Love Ulster. Hate Hatred.

Wow. While I’ve been in new-baby-honeymoon-period, an issue has united most Northern Irish bloggers like nothing before! Yes, I’m talking about the latest high-quality, totally unbiased Northern Irish publication, Love Ulster. And like the other decent folk out there, I will not link to this piece of crap! I got the heads up on Jo’s […]

The Policing Problem

Beano at Everything Ulster is – like many people – getting frustrated by the state of policing in rioting hotspots. He ends with the tongue-in-cheek suggestion that a few live rounds might calm things down! What can the police do, though? If they sit by and do nothing, they’re condemned by the local communities and […]

Don't Follow The Crowd

“Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity.” Christopher Morley

Farewell Mo Mowlam

There’s much chat today on the Northern Irish blogs about the death of Mo Mowlam. Many bloggers have set aside their political opinions of Mo and have posted some respectful euologies about the lady and her work as Northern Ireland Secretary. I saw a news article on MSN this evening that claimed she was once […]

Sinn Fein Negotiation Simulator Discovered

I have discovered the secret behind Sinn Fein’s crack negotiating team. Play the Negotiations Simulator: You are Martin McGuiness, fearsome political negotiator for Sinn Fein. You have a shopping list of demands that must be met before the IRA will consider moving, but you must retain your credibility at all times. Watch as the Lapdog […]

Discovering A Big Ulsterman

I discovered another Northern Irish blog which I want to share with my readers: Big Ulsterman. Here is another person talking about a “Third Way” for Northern Ireland, something which I am all in favour of! His themes are the Big Things that have been done in the past, and the Big Things that need […]

Maxwell and Saskia: What, It's Not True Love?

I swear this is my last post about Big Brother (at least for this evening)! The relationship between Maxwell (cheeky cockney chappie) and Saskia (sulty busty beauty) always raised alarm bells with me. After the Michelle and Stuart storyline from last year, I think everybody was expecting a copycat ‘romance’. For romance, read fake relationship […]

Didn't Makosi Look Well?

It has to be said, Makosi looked fantastic on this evening’s Big Brother final! She really is a beautiful girl with a fantastic figure. Although she flashed a little, it wasn’t nearly as much or nearly as gratuitous as her companions Kinga and Orlaith. Makosi ranked among my top three housemates along with Derek and […]

Aaaaallll Reeeeet! Anthony Wins Big Brother

Vapid pretty-boy Anthony has won 2005′s Big Brother contest. We’re disappointed here because we were rooting for Eugene to win! Dancer/hairdresser Anthony was the embodiement of the 2005 housemate: self-absorbed, uninteresting and shallow. He proved this during his interview with Davina McCall. Davina asked him if he would have taken the ?50,000 if he’d been […]

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