- published: 12 Apr 2011
- views: 2115
As part of NASA's wider Mariner program, Mariner 6 and Mariner 7 (Mariner Mars 69A and Mariner Mars 69B) completed the first dual mission to Mars in 1969. Mariner 6 was launched from Launch Complex 36B at Cape Kennedy and Mariner 7 from Launch Complex 36A at Cape Kennedy. The craft flew over the equator and south polar regions, analyzing the atmosphere and the surface with remote sensors, and recording and relaying hundreds of pictures. The mission's goals were to study the surface and atmosphere of Mars during close flybys, in order to establish the basis for future investigations, particularly those relevant to the search for extraterrestrial life, and to demonstrate and develop technologies required for future Mars missions. Mariner 6 also had the objective of providing experience and data which would be useful in programming the Mariner 7 encounter five days later.
Mariner 6 lifted from LC-36B at Cape Kennedy on February 25, 1969 using Atlas-Centaur AC-20 and Mariner 7, from LC-36A on March 27, using AC-19. The boost phase for both spacecraft went according to plan and no serious anomalies occurred with either launch vehicle. A minor LOX leak froze some telemetry probes in AC-20 which registered as a drop in sustainer engine fuel pressure, however the engine performed normally through powered flight. In addition, BECO occurred a few seconds early due to a faulty cutoff switch, resulting in longer than intended burn time of the sustainer engine and Centaur, but this had no serious effect on vehicle performance or the flight path. AC-20 was launched at a 180-degree azimuth which would have resulted in the Atlas passing over part of the Caribbean and South America; to avoid this, the guidance computer was programmed to execute a "dog-leg" maneuver and pull the booster away from land.
A sailor, seaman, mariner, or seafarer is a person who navigates waterborne vessels or assists as a crewmember in their operation and maintenance. The term bluejacket may be used for British or US Navy enlisted sailors, the latter especially when deployed ashore as infantry.The Bluejacket's Manual is the basic handbook for United States Navy personnel. 700,000 of the world's mariners come from the Philippines, being the world's largest origin of seafarers.
Etymologically, the name "sailor" preserves the memory of the time when ships were commonly powered by sails, but it applies to the personnel of all vessels, whatever their mode of propulsion, and includes military (naval) and security (coast guard) maritime personnel and members of the merchant marine, as well as recreational sailors. The term "seaman" is frequently used in the particular sense of a sailor who is not an officer.
Seafarers hold a variety of professions and ranks, each of which carries unique responsibilities which are integral to the successful operation of an ocean-going vessel. A ship's crew can generally be divided into four main categories: the deck department, the engineering department, the steward's department, and others.
Ask an Expert: Mariner 7: Fly-by Mars with a Camera
Prodeco Mariner 7 Electric Bike Review
Prodeco Mariner 7---Folding E-bike
Prodeco Mariner 7 - Seattle E-Bike
Mariner 7 writing on Mars surface, June 23, 2015, UFO Sightings Daily.
Introduction to the Mariner 7 made by Prodeco Technologies
Prodeco Tech 2013 G+ Mariner 7 Electric Folding Bicycle
7-31-2016 12th Inning Cub Mariner
Dr. Jim Zimbelman, geologist in the Center for Earth and Planetary Studies at the National Air and Space Museum, discusses Mariner 6 and 7 and the images they captured of Mars in 1969. This informal gallery talk was recorded on August 5, 2009 as part of the National Air and Space Museum's "Ask an Expert" lecture series "Ask an Expert" lectures are presented weekly at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC and biweekly at the Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, VA. For more information & schedule, see http://www.nasm.si.edu/askanexpert/
http://electricbikereview.com/prodeco/mariner-7/ A basic folding electric bike with a great price tag but limited features and heafty weight. 300 watt geared front hub motor and 36v 9ah pack made with Lithium Iron Phosphate. Great 2 year warranty, limited outlets to test ride before purchase.
THE ELECTRIC BIKE SHOP ONLINE. Linda G. talks about the LiFeP04 Lithium-powered Mariner 7 folding electric bike by Prodeco Technologies. Marine-ready and rust-resistant. Perfect for R.V.s, boats, airplanes, and truckers! If you are looking for an alternative form of transportation and want to store it in a small space, you have found it here! Give us a call (772)519-3105 Or check us out online at http://electricbikeshoponline.com
Pan model showing camera and antenna. CU Antenna. CU Camera. BS People watching monitor. Zoom in on picture showing Polar area. Zoom in closer slowing polar craters. MS People look at monitors. CU still picture of crater. MS another shot. Several scenes of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Pasadena. 2 scenes monitor showing Mars and craters. MS Monitor, zoom in on picture. Zoom in on picture. CU same. popple at monitor. Picture of surface. You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/f49c9fe0e49d424199544e31e3fff244 Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
Date of discovery: June 23, 2015 Location of discovery: Mars Mission: Mariner 7 Photo source: http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/mars/map-composed-of-mariner-7s.html I found the number 9 or 6 on Mars. This is a Mariner 7 photo. I have heard legends of these photos not being shown to the public when they were first taken. Even now, its difficult to find them. NASA employees said Mariner 7 photos contained many alien cities and structures, so they could not allow the public to see them. In this photo, 75% of it has a blur mask put over it. I would really love to see the detil of this city in the shape of a 6 at 100% focus, but that will be a few more years before that software gets into the publics hands. Until then, I will search for evidence of alien existence and report to...
First test movie by USAebikes.com. Testing out a 5.1 megapixel camera for qulity and sound. Factory Direct Electric Bikes wants everyone to consider an ebike to save money on gas and car related costs while helping reduce CO2 in the air.
Prodeco Technologies 2013 G+ Mariner 7 Electric Folding Bicycle - 36 Volt 9 Ah Battery System with 300 Watts of Motor Power - This bike will go 18 MPH and up to 30 miles on a full charge - Suspension Forks and Suspension Seatpost along with a Comfortable Saddle make for a Smooth Ride - The 8 Speed SRAM Shifting System makes peddeling a breeze and the Avid BB5 Front and Rear Disc Brakes will stop on a dime - The bike folds in half and the handlebars fold down allowing you to store the bike in a small space - All this along with a Sleek Look gives you the Coolest Bike in Town.