Why do your fingers go wrinky in the bath?

You know how, if you spend a long time in the bath, your fingers go wrinkly? They end up looking like raisins! Well, if you’ve got kids, they’ll have asked that question of you a million times. Want to know what the answer is? Well, it’s said that our skin is covered in an oily […]

New single from Brandon Flowers: Only The Young

Check out the latest single from Killer’s frontman Brandon Flowers. The second single release from Flowers’ album Flamingo, Only The Young is an atmospheric synth-laden track with a video to match. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiEADQhTtIA The video was directed by Sophie Muller, last behind the camera for Cheryl Cole’s Promise This video. What’s your take? Are you loving […]

Hideous edible heads made from bread

Om nom nom!!! These pictures look like spare parts from a horror movie, but they’re actually a delicacy from Thailand – bread, shaped to look like decaying flesh. Yummy! Don’t like the look of yours much The finishing touches being applied to a breadhead. I want one of these in my image, served up after […]

Daisy Dares You – Number One Enemy lyrics

Lyrics to Number One Enemy by Daisy Dares You: Verse 1 You always think you know the better thing to do But in this case you could be wrong So you chuck off your shoes with an empty smile on your face What is the problem with you? You’re constantly in a mood and you’ve […]

American Idol judges and presenter wiki pages

I’ve been working very hard on Unreality Shout to build a set of biographies for each of the American Idol judges and for presenter Ryan Seacrest. The biographies tie into a fan group we run for American Idol on that site. We’re looking for fans of the judges to help flesh out their wiki pages […]

How to decompress .gz files in Linux

I’ve been struggling this morning with a compressed SQL file – it had been given a .gz file extension, and I was trying to use the tar command to decompress it. Apparently this is stupid – there’s a dedicated utility to decompress a .gz file – gunzip. It’s as simple as this: $ gunzip big-database-dump.sql.gz […]

Kazuki Takamatsu's gouache artworks

DesignersCouch are running a fantastic gallery of white-on-black gouache artwork by the artist Kazuki Takamatsu – jaw-droppingly inventive and intricate pieces. I’ve chosen this one because despite the the tonal range, the image remains cheeky and playful and sexy at the same time.

Inspiration: Gallery of creative CSS navigation

1st Web Designer is a great website for web design tutorial and inspiration. They’re running a great gallery piece today of creative CSS navigation ideas. It’s a great post to stop by if you’re looking for something to make your navigation more professional or just that little bit slicker than your competition! They’ve got 30 […]

Unreal WordPress theme by Gerard
