Now we need you to match the donations of our most generous contributors

So here’s the deal:

  • We’ve raised $26,000 in matching funds. Now we need you to donate that amount in order to ensure our continued survival.
  • We’ve also raised $10,000 worth of Bitcoin and we need to match that, too (go here for details).

It’s make-or-break time at – and we’re asking our readers to come through.

The US war machine is actively murdering people all over the world, even as we make this appeal. Who will stop the madness?

It has to be you. And it has to start with educating the American people about what is being done in their name, with their tax dollars. That’s our job – but we can’t do it without your support.

Please give all you can as soon as you can, because the next few days will decide our fate. is needed now more than ever: if you’ve been holding back, now is the time to make your tax-deductible donation – because peace matters.

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Updated August 25, 2014 - 12:00 AM EDT
US War in Iraq: Broad Ambitions, Few Details
  As ISIS War Picks Up, Peshmerga Moves Violently Against Arabs
  In Kurdish Irbil, First Car Bomb Raises Fears of Onslaught by ISIS
  Are Iraq's Turkmen the New Yazidis?
500 Killed as ISIS Seizes Key Syria Air Base
  West Poised to Join Forces With Assad in Face of Islamic State
  Islamists Release US Journalist, Terms Not Disclosed
Israel Leveling Gaza Highrise Apartment Blocks
  Nowhere Is Safe: Israel Tells Gazans to 'Stay Away From Terrorists'
  IDF Retracts Claim That Mortar Bomb Was Fired From UN School
Iran Says It Downs Israeli Drone Near Nuclear Site
Bankrupt Ukraine Sets $3 Billion Hike in Military Spending
Boko Haram Praises ISIS, Says Town 'Part of Caliphate'
India, Pakistan Intensify Cross-Border Firing, Ties Sour
ISIS: Made in Washington, Riyadh – and Tel Aviv  by Justin Raimondo
Ferguson: The War Comes Home  by Ron Paul
There Is No 5-Second Rule for the First Amendment, Ferguson  by Lee Rowland
The History of the Islamic State  by Walead Farwana
Beware of the MEK  by Ariane Tabatabai
The US Government's Creeping War on Journalists  by David Sirota

More Viewpoints

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Darren Wilson Was on a Police Force Disbanded by Authorities
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Netanyahu Tries to Link Hamas, Iraq Extremists
Pentagon Struggles to Defend 'Militarization' of Police Forces
119 Killed in Iraq as Airstrikes Continue
Iraqi Warplane Mistakenly Bombs Army Headquarters, Kills Two, Injures Six Soldiers
Car Bomb in Shi'ite Area of Baghdad Kills Seven: Police
Iraq Forces Defeat Militant Push to Take Oil Refinery
On the Frontline With the Shi'ite Fighters Taking the War to ISIS
Biden: US Would Help Iraq Pursue Federal System
Germany: No Iraq Combat Troops or Weapons to PKK
Britain Assigns Security Envoy to Kurdistan Region
Statement From the Family of Released Journalist Peter Theo Curtis
German Hostage Freed by ISIS in Syria in June
Qatar Denies Funding ISIS
Child Soldier: 13-Year-Old Belgian Joins ISIS Army
Report: British Rapper Identified as James Foley's Executioner
Egypt Islamic Authority: Extremists No 'Islamic State'
Middle East
Talks on New Yemeni Goverment Collapse Over Shi'ite Houthi Subsidy Demands
Iran Unveils New Short-Range Missiles
War Planes Attack Libyan Capital Again as Airport Terminal Is Destroyed
Libyan Capital Under Islamist Control After Tripoli Airport Seized
Libya Militias Challenge Legitimacy of New Parliament
Amid Attack on Libya Airport, Conflict Threatens to Become Prolonged Civil War
South Sudan
South Sudan Ceasefire Monitor Dies After Officials Held by Rebels
Israel Turning to Other Arms Sources Amid Uncertainty of US, EU Sales
Israeli Airstrikes Kill 16 in Gaza, Palestinian Officials Say
Knesset Authorizes Call Up of 10,000 More Reservists
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Israeli-Palestinian Trade, Not Boycotts, Will Bring Peace, Say Manufacturers
Three Israeli Arabs Wounded by Gaza Mortar Attack
Abbas Turns to International Community With Deadline for Israel
Legal Organizations Urge ICC to Investigate War Crimes by Israeli, US Leaders in Gaza
Lapid Says Despite Coalition Tensions, Netanyahu Government to Remain Intact
The War at Home
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Ferguson Violence Inspires Tech-Savvy Teenagers to Create App That Tracks Police Brutality
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Russia Denies Its Aircraft Violated Finland's Airspace: Reports
Number of Ukrainian Forces Killed Fighting Separatists Rises to 722: Ukraine Defense Council
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3 Killed in Failed Afghan Prison Break
Pakistan's Sharif Denies 'Resignation' Rumors
Pakistan's Largest City Thirsts for a Water Supply
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Read more

Justin Raimondo
ISIS: Made in Washington, Riyadh – and Tel Aviv

Nebojsa Malic
Empire's Murderous Fruits

Lucy Steigerwald
There's No Proportionality in American Law and Order

Ivan Eland
Blowback from More Intervention in Iraq

Ran HaCohen
Yet Another War of Deceit

David R. Henderson
An Economist’s Case for a Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy

Additional Contributors
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without written permission is strictly prohibited.
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