Ian Paisley Junior Outraged At Lack Of Recent Tabloid Coverage

In a move destined to shock absolutely no-one in Northern Ireland, Ian Paisley Jr is a) angry b) offended c) outraged d) all of the above by Tony Blair’s remarks about the Protestant Bigot. The gist of Blair’s outburst was aimed at Muslin extremists, but used a local analogy to spice things up: “They are […]

Are Our Politicians Losing Their Grip?

A University of Ulster report that suggests that Northern Ireland’s politicians are “badly out of step with ordinary people“. Interestingly, the research shows that a growing number of DUP supporters think the party needs to learn to compromise. I’m slightly sceptical of this, and the claim that “support among DUP voters for power-sharing had doubled […]

Facing The Truth: Michael Stone & The Hackett Family

I understand the Healing Through Remebering group had some concerns over the televised format of Facing The Truth, and having seen the overblow starting sequence, it’s easy to see why. Whoever thought that it was a good idea to have Archbishop Tutu’s entrance by helicopter, that ridiculous ‘tension’ music and the over-the-top introduction by Fergal […]

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