
Archdukes, Cynicism, and World War I: Crash Course World History #36
In which John Green teaches you about the war that was supposed to end all wars. Instead, ...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: crashcourse
Archdukes, Cynicism, and World War I: Crash Course World History #36
Archdukes, Cynicism, and World War I: Crash Course World History #36
In which John Green teaches you about the war that was supposed to end all wars. Instead, it solved nothing and set the stage for the world to be back at war...- published: 27 Sep 2012
- views: 1185208
- author: crashcourse

Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination and the start of World War I (History Channel Documentary)
An History Channel documentary about the beginning of World War I
Copyright: History Chan...
published: 21 Jun 2014
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination and the start of World War I (History Channel Documentary)
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassination and the start of World War I (History Channel Documentary)
An History Channel documentary about the beginning of World War I Copyright: History Channel- published: 21 Jun 2014
- views: 6194

World War I: Every Day
See the changing front lines of World War I every day from Austria-Hungary's declaration o...
published: 28 Jul 2014
World War I: Every Day
World War I: Every Day
See the changing front lines of World War I every day from Austria-Hungary's declaration of war to the armistice of November 11, 1918. This video also includes the changing front lines in Africa and the Pacific. The war started 100 years ago from this upload date and today we live as the result of its legacy. Legend: Maroon = Central Powers and annexed lands. Burgundy = Areas militarily occupied by the Central Powers. Red = Central Power puppet or client states. Brown = Central Powers in an armistice. Pink = Central Power gains for that day. Dark blue = Allied powers Blue = Central Powered lands militarily occupied by the Allies. Blue-grey = Allied powers in an armisitce. Light blue = Allied gains for that day.- published: 28 Jul 2014
- views: 301

World War 1 - The Great War - BBC Documentary - Episode 1
World War 1 - The Great War - BBC Documentary. Episode 1/26 + 2 bonus episodes. Narrated b...
published: 07 May 2013
author: Documentaryprogramme
World War 1 - The Great War - BBC Documentary - Episode 1
World War 1 - The Great War - BBC Documentary - Episode 1
World War 1 - The Great War - BBC Documentary. Episode 1/26 + 2 bonus episodes. Narrated by Sir Michael Redgrave, this series features the best archive foota...- published: 07 May 2013
- views: 10427
- author: Documentaryprogramme

America in World War I: Crash Course US History #30
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for...
published: 20 Sep 2013
America in World War I: Crash Course US History #30
America in World War I: Crash Course US History #30
You can directly support Crash Course at http://www.subbable.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice, but if you can afford to pay a little every month, it really helps us to continue producing this content. In which John Green teaches you about American involvement in World War I, which at the time was called the Great War. They didn't know there was going to be a second one, though they probably should have guessed, 'cause this one didn't wrap up very neatly. So, the United States stayed out of World War I at first, because Americans were in an isolationist mood in the early 20th century. That didn't last though, as the affronts piled up and drew the US into the war. Spoiler alert: the Lusitania was sunk two years before we joined the war, so that wasn't the sole cause for our jumping in. It was part of it though, as was the Zimmerman telegram, unrestricted submarine warfare, and our affinity for the Brits. You'll learn the war's effects on the home front, some of Woodrow Wilson's XIV Points, and just how the war ended up expanding the power of the government in Americans' lives. Subbable message!!!: Jared Richardson says, "All true love is beautiful. Support your LGBT community." Follow Us! @thecrashcourse @realjohngreen @crashcoursestan @raoulmeyer @thoughtbubbler @br8dybrunch- published: 20 Sep 2013
- views: 31649

World War I: American Legacy
More information: http://www.janson.com/dvdcatalog/2010/06/29/world-war-i-american-legacy/...
published: 27 Feb 2013
author: jansonmedia
World War I: American Legacy
World War I: American Legacy
More information: http://www.janson.com/dvdcatalog/2010/06/29/world-war-i-american-legacy/ Buy the DVD: http://j.mp/YzTL1v World War I -- American Legacy viv...- published: 27 Feb 2013
- views: 12538
- author: jansonmedia

World History - Causes of World War I
History of World Civilizations - Causes of World War I For educational purposes only....
published: 28 Nov 2012
author: reverse4ward
World History - Causes of World War I
World History - Causes of World War I
History of World Civilizations - Causes of World War I For educational purposes only.- published: 28 Nov 2012
- views: 12861
- author: reverse4ward

04/10. The First World War: Jihad 1914 to 1916.
Although the First World War gets less attention than its successor, it was really the wat...
published: 04 Jun 2013
author: Yeni4eri
04/10. The First World War: Jihad 1914 to 1916.
04/10. The First World War: Jihad 1914 to 1916.
Although the First World War gets less attention than its successor, it was really the watershed event of the 20th century. This conflict shaped the world th...- published: 04 Jun 2013
- views: 1152
- author: Yeni4eri

13. The Origins of World War I
France Since 1871 (HIST 276) The traditional, diplomatic history of World War I is helpful...
published: 21 Nov 2008
author: YaleCourses
13. The Origins of World War I
13. The Origins of World War I
France Since 1871 (HIST 276) The traditional, diplomatic history of World War I is helpful in understanding how a series of hitherto improbable alliances com...- published: 21 Nov 2008
- views: 64121
- author: YaleCourses

25 Interesting Things You Did Not Know About World War I
Tweet this video! - http://clicktotweet.com/uzpa7
One of the most devastating conflicts i...
published: 06 Nov 2013
25 Interesting Things You Did Not Know About World War I
25 Interesting Things You Did Not Know About World War I
Tweet this video! - http://clicktotweet.com/uzpa7 One of the most devastating conflicts in all of history, the First World War set the stage for the rest of the century and what would include another, even more brutal conflict. These are 25 interesting things you did not know about World War 1. https://twitter.com/list25 https://www.facebook.com/list25 http://list25.com Check out the text version too! - http://list25.com/25-interesting-things-you-did-not-know-about-world-war-i/ Here's a preview: The Trenches Dogfights A High Cost Victory Gardens Germans in America The Draft Presidential Irony A Mexican Sneak Attack A Will To Fight Spies & Horror Rittmeister von Richthofen Tanks Big Bertha Dog Messengers Pool of Peace Unbearable Noise Little Willie Guy Tank, Girl Tank Frightfullness Catastrophic Casualties The Spanish Flu Less Disease, More Death Total Deaths Flamethrowers An Very International Conflict- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 44863

Was World War I the error of modern history?
Oxford historian Niall Ferguson reviews the world's oldest motives for war, and concludes ...
published: 19 May 2011
author: AllanGregg
Was World War I the error of modern history?
Was World War I the error of modern history?
Oxford historian Niall Ferguson reviews the world's oldest motives for war, and concludes in his book, "The Pity of War" , that World War I was unnecessary. ...- published: 19 May 2011
- views: 71884
- author: AllanGregg

Robert Higgs: How World War I Changed America
Bob Higgs discusses the domestic consequences of World War I in the U.S. Subscribe to the ...
published: 31 Jul 2014
Robert Higgs: How World War I Changed America
Robert Higgs: How World War I Changed America
Bob Higgs discusses the domestic consequences of World War I in the U.S. Subscribe to the Tom Woods Show: http://www.TomWoodsRadio.com http://www.TomWoods.com http://www.RonPaulHomeschool.com http://www.LibertyClassroom.com- published: 31 Jul 2014
- views: 753

World War 1: Tactics And Strategy High Definition (Colorised)
Watch DVD - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA5oCT55Oq4&feature;=share&list;=PL9AFD4267B6E74A...
published: 10 Nov 2011
author: AnonAvatar
World War 1: Tactics And Strategy High Definition (Colorised)
World War 1: Tactics And Strategy High Definition (Colorised)
Watch DVD - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA5oCT55Oq4&feature;=share&list;=PL9AFD4267B6E74AC1 The invention and use of the tools of war: Machine Guns, Constan...- published: 10 Nov 2011
- views: 309204
- author: AnonAvatar

World War 1 in 6 Minutes
Like Manny Man on Facebook: http://goo.gl/WrSqDW
Follow John D Ruddy on Twitter: http://tw...
published: 10 Feb 2014
World War 1 in 6 Minutes
World War 1 in 6 Minutes
Like Manny Man on Facebook: http://goo.gl/WrSqDW Follow John D Ruddy on Twitter: http://twitter.com/johndruddyactor Subscribe on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Like Manny Man on Facebook: http://goo.gl/WrSqDW Like John D Ruddy on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JohnDRuddyArtist Follow John D Ruddy on Twitter: http://twitter.com/johndruddyactor Subscribe on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Manny Man Does the history of World War 1 in six minutes. It's a quick and easy way to get up to speed on what the First World War was about, especially with the centenary going from 2014 to 2018! Of course it's six minutes so not every single detail is in there but you get the general gist of what happened! Enjoy! Please share!- published: 10 Feb 2014
- views: 317172
Youtube results:

World War 1
Lecture 8, World War I, of UGS 303, Ideas of the Twentieth Century, at the University of T...
published: 19 Sep 2013
World War 1
World War 1
Lecture 8, World War I, of UGS 303, Ideas of the Twentieth Century, at the University of Texas at Austin, Fall 2013- published: 19 Sep 2013
- views: 32

World War I Panel
The First World War began one hundred years ago this weekend. Our special panel discusses ...
published: 31 Jul 2014
World War I Panel
World War I Panel
The First World War began one hundred years ago this weekend. Our special panel discusses what the anniversary means.- published: 31 Jul 2014
- views: 470

WW1 Combat in Colour 1914-1918
a video showing WW1 warfare in and arround the trenches, rare colour film world war 1....
published: 16 Mar 2009
author: RWITB
WW1 Combat in Colour 1914-1918
WW1 Combat in Colour 1914-1918
a video showing WW1 warfare in and arround the trenches, rare colour film world war 1.- published: 16 Mar 2009
- views: 554701
- author: RWITB