independent online news publication and educational resource focusing on Palestine, its people, politics, culture and place in the world.

Founded in 2001, The Electronic Intifada has won awards and earned widespread recognition for publishing original, high-quality news and analysis, and first-person accounts and reviews. The Electronic Intifada’s writers and reporters include Palestinians and others living inside Palestine and everywhere else that news about Palestine and Palestinians is made.

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The Electronic Intifada is largely supported by readers like you. Please give generously to make sure we can remain a strong and independent source of original news, analysis and reviews about Palestine, to educate and empower all who work for justice.

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Bios of members of the Electronic Intifada team.

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The Electronic Intifada maintains three e-mail lists, the Newslist of the Electronic Intifada and the Newslist of Electronic Iraq, both of which are general announcement and news lists which keeps you up to date with additions to the sites, important announcements, and general EI news; and the EI/eIraq Weekday Press Picks List, a joint mailing list from the Electronic Intifada and sister Electronic Iraq project, which offers a summary of key media coverage in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and the US-Iraq crisis.

Contact the Electronic Intifada

The Electronic Intifada welcomes contact. On this page, you will find postal mail, e-mail, and fax contact coordinates for EI for questions, submissions of articles, photographs, or video, and letters for publication in our Letters to EI section. Members of the media and organisations receive priority responses. If submitting material for publication, please read our Submit Content page first and mark your e-mail clearly as FOR PUBLICATION somewhere in the subject box.

Submit Content to the Electronic Intifada

The Electronic Intifada (EI) welcomes unsolicited text and visual contributions from writers, photographers, multimedia content creators, and film-makers to any of its content feeds. EI puts a high priority on well written original analysis and reportage, contributions from people on the ground in Palestine, and strong visual imagery. Please read this page carefully before submitting material to EI.

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