Venus (3/12) Movie CLIP - Nude Modeling (2006) HD
Venus (2006) HD trailer1
Venus (2006) Official Trailer # 1 - Peter O'Toole HD
Venus (8/12) Movie CLIP - Three Kisses (2006) HD
Vanessa Redgrave and Peter O'toole - scene from Venus (2006)
Venus (4/12) Movie CLIP - The Rokeby Venus (2006) HD
FC Venus (DE 2005/2006) - Deutscher Trailer
Barco a Venus 2006 - Ana Torroja
Venus Mariska Veres Shocking Blue last tv appearance 44 years number 1 USA
Shocking Blue 2006-Venus (live)
Venus Williams vs. Martina Hingis Warsaw 2006 Highlights
Martina Hingis vs Venus Williams 2006 Rome ( SF )
Francesco Cafiso plays Green Chimneys by T.Monk Venus 2006
Venus (9/12) Movie CLIP - Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day? (2006) HD
In 1967 serial killer roams a lost highway of the American west. A trio of hot-rod driving, kung-fu kicking, whip-cracking, sex-kittens picks up two hitchhikers: A mysterious gun-toting rockabilly drifter, and a stranded hippie flower child named Venus. They arrive at an abandoned drive-in theater to find blood and savagery as their ultimate fates play out with that of the killer's. Shot in 16mm black and white, 'Motor Vixens' is an action-packed and suspenseful tribute to the cult films of the 1960s.
Chev Chelios survives a fall from the sky, sort of. He's in an unknown location, sedated, while various Chinese are harvesting his organs. His heart is gone, in an ice chest; a temporary in its place. Chev escapes, knowing only the name of the guy with the ice chest. He calls Doc Miles, an unlicensed cardiologist, who tells him there's only an hour's life in the artificial heart: keep it charged. Chev needs to find his own heart and get to Doc for a transplant. He starts his time-limited pursuit of shadowy figures, the ice chest, and his heart aided by Eve, Rei, and Venus - a stripper, a prostitute, and a pal with Tourette's - constantly needing an electric charge to keep going.
Keywords: absurdism, ambulance, artificial-heart, bare-breasts, bare-breasts, bare-chested-male, beaten-to-death, beating, bigoted-assassin, black-comedy
He was dead...But he got better
Stay Charged, Stay Alive!
Fully charged.
Chev Chelios: [before crashing in limousine] Chicken and broccoli.
Don Kim: You know what you are, Chev Chelios?::Chev Chelios: Tell me.::Don Kim: You... are a shit magnet.
Don Kim: [to Chev, about Venus] Your friend has the gay condition.
Venus: You're Chev Chelios, right? The sickest, most wicked-ist motherfucker that ever vaporized motherfuckers in cold-blood, right?::Chev Chelios: Yeah, that's me.
Chev Chelios: A man who calls himself The Ferret.::Venus: El Huron.::Chev Chelios: You know him?::Venus: No. It means The Ferret in Spanish.
Chev Chelios: Where's my fucking pumper?
Chev Chelios: [catches up with Johnny Vang after chase] Did I just drop some change [grabs Johnny Vang by neck] or did I hear a chink?
Ria: What the fuck? I'm clean like baby!::Chev Chelios: What's that? Fucking Cunt-a-nese?
Doc Miles: Is Doc Miles gonna have to choke a bitch?
[first lines]::Fish Halman: In a story so bizarre I can scarcely believe the event I'm reporting, and yet corroborated by at least a dozen eye witnesses. A white male apparently fell from the sky above downtown Los Angeles today, landed in the middle of a busy intersection, destroying one vehicle and hospitalising its elderly driver,and then was removed from the scene even before emergency personnel could respond. Without a body the police have yet to piece together the events of the day.It can only be described as implausible. Reports of a second body landing in the Boyle Heights area have yet to be confirmed, and are being treated as the bullshit they most likely are.
In a strange alienated world there is a secret hotel in a shabby diner called the Venus Café, harboring some unusual people where compelling secrets lie in each resident's heart. Torturing secrets that have broken their emotional boundaries in the past. In this bittersweet, heart-wrenching story, there lives a man by the name of Chonan (Tsuyoshi Kusanagi) who lives in the attic and works as a waiter or handyman at the hotel. Room 1 is shared by two residents; an incapable alcoholic and an illegal doctor named Doctor (Teruyuki Kagawa) and Wife (Miki Nakatani) who used to be a nurse but now works as a hostess living in the hopes of Doctor's recuperation. In Room 3 lives a bubbly girl by the name of Soda (Jo Eun Ji), who came from a deserted town where no one flowers flourished and has a dream to open her own flower shop. Finally, Room 4, occupied by a challenging young boy by the name of Boy (Lee Joon Gi), who carries around a gun longing to become a strong man and wishes to some day become a hitman. Then there is the owner of the café, Venus, who is a mysterious transvestite and has only one able leg. Later one day, a drifter by the name of Gai (Park Jung Woo), a quiet man who would avoid verbal communication, walks into the Venus Café with a little girl named Sai (Heui Ko To) who never smiles. He tells Chonan the secret password to entering the hidden hotel and then they became the residents to Room 2. Gai later gets a job at a construction site, while Chonan preserves in comforting Sai to open up her heart and in the process finds his own heart slowly opening as well. Boy, who wants to become a strong man doesn't like Gai staying at the hotel and in the mist of things gets into fight with Gai challenging him to show his worth as a strong man. But in the progress ends up shooting Sai in the leg rendering her feeble. In addition, Soda who is usually bubbly later becomes sad due to the illegal errands she has run for her boss at the flower shop. But Chonan eventually discovers Soda's illegal errands and confronts her to preach to her the differences in right from wrong. In the mean while, Doctor and Wife are constantly fighting over their petty differences and Doctor's alcoholism, which later causes Wife to leave in depression.
Valentino is an Ex Aldult film star very much in love with his girlfriend Mary Carmen....and boyfriend Gary. Things take a tragic turn when Valentino is rushed to the hospital after collapsing on a city street and is diagnosed with HIV/AIDS...Forcing Mary Carmen and Gary to push aside their jealousy & differences to take care of the man they both love while he is dying. Ultimately finding comfort, understanding, and strength in the other. A beautiful modern love story with a fantastic cast. Vincent D'Onofrio is very charismatic, charming, and intense as Valentino.....
Keywords: actor, aids, air-conditioner, allergy, applause, arcade, arcade-game, baby, baby-girl, bar
Gary: Gary dreams about kissing someone so hard his mouth hurts. He dreams about kissing someone so soft his heart hurts, so long his neck hurts, so deep his throat hurts. Gary dreams about kissing someone so... completely that nothing hurts.
[from the trailer]::Gary: You spent all the money on junk food? Y'know, some of that was rent money.::Valentino: I thought we paid that last month.
Valentino: I don't wanna live without you guys. And now I don't wanna die without you.
Venus: Twixt opptimist and pessimist: the difference is droll.::Coco: One sees the doughnut, the other the hole.::Venus: [both] FAGOT!
Mary Carmen: I'm sorry, but I wasn't listening. Does that mean I'm going to die too?
King Louis XI is a wise and old king and Frollo is the Chief Justice. Frollo gazes on the gypsy girl, Esmeralda, in the church during Fool's Day and sends Quasimoto to catch her. Quasimoto, with the girl, is captured by Phoebus, Captain of the Guards, who frees the girl. The courts sentence Quasimoto to be flogged, and the only one who will give him water while he is tied in the square is Esmeralda. Later, at a party of nobles, Esmeralda again meets both Frollo, who is bewitched by her, and Phoebus. When Phoebus is stabbed to death, Esmeralda is accused of the murder, convicted by the court and sentenced to hang. Clopin, King of the Beggars, Gringoire the Husband of Esmeralda, and Quasimoto, the bellringer, all try different ways to save her from the gallows.
Keywords: 15th-century, acrobat, actor, alone, archbishop, arrest, bag-over-head, balancing-a-chair-on-one's-chin, bald-man, baldness
Impact ! Power ! Pathos ! Drama !
Drama Unparalleled ! Spectacle Beyond Belief ! !
IMPACT! POWER! FIRE! PATHOS! DRAMA! (original print ad - all caps)
Quasimodo, the bell-ringer: Ohh, you asked me why I saved you. I tried to carry you off, and the next day, you gave me a drink of water, and a little pity.
Quasimodo, the bell-ringer: [half-laughing, half-weeping] I'm about as shapeless as the man in the moon!
Quasimodo, the bell-ringer: [to one of the stone gargoyles] Why was I not made of stone - like thee?
[Watching Esmeralda dance]::Louis XI, King of France: Doesn't she make your pulse beat faster?::The King's Physician: I'm a widower four times, sire, but I could begin all over again.
Quasimodo, the bell-ringer: Sanctuary! Sanctuary!
Clopin: Try to take a purse out of that pocket, but if one single bell jingles, you fail.::Gringoire: And then?::Clopin: And then you hang!::Gringoire: [pondering for a moment] Can you do it?::Clopin: I'm above that sort of thing. I cut throats. I don't cut purses.
Clopin: [to Gringoire immediately following flogging of Quasimodo] Never trust a man with pinched nostrils and thin lips.
Louis XI, King of France: Doctor, lend me half a livre.::The King's Physician: Half a livre?::Louis XI, King of France: Afraid I won't repay you?
Witness to flogging: Our whipper could make him cry.::Witness to flogging: Are you saying you have a better whipper in Marseilles than we have in Paris?::Witness to flogging: Yes! [they knock him off the steps]
Gringoire: Your hands are like ice. You're not afraid are you?::Esmeralda: Not now oh Gringoire, Why did I ever come to paris?::Gringoire: Don't cry darling::Esmeralda: I keep thinking and thinking How I came here to soften the king heart towards my people until my silly heart betrayed me for that I deserve to die.::Gringoire: You will not! I will get you free::Esmeralda: You will look out after my people when I am gone
Venus (3/12) Movie CLIP - Nude Modeling (2006) HD
Venus (2006) HD trailer1
Venus (2006) Official Trailer # 1 - Peter O'Toole HD
Venus (8/12) Movie CLIP - Three Kisses (2006) HD
Vanessa Redgrave and Peter O'toole - scene from Venus (2006)
Venus (4/12) Movie CLIP - The Rokeby Venus (2006) HD
FC Venus (DE 2005/2006) - Deutscher Trailer
Barco a Venus 2006 - Ana Torroja
Venus Mariska Veres Shocking Blue last tv appearance 44 years number 1 USA
Shocking Blue 2006-Venus (live)
Venus Williams vs. Martina Hingis Warsaw 2006 Highlights
Martina Hingis vs Venus Williams 2006 Rome ( SF )
Francesco Cafiso plays Green Chimneys by T.Monk Venus 2006
Venus (9/12) Movie CLIP - Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day? (2006) HD
Venus (2/12) Movie CLIP - First Date (2006) HD
The Venus Project - Future By Design - Full documentary
Venus ( 2006 Yahoo Summer Party )
Venus (1/12) Movie CLIP - Not Yodeling, Modeling (2006) HD
VENUS w/ Peter O' Toole
Future by Design (Futuro por Diseño) (2006) (The Venus Project) (J. Fresco) (SUBs)
Venus (10/12) Movie CLIP - We Won't Live Forever (2006) HD
Venus (11/12) Movie CLIP - Catheters at Dawn (2006) HD
Venus (5/12) Movie CLIP - Silly Old Fools (2006) HD
Mercury & Venus the Two most Hostile Planets in the Solar System
Venus: Death of a Planet
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Deadliest Space Weather S01E01 - Venus
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Delta de Venus - filme leg
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Venus is a 2006 British comedy-drama film starring Peter O'Toole, Leslie Phillips, Vanessa Redgrave and Jodie Whittaker. It is directed by Roger Michell and written by Hanif Kureishi.
The film premiered at the Telluride Film Festival and was put on limited release in the United States on 21 December 2006.
The plot concerns Maurice (Peter O'Toole), an elderly actor who finds himself increasingly attracted to his friend Ian's great-niece Jessie (Jodie Whittaker) while simultaneously finding himself in deteriorating health due to prostate cancer. Maurice's friend describes the great-niece as a trouble maker and a nuisance, but Maurice discovers that Jessie warms up to him when he starts interacting with her. He takes her to the National Gallery in London, England to view his favourite painting, the Rokeby Venus, by the Spanish artist Diego Velázquez.
Tell me now and I'll understand
Does venus hold you in the palm of her hand
Has her blackness touched your very heart
She'll smile sweetly as your world falls apart
And I just can't quit it babe
I just can't stand the pain
And I just can't quit it babe
I keep running back again
Little by little piece by piece
Your defenses have all slipped away
And real beauty's such an elusive thing
Somewhere down the line you'll have to pay
Repeat *
Oh no, it's such a cold, cold feeling
Cuts your body to the bone
Oh no, it's a strange, strange feeling
Loves been abandoned and I'm so alone
And everyday I see my flame growing dimmer
I've nothing left but this very life to save
And evry night I feel that I'm a winner
She's taking me down to the grave
And everyday I see my flame growing dimmer
I can't seem to chase the ghosts away
And every night I get too high, I'm a winner
I've nothing left but to pray
And every night she makes me feel like a winner
And every night she makes me think I'm a winner
Venus smiles and encircles me
And wraps me in a soft princely gown
Waves of darkness rise like the sea
Rattlesnakes with Pigeonholes
Ace of Spades my home sweet home
Whim-wham ringerangeroo
Venus Fly Trap I love you
Nonny-nonny Paw Paw Tricks
Thirly Whirly Candlesticks
Eye that weeps most when best pleased
Dicky-Dido Cabbage Field
Rattlesnakes with Pigeonholes
Ace of Spades my home sweet home
Whim-wham ringerangeroo
Venus Fly Trap I love you
Pleasure Garden Yum Yum Crack
Road to Heaven Lucky Bag
Nick-Nack Keyhole Moneybox
Jing-Jang Skin Coat Melting-pot
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man mad
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no one else had
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Venus was her name
Yeah baby she's got it
Yeah baby she's got it
Yeah baby she's got it
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man mad
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no-one else had
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
I can hardly see ya
I can hardly see ya
You're fed up with your friends
You're fed up with the end
You're fed up with the make-up
Have you ever seen us?
Have you ever seen us?
You're fed up with your friends
You're fed up with the end
You're fed up with the make-up
Have you seen my dreams?
They're the same as yours it seems
I can hardly see ya
I can hardly see ya
Because of who you are
I can see the road to follow
Every day with you
Will be as though there's no tomorrow
Venus passes by the sun
Venus passes by the sun
Venus passes by the sun
Love doesn't always come to everyone
Only once in a blue, blue moon
Do lovers find each other
And make it to the precious room
To become a father and mother
Venus passes by the sun
Venus passes by the sun
Venus passes by the sun
Love doesn't always come to everyone
And tomorrow is easy to see
When the unconditional is free
Venus passes by the sun
Venus passes by the sun
Venus passes by the sun
Circa mea pectora multa sunt suspiria
De tua pulchritudine, que me ledunt misere.
Venus! - I trow'd thou was my friend -
Professed to Heaven thou wouldst send;
As a disciple of a villain
Didst thou act the tragedienne.
Iam amore virginali totus ardeo.
Amor volat undique, captus est libidine.
Venus! - I trow'd thou was my friend -
Professed to Heaven thou wouldst send;
As a disciple of a villain
Didst thou act the tragedienne.
Iam amore virginale totus ardeo.
Circa mea pectora multa sunt suspiria
De tua pulchritudine, que me ledunt misere.
Tui lucent oculi sicut solis radij,
Godess on a mountain top.
Burning like a silver flame.
Summit of beauty and love ..
And Venus was her name.
She's got it, yeah baby she's got it.
Well I'm in Venus, I'm your fire, your desire.
Her weapons were her crystal eyes.
Making every man mad.
Black as the night, what's she got ?
She's got what no-one else has.
From anuva world
I'm a take ya
Planet venus
Goddess of love
Let's take it
[Verse 1:]
I'm not from this planet,
I'm from a galaxy that's far away,
A billion lightyears,
I travelled to get to you baby
So when you ask me (me)
Can I love right
You now ov corse
O yeahhh
So hop aboard my spaceship
No other female could give you moreee
So let me tell you where I'm from boy,
I come from venus.
Planet of love
You see it and you really need it.
My aflication
No1 can beat
Boy I'll have you phenin
This womans in love
I come from venus
Boy I'm from venus
I am from venus
[Verse 2:]
I will treat you
I'll treat like the king I no you are.
They'll be no other.
Other thing that can get what I got,
Can you imagine what it's like when your with me,
Touchin on your bodyy,
A lover oceon baby won't you swim with me,
Don't need no life guard.
So baby jus hop aboard cause I'm the captain of the ship, baby I got you don't trip,
So let me tell you where I'm from boy,
I come from venus.
Planet of love
You see it and you really need it.
My aflication
No1 can beat
Boy I'll have you phenin
This womans in love
I come from venus
Boy I'm from venus
I am from venus
And I'll take you,
Back to my planet,
And earth will never look the same again,
I tell you no lie,
I'm gon giv u evrything you want and desireee.
So let me tell you where I'm from boy,
I come from venus.
Planet of love
You see it and you really need it.
My aflication
No1 can beat
Boy I'll have you phenin
This womans in love
I come from venus
Boy I'm from venus
I am from venus
From anuva world
I'm a take you
Planet... venus
Aha aha
Aha aha
You know you, me, we are so lonely
You look to me I'll be there my only
'Cause you say you want me
More, more, more
And you say that you need me
It won't be long and I'll be holdin'
'Cause you say you want me
More, more, more
One touch of Venus
And she'll receive us
One touch of Venus
Yeah yeah
One touch of Venus
And she'll receive us
I said yeah yeah
I know we'll take a ride
We'll pass the stars and be home tonight
'Cause you, me, way above the stars, (stars)
We ain't dreamin'
And we're livin'
One touch of Venus
And she'll receive us
One touch of Venus
Mmm Yeah yeah
One touch of Venus
And she'll receive us
I said yeah yeah
Ain't I got the might
Ain't I got the right
Unh, huh for a touch of Venus
Aha aha
You me we ain't so far from home
You me we ain't got far to go
You me here above the stars
One touch of Venus
And she'll receive us
One touch of Venus
Mmm Yeah yeah
One touch of Venus
And she'll receive us
One touch of Venus
Mmm yeah yeah
One touch of Venus
And she'll receive us
I said yeah yeah
Way above the stars
Ain't I got the right
For a touch of Venus
Ain't I got the right
Godess on a mountain top.
Burning like a silver flame.
Summit of beauty and love ..
And Venus was her name.
She's got it, yeah baby she's got it.
Well I'm in Venus, I'm your fire, your desire.
Her weapons were her crystal eyes.
Making every man mad.
Black as the night, what's she got ?
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man a man
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no-one else had
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
Jesse, go to sleep
We're still a long way off
I'm just filling Junior up at Texaco
There's a schedule that we've got to keep
And every time we're late, I think
But every time we've made it to the show
So don't you cry
See Aedan, he's alright
He's laughing on the stage
And the people stop and tell me that he's fine
It's one more night at the Hampton Inn
It's breakfast on the house again
Well, it isn't home, but it'll do just fine
Still, it isn't home
We've got planes to catch, bills to pay
We won't make it home today
We've got shows from Boston clear to Venus
But if America is listening, as long as I've got songs to sing
We can always make a home right here between us
Well, your mama's got her eyes on you
And mine are on the road
And Gabe's are staring off at Kansas City
We'd all swear that it's a precious view
That's seen by such a precious few
And it'll change you just as sure as it is pretty
But that ain't a bad thing
Well I've never seen the spirit wind,
but I have seen the tall grass bend
So I'll follow it wherever it may bring us
And as long as I've got songs to sing
I hope somebody's listening
'Cause we can always find a home right here between us
Hey Venus oh Venus
Venus if you will
Please send a little girl for me to thrill
A girl who wants my kisses and my arms
A girl with all the charms of you
Venus make her fair
A lovely girl with sunlight in her hair
And take the brightest stars up in the sky
And place them in her eyes for me
Venus, goddess of love that you are
Surely the things I ask
Can't be too great a task
Venus, if you do
I promise that I always will be true
I'll give her all the love I have to give
As long as we both shall live.
Venus, goddess of love that you are
Surely the things I ask
Can't be too great a task
Venus, if you do
I promise that I always will be true
I'll give her all the love I have to give
As long as we both shall live.
Hey Venus oh Venus
Just gettin' off my job around Wall Street, wit the ties on
Finest girl, a brother think he ever set eyes on
Nice day, rather sunny as we made a run for honey
Where the warm press violets, violence on the run
How I turned right there, seem kinda funny there
One in there, as he tellin' me he could get the underwear
Meanwhile, still jockin' her, like a real sucka
Sister which was so fine, she could AIDS, I'll still knock her
Heartbeatin' for since a brother didn't figure eatin'
As I ask her if she's single, ya caught my nigga cheatin'
Nice to meet ya, leash ya, don't combine features
Watched her walk away and observin' the fine creature
Next day again, what an unvite surprise to us
Ran into to so much her and her friends startin' hang wit us
The pair of mood don't find the bowl swine
Can I take you out to movies while I dine the whole nine?
She condone 'cuz riddance, nigga slid the song
Didn't want to get to bone her though I knew I didn't own her
And I could of made a move, a little will power 'cuz all of though
She told me she liked him as a friend and that was all
And since she hang wit us, shorty told her queen freak of the week
On my birthday bought me pair of Gucci sneakers
Did she like me risk, then I thought, was it fine guess or unmoral
When she saw me got me dissin' kinda special
Since wit this dish, none of bay, if everybody wanna play
How long is money gonna weigh, so I asked a honey on a date
And she accepts, thought it was much planned
Windows of the world even had the nerve to touch her hand
Though I'm lookin' at, bashful, no socks
Pull of what's a shine and the hun pulls closer
Thought clever hint, so what she straight, never been so excited
And convinced, kissin' heaven ever since
Hold her hand to chillin', feature man to build
Can't believe my dream fulfilled all in the girl
Began to hill by singin'
Lady if you will
Say you're the one that sent for me to thrill
Some one that I can hold close in my arms
With all the charms of you
With all the charms of you, of you, of you, of you
Of a lady, this world is just for ladies
A heart screams out to ladies
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man a man
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no-one else had
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man a man
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no-one else had
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
You could be from Venus
I could be from Mars
We would be together
Lovers forever
Care for each other
You could live in the sea
And I could be a bird
We would be together
Lovers forever
Care for each other
If you wear an illusion
I will make it real
We would be together
Lovers forever
Care for each other
If you walk in the sun
I will be your shadow
We would be together
Lovers forever
Didn't hear me wrong, I just thought that you were joking
Well he didn't last for long and yes that's, kind of, thought provoking
I know what you've come to do, so you can stop your persistent smiling
I'm not going to look at you because you're positively too beguiling
You used to hold me and pretend that I was him
Well, that's what you told me, oh you may forget but I'll always remember
No, let's not try again, I'm sure you'll manage somehow
You were too good for him but that's just not good enough for me now
You used to hold me and pretend that I was him
Well, that's what you told me, oh you may forget but I'll always remember
you're the one
Noone is making a move
please keep it secret.
Have a nice day X 3
we are looking for the core
You first
and then all the other
Venus is lookin' at you!
Don't keep her waiting!
Have a nice day X 3
we are looking for the big black hole
For my unique, raving waving
i'm glancing from the peak
of my badly, hidden
c'mon love...
please give me another bone!
Venus here i am
we're dancing,
let the rain caress our fragile wings
A lysergic trip on Venus
here i am...don't stop X 2 looking at you!
We are naked on the floor
escaping from the big black hole! hole! hole!
hole! hole! hole!
here i am!
We are naked on the floor
escaping from the big black hole! hole! hole!
Venus is looking at you!
escaping from the big black hole!
Forget, forget, forget
disregard the rest
everything is over now!
planet Earth looks so beautiful from space!
lovely and harmless.
We are the strangers looking for the water.
Sand like dust in my hands
it's time to come back home with a new sense.
wake up!
please give me another bone!
don't i am!
don't stop!
We are naked on the floor
escaping from the big black hole! hole! hole!
hole! hole! hole!
here i am!
We are naked on the floor
escaping from the big black hole! hole! hole!
Venus is looking at you!
No, you didn't hear me wrong
I just thought that you were joking
Well he didn't last for long
And yes that's, kind of, thought provoking
I know what you've come to do
So you can stop your persistent smiling
I'm not going to look at you
Because you're positively too beguiling
You used to hold me
And pretend that I was him
Well, that's what you told me
Oh you may forget but I'll always remember
No, let's not try again
I'm sure you'll manage somehow
You were too good for him
But that's just not good enough for me now
You used to hold me
And pretend that I was him
Well, that's what you told me
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love, love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
(instrumental break)
Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man a man, man
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no-one else had
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
ahhh. ahh. ahah. ahah.
ahh. ahah. ahah. ahh.
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
oh yeah,
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man a man
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no-one else had
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your venus, I'm your fire
When i caught you making plans for a new life
You were pale and out of breath but of sound mind
Then you told me about the place where the stars align
You were staging and escape from my empire
Set a course for venus and leave earth now
We should leave this world forever
Set a course for venus and leave earth now
We should leave this world together
There's a beacon sending signs from the lighthouse
Will you dare to make your way through the barbed wire?
Be prepared when you reveal what the scars hide
You'll be dead to me i swear if you walk out
Set a course for venus and leave earth now
We should leave this world forever
Set a course for venus and leave earth now
Hey, Venus, oh, Venus
Venus, if you will
Please send a little girl for me to thrill
A girl who wants my kisses and my arms
A girl with all the charms of you
Venus, make her fair
A lovely girl with sunlight in her hair
And take the brightest stars up in the skies
And place them in her eyes for me
Venus, goddess of love that you are
Surely the things I ask
Can't be too great a task
Venus, if you do
I promise that I always will be true
I'll give her all the love I have to give
As long as we both shall live
Venus, goddess of love that you are
Surely the things I ask
Can't be too great a task
Venus, if you do
I promise that I always will be true
I'll give her all the love I have to give
As long as we both shall live
Hey, Venus, oh, Venus
Make my wish come true
I got more than I asked for,
there ain't nothin' I need.
I took all till I had more,
I'm always takin' the lead.
Old man shakin' dice down on the street,
try'n to make a livin' somehow
but I'm really sure about gettin' things sorted out
and I'm gettin' ready right now.
You can't hold me,
I have told you.
Might just take your life,
might just take your life.
I've been called by many names
and all of them are bad.
I can take it all the same,
it's all I've ever had.
I've got somethin' that you can't get
but one thing you can see:
gettin' there ain't easy
but it sure was hard for me.
You can't hold me,
I have told you.
Might just take your life,
might just take your life.
Every time I take a look
there's someone close behind.
They never used to make a pass,
the things that crossed their minds.
Now they tell me that it's all right
and they want to be my friend.
They're ridin' on my back.
When is it goin' to end?
You can't hold me,
I have told you.
Might just take your life,
might just take your life,
might just take your life.
Got more than I asked for,
got more than I need.
Got more than I asked for,
got more than I need.
Got more than I asked for,
got more than I need.
- Ritchie Blackmore, David Coverdale, Jon Lord Ian Paice
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man a man
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no-one else had
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
she's a sly cat; plaster white
shoots her mouth like a firing squad, uh huh
see her ruby jive
swingin' her hips like the Aphrodite
well, sugar ain't free, it's a lemonade
i spit a couple of teeth trying to get her name, uh huh
flash dance, miss divine
bought her a couple mixed drinks and a brandy wine, uh huh
then she starts to crack
i slip her my key, she can't hand it back, uh huh
well she's only 19, but she's doing fine and i've been out five weeks and i need a ride, uh huh
my hotel room comes equipped with a very nice bedroom and a window miss de milo
if you want to room 16 at the continental
undercover love
hello femme fatale
there's an intimate ball at the carnival, uh huh
won't you spend the night?
we can dance to an early light, uh huh
it's you and me and my lips are sealed
so why not be who you really feel, uh huh
large hotel room comes equipped with a very nice bedroom and a window miss de milo
if you want to room 16 at the continental
undercover love
she said 'do me once again'
i took the apple from her hand
she said she knows me
yeah, she knows me
paris lets her out at night.
my hotel room comes equipped with a very nice bedroom and a window miss de milo
if you want to room 16 at the continental
"Forgive me as I have become the trail of mutilation towards destruction, evil for all. We the arbitrary souls of our own temple -- need nobody as we reach out and hold your breath of life."
Who has sent an angel for our requiem
Slaughter house religion
And the burning sun
Liars devotees of their deities
I see Venus decomposing
Here in front of me, close to me
"She's a liar."
Hell hallucinates
As you're fucked and bled
My dreams made flesh
Your words are dead
Wide awake - reaching for the light
Dead to the world
Victim of today
Wide awake,
Victim you are mine
Still warm
Your eyes
Your words
Your faith
You burn so close to me
Fear is losing control
Fear is losing your life
Fear is taking your soul
Fear is you are mine
She feels
Still warm
As the womb grows colder - sufferer
Dreams I will bleed from your heart
Reasons for my world go rushing blind
Know my name
No invocation called me
As I reached her from inside
Love could have killed her just the same
Know my name - dead to the world
My words - dead to the world
You're dead
Venus was decomposing
Her hair blazed like sunlight
Flowering in a stream of gold
Your eyes
Your words
Your faith
It brings you close to me
Fear is losing control
Fear is losing your life
Fear is taking your soul
Fear is you are mine
[Verse 1]
This is Zion I commanding this ship
Planet Earth, we'll be landing on venus
Landing on venus
Yo yo sometimes she shake her thing
Sometimes she wanna chill
But otherwise she searchin' for that dog gone dollar bill
Yo she setting up a kill from the moment that it starts
Praying on the weakness that be lurkin' in their hearts
Seen it a million times i'm sure a million more
Cos venus she be working through the powers of amore
Mon cher ri mon cher ri I adore
That's what they be say thinkin' the heart is pure
But lets explore the reasons for the seasons
Why this sister wanna to committ all these treasons
Like a sequence hit rewind cat
Now find the meaning to the scheming when we come back
She wants money stacks
Fat cadillacs
Spend all her time dining out with big macs
Think a little green give her something to feel
But the best thing she can do is just chill
She wants money stacks
Superstars and cars
Wanna own a house a palace and casbahs
Thinkin' that the green give her something to feel
But the best thing she can do is just chill
[Verse 2]
Of the nubians
She's queen of illu-sion
Got a sub of box
Of mens thoughts
Tell me how you create all midnight skies
Cos when i'm standing by you all my time flies
Thats how the web get weaved
You join in its spin and you start to believe
Even though your sixth sense
Tell you that you're already slipping sense
She's takin' all your cents
That's when the drama commence to start boomin'
Man, woman we both only human
That's just assuming that you still in the chase
Sister running holding karats right in front of your face
She wants money stacks
Fat cadillacs
Spend all her time dining out with big macs
Think a little green give her something to feel
But the best thing she can do is just chill
She wants money stacks
Superstars and cars
Wanna own a house a palace and casbahs
Thinkin' that the green give her something to feel
But the best thing she can do is just chill
[Verse 3]
Purity and soul untouched virgin snow
Follow me into my deep cerebral
Money ain't for nothing it come and then it go
So why do we allow it to cause so much woe
I don't know but neither does he
Who be chasin' round sisters for a nominal fee
I can see why it may be like that
Brothers wanna react to what they think they lack
I can see here she comin'then she's gone
Brothers just a pawn
Can not last very long
She wants money stacks
Fat cadillacs
Spend all her time dining out with big macs
Think a little green give her something to feel
But the best thing she can do is just chill
She wants money stacks
Superstars and cars
Wanna own a house a palace and casbahs
Thinkin' that the green give her something to feel
They say men and women are worlds apart
With neither one willing to travel that far
But I?ve never bought into psychological stuff
And never claimed to be a bonafied genius
But if men are from Mars and women are from Venus
I?m goin' to Venus
Well, strap me in, ship me out, beam me up Scotty
Take me to the land of those heavenly bodies
Stay here if you want to but just between us
If men are from Mars and women are from Venus
I?m goin' to Venus
Women want a man who ain't afraid to commit
And take 'em out to dinner that?s candle lit
So I?m givin' in to the battle of the sexes
And callin' up ahead to make reservations
'Cause if men are from Mars and women are from Venus
I?m goin' to Venus
If you come by the house and I?m not in
You can call me long, long, long distance
Got better things to do than sit around and talk
'Cause I?m blastin' off of this big red rock
Well, strap me in, ship me out, beam me up Scotty
Take me to the land of those heavenly bodies
Stay here if you want to but just between us
If men are from Mars and women are from Venus
A Goddess on the mountain top
Was burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
Well, I'm your Venus
I'm your fire, at your desire
Well, I'm your Venus
I'm your fire, at your desire
Her weapons were
Her crystal eyes
Making every man mad
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no-one else had
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire, at your desire
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire, at your desire
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire, at your desire
Well, I'm your Venus,
You and i down the star system gear
up in the sky it’s full of shines
no one else sharing this
wonder, i beg you now
let me see the picture in your pocket
to space around
cool breath, we’re polar bears
searching for their star
slow kiss, we’re floating away
through the atmosphere
wonder, i beg you now
let me see the picture in your pocket
to space around
the place where dreams come true
make the stars surround you
all dressed up with nowhere to go
shining bright i look up to you
can we meet again tonight
i saw venus in the sky
and she told me everything
like a flashing light
a caution sign
i'm seeing something
racing down the freeway
make this car go faster
catching sparks
crashing into you
t hese flames will burn all night
i saw venus in the sky
and she told me everything
like a flashing light
a caution sign
i'm seeing something
you hold your head up high
it's been there ever since
and it's no surprise
i'm wrong, you're right
Hey, Venus
Oh, Venus
Venus, if you will
Please send a little girl for me to thrill
A girl who wants my kisses and my arms
A girl with all the charms of you
Venus, make her fair
A lovely girl with sunlight in her hair
And take the brightest stars up in the skies
And place them in her eyes for me
Venus, goddess of love that you are
Surely the things I ask
Can't be too great a task
Venus, if you do
I promise that I always will be true
I'll give her all the love I have to give
As long as we both shall live
Venus, goddess of love that you are
Surely the things I ask
Can't be too great a task
Venus, if you do
I promise that I always will be true
I'll give her all the love I have to give
As long as we both shall live
Hey, Venus
Oh, Venus
A goddess on a mountain top
Was Burning like a silver flame
A summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name.
She's got it,
Yeah baby,she's got it.
Well I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire at your desire.
Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man mad,
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no one else had.
She's got it,
Yeah baby,she's got it
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire at your desire.
Ahaaahaaaaa (2x)
She's got it,
Yeah baby,she's got it
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire at your desire.
Well, I'm your Venus
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man mad
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no one else had
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
(Venus was her name)
A goodess on a mountain top,
was burning like a silver flame.
The summit of beauty she was,
and Venus was her name.
She's got it, Yeah baby she's got it.
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire at you desire.
Well, I'm your Venus, I'm your fire at you desire.
Her weapon were her crystal eyes,
making every man a man.
Black as a darknight she was,
got what no one else had.
I will remember
Forever and ever this time
You leave lonely
And i just can't stand the pain
Now i know who you are
And my head is turning
Like a living nightmare
You were all i had
I've been thinking about you
Fire in my heart
I've been dreaming about you
Love you can't deny
All my feelings, memories yeah
You were playing with a fool
Madly in love with you
It's easy to see
Oh! love is not a game
There's no one else to blame
I'm lost without your love
Heart feeling
Heart bleeding
Heart breaking
I'll forsake
I'll escape
I'll forgo
Let myself go
I'll forsake
I'll escape
I'll forgo
Let myself go
I'll desert
One day
I'll desert
I left the corpses far behind and I escaped
A distant voice reminds me how
Desire fades
In a long, in a long, in a long moan
Those bodies buried in the sand
In bloodstained clothes
Were whithering hand in hand
Like a faded rose
In a long, in a long
In a long, long night-gown
In a long slow-down
In a long, long night-gown
In a long moan
I left a dead soul far behind and I ran further
Still this morning I think time
Can bring about murder
I saw those empty shadows bend
But I won't slump down
The battle made me loose (?) a friend
But I keep on walking
In a long, in a long
In a long, long night-gown
In a long slow-down
In a long, long night-gown
In a long moan
In a long, long night-gown
In a long slow-down
In a long, long night-gown
In a long moan
I left the corpses far behind and I escaped
A distant voice reminds me how
Desire fades
I left them far behind and they still scream
And you remind me how
The demons try to catch me
They're coming so close to me
All those eyes that are holding me back
I can't talk, I can't shout
All those hands holding me
I'm so cold and you're not here
I go down to the bottom of the abyss
I'm sinking into the darkness
Running at full speed when I fall (4x)
O my god I feel alone
Above my head, a scarlet veil
Turns around my head and rips my veins
Tepid blood flowing on my hands
I slowly strangle her, and see
A red river leaving its stream
Drowning plains and flowing into the sea
I feel like I'm falling free
Spiders are jumping into the light
Spiders on my skin, white night
Some ice-cold whisky flows in my brain
Deeper and deeper, cold are in my veins
This is my cell where I used to walk
This is my hell, well it's full of smoke
I saw the devil, I met a friend
I felt evil breathing at the end
I am a monster, I am a freak, I am Jesus, I am a creep
I am the father, I am the sun, I am the healer, I am the gun
There goes a night train
Right to nowhere
Tied to my ankles
Black ruby chains
Falling from the ceiling
Running on the floor
Steeling my anguish
Breaking my door
Am I a loner, am I so cold
I need a lover, let's go home
Some ice-cold whisky flows in my brain
Deeper and deeper, cold are in my veins
I am a monster, I am a freak, I am Jesus, I am a creep
I am the father, I am the sun, I am the healer, I am the gun
(Only on the demo:
Can't you see the monster that (grows up inside?)
Can't you see the monster that ...)
I am the gun
I am the gun
Here they come
The unknown forms
They come
To us
They slowly say
Their last pleas
Without name
In the haze
Sweet velvet haze
Here they come
The unknown forms
They come
Beside, below, they cross
The fire and the water
Beside, below, they cross
The fire and the water
Thousand of horses
Turning round
Millions of teardrops
Healing our wounds
Here they come
The unknown forms
Here they come
The unknown forms
Here they come
And no one
Is to be found
In the worlds
Who could tower
Above you
And no one
Is to be found
In the worlds
Who could tower
Above you
No one is to be found
No one is to be found
And no one
Is to be found
In the worlds
Who could tower
A man with a tattoo
Made me a rendez-vous
He met Lolita in a bar in Soho
The glitter on her lips
The way she moved her hips
Dancing to the beat of the stereo
She's so disco
He said: "You're gonna be my queen
Come on, shake my tambourine
You'll be the superstar of my floor show"
They drank a lot and jived
Ran away from the lights
Rushing at the doors of the Glass Bowl
She's so disco
She's so disco
She's so disco
She's soooooo disco
He took her for a ride
Kiss me, hold me tight
Don't resist, pump up the volume of the radio
It was the dead of night
Not a single soul in sight
Lolita yields to the killer gigolo
She's so disco
A man with a tattoo
Made me a rendez-vous
He met Madonna in a bar in Soho
The glitter on her lips
The way she moved her hips
Dancing to the beat of the stereo
She's so disco
She's so disco
She's so disco
I wish I was mad
Fucked up and done
I wish I was bad
And completely wrong
I wish I was made
Rebuilt-up and fake
I wish I could lie
And never could fail
And live some beautiful days
In a magical place
Beautiful loves
Perfect and straight
Beautiful days
In a magical place
A new dream is born
The new freaks have come
I wish I was fast
And crazy as a dog
I wish I could last
As long as the gods
I wish I could be
Perfectly free
Wish I was a creep
Wish I made you bleed
And live some beautiful days
In a magical place
Beautiful loves
Perfect and straight
Beautiful days
In a magical place
A new dream is born
The new freaks have come
Beautiful days
In a magical place
Beautiful loves
Perfect and straight
And it's a beautiful day
In a magical place
Beautiful loves
Perfect and straight
Beautiful days
In a magical place
A new dream is born
You Know?
V I C T O R Y Girls
Naega itneunde, wae tto mangseol yeo
Yeoja mameun naega aneunde
Naega eungwon hago itneunde
Wae tto ginjang hae
Ja uri ga nugu, You~
For You, You~
I'm your Venus
Jello Hot han nareul midgo, OK?
So Cool, Boo~
So Good, Boo~
I'm your Venus
Joha I neukkim geudaero
V I C T O R Y Girls
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da
V I C T O R Y Boy
(Shake it! )
Jakku haetdeon mal, dashi haneun geon
Neon tto ginjang hago itda neun geo
Namjan jashin gami jungyohae
Jomdeo himeul nae
Ja uri ga nugu, You~
For You, You~
I'm your Venus
Jello Hot han nareul midgo, OK?
So Cool, Boo~
So Good, Boo~
I'm your Venus
Joha I neukkim geudaero
Uh uh Hey, nae saebbal gan ibsul geomeun
Nun mangul gatgo shipni My Baby
Cutie Hottie, Oh Lovely Girl
Geuge ni yeojan geol
Nan neoman ye sarang ye Venus
Wanbyeok han nan neoye Leaders
Hey My Boy, neo bakke
Moreuneun nal jom mallyeo bwa
Aldeut maldeut geunyeo mamdo
Antakka unde
Soshim hae mara yo, imi joha yo
Geudae, moseubeun
Ja geudae ga nugu You~
For You, You~
You're my hero
Jello meotjin neoreul mideo, OK?
So Cool, Boo~
So Good, Boo~
I'm your Venus
Oneureun yegami joha
V I C T O R Y Girls
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da
V I C T O R Y Boy
Tight toy night, streets were so bright.
The world looked so thin and between my bones and skin
there stood another person who was a little surprised
to be face to face with a world so alive.
I fell.
Didja feel low? No, not at all. Huh?
I fell right into the Arms of Venus de Milo.
I stood up, walked out of the Arms of Venus de Milo.
You know it's all like some new kind of drug.
My senses are sharp and my hands are like gloves.
Broadway looked so medieval -
it seemed to flap, like little pages:
I fell sideways laughing with a friend from many stages.
How l felt.
Suddenly my eyes went so soft and shaky.
I knew there was pain but pain is not aching.
Then Richie, Richie said:
"Hey man let's dress up like cops
Think of what we could do!"
But something, something said "you better not."
And I fell.
Didja feel low? Huh?
Verse 1:
Come my little venus
Can't you feel, it's in all of us
Like the light, we see you soon give up yourself
And dive into the moon
And I don't mind being with you
Knowing I'm by myself
There's a river in all of us that's dry
As you are in me
There's a river in all of us that's dry
As you are in me
Verse 2:
Come my little venus
Wrapped in shadows, yeah you're one of us
And I hear the footsteps inside your head
Walking, trying to find yourself
I found myself in you
Let me in, let me breathe
Yeah I found myself in you
Oh yeah
You scream in silence but I can hear you,
You scream in silence but I can hear you,
You scream in silence but I can hear you,
You scream in silence but I can hear you,
Come my little venus can't you feel, can't you feel
Oh now your one of us
Like a light we'll see you soon
give up yourself
Dive into the moon,
I don't mind I don't mind,
Now my venus, my venus, my venus, my venus,
Come my little
Oh my venus, my venus, my venus,
You Know?
V I C T O R Y Girls
Naega itneunde, wae tto mangseol yeo
Yeoja mameun naega aneunde
Naega eungwon hago itneunde
Wae tto ginjang hae
Ja uri ga nugu, You~
For You, You~
I'm your Venus
Jello Hot han nareul midgo, OK?
So Cool, Boo~
So Good, Boo~
I'm your Venus
Joha I neukkim geudaero
V I C T O R Y Girls
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da
V I C T O R Y Boy
(Shake it! )
Jakku haetdeon mal, dashi haneun geon
Neon tto ginjang hago itda neun geo
Namjan jashin gami jungyohae
Jomdeo himeul nae
Ja uri ga nugu, You~
For You, You~
I'm your Venus
Jello Hot han nareul midgo, OK?
So Cool, Boo~
So Good, Boo~
I'm your Venus
Joha I neukkim geudaero
Uh uh Hey, nae saebbal gan ibsul geomeun
Nun mangul gatgo shipni My Baby
Cutie Hottie, Oh Lovely Girl
Geuge ni yeojan geol
Nan neoman ye sarang ye Venus
Wanbyeok han nan neoye Leaders
Hey My Boy, neo bakke
Moreuneun nal jom mallyeo bwa
Aldeut maldeut geunyeo mamdo
Antakka unde
Soshim hae mara yo, imi joha yo
Geudae, moseubeun
Ja geudae ga nugu You~
For You, You~
You're my hero
Jello meotjin neoreul mideo, OK?
So Cool, Boo~
So Good, Boo~
I'm your Venus
Oneureun yegami joha
V I C T O R Y Girls
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da
V I C T O R Y Boy
She was kissing the concrete
He was smelling the static
How typically dramatic
So much alike in every way
It was all terribly romatic
They came from opposite planets
Attracted like magnets
To collide is so exciting
Head over heals is how it feels
Accidentally struck by lightning
How do you do
Are you turning blue
True blue if you knew
Where you were going to
Too long overdue it's true
Over the edge
Swing on the moon
I'm addicted to a piece of you
Yeah Venus was a friend of mine
Tongue-tied to a mood ring
The sweetest sensation
Forget about the fashion
Never felt so dead in candy apple red
How do you do
And you're turning blue
True blue if you knew
Where you were going to
Too overdue it's true
Over the edge
Swing on the moon
I'm addicted to a piece of you
What's your sign
Yeah Venus was a friend of mine
I am the ocean
The sky is my shelter
I am the ocean
The wind is my mother
I am the water
And I am the foam
Coming and leaving
Caressing your bones
Caressing your bones
I will make you breath
You will make me howl
I will kiss your knees
You will bring me hope
I will make you breath
You will make me howl
I will kiss your knees
You will bring me love
The storm makes me call out
Thousands of cries
The sun makes me roll back
And you watch the sky
And you watch the sky
I will make you breath
You will make me howl
I will kiss your knees
You will bring me hope
I will make you breath
You will make me howl
I will kiss your knees
And your body likes mine
And we stand
In this burning desert
On the edge
On the edge
In the night I know
You'll find the end
The end
What a nightmare
You were sinking in
Watch those children
Swimming in the sand
And your story meets mine
And we have
Thoughts with no words
Of love
And we share
And we share
Loneliness when we fail
When we're scared
When we're scared
Emptiness will take us
On its way
And our breath will take us
To the day
Emptiness will take us
On its way
And our breath will take us
Doce meses que se terminó
una historia de dos
nunca supe por qué
Yo pedía sólo una razón
tú pedías perdón
nunca supe por qué
Creí que olvidaría
Tu amor no, no merecía más
Creí en un nuevo día sin rencor
Hoy hace un año y yo...
Sigo contando en mi mente palabras de amor
entre tú y yo, oh oh oh oh!
entre tú y yo, oh oh oh oh!
(Yo) Sigo soñando entre horas tu piel con mi piel
Sigo amándote, eh eh eh eh!
Sigo amándote, eh eh eh eh!
Son restos del ayer...
Doce meses para olvidar
una noche sin más
Frente a frente otra vez
Creí que caería
Tu amor, no, no lo olvidé jamás
Creí que volvería, pero no
Aunque hace un año y yo...
No, ya no volveré a tu amor, ya lo ves
Yo nunca quise al que volvió, sino a quien no se fue
Es por ti que yo...
The girl with red eyes
In her orange dress
Arms crosswise
Dances like a dervish
Her skirt's going up and down
Rabbits are jumping from her dress
Leaping about on the floor
Like from a wizard's hat
Welcome to the modern dance hall
The Orchestra man
Counts elephants and frogs
Marching from her skirt
He's banging the bell
Butterflies take off
Invading all the ball room
The girl with red eyes
In her orange dress
Arms crosswise
Dances like a dervish
Tables and chairs
Keep spinning around her
Whales, deers and crocodiles
Inundate the place
The animal crowd crawls
Clinging to the fairy lights
Nibbling and eating the walls
Tearing at the night
Tables and chairs
Keep spinning around her
Whales, deers and crocodiles
Inundate the place
The animal crowd crawls
Clinging to the fairy lights
Nibbling and eating the walls
Nothing is all
I get after all
Something as quiet
As a man when he dies
Nothing is all
And I feel so small
Emptiness comes
After we cry
After the storm
Like we were born again
After the storm
Like we were born again
Nothing is all
I get after all
But nothing can last
Your secret is mine
Nothing's as real
As a heart when it bleeds
Would I feel free
If it stopped to beat
After the storm
Like we were born again
After the storm
I can wear a sexy dress
And high-heeled shoes
And I like the high class
Of an english suit
I love sex and tenderness
I've a lovely ass
And my breasts are unisex
Switch me on and test
I wanna be your mannequin
I can help you unwind
And if you're not satisfied
Just leave me behind
I love cars and elevators
Bathrooms and planes
I love speed and slow-motion
I wanna dislocate your brain
Take me once, take me twice
I'll be your man
And I'll be your woman
Take me once, take me twice
I'll be your man
And I'll be your woman
I can wear a sexy dress
And high-heeled shoes
And I like the high class
Of an english suit
I love sex and tenderness
I've a lovely ass
And my breasts are unisex
Switch me on and test
I'm sweet, violent, vicious and hot
And whatever you want
I'm a sucker, a perfect lover
I'm a fucking bitch
Take me once, take me twice
I'll be your man
And I'll be your woman
Take me once, take me twice
I'll be your man
You don't tell me, you don't dare
Saying you lost time
You won't tell me, I know it's hard
To keep your dream alive
Keep on talking about precious stones
About your navel in gold
Keep on fucking in beds of diamonds
Drinking 12 year's old
Keep on swallowing silver tongues
For your royal breakdowns
Keep on buying some brand new friends
Some like beautiful snow
No you ain't, no you ain't, no you ain't what you own
No you ain't, no you ain't, no you ain't what you own
Keep on killing your sweet innocence
Keep on sinking your hopes
Keep on turning blood into wine
Keep on keeping your smile
Keep on talking about precious stones
About your navel in gold
Keep on fucking in beds of diamonds
Drinking 12 year's old
No you ain't, no you ain't, no you ain't what you own
No you ain't, no you ain't, no you ain't what you own
I want you to know
I won't come back
Oceans and roads took me
Miles away from home
A million miles away from home
So far away from home
So far away from home
So far away from home
I want you yo know
What it's like
To lie on your own
On velvet clouds
Awake every day
A million miles away from home
So far away from home
So far away from home
So far away from home
I want you to know
I won't come back
No matter where I'll go
Blood and roses on my road
Don't know where I belong
One sand dollar in my hand
Don't need to understand
A dog lying on the dirt
Waiting for the birds
Lost loves can't be found again
I keep my southern dream
Too much understanding kills me
What am I to be
A dog lying on the dirt
Waiting for the birds
And the winds are blowing high
Silver ashes flying around
And the winds are blowing high
Silver ashes flying around
Running on the roofs of L.A.
I'm breathing in the clouds
Traces lead me to the desert
I'll stay in the sun
Blood and roses on my road
Don't know where I belong
Blood and roses on my road
On the sun-deck, a lord looks at the foam
Drinks champagne, eats Belouga, the night's long
It's quiet, icebergs pass along
There's no wind, says a lady, but it's cold
On the below-deck, the people dream of something
From tables lit by white candles
What are you doing here? I am lost, says a boy
I can't sleep, says the other, it's so warm
Slowly, with a sigh, the fickelness of fate
Ripped open the hull, tearing it patiently
Ice blade cleaves the iron, it's time to drown our sins
In a delicate screeching, iron tears
The sun-deck shivers, the below-deck screams
Water is gushing up without invitation
Swallowing up mouths, swallowing up noses
And the dreams and the candles, we should have eaten when it was warm
Tonight there's no wind, the ocean is calm and quiet
It's waiting, waiting, catching its breath
It's true it could rain
But quietly the sea is waiting for its children
The howling sea
Do you hear?
I hear nothing
Save our souls, save our souls, help us Marconi, help us
I'm gonna swim straight ahead
Row, Mc Cawley, row
Mayday, mayday, mayday
The below-deck is floaded, the machine have stopped
And the lord, slightly troubled, slowly swallows the finest Calvados
Save our souls