Un des plus importants discours de Houari Boumedienne
Un des plus importants discours de Houari Boumedienne
Un des plus importants discours de Houari Boumedienne
1977 une année avant sa mort.
Quand le président Houari Boumediene parle de la France et la nouvelle forme de colonisation ainsi que la stratégie des intérêts Français en Afrique francophone et plus précisément dans les pays du Maghreb. Il dénonçait à travers ce discours les armes qui se déversaient dans le Maghreb et le surarmement du Maroc par la France en utilisant les banques, il accuse la France d'instrumentaliser le Maroc en le poussant vers une guerre avec l'Algérie et que le financement venait d'ailleurs en précisant qu'il viendra le jour ou on abordera ce sujet...
Ce discours est toujours d'actualité et s'applique directement sur le
le discours de HOUARI BOUMEDIENE qu'on nous a toujours caché PART 1
le discours de HOUARI BOUMEDIENE qu'on nous a toujours caché PART 1
le discours de HOUARI BOUMEDIENE qu'on nous a toujours caché PART 1
ALGERIE Discours de Boumediene à l'ONU (avril 1974)
ALGERIE Discours de Boumediene à l'ONU (avril 1974)
ALGERIE Discours de Boumediene à l'ONU (avril 1974)
DiFilm - Fidel Castro con Houari Boumedienne en Argelia 1972
DiFilm - Fidel Castro con Houari Boumedienne en Argelia 1972
DiFilm - Fidel Castro con Houari Boumedienne en Argelia 1972
Algeria: The head of the Cuban government, Fidel Castro visits a farm in the company of Algerian President Houari Boumedienne. After declining automobile greet a group of men and then drink a glass of milk. General views of dairy cows in a pen and a flock of sheep in another corral. Later visit other industrial establishment. General views of many workers by welcoming the two leaders.
Argelia: El jefe del gobierno cubano, Fidel Castro visita un establecimiento agrícola en compañía del Presidente de Argelia, Houari Boumedienne. Tras descender del automóvil saludan a un grupo de hombres y luego beben un vaso de leche. Vistas generales de vacas
Houari Boumédiène - Documentaire Complet. 1h:20mns! (Diffusé le 27 Déc 1997)
Houari Boumédiène - Documentaire Complet. 1h:20mns! (Diffusé le 27 Déc 1997)
Houari Boumédiène - Documentaire Complet. 1h:20mns! (Diffusé le 27 Déc 1997)
قصة حياة الرئيس الراحل هواري بو مدين.
Houari Boumédiène parle aux étudiants (1975).
Houari Boumédiène parle aux étudiants (1975).
Houari Boumédiène parle aux étudiants (1975).
Houari Boumédiène parle aux étudiants (1975).
video tres rare sur Houari Boumediene Allah yarhmou
video tres rare sur Houari Boumediene Allah yarhmou
video tres rare sur Houari Boumediene Allah yarhmou
l'arrivée du président Houari boumediene Allah yarhmou à l'aéroport de New York pour présider la session extraordinaire de l'Assemblée générale des Nations-U...
le président Houari Boumédiène en larme pour les martyrs de l'Algerie
le président Houari Boumédiène en larme pour les martyrs de l'Algerie
le président Houari Boumédiène en larme pour les martyrs de l'Algerie
AIR ALGERIE/aeroport houari boumedienne
AIR ALGERIE/aeroport houari boumedienne
AIR ALGERIE/aeroport houari boumedienne
Erdogan war nicht der erste der eine Unterwanderung Europas durch Kritikschwäche der sozialen Systeme prognostizierte...!
Der algerische Staatspräsdent Houari Buourmedienne sprach schon im Jahr 1974 vor der UN-Generalversammlung davon ..!
Weiterführende Links:
Landing at Alger Houari Boumedienne Airport - A320 Aigle Azur
Landing at Alger Houari Boumedienne Airport - A320 Aigle Azur
Landing at Alger Houari Boumedienne Airport - A320 Aigle Azur
via YouTube Capture
The last appearances of Houari Boumediene, the second President of independent Algeria, before his death, announced officially on the 27 December 1978. Many ...
Fikka Ganja - Ya Boumédiène [Clip Vidéo] HD
Fikka Ganja - Ya Boumédiène [Clip Vidéo] HD
Fikka Ganja - Ya Boumédiène [Clip Vidéo] HD
Fikka Ganja - Ya Boumédiène [Clip Vidéo] HD
يا بومدين..Fikka GANJA - (فيكا چنجا) Ya Houari Boumédiène - 2013 Rafik GANJA - يا بومدين
Music : Fikka Ganja - Ya Boumédiène (2013)
Montage Video : NaguiProdutions
Naguii Productions Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/Naguiprod
Fikka Ganja Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/FikkaGanja
Ya Boumédiène MP3 : http://www.mediafire.com/listen/w5ktz83om85m4ar/Boumedienne.mp3
Landing in Algiers Houari Boumedienne - Atterrissage à Alger Houari Boumedienne
Landing in Algiers Houari Boumedienne - Atterrissage à Alger Houari Boumedienne
Landing in Algiers Houari Boumedienne - Atterrissage à Alger Houari Boumedienne
Vol Tunisair TU374 en provenance de Tunis Airbus A320 TS-IMF 18/02/13.
JETAIRFLY take off Algiers
JETAIRFLY take off Algiers
JETAIRFLY take off Algiers
Algerie : Houari Boumediene هواري بومدين P1
Algerie : Houari Boumediene هواري بومدين P1
Algerie : Houari Boumediene هواري بومدين P1
Aymane GUezlane ( dessin de Houari Boumedienne ) Dessins de Guezlane
Aymane GUezlane ( dessin de Houari Boumedienne ) Dessins de Guezlane
Aymane GUezlane ( dessin de Houari Boumedienne ) Dessins de Guezlane
Houari BOUMEDIENE. Le sacré discours 2013
Houari BOUMEDIENE. Le sacré discours 2013
Houari BOUMEDIENE. Le sacré discours 2013
Le défunt Président Algérien Houari BOUMEDIENE.
Zhou Enlai, Aden/Yemen, Ahmed Ben Bella deposed by Houari Boumedienne
Zhou Enlai, Aden/Yemen, Ahmed Ben Bella deposed by Houari Boumedienne
Zhou Enlai, Aden/Yemen, Ahmed Ben Bella deposed by Houari Boumedienne
17. The Chinese premier Zhou Enlai visits Tanganyika
MS of Zhou arrival in Dar-es-Salaam with band and crowds in background
MS of Enlai and Julius Nyerere approaching dais
MS of Enlai and Nyerere standing side-by-side
GV of Tanganyikan troops marching
MS of Tanganyikan troops marching
MS of Enlai and Nyerere clapping and laughing
MS of textile workers holding a welcome-banner
18. Zhou Enlai visits United Arab Republic and meets with Gamal Abdel Nasser - April 1st-2nd
MS of Enlai arrives in the UAR
MS of crowds clapping
MS of Enlai and Nasser seat
Various of Enlai and Nasser seated on sofa
19. In August 1965, King Faisal of Saudi
Houari Boumédiène échappait à un attentat le (24 Avril 1968). Kasdi Merbah ex-chef du DRS explique.
Houari Boumédiène échappait à un attentat le (24 Avril 1968). Kasdi Merbah ex-chef du DRS explique.
Houari Boumédiène échappait à un attentat le (24 Avril 1968). Kasdi Merbah ex-chef du DRS explique.
Une tentative d'assassinat de Houari Boumediene échoue au palais du gouvernement le 24 Avril 1968. L'attentat est perpétré par d'anciens compagnons du colone...
sahara libre houari boumediene polisario rasd western
sahara libre houari boumediene polisario rasd western
sahara libre houari boumediene polisario rasd western
كلمة هواري بومدين كلمة حق في وجه الغزو المغربي الجائر عاشت الصحراء حرة مستقلة.
Algérie,Taleb el ibrahimi parle de Houari Boumedienne
Algérie,Taleb el ibrahimi parle de Houari Boumedienne
Algérie,Taleb el ibrahimi parle de Houari Boumedienne
Témoignage poignant sur le président défunt
Un des plus importants discours de Houari Boumedienne
1977 une année avant sa mort.
Quand le président Houari Boumediene parle de la France et la nouvelle forme de colonisation ainsi que la stratégie des intérêts Français en Afrique francophone et plus précisément dans les pays du Maghreb. Il dénonçait à travers ce discours les armes qui se déversaient dans le Maghreb et le surarmement du Maroc par la France en utilisant les banques, il accuse la France d'instrumentaliser le Maroc en le poussant vers une guerre avec l'Algérie et que le financement venait d'ailleurs en précisant qu'il viendra le jour ou on abordera ce sujet...
Ce discours est toujours d'actualité et s'applique directement sur les événements du moment ...
Il évoque plusieurs points, notamment le Polisario et la position claire et nette de l'Algérie, en assument qu'il est en grosse partie responsable. cependant, il dénonce le discours haineux du Roi du Maroc, en disant qu'il est manipulé directement par Paris ! Le Roi promettait d'attaquer l'Algérie, alors que Boumediene lui annonce clairement que l'Algérie ne sera jamais l'agresseur mais ...
wn.com/Un Des Plus Importants Discours De Houari Boumedienne
1977 une année avant sa mort.
Quand le président Houari Boumediene parle de la France et la nouvelle forme de colonisation ainsi que la stratégie des intérêts Français en Afrique francophone et plus précisément dans les pays du Maghreb. Il dénonçait à travers ce discours les armes qui se déversaient dans le Maghreb et le surarmement du Maroc par la France en utilisant les banques, il accuse la France d'instrumentaliser le Maroc en le poussant vers une guerre avec l'Algérie et que le financement venait d'ailleurs en précisant qu'il viendra le jour ou on abordera ce sujet...
Ce discours est toujours d'actualité et s'applique directement sur les événements du moment ...
Il évoque plusieurs points, notamment le Polisario et la position claire et nette de l'Algérie, en assument qu'il est en grosse partie responsable. cependant, il dénonce le discours haineux du Roi du Maroc, en disant qu'il est manipulé directement par Paris ! Le Roi promettait d'attaquer l'Algérie, alors que Boumediene lui annonce clairement que l'Algérie ne sera jamais l'agresseur mais ...
- published: 24 Apr 2012
- views: 438105
DiFilm - Fidel Castro con Houari Boumedienne en Argelia 1972
Algeria: The head of the Cuban government, Fidel Castro visits a farm in the company of Algerian President Houari Boumedienne. After declining automobile greet a group of men and then drink a glass of milk. General views of dairy cows in a pen and a flock of sheep in another corral. Later visit other industrial establishment. General views of many workers by welcoming the two leaders.
Argelia: El jefe del gobierno cubano, Fidel Castro visita un establecimiento agrícola en compañía del Presidente de Argelia, Houari Boumedienne. Tras descender del automóvil saludan a un grupo de hombres y luego beben un vaso de leche. Vistas generales de vacas lecheras en un corral y de un rebaño de ovejas en otro corral. Posteriormente visitan otro establecimiento industrial. Vistas generales de numerosos obreros dándoles la bienvenida a los dos mandatarios. (Sonido ambiente)
Fecha: 11/5/1972
Duración: 1 minuto 31 segundos
Código del film: B-13770
Copyright Archivo DiFilm - Consultas por material de archivo
difilm@sinectis.com.ar - http://www.difilm-argentina.com
Más videos e información en: https://www.facebook.com/difilm o Seguinos en: https://twitter.com/archivodifilm
wn.com/Difilm Fidel Castro Con Houari Boumedienne En Argelia 1972
Algeria: The head of the Cuban government, Fidel Castro visits a farm in the company of Algerian President Houari Boumedienne. After declining automobile greet a group of men and then drink a glass of milk. General views of dairy cows in a pen and a flock of sheep in another corral. Later visit other industrial establishment. General views of many workers by welcoming the two leaders.
Argelia: El jefe del gobierno cubano, Fidel Castro visita un establecimiento agrícola en compañía del Presidente de Argelia, Houari Boumedienne. Tras descender del automóvil saludan a un grupo de hombres y luego beben un vaso de leche. Vistas generales de vacas lecheras en un corral y de un rebaño de ovejas en otro corral. Posteriormente visitan otro establecimiento industrial. Vistas generales de numerosos obreros dándoles la bienvenida a los dos mandatarios. (Sonido ambiente)
Fecha: 11/5/1972
Duración: 1 minuto 31 segundos
Código del film: B-13770
Copyright Archivo DiFilm - Consultas por material de archivo
difilm@sinectis.com.ar - http://www.difilm-argentina.com
Más videos e información en: https://www.facebook.com/difilm o Seguinos en: https://twitter.com/archivodifilm
- published: 06 Jun 2014
- views: 15
video tres rare sur Houari Boumediene Allah yarhmou
l'arrivée du président Houari boumediene Allah yarhmou à l'aéroport de New York pour présider la session extraordinaire de l'Assemblée générale des Nations-U...
wn.com/Video Tres Rare Sur Houari Boumediene Allah Yarhmou
l'arrivée du président Houari boumediene Allah yarhmou à l'aéroport de New York pour présider la session extraordinaire de l'Assemblée générale des Nations-U...
Erdogan war nicht der erste der eine Unterwanderung Europas durch Kritikschwäche der sozialen Systeme prognostizierte...!
Der algerische Staatspräsdent Houari Buourmedienne sprach schon im Jahr 1974 vor der UN-Generalversammlung davon ..!
Weiterführende Links:
wn.com/Erinnerung Houari Boumedienne Wir Wurden Lange Vorgewarnt
Erdogan war nicht der erste der eine Unterwanderung Europas durch Kritikschwäche der sozialen Systeme prognostizierte...!
Der algerische Staatspräsdent Houari Buourmedienne sprach schon im Jahr 1974 vor der UN-Generalversammlung davon ..!
Weiterführende Links:
- published: 07 Oct 2015
- views: 588
The last appearances of Houari Boumediene, the second President of independent Algeria, before his death, announced officially on the 27 December 1978. Many ...
wn.com/Algerie Les Derniers Moments De Boumediene
The last appearances of Houari Boumediene, the second President of independent Algeria, before his death, announced officially on the 27 December 1978. Many ...
- published: 19 May 2007
- views: 601141
Fikka Ganja - Ya Boumédiène [Clip Vidéo] HD
Fikka Ganja - Ya Boumédiène [Clip Vidéo] HD
يا بومدين..Fikka GANJA - (فيكا چنجا) Ya Houari Boumédiène - 2013 Rafik GANJA - يا بومدين
Music : Fikka Ganja - Ya Boumédiène (2013)
Montage Video : NaguiProdutions
Naguii Productions Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/Naguiprod
Fikka Ganja Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/FikkaGanja
Ya Boumédiène MP3 : http://www.mediafire.com/listen/w5ktz83om85m4ar/Boumedienne.mp3
wn.com/Fikka Ganja Ya Boumédiène Clip Vidéo Hd
Fikka Ganja - Ya Boumédiène [Clip Vidéo] HD
يا بومدين..Fikka GANJA - (فيكا چنجا) Ya Houari Boumédiène - 2013 Rafik GANJA - يا بومدين
Music : Fikka Ganja - Ya Boumédiène (2013)
Montage Video : NaguiProdutions
Naguii Productions Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/Naguiprod
Fikka Ganja Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/FikkaGanja
Ya Boumédiène MP3 : http://www.mediafire.com/listen/w5ktz83om85m4ar/Boumedienne.mp3
- published: 09 Oct 2013
- views: 509
Zhou Enlai, Aden/Yemen, Ahmed Ben Bella deposed by Houari Boumedienne
17. The Chinese premier Zhou Enlai visits Tanganyika
MS of Zhou arrival in Dar-es-Salaam with band and crowds in background
MS of Enlai and Julius Nyerere approaching dais
MS of Enlai and Nyerere standing side-by-side
GV of Tanganyikan troops marching
MS of Tanganyikan troops marching
MS of Enlai and Nyerere clapping and laughing
MS of textile workers holding a welcome-banner
18. Zhou Enlai visits United Arab Republic and meets with Gamal Abdel Nasser - April 1st-2nd
MS of Enlai arrives in the UAR
MS of crowds clapping
MS of Enlai and Nasser seat
Various of Enlai and Nasser seated on sofa
19. In August 1965, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia and Gamal Abdel Nasser of the UAR agreed at Jiddah to an immediate cease-fire, the termination of Saudi aid to the royalists, and the withdrawal of Egyptian forces from Yemen.
MS of King Faisal
GV of Nasser arriving and descending gangway
MS of Nasser greeting and kissing King Faisal
MS of Nasser and Faisal walking
MS of line of Saudi officials
MS of Nasser and Faisal seated and signing agreement
20 Aden/Yemen? (British Government cancels constitution)?
MS of armed soldiers with barbwire walking down street
GV of people gathered outside Shell petrol station
GV street scene with police
MS of policeman opening fire from in street
GV of streets scene, people running
Tracking shot, pan to soldier seated in back of jeep
Tracking shot from military vehicle of approaching vehicle with civilian prisoners
MS as civilians unload from vehicle
MS Soldiers leads man away
21. Ahmed Ben Bella deposed in a bloodless coup by Houari Boumedienne. (June 19th. President Ben Bella the ill-fated Algerian leader was taken prisoner in a Sahara outpost. He was seized in a lightning coup led by his own Defence Minister, Colonel Houari Boumedienne.
CU of Ahmed Ben Bella
MS of Bella kissing supporters
MS of Bella followed by guards
Aerial GV of Algiers
MS of tank
MS of soldiers standing by tank
MS of armed soldier standing on guard
Tracking shot past tank in street
CU of Houari Boumedienne
MS of Boumedienne walking with aide
CU of honour guard with Algerian flag
MS of Boumedienne and aide
GV of protesters in street
MS of soldiers attempting to quell disturbance
GV of troops sitting in military vehicle
Various of soldiers and protesters
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/a0ea461e4d20534bdbc30c48d4120ccb
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Zhou Enlai, Aden Yemen, Ahmed Ben Bella Deposed By Houari Boumedienne
17. The Chinese premier Zhou Enlai visits Tanganyika
MS of Zhou arrival in Dar-es-Salaam with band and crowds in background
MS of Enlai and Julius Nyerere approaching dais
MS of Enlai and Nyerere standing side-by-side
GV of Tanganyikan troops marching
MS of Tanganyikan troops marching
MS of Enlai and Nyerere clapping and laughing
MS of textile workers holding a welcome-banner
18. Zhou Enlai visits United Arab Republic and meets with Gamal Abdel Nasser - April 1st-2nd
MS of Enlai arrives in the UAR
MS of crowds clapping
MS of Enlai and Nasser seat
Various of Enlai and Nasser seated on sofa
19. In August 1965, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia and Gamal Abdel Nasser of the UAR agreed at Jiddah to an immediate cease-fire, the termination of Saudi aid to the royalists, and the withdrawal of Egyptian forces from Yemen.
MS of King Faisal
GV of Nasser arriving and descending gangway
MS of Nasser greeting and kissing King Faisal
MS of Nasser and Faisal walking
MS of line of Saudi officials
MS of Nasser and Faisal seated and signing agreement
20 Aden/Yemen? (British Government cancels constitution)?
MS of armed soldiers with barbwire walking down street
GV of people gathered outside Shell petrol station
GV street scene with police
MS of policeman opening fire from in street
GV of streets scene, people running
Tracking shot, pan to soldier seated in back of jeep
Tracking shot from military vehicle of approaching vehicle with civilian prisoners
MS as civilians unload from vehicle
MS Soldiers leads man away
21. Ahmed Ben Bella deposed in a bloodless coup by Houari Boumedienne. (June 19th. President Ben Bella the ill-fated Algerian leader was taken prisoner in a Sahara outpost. He was seized in a lightning coup led by his own Defence Minister, Colonel Houari Boumedienne.
CU of Ahmed Ben Bella
MS of Bella kissing supporters
MS of Bella followed by guards
Aerial GV of Algiers
MS of tank
MS of soldiers standing by tank
MS of armed soldier standing on guard
Tracking shot past tank in street
CU of Houari Boumedienne
MS of Boumedienne walking with aide
CU of honour guard with Algerian flag
MS of Boumedienne and aide
GV of protesters in street
MS of soldiers attempting to quell disturbance
GV of troops sitting in military vehicle
Various of soldiers and protesters
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/a0ea461e4d20534bdbc30c48d4120ccb
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Houari Boumédiène échappait à un attentat le (24 Avril 1968). Kasdi Merbah ex-chef du DRS explique.
Une tentative d'assassinat de Houari Boumediene échoue au palais du gouvernement le 24 Avril 1968. L'attentat est perpétré par d'anciens compagnons du colone...
wn.com/Houari Boumédiène Échappait À Un Attentat Le (24 Avril 1968). Kasdi Merbah Ex Chef Du Drs Explique.
Une tentative d'assassinat de Houari Boumediene échoue au palais du gouvernement le 24 Avril 1968. L'attentat est perpétré par d'anciens compagnons du colone...
- published: 11 Aug 2013
- views: 141869
Mabrouk Ali
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [3of6]
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [3of6]
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [3of6]
Cuban Media - Capitalism Vs Socialism
Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her first interview with the Cuban leader. Her original interview made a little history because people got their first real look at the man. Although Castro is known for very long speeches, he rarely does interviews.
Fidel Castro, 76 at the time of this interview, has outlasted nine US presidents. He's on his tenth. His rule continues to inspire both fear and devotion. He tells Barbara Walters that Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev lied to both President John F. Kennedy and Cuba, heightening the Cuban Missile Crisis.
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [2of6]
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [2of6]
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [2of6]
US Cuba Relations Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her first interview with the Cuban leader. Her original intervi...
Fidel Castro 20/20
Fidel Castro 20/20
Fidel Castro 20/20
Fidel Castro Interview. Guerrilla Revolution
Fidel Castro Interview. Guerrilla Revolution
Fidel Castro Interview. Guerrilla Revolution
Fidel Castro interview, on the battlefield, speaking about guerrilla warfare and why it is not the method chosen by Revolutionaries, but rather the method wh...
PBS Documentary The Fidel Castro Tapes english subtitles
PBS Documentary The Fidel Castro Tapes english subtitles
PBS Documentary The Fidel Castro Tapes english subtitles
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Fidel Castro Interview by Ted Turner
Fidel Castro Interview by Ted Turner
Fidel Castro Interview by Ted Turner
Fidel Castro Interview by Ted Turner in 1990.
Fidel Castro Interview on Ed Sullivan - 1959
Fidel Castro Interview on Ed Sullivan - 1959
Fidel Castro Interview on Ed Sullivan - 1959
http://goo.gl/3Cdeu - Ed Sullivan interviews Fidel Castro on January 11, 1959 in Cuba shortly after the Batista regime is overthrown during the Cuban Revolut...
Fidel Castro speaks English after visit to United Nations in the US
Fidel Castro speaks English after visit to United Nations in the US
Fidel Castro speaks English after visit to United Nations in the US
Fidel Castro speaks English after visit to United Nations in the US.
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [6of6]
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [6of6]
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [6of6]
Cuba's Future Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her first interview with the Cuban leader. Her original interview m...
Fidel Castro: the Lost Interview | Blank on Blank | PBS Digital Studios
Fidel Castro: the Lost Interview | Blank on Blank | PBS Digital Studios
Fidel Castro: the Lost Interview | Blank on Blank | PBS Digital Studios
"If this Revolution falls, what we will have here in Cuba is a hell. Hell itself." - Fidel Castro
Interview by Clark Hewitt Galloway
1959, Havana
Executive Producer: David Gerlach
Animator: Patrick Smith
Translator: Sebastian Betti
Hear the full 35-minute interview with Castro with english translation:
Subscribe for new episodes every other Tuesday (it's free):
Watch the previous episodes:
Maurice Sendak on Being a Kid
Beastie Boys on Being Stupid
Flashback: "Face the Nation" interviews Fidel Castro
Flashback: "Face the Nation" interviews Fidel Castro
Flashback: "Face the Nation" interviews Fidel Castro
In 1959, "Face the Nation" broadcast the first U.S. television interview with Fidel Castro, then a young revolutionary who had just overthrown the Cuban dict...
Fidel Castro Makes First Public Appearance In Over A Year
Fidel Castro Makes First Public Appearance In Over A Year
Fidel Castro Makes First Public Appearance In Over A Year
Cuba's state media has posted pictures of former leader Fidel Castro in public. It's the leader's first appearance in over a year.
Follow Kate Grumke: http://www.twitter.com/kgrumke
See more at http://www.newsy.com
Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2015/04/03/fidel-saluda-a-venezolanos-que-integran-vuelo-solidario-bolivar-marti/#.VSAN-ZTF8yV
Juventud Rebelde http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/cuba/2015-04-03/casual-inolvidable-encuentro-con-fidel-fotos/
Granma http://www.granma.cu/cuba/2015-04-03/casual-inolvidable-encuentro-con-fidel
Miami Herald http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/article1959095
La fausse interview de Fidel Castro par PPDA
La fausse interview de Fidel Castro par PPDA
La fausse interview de Fidel Castro par PPDA
La fausse interview de Fidel Castro par PPDA (1991)
La fausse interview de Fidel Castro par PPDA (1991)
La fausse interview de Fidel Castro par PPDA (1991)
La fameuse fausse interview de Castro révélée d'abord par le magazine Télérama et ensuite par le journaliste Pierre Carles qui nous décortique ici la petite ...
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [4of6]
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [4of6]
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [4of6]
Elian Gonzales - Walter's view on Cuban Society, Tourism, & prostitution Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her firs...
Fidel Castro interview by Edward R Murrow (1959) Fidel lying as usual.
Fidel Castro interview by Edward R Murrow (1959) Fidel lying as usual.
Fidel Castro interview by Edward R Murrow (1959) Fidel lying as usual.
Fidel Castro interview by Edward R Murrow (1959) Fidel lying as usual.
Fidel Castro warning to the world (En&Fr;)
Fidel Castro warning to the world (En&Fr;)
Fidel Castro warning to the world (En&Fr;)
and don't smoke too much cigars.
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [5of6]
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [5of6]
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [5of6]
Cuban Missile Crisis Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her first interview with the Cuban leader. Her original inte...
Maradona entrevista a Fidel Castro 1/4
Maradona entrevista a Fidel Castro 1/4
Maradona entrevista a Fidel Castro 1/4
David Letterman Barbara Walters on Fidel Castro
David Letterman Barbara Walters on Fidel Castro
David Letterman Barbara Walters on Fidel Castro
Did she have a little something going with Fidel Castro? Barbara Walters reports the details.
In an exclusive interview with APTV, Fidel Castro's renegade sister has spoken about her brother and the visit of Pope John Paul II to Cuba.
Juanita Castro, who lives in Miami, left Cuba in 1963 - at odds with the Marxist ideology introduced there by her brother.
On Wednesday, she - like (m) millions of others around the world - watched as the Pope and the president met on Cuban soil.
At home in a wealthy suburb of Miami, Juanita Castro watched as her brother - Cuba's president - welcomed the Pontiff in Havana.
Most of Castro's sisters are still in Cuba. Another is in Mexico.
Juanita herself could not live u
Reaparición de Fidel Castro Enero 2014
Reaparición de Fidel Castro Enero 2014
Reaparición de Fidel Castro Enero 2014
El expresidente cubano Fidel Castro reapareció en público al asistir a la inauguración de un estudio de arte en La Habana, en la misma jornada en que se cumplían 55 años de su entrada en la capital en 1959, 8 de enero de 2014.
Fidel Castro gives TV interview - CCTV 100713
Fidel Castro gives TV interview - CCTV 100713
Fidel Castro gives TV interview - CCTV 100713
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [3of6]
Cuban Media - Capitalism Vs Socialism
Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her first interview with the Cuban leader. Her original interview made a little history because people got their first real look at the man. Although Castro is known for very long speeches, he rarely does interviews.
Fidel Castro, 76 at the time of this interview, has outlasted nine US presidents. He's on his tenth. His rule continues to inspire both fear and devotion. He tells Barbara Walters that Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev lied to both President John F. Kennedy and Cuba, heightening the Cuban Missile Crisis.
wn.com/20 20 Fidel Castro Interview Barbara Walters 3Of6
Cuban Media - Capitalism Vs Socialism
Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her first interview with the Cuban leader. Her original interview made a little history because people got their first real look at the man. Although Castro is known for very long speeches, he rarely does interviews.
Fidel Castro, 76 at the time of this interview, has outlasted nine US presidents. He's on his tenth. His rule continues to inspire both fear and devotion. He tells Barbara Walters that Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev lied to both President John F. Kennedy and Cuba, heightening the Cuban Missile Crisis.
- published: 09 Jul 2008
- views: 352795
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [2of6]
US Cuba Relations Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her first interview with the Cuban leader. Her original intervi...
wn.com/20 20 Fidel Castro Interview Barbara Walters 2Of6
US Cuba Relations Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her first interview with the Cuban leader. Her original intervi...
- published: 09 Jul 2008
- views: 84115
Fidel Castro Interview. Guerrilla Revolution
Fidel Castro interview, on the battlefield, speaking about guerrilla warfare and why it is not the method chosen by Revolutionaries, but rather the method wh...
wn.com/Fidel Castro Interview. Guerrilla Revolution
Fidel Castro interview, on the battlefield, speaking about guerrilla warfare and why it is not the method chosen by Revolutionaries, but rather the method wh...
PBS Documentary The Fidel Castro Tapes english subtitles
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In 1959, Fidel Castro rose to power in Cuba. He has been one of the most controversial figures in the world ever since. The Fidel Castro Tapes chronicles the Cuban leader's ability to maintain control through ongoing tumult in his country, and in his dealings with the United States and the rest of the world. The Fidel Castro Tapes is a story told without interviews. Instead the program relies on media reports, rare images and recordings to document Castro's turbulent leadership. In addition to material obtained through traditional media sources, this program includes footage obtained from the Cuban Archives, which helps glimpse the life and times of Castro from inside his country. By using an "in the moment" style of storytelling, The Fidel Castro Tapes gives viewers a sense of being there during the most important times in Castro's career.
wn.com/Pbs Documentary The Fidel Castro Tapes English Subtitles
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BBC DocuHD English Subtitles ► https://www.youtube.com/bbcdocuhdengsubtk1
Nature DocuHD English Subtitles ► https://www.youtube.com/naturedocuhdengsubtk2
In 1959, Fidel Castro rose to power in Cuba. He has been one of the most controversial figures in the world ever since. The Fidel Castro Tapes chronicles the Cuban leader's ability to maintain control through ongoing tumult in his country, and in his dealings with the United States and the rest of the world. The Fidel Castro Tapes is a story told without interviews. Instead the program relies on media reports, rare images and recordings to document Castro's turbulent leadership. In addition to material obtained through traditional media sources, this program includes footage obtained from the Cuban Archives, which helps glimpse the life and times of Castro from inside his country. By using an "in the moment" style of storytelling, The Fidel Castro Tapes gives viewers a sense of being there during the most important times in Castro's career.
- published: 14 Jul 2015
- views: 9
Fidel Castro Interview on Ed Sullivan - 1959
http://goo.gl/3Cdeu - Ed Sullivan interviews Fidel Castro on January 11, 1959 in Cuba shortly after the Batista regime is overthrown during the Cuban Revolut...
wn.com/Fidel Castro Interview On Ed Sullivan 1959
http://goo.gl/3Cdeu - Ed Sullivan interviews Fidel Castro on January 11, 1959 in Cuba shortly after the Batista regime is overthrown during the Cuban Revolut...
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [6of6]
Cuba's Future Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her first interview with the Cuban leader. Her original interview m...
wn.com/20 20 Fidel Castro Interview Barbara Walters 6Of6
Cuba's Future Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her first interview with the Cuban leader. Her original interview m...
- published: 26 Aug 2008
- views: 55442
Fidel Castro: the Lost Interview | Blank on Blank | PBS Digital Studios
"If this Revolution falls, what we will have here in Cuba is a hell. Hell itself." - Fidel Castro
Interview by Clark Hewitt Galloway
1959, Havana
Executive Producer: David Gerlach
Animator: Patrick Smith
Translator: Sebastian Betti
Hear the full 35-minute interview with Castro with english translation:
Subscribe for new episodes every other Tuesday (it's free):
Watch the previous episodes:
Maurice Sendak on Being a Kid
Beastie Boys on Being Stupid
David Foster Wallace on Ambition
Wilt Chamberlain on Tall Tales
Larry King on Getting Seduced
Jim Morrison on Why Fat is Beautiful
Follow us on Twiiter & Facebook @blankonblank
Check out blankonblank.org
Music You Heard:
"Flamenco Rhythm"
"Mistrio Sterio"
Conjunto Guantanamo
wn.com/Fidel Castro The Lost Interview | Blank On Blank | Pbs Digital Studios
"If this Revolution falls, what we will have here in Cuba is a hell. Hell itself." - Fidel Castro
Interview by Clark Hewitt Galloway
1959, Havana
Executive Producer: David Gerlach
Animator: Patrick Smith
Translator: Sebastian Betti
Hear the full 35-minute interview with Castro with english translation:
Subscribe for new episodes every other Tuesday (it's free):
Watch the previous episodes:
Maurice Sendak on Being a Kid
Beastie Boys on Being Stupid
David Foster Wallace on Ambition
Wilt Chamberlain on Tall Tales
Larry King on Getting Seduced
Jim Morrison on Why Fat is Beautiful
Follow us on Twiiter & Facebook @blankonblank
Check out blankonblank.org
Music You Heard:
"Flamenco Rhythm"
"Mistrio Sterio"
Conjunto Guantanamo
- published: 23 Jul 2013
- views: 50958
Flashback: "Face the Nation" interviews Fidel Castro
In 1959, "Face the Nation" broadcast the first U.S. television interview with Fidel Castro, then a young revolutionary who had just overthrown the Cuban dict...
wn.com/Flashback Face The Nation Interviews Fidel Castro
In 1959, "Face the Nation" broadcast the first U.S. television interview with Fidel Castro, then a young revolutionary who had just overthrown the Cuban dict...
Fidel Castro Makes First Public Appearance In Over A Year
Cuba's state media has posted pictures of former leader Fidel Castro in public. It's the leader's first appearance in over a year.
Follow Kate Grumke: http://www.twitter.com/kgrumke
See more at http://www.newsy.com
Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2015/04/03/fidel-saluda-a-venezolanos-que-integran-vuelo-solidario-bolivar-marti/#.VSAN-ZTF8yV
Juventud Rebelde http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/cuba/2015-04-03/casual-inolvidable-encuentro-con-fidel-fotos/
Granma http://www.granma.cu/cuba/2015-04-03/casual-inolvidable-encuentro-con-fidel
Miami Herald http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/article1959095.html
Univision https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXOEuOSC-YU
The Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/19/fidel-castro-death-rumors_n_1987412.html
The Wall Street Journal http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10000872396390443675404578059344066268914
Haaretz http://www.haaretz.com/news/world/rumors-spread-of-fidel-castro-s-declining-health-1.471198
Venezolana de Televisión https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwZeIsEppew
The White House https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/03/09/fact-sheet-venezuela-executive-order
Getty Images http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/cuban-president-fidel-castro-talks-to-his-brother-raul-news-photo/51890819
Euronews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmI5bV4ZvM4
Image via: Juventud Rebelde
wn.com/Fidel Castro Makes First Public Appearance In Over A Year
Cuba's state media has posted pictures of former leader Fidel Castro in public. It's the leader's first appearance in over a year.
Follow Kate Grumke: http://www.twitter.com/kgrumke
See more at http://www.newsy.com
Cubadebate http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2015/04/03/fidel-saluda-a-venezolanos-que-integran-vuelo-solidario-bolivar-marti/#.VSAN-ZTF8yV
Juventud Rebelde http://www.juventudrebelde.cu/cuba/2015-04-03/casual-inolvidable-encuentro-con-fidel-fotos/
Granma http://www.granma.cu/cuba/2015-04-03/casual-inolvidable-encuentro-con-fidel
Miami Herald http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/article1959095.html
Univision https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXOEuOSC-YU
The Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/19/fidel-castro-death-rumors_n_1987412.html
The Wall Street Journal http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10000872396390443675404578059344066268914
Haaretz http://www.haaretz.com/news/world/rumors-spread-of-fidel-castro-s-declining-health-1.471198
Venezolana de Televisión https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwZeIsEppew
The White House https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/03/09/fact-sheet-venezuela-executive-order
Getty Images http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/cuban-president-fidel-castro-talks-to-his-brother-raul-news-photo/51890819
Euronews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmI5bV4ZvM4
Image via: Juventud Rebelde
- published: 04 Apr 2015
- views: 1234
La fausse interview de Fidel Castro par PPDA (1991)
La fameuse fausse interview de Castro révélée d'abord par le magazine Télérama et ensuite par le journaliste Pierre Carles qui nous décortique ici la petite ...
wn.com/La Fausse Interview De Fidel Castro Par Ppda (1991)
La fameuse fausse interview de Castro révélée d'abord par le magazine Télérama et ensuite par le journaliste Pierre Carles qui nous décortique ici la petite ...
- published: 01 Oct 2010
- views: 23371
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [4of6]
Elian Gonzales - Walter's view on Cuban Society, Tourism, & prostitution Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her firs...
wn.com/20 20 Fidel Castro Interview Barbara Walters 4Of6
Elian Gonzales - Walter's view on Cuban Society, Tourism, & prostitution Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her firs...
- published: 09 Jul 2008
- views: 59153
20/20 Fidel Castro interview - Barbara Walters [5of6]
Cuban Missile Crisis Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her first interview with the Cuban leader. Her original inte...
wn.com/20 20 Fidel Castro Interview Barbara Walters 5Of6
Cuban Missile Crisis Barbara Walters interviews Fidel Castro from Havana, Cuba -- 25 years after her first interview with the Cuban leader. Her original inte...
- published: 09 Jul 2008
- views: 45712
Maradona entrevista a Fidel Castro 1/4
wn.com/Maradona Entrevista A Fidel Castro 1 4
- published: 23 Jun 2009
- views: 124459
David Letterman Barbara Walters on Fidel Castro
Did she have a little something going with Fidel Castro? Barbara Walters reports the details.
wn.com/David Letterman Barbara Walters On Fidel Castro
Did she have a little something going with Fidel Castro? Barbara Walters reports the details.
In an exclusive interview with APTV, Fidel Castro's renegade sister has spoken about her brother and the visit of Pope John Paul II to Cuba.
Juanita Castro, who lives in Miami, left Cuba in 1963 - at odds with the Marxist ideology introduced there by her brother.
On Wednesday, she - like (m) millions of others around the world - watched as the Pope and the president met on Cuban soil.
At home in a wealthy suburb of Miami, Juanita Castro watched as her brother - Cuba's president - welcomed the Pontiff in Havana.
Most of Castro's sisters are still in Cuba. Another is in Mexico.
Juanita herself could not live under the Communist regime - she packed her bags and left in 1963.
She says she never wants to go back while Castro is in power.
She never speaks to her brother, never visits.
For her, more than most in Miami, watching the live pictures from Havana prompted mixed emotions.
SOUNDBITE: (Spanish)
"It was my brother who I saw. But the reality is that my brother is Cuba's dictator - I suppose because of his position, because of his behaviour, because of the way he has managed the country during the last 38, 39 years. However, I have never stopped thinking of him as my brother, not as a political leader."
SUPER CAPTION: Juanita Castro, Fidel Castro's sister
She hopes the visit by Pope John Paul II will inspire change.
"It is very difficult to tell you what Fidel is capable of doing now, at this time, when the situation in the country reflects the peoples unhappiness. Who knows? Hopefully the Pope is able to get from him many things. Among them the liberation of many political prisoners. That would be great. At least it would be one of the important steps that could come out of this. I hope the Pope is able to achieve it."
SUPER CAPTION: Juanita Castro, Fidel Castro's sister
On the hour, every hour, the bells at Miami's Corpus Christi church will ring out during the Papal visit.
Many Cuban exiles in Miami went to pray as the Pontiff landed in Havana, most appearing oblivious to the live television pictures beamed into the Church.
During his flight from Italy, the Pope said the U-S embargo against Cuba should change -
but political analysts don't predict rapid change as a result of his historic visit.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"The visit of the Pope does not mean that Fidel Castro now has seen the light and turned to Christianity and is going to open up Cuba because this is not the nature of the leader and we have to understand there are leaders in this world that are committed to their ideology whether it's fanaticism, whether it's religion and they are not going to change."
SUPER CAPTION: Jaime Suchlicki, Professor of History and International Studies, University of Miami
Nevertheless, the prayers of those exiled in Miami are that there will be change and - in their words - Cuba will be "free".
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/82079e29553df766d669cd7b04ddfea8
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/USA Interview With Fidel Castro'S Sister Juanita Update
In an exclusive interview with APTV, Fidel Castro's renegade sister has spoken about her brother and the visit of Pope John Paul II to Cuba.
Juanita Castro, who lives in Miami, left Cuba in 1963 - at odds with the Marxist ideology introduced there by her brother.
On Wednesday, she - like (m) millions of others around the world - watched as the Pope and the president met on Cuban soil.
At home in a wealthy suburb of Miami, Juanita Castro watched as her brother - Cuba's president - welcomed the Pontiff in Havana.
Most of Castro's sisters are still in Cuba. Another is in Mexico.
Juanita herself could not live under the Communist regime - she packed her bags and left in 1963.
She says she never wants to go back while Castro is in power.
She never speaks to her brother, never visits.
For her, more than most in Miami, watching the live pictures from Havana prompted mixed emotions.
SOUNDBITE: (Spanish)
"It was my brother who I saw. But the reality is that my brother is Cuba's dictator - I suppose because of his position, because of his behaviour, because of the way he has managed the country during the last 38, 39 years. However, I have never stopped thinking of him as my brother, not as a political leader."
SUPER CAPTION: Juanita Castro, Fidel Castro's sister
She hopes the visit by Pope John Paul II will inspire change.
"It is very difficult to tell you what Fidel is capable of doing now, at this time, when the situation in the country reflects the peoples unhappiness. Who knows? Hopefully the Pope is able to get from him many things. Among them the liberation of many political prisoners. That would be great. At least it would be one of the important steps that could come out of this. I hope the Pope is able to achieve it."
SUPER CAPTION: Juanita Castro, Fidel Castro's sister
On the hour, every hour, the bells at Miami's Corpus Christi church will ring out during the Papal visit.
Many Cuban exiles in Miami went to pray as the Pontiff landed in Havana, most appearing oblivious to the live television pictures beamed into the Church.
During his flight from Italy, the Pope said the U-S embargo against Cuba should change -
but political analysts don't predict rapid change as a result of his historic visit.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"The visit of the Pope does not mean that Fidel Castro now has seen the light and turned to Christianity and is going to open up Cuba because this is not the nature of the leader and we have to understand there are leaders in this world that are committed to their ideology whether it's fanaticism, whether it's religion and they are not going to change."
SUPER CAPTION: Jaime Suchlicki, Professor of History and International Studies, University of Miami
Nevertheless, the prayers of those exiled in Miami are that there will be change and - in their words - Cuba will be "free".
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/82079e29553df766d669cd7b04ddfea8
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Reaparición de Fidel Castro Enero 2014
El expresidente cubano Fidel Castro reapareció en público al asistir a la inauguración de un estudio de arte en La Habana, en la misma jornada en que se cumplían 55 años de su entrada en la capital en 1959, 8 de enero de 2014.
wn.com/Reaparición De Fidel Castro Enero 2014
El expresidente cubano Fidel Castro reapareció en público al asistir a la inauguración de un estudio de arte en La Habana, en la misma jornada en que se cumplían 55 años de su entrada en la capital en 1959, 8 de enero de 2014.
- published: 10 Jan 2014
- views: 229