in natural selection
I've avoided all detection
and the tender bits underneath
all with window dressing and
calculated guessing
and a bark bigger than my teeth
It was the suit that got me the gig
It was the tear that got me the girl
I'm a sheep in this wolf's clothing
I'm a picture that I'm holding
of someone who is cool
soul like a thimble
swallowed up in symbols
wanting what I don't need
if sympathy's the answer
I'll have temporary cancer
but that's not what I'll have you believe
It was the suit that got me the gig
It was the tear that got me the girl
I'm a sheep in this wolf's clothing
I'm a picture that I'm holding
of someone who is cool
someone who is cool
close but kind of meatless
like actors who play Jesus
in movies of the week
What other people wish for
oozes from my every pore
I'm the coffee not the sleep
and I'm the song about the song
that once said something new
I'm a scandal that's unfolding
I'm a picture that I'm holding
With a turn of phase I'm a symphony
A sacrifice like a flame
To a breeze with heated lip bound up to adore
And like Oliver do you want a little more?
Here in nighttimes cool embrace
Have the weather wash my face
I'm delirious and insensible
But I'm coming home with my pockets full
In the belly of this delicious eve
Elaborate dreams that I've kept up my sleeve
Here in nighttimes cool embrace
Have the weather wash my face
Disappear and find my place
Here in nighttime cool embrace
There's a blush of light in a western sky
So long to another day
Gone awry with a honeyed kiss caught in the fall
Crooning dogs follow sirens all
Here in nighttimes cool embrace
Have the weather wash my face
Disappear and find my place
Awaken from your slumber
and get up for the train
You were caught at your station
and waiting for the rain
Well I call and you answer
and I answer you again
So remeber the answer
remember the way it ends
The truth untold
will always lie between us
We may never unfold
the way our lives have brought us here
Now send out all your letters
and write it in the sky
For worse and for better
forever you and I
Then surrender all the ammo
and gather all your charms
Cause it's gonna burn you and it's gonna blind you
and it's gonna tear you arm from arm
The truth untold
will always lie between us
We may never unfold
the way our lives have brought us here
Can we get on theis together
is it time to pull the wire?
We'll I'm gonna learn to unwind you
and I'm gonna earn your faith entire
The truth untold
will always lie between us
We may never unfold
Smokescreen, oil patch, road full of thumb tacks, stilletto umbrella
Steel bowler hat and spectacles made of bulletproof glass
Armour in the rat race, vaseline for when it chafes, pepper spray necklace,
aerosol mace
The Mail's got to get there so puppy gets in the face
You can come and get me
You can come and get me
Metal teeth, bowie sheath, rust-proofing underneath
Catching paint on the speckled drop sheet
Canteen for the desert and I'm packing a piece
Signal flares in bunches, antacid for the brunches
Straight out of karate lessons to register these hands as weapons
You can come and get me
You can come and get me
Dirty secrets up for sale
Blackmail negatives in the mail
Run into the river when the hound is on the trail
Gelignite full of nails
Tax accountants moving paper mountains, try to get at me in the fortified houses
I'm in the courtyard dancing naked in the fountains
You can come and get me
I live under a giant cloud
Well, it's my shield and it's my shroud
At home on the range but alone in a crowd
I plug my ears when it gets too loud
So get that kinky noise out on the stage
With your spinning curls in a purple rage
The sun in our eyes and the burning sage
You're all alone then you turn the page
Could it be? Yeah, it could be
Could it be that you're for me?
I'm looking right to your head
Talking to you seems to wake the dead
With what now you just said
I think we're gonna break the bed
Hands in the air and knees on the ground
Don't be surprised if I fall around
We were over the water when the plane went down
It was over my head and you let me drown
Could it be? Yeah, it could be
Could it be that you're for me?
I'm looking right to your head
Talking to you is gonna wake the dead
With what now you just said
The eye is catching things it will never see again
Becoming memories I will one day paint
Three feet thick, three feet thick,
On a
Big white wall
Big white wall
The Greenland ice is moving
Standing up, it's almost human
The truth as strange as fiction
This life is one weird addiction
Slap my face
What is this place?
It's a
Big white wall
I'm on a big white wall
What's this I'm on?
A big white wall
It's a big white wall
Scraping soot off a stone church roof
Looking down on a Chelsea girl
Who kicks a can into the river
It floats up to...Tell me sister
What is it? What is it?
It's a...
Driving horse, staring, utter boredom
Are you really listening?
Say "yes" and "no" in all the right places
now your eyes are blistering
Are these things of fascination
Or are they just chatter?
Will you have to slap my face
To find out that you matter?
I saw fighting on the sidewalk
she was down and crying
As he punched her in the mouth
Her fingers white with prying
Then he took his crash helmet
And smashed in her friend's cheekbone
Yes yoou can stop I think she's heard you
I think she's got your message
Though it's not the friendliest of conversation
Violence demands your participation
and now you7re watching as it sweeps the nation under
(Steven Drake)
I'd like to build
A ladder right up to the sky
Then I would climb
I would climb so high
I could step right over every mile
Between you and I
To hold you in my arms would be
Eternal ecstasy
To feel your body near would be
Eternal Ecstasy
Now and forever I hold you gently in my heart
But I could let you be
Can you deny
What you believe could make you blind to things I can see
I would never trade a moment
For a lifelong friend
I see the sundown all alone
My droppy-eyed madonna
a triple fire alarm
all the other rogues and darlings
get sent to the farm
I don't need to decieve you
'cause I fell no pain
maybe I should let you
come on and eat my brain
There's an art to perception
so see it as you will
can you adjust my reception?
just give me the latest pill
I don't need to deceive you
cause I feel no pain
maybe I should let you
come on and eat my brain
I know you tried to forget me
well today is remembrance day
so if you're willing then let me
it's time to make your play
I don't need to deceive you
cause I feel no pain
maybe I should let you
Making babies, buying houses
A French guy's name is on our trousers
We used to be such rabble rousers
Before the world revolved around us
I've been domesticated blind
Family fills my mind
There's more problems than there's time
I've been domesticated blind
Breakfast is on the kitchen counter
Here's my wife I think I'll mount her picture on my desk
Surround myself with happiness abounding
Took the kids to the beach again
To ignore what the tide brought in
Ain't got no time for the world around us
Exiles, martyrs, political browsers
With all these lunatic arousers
I think I'll go and hit the showers
Friends will agree with a pregnant pause
And silently draw out their claws
It's hard to say no to your face
Running away's as easy as running in place
Yes, means it's hard to say no to you
And that means I'll do things
I don't want to
These are a few of my dangerous things
You'll have to cut me in two to count my rings
It's hard to say no to your face
Running away's as easy as running in place
Yes means it's hard to say no to you
And that means I'll do things
I don't want to
After writing down my darkest thoughts
I should feel just fine
Anyway, would you
Wanna hear me whine?
All of the bad is good in disguise
Hear me say, okay
Look in my eyes
Look in my eyes
Yes, means it's hard to say no to you
That means I'll do things
I don't want to
Yes, means it's hard to say no to you
And that means I'll do things
Add it to the list of square jawed decisions I refuse to make
for the same reason San Fransiscans don't leave on accout of an earthquake
There are textbook moves and trails to blaze no shortage of advice
so I'm blindly staying put like a deer caught in the headlights
After all those songs (I'm satisfied)
I could be horribly wrong (I'm satisfied)
'Til disaster comes along (I'm satisfied)
Taken in the back to get my ear chewing better that then learn
They'll be wiping simple smiles off my face until it's someone else's turn
I like the smell and endure the taste of everything that's cheaper
and when he asks me, "Did you have a good time?" I'll say, "Get the lights
Mr. Grim Reaper"
After all those songs (I'm satisfied)
I could be horribly wrong (I'm satisfied)
'Til disaster comes along (I'm satisfied)
Turn on the reading light as the room brings in the night
Completely wasted time is the time that I like
After all those songs (I'm satisfied)
I could be horribly wrong (I'm satisfied)
Now I rush to the finger of light
I guess I tore my head off
I hope there's something waiting for me
To make my exit pay-off
Taste and smell and touch
Have faded from pollution
As a last resort I chose the stupidest solution
The first thing I did when I got in the gate
Was crank up the left-hand dial
I got there first
The track star seemed to take a while
Now I can dance like Nureyev
With these wings on my body
St. Peter complains that it's too loud in the lobby
And I hear the voice of God
He's brilliant on the microphone
And the radio in heaven
Can make a heathen feel at home
All these notes flying out play havoc with my heart
Every word sung is both emotional & smart
There's a gorgeous sunset
Happening on the airwaves
I really want you to hear this song one day
So you behave
And I hear the voice of God
He's brilliant on the microphone
And the radio in heaven
Can make a heathen feel at home
Everything's a mess
I sleep but don't undress
Drinking all but the Tia Maria
I never finished any of these books
Hanging open like house plants
Begging for water and a little reading
Holding that one big idea I'm needing
I know what I don't want
I really know what I don't want
I don't really, really know
What I want, do I?
Another black shirt
Won't show the dirt
I could wash but
I don't even bother
Some piece of trite trash trumpets out the radio
But I don't turn it off
I need to loathe its creation
Contempt is my one contemplation
'Cause I know what I don't want
I really know what I don't want
I don't really, really know
What I want, do I?
Red in the face from the air in this place
It's closed so I open the window
Something about heights makes a man
Start to reach for the bottom
Dull in the mind from oversleeping
I look for the things
That are really worth keeping
'Cause I know what I don't want
I really know what I don't want
I don't really, really know
What I want, do I?
I know what I don't want
I really know what I don't want
I don't really, really know
(Steven Drake)
I was sitting there watching TV
Wendy came and sat on my knee
She put her finger in my ear
But I pulled it out so I could hear
What the newsman on the television said
He said the king of rock 'n' roll was dead
And in the spooky television light
She said, "Don't ever forget this night"
I was fucking Wendy under the stars the night that Elvis died
I was fucking Wendy under the stars the night that Elvis died
As we walked across the dew wet field
I never ever thought she would yield
To my young body's aching desire
For an older woman's well banked fire
By the left hand I was led
To the place that we would make our bed
And embracing in the blue moonlight
She said, "Don't ever forget this night"
She was 31 I was 17
I found out then what passion could mean
I thought I loved her but I didn't know how
I don't love her when I see her now
With the tape deck turned up loud
she made a young man feel strong and proud
And in the coolness of the morning light
She said, "Don't ever forget this night"
Your tear walked down from my fingertip
Like a ladybug sidetracked from it's fated trip
We never got to the touching & feeling
'cause the skin's too sensitive when the wounds are healing
like ice cream too close to the playground
I'm no good for you but you still want me around
If you pick the moments when the cheeks were glowing
Well & I hope they're enough to keep you going
& we'll talk & we'll talk & we'll talk 'til we understand enough
& we'll talk & we'll talk & we'll talk 'til every word's used up
& we'll talk & we'll talk & we'll talk like this was the toughest love
& then we'll fall asleep
your pain begins at the point of trust
like life begins at the very flastpoint of lust
there's sun and moon in every movement
you can live with it or expect improvement
& we'll talk & we'll talk & we'll talk 'til we understand enough
& we'll talk & we'll talk & we'll talk 'til every word's used up
& we'll talk & we'll talk & we'll talk like this was the toughest love
& then we'll fall asleep
& into our dreams
where we won't have to figure out
what anything means
& in there I can do whatever I choose
but I'm faithful when there's no way I can lose
& we'll talk & we'll talk & we'll talk 'til we understand enough
& we'll talk & we'll talk & we'll talk 'til every word's used up
& we'll talk & we'll talk & we'll talk like this was the toughest love
(Craig Northey)
Accept it, live with it, move on it right now
The world is sailing you must turn and face the bow
The sting of loss is stinging, voice drowned by the wind
La verite, le courage
La verite, le courage
Sitting on a fencepost for the last three years
Safe but sore, sound but scored, plugging up my ears
Which door holds back the tiger?
Which string will let go the flood?
Standing still, won't move a muscle and the heat is turning up
Truth or dare
Truth or dare
The stick is in the spokes, so the machine is sure to break
Who's to be sure the fall won't cure the fear of something great?
Something great
(Steven Drake)
We all know she's not alone
That doesn't mean she's not lonely
We said goodbye I felt sick inside
Leaning on a rail I watched her as she shied away
To our passion her defences held no ground
But by te light of morning kisses
I could see her face turn down
Love ain't what you're used to when you're used to being alone
The curtain is parted
You see that your emotions have grown away
Turn it around what could it be?
She lifts her eyes and smiles at me
Tasting the moment I say, could we just
Take a walk
Out through the yard
And wander through the trees
Just you and me
Wander through the trees
Just you and me
Sometime soon
People will tell you where to go
So I've heard it said
I laid down to take a little nap
But there was wet concrete in my bed
Now you're hanging out your lantern
The fire is burning bright
Not a good time to be paranoid
Or afraid of the light, yeah
'Cause I'm gonna die making love to you
I'm gonna die making love to you
I'm gonna die making love to you
I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, gonna die, yeah, yeah
The praying mantis bites off the head of her lover
And then chews on the stump
Black widow spiders kill their boyfriends
Every time they hump
I'm not talking 'bout the blind sacrifice
Of a lemming running into the sea, yeah
I'm talking premeditated, first degree murder
By you of me, yeah
And I'm gonna die making love to you
I'm gonna die making love to you
I'm gonna die making love to you
I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, gonna die, yeah, yeah
Scatter my deck with your zero
Say my name and I'll end up dead
Decorate my chest like a hero
Every night I perish on your bed
It's a three ring circle
And it's like color TV
There's no toilet paper in the jungle
And you're the last thing I'm ever gonna see, yeah
'Cause I'm gonna die making love to you
I'm gonna die making love to you
I'm gonna die making love to you
I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, yeah
Carrying your ashes from bar to bar
I'm in a mess & you're in a mason jar
With you under my arm like a football
I'm not ready to let go & that is all
You were never big on conversation and that hasn't changed since you cremation
And I feel most times like you do
You know I feel most times like you do
I wish that I was hardnosed
Fight a forest fire with a garden hose
And be brave enough right now to start on something new
You were right there in the urn light as a feather
If my hands weren't shaky I'd glue you back together
This watering hole was our favourite stop
So I'll take off the lid and pour a drink down the top, for you
And I'll pull down on that magic lever
That makes it stay the past forever
And I feel most times like you do
You know I feel most times like you do
Someone's stabbed my voodoo doll
Now it hurts each time that nature calls
And you're lucky that nature's finished calling out to you
You were down to your very last little belt loop
But you were tougher than a pitbull in the paratroops
And if you're afraid of getting hurt you suffer more ills
Like the hypocondriac who dies choking on his pills
So I should swallow really hard & deal with this pain
Cause I'm as wasted as a neatfreak in a hurricane
And I feel most times like you do
You know I feel most times like you do
I thought I was the one that died
And this was heaven's weird amusement ride
But you pinched me in the dream & I saw it wasn't true
So I'm dumping your ashes on the flood
And we'll laugh as people slip on you while coming in this door
And I'll drink on what you said to stop my feet draggin'
I don't play the fool 'cause I'm not acting
Don't know the angles, I've stopped protracting
The earth is flat unless you're an astronaut
This tune is vibration, if your hearing is shot
And all that I know is every day I know less
And the best things in life don't make any sense
I studied your face while you were asleep
You looked connected to something quite deep
As I get older I start to lose touch
Maybe because I don't sleep as much
I grit my teeth, when I sleep I get tense
And the best things in life don't make any sense
And the best things in life don't make any sense
Of course there's love, it goes without saying
Any talk of an answer would just be noise
And little bits of spit spraying
I flipped through the pictures and let the words lie
Mossed through the market to smell and not buy
Wearing dark glasses at night wrecks your eyes, yeah
But pain can look cool when it's at its best
And the best things in life don't make any sense
And the best things in life don't make any sense
And all that I know is every day I know less
in a fluid notion
give away your best
make a forward motion
and in the heat undress
nearly forty hours
it's a living death
if we could only catch our
when your tears and laughter fall like rain
turn around and things still look the same
time to make an entry
in the book of life
maybe the animal-husband
or the good midwife
in the current rhythm
now the feet are bare
and the luscious diamond
when your tears and laughter fall like rain
turn around and things still look the same
let it happen now or never
a day like this won't last forever
now your tears and laughter fall like rain
under a sad mistaken
get yourself a rash
of mysterious break-ins
better watch your trash
and before the weekend
can you close the deal?
tell me are your freak friends
for real?
when your tears and laughter fall like rain
turn around and things still look the same
let it happen now or never
a day like this won't last forever
in natural selection
I've avoided all detection
and the tender bits underneath
all with window dressing and
calculated guessing
and a bark bigger than my teeth
It was the suit that got me the gig
It was the tear that got me the girl
I'm a sheep in this wolf clothing
I'm a picture that I'm holding
of someone who is cool
soul like a thimble
swallowed up in symbols
wanting what I don't need
if sympathy's the answer
I'll have temporary cancer
but that's not what I'll have you believe
It was the suit that got me the gig
It was the tear that got me the girl
I'm a sheep in this wolf clothing
I'm a picture that I'm holding
of someone who is cool
someone who is cool
close but kind of meatless
like actors who play Jesus
in movies of the week
What other people wish for
oozes from my every pore
I'm the coffee not the sleep
and I'm the song about the song
that once said something new
I'm a scandal that's unfolding
I'm a picture that I'm holding
of someone who is cool
There is always someplace safer than the playground
So let's walk to our private beach at night
We could always roll these drums down the sand dunes
Into the surf and continue to think that they're safe, sealed up tight,
up tight
I'll be gone before the things that I do now go wrong
Family tree is burning to heat my house a little longer
Bobbing up and down in the waves with the moonbeams
They shine like turtles' backs in bleach and I
I hope that they'll be sinking soon under the seaweed
'Cause inside the atoms are moving and helping the fish grow extra eyes
Now that all the poison's taken off our red hands
It's percolating in the deep blue dump
We'll be counting pay cheques, with all the zeros
Mother of nature has gone to the doc for a test, she's found a lump
We'll move to the planets where we don't belong
Family tree is buring the rocket's waining on the lawn
The rocket's waiting on the lawn
Drinking like a teenager
Using up the kneenex
Staring at the cd rack asking myself which fuzzbox band would sound the best
I try on your lipstick
I try on your clothes
I wanna be you for a little while
And I'm freaked out enough to bloody my own nose
Oh sorrow, oh shame
Take me by the shoulders
Shake me to the brain
Oh sorrow, oh shame
I've locked myself in a room again
A glossy of you next to my face
Looking in the mirror
I see us frozen like cavemen discovered together in a thousand years
Every little town
Has its three-legged cat
I'm happy to live that way
Cause no one expects me to catch the rat
Oh sorrow, oh shame
Take me by the shoulders
Shake me to the brain
Oh sorrow, oh shame
I've looked myself in a room again
I cross myself & do my best "acid queen"
A cross between a dime-store witch
And a whirling painted Martin Sheen
I try on your lipstick
I try on your hose
I wanna be you for a little while
I'm freaked out enough to bloody my own nose
Oh sorrow, oh shame
Take me by the shoulders
Shake my to the brain
Oh sorrow, oh shame
First I drank insecticide
A little more each day
Followed by dirty and sugary food
Grown where the light was gray
Later my thoughts were small and sharp
Adapted to their purpose
To extract the fuel from fat
Under the lovely surface
'Cause nothing beautiful
Nothing beautiful lasts
Moved to a ghost town for inspiration
I could start where they'd given up
Feed on the seed of the dreams people left
Out to rot when the going got tough
Cockroaches turn adversity to immunity
There ain't a niche lower
In the animal kingdom
Or one with more longevity
'Cause nothing beautiful
Nothing beautiful lasts
Easier to deny what is real
And what's solid and what you can see
If you bulldoze the bankrupted buildings
Failure's the dust that settles on the trees
'Cause nothing beautiful
(Steven Drake)
You so much feel for the one you love
Not knowing when is somewhere bound
Caught in the seaming seeing of your beauty form
She is not an unknown emotion
She is an ocean of love
Should I tell her about it?
As if she doesn't know
No warning no
No warning no
Wrecked by a kiss on a nightime made
Shattered by the touch on a shoulder blade
Then through this doorway stare 4,000 eyes right to your soul
My heart's getting bigger so I need a new pant size
When you're the towere of strength people climb up your backside
So you don't stay that way too long
You're only temporarily strong
I've got mercy, mercy to go
I've got mercy, mercy to go
I've got mercy, mercy to go
& then it's all gone
you don't swim up and grab a drowning man
'cause he'll use you as a life raft if he can
it's better to hold out a branch
then the tree, and then the whole ranch
'cause I've got mercy, mercy to go
I've got mercy, mercy to go
I've got mercy, mercy to go
& then it's all gone
as I mature I learn to speak my mind
on the other hand
I learn to be patient & let it rider
Between these two traits is a line
You step on it all of the time
Why do these things always happen to you?
I wish I had the time to let them swallow me too
When we count up all of our wounds
You're the desert, I'm one of the dunes
I never met a manipulator that wasn't paranoid
They see in themselves what in others they should avoid
All the devious plans aren't there
Ghosts fly out from under their hair
And I get to hear about it, and it comes in heavy waves
And I'm lying under your downer, with no breathing space
And I've still got mercy, mercy to go
And when it's all gone
look outside it's nice enough
but we'll stay in with all our stuff
this is dedication more than love
my cowardice is what you need
so your vanities can breed
plant your flowers in my weeds
When I call you beautiful
it's cause I can
and when you think I'm sucking up
I sort of am
the little lies that make you feel good
I say more often than I should
'cause I'm a low level rebel
I jaywalk to beat the devil
I'm no bass but lots of treble
all the things about me are forced
a costume party or compulsory course
so let's get right to the source
When I call you beautiful
it's cause I can
and when you think I'm sucking up
I sort of am
the little lies that make you feel good
I say more often than I should
so I can never make you mad...
any change will bring on pain
so I deny it all the same
so I can never make you mad
Swords and pens and tears and blood
Emotion, demotion and skin that's so tough
If I can live through this then that is enough
Learn and earn devotion and trust
Love is the subject and nothin' else nothin' else
Love is the course love is the subject
Notes and jokes and follies so cruel
Elation, cessation and pain, that's the rule
Find me later face down in the pool
Prop me up for lesson number two
I eat and sleep and culture my person
Measure up to the yardstick she's using
Punch drunk stars like sparks in my vision
Paradise is something inhuman when
So much of this is quarrel
Clenching of the teeth
It's stormy on the surface
Let me underneath
Wlk and talk and give up and talk on
My body hangs 'round this heart like a jacket
My stomach sinks lower preparing for worry
I'm so reaady to feel good in a hurry when
Sail into the holy land
Stick your flag in the air
Metal dressed-up conquer
Make murder everywhere
Put your sword in the stone
And leave it there
'cause when you pulled it out
You started a nightmare
One day the seas will rise up
And cover all the land
All these giant buildings
Will be buried in the sand
Or maybe under granite
Or crushed beneath the snow
One day I will walk above
And you will lay below
So put the sword in the stone
And leave it there
'cause when you pulled it out
You started a nightmare
Leave it there
Leave it there
Leave it there
The statue of the hero
On the drive alone
Says that if you lose yourself
You will gain the throne
So put the sword in the stone
And leave it there
'cause when you pulled it out
There was bread
Now it's crumbs
Inside each head
There's a piece that's small and dumb
When something's big and beautiful give it time
I'll make it small and dirty
Just to make it mine
I'll make it mine
I'll be king of the heap
I'll maake it mine
I'll be king of the heap
There were people
Now they're murk
Gold dust in mud and
Now all our play is work
Aggression is on every lip like stones on violins
Losing is the end result
Of far too many wins
Turn the wheel and breathe the blackened sky
Hollow out and suck the marrow dry
Now it's gone
Hey them there hills
Will soon be holes
I will wear them down with files of gain and greed and goals
Under grass and rocks and dirt
It's warm inside the earth
That is where I7m going
I'm gonna pack it in my purse
It's bulldozing time
While you're asleep
I'll make it mine
I'll be king of the heap
Turn the wheel
Turn the wheel
Breathe the blackened sky
Turn the wheel
Turn it, turn the wheel
John was a metal-headed monster
He caught a piece of the earth
Sometimes he flew off the handle
But that was his handle
Jack Hammer
C'mon, c'mon good buddy
He's Jack Hammer
Jonathan, Jonathan H A M M E R
He had a fist full of dirt
Had a shirt
He had boots, they were black
His fist came so close, she had a wind attack
He's Jack Hammer
He's Jack Hammer
Mouth like a power saw
Head like a radio
Hand like a bear paw
Pants full of tadpoles
He's Jack Hammer
Could it be you're the one?
Maybe I'm now the lucky guy
Or should I turn ad run?
It's so easy to see that I
Could wash you feet
And fill you womb
And I would be you man
Well it hurts to know but I don't think I can
Is it gonna hurt if we try?
Is this the calm before the flood
Well we may skip like stones
Or you could pull me from the mud
And I would wash your feet
And fill your womb
And I would be your man
Well it hurts to know but I don't think I can
I will miss the songs and stories
And the things you brought in
Could it be it's been so long
I can't love you, I've forgotten how
I'm shy, once bitten
Though I'm desperate I keep my place
If nothing is written
Must you leave me without a trace?
Whe I would was your feet
And fill you womb
And I would be your man
a brush with death should make me beautiful
who gave the crow that telling voice?
felt good enough to go and do some damage
releasing that important crowing noise
It's gonna hurt me
It's gonna hurt me
as much as it hurts you
low on meat and high on flies
you were hunted down by packs of lies
falling like fruit bats in a bright sunbeam
caught for mining someone else's seam
It's gonna hurt me
It's gonna hurt me
Hey there little earth girl
Would you like to take a whirl
In my little flying saucer
We'll read Chaucer and cruise through the stellar plasma fields
We'll take flight in the starry, starry night and
Ride through the Horsehead nebula A A A A A A
Ride through the Horsehead Nebula A A A A A A
Ride through the Horsehead Nebula
I love you
Eric Wincentsen "Greetings from the Humungous- The Lord Humungous!"
Glendale Community College, -The Road Warrior
Glendale, Arizona
It's early morn
the birds are gone
no need to wake up
the bed's so warm
and open wide
there's no one sleeping
at my side
it was the break of dawn
I thought I heard you wrong
the body's here
but the soul's not near
I'm hiding out and yet
I'm still here
It's afternoon maybe
you're OK bet you'll
be home soon
it was the break of dawn
I thought I heard you wrong
now you've been gone so long
I hope I heard you wrong
If I could go on sleeping for the rest of the year
stare at the celing til there's nothing there
avoid my life and unplug my head
and never ever leave this bed
evening comes
sun go down
nothing here but some
distant sounds
and the bed's a cell pull the
blankets 'round and I'll never tell
it was the break of dawn
I thought I heard you wrong
now you've been gone so long
Like ghost games
I conjure up pictures of events in my mind
The swearing and the cannons of laughter
Buzz of static counting out time
What I wish would have happened
I now paint and dress it up well
And send it like truth to the tape
Letting history swell
Fingerprints are all but gone
So I can make up the story as it goes along
There might be the good old days
If all the right things get forgotten
A smile can still be photogenic
If you can't see the molars are rotten
I hope you've had revelations
Since I left you behind
I'll at least pretend that you're happy
To stop guilt from making me come untied since
Fingerprints are all but gone
So I can make up the story as it goes along
Fingerprints are all but gone
So I can make up the story as it goes along, yeah, yeah
Most fingerprints, yeah, they are almost gone
Double speak
Well hold it a minute
You will defend your stake in it
Please pretend and keep crusading
It's the only way to make sure that you
Look foolish and
History sets precedents
Unless you change and use your common sense
Monkey see and monkey do again
Dump this way of life you must change
If you want to be saved
It's evolution time
If you want to be saved
It's evolution time
nature below and
Us above
Frontiers are gone so let's not be tough
It's this the downside up style thinking
We are cannibals in our debauch of food and drink and
Smell the roses
No screams, no firehoses
God's not taking sides
Mr. Darwin may be right
Ooh the smiling baby will regret
What Papa did to pay the rent
She'll stand and walk and dump this way of life
If it needs armed defence
An embarrassment of riches
Up ahead between the ditches
Steady on, pails of blue glass beads and baubles
In the toilets of the super models
Steady on watch what you wish for
As someone else pollutes it
Some see the rarest bird
And hunt it down and shoot it
Let me lose so beautifully
Let me lick the dew from the money tree
Have the moms of the world all care about me
At suppertime
The road to wreckage stretches west
From survival to excess and beyond
From magic beans and golden eggs
To swollen livers and tired of legs
Trammel on the breakfast of failures
Is an unexacting list
Subtract opportunity
You can mix it up with your fists
Let me lose so beautifully
Let me lick the dew from the money tree
Have the moms of the world all care about me
At suppertime
Let me feel what it's like to have it
Let me battle all your rich man's habits
Let me cry down the front of a smoking jacket
After suppertime
Let me stand hypnotized by what I'm doing
Smell the orchids by the road to ruin
When the heirs are asleep and we think about screwing
I'll take you at your word
and as far as I can throw you
leave you with the baby
and I hardly even know you
it's gut check time for daddy
when it's loaded and unlocked
got to go in to press some skin
and leave it gleaming in the dock
would you watch her for me sir?
I'll have to take you at your word...
I read up on the stallions
marked an X inside the box
I just want the strong one
not the one who counts and talks
and if you roll the sleeves up on your shirt
I'll take you at your word
doc's flicking at the barrel
with the needle to the sky
got me counting backwards
as it sinks into my thigh
you said you'd cut me good
and I'll have to take you at your word...
I trust in my abilities
but I want more than they offer
working then gambling like the cycle of water
it's harder to breathe as you're raising the stakes
move, bubble, rise, rain and evaporate
not an atom left to hold me
medicated on the bus
I'm sleeping soundly as we're swerving
but the driver's not I trust
c'mon Big Bopper c'mon Buddy
get in the chopper
hope your boots aren't muddy
she's an airworthy bird
I'll have to take you at your word...
I trust you to be on it
completely bonded and stone cold honest
The rain is busting the fog with holes
and you're wheezing like a stricken deer
I will punch the wall with
the flash of headlights
through the spit and beer
Scrape off the mud, this is car crash love
Scrape off the mud, this is car crash love
F. Scoot screams at Zelda's feet
and it's poppin' in his throat
Scrambling like two dobermans
who are running down a goat
Play fights end with an extra shove
This is car crash love
Scrape off the mud, this is car crash love
She had something in her veins
that was meant for broken arms and legs
He kept her warm when she quit
and then she took his whip
There's a sunken iceberg with a very pointy tip
On again, off again, but the jail is always there
with short feelings of commitment
when a tongue is touching hair
Scrape off the mud, this is car crash love
Scrape off the mud, scrape off the mud
here is car crash love
Play fights end with an extra shove
We're not accustomed
So much to this type of discussion
As we are to a different thing, yeah
What you bring
To something I don't know about
So please feel free to tell me, to tell me
The love of minds
Grows for longer than a lifetime
The love of bodies
Takes you there
All our outer organs
They just love consorting
The snake, the apple and the rib, yeah
They dropped a cell
Somewhere near your heart
And it started swimming for your head, yeah
The love of minds
Grows for longer than a lifetime
The love of bodies
Takes you there, yeah
The love of minds
Grows for longer than a lifetime
The love of bodies
Takes you there
Things look awful good between
You and I and our vision
It's getting awful close
With every little decision
The love of minds
Grows for longer than a lifetime
The love of bodies
Takes you there, yeah
The love of minds
Grows for longer than a lifetime
The love of bodies
You're so far out
that you've gone right in
and you're so turned in
that you've turned right off
Let's not forget about the reason
Let's not forget about the slow dance
'Cause I wanna know your sweetness & love
Taste the flow of your sweetness & love
Get down on the floor with your sweetness & love
If the sun falls out of your sky
can you find your way home?
If you look at everything that meets your eye
you will never be alone
Let's not forget about the seasons
Let's not forget about the slow dance
'Cause I wanna know your sweetness & love
Taste the flow of your sweetness & love
Get down on the floor with your
sweetness & love
Sweetness & love, sweetness & love
are staring at me and sharing it I'm impaled
Sweetness & love
Now I'm ready to have your sweetness & love
Sweetness & love, sweetness & love
I wanna make every woman I see,
I wanna make every woman I see,
Do you know what's the matter with me,
I'm a heterosexual man,
Just a heterosexual man,
I wanna do every woman I know,
I wanna do it to them in their clothes,
I wanna make it with'em don't you know,
I'm a heterosexual man,
It's just a problem with my glands,
I'm a heteroooosexuallll heterosexual man,
I'm a heteroooosexuallll heterosexual man,
I wanna make every woman I see,
I wanna make every woman I see,
Maybe make a make a baby with me,
Cause I'm a heterosexual man,
Just a heterosexual man,
I wanna have every woman I know,
I wanna have'em take off their clothes,
I'll make it with them unless they say no,
Cause I'm a heterosexual man,
I'll make it with them whenever I can,
I'm a heteroooosexuallll heterosexual man,
I'm a heteroooosexuallll heterosexual man,
I'm heterosexual,
I wanna get every girl on the globe,
We kiss & hug & then we disrobe,
It's a short circuit in the frontal lobe,
Cause I'm heterosexual man,
It's just a problem with my glands,
I'm heteroooosexuallll heterosexual man,
I'm a heteroooosexuallll heterosexual man,
I'm a heteroooosexuallll heterosexual man,
Say you mean it
(Say you do)
Say you don't
(Or maybe not)
Say it's stupider, be the genius
(Make your mind)
Or be a clown
(Open wide)
Be the witchdoctor and cast your spell around
(Now you see)
(The best of me)
It's so beautiful and
She's my wondergirl, superstar attraction
Come on wondergirl, let's start some action
(Meant to be)
Is this destiny?
Raise the mountain
(Scale the hill)
Make your find
(Not an easy time)
Build a four lane bridge
Lane with one hand tied behind
(It's destiny)
Say you're mine
(And you feel it too)
Say it beautiful and
She's my wondergirl, superstar attraction
Come on wondergirl, let's start some action
She's my wondergirl, superstar attraction
Come on wondergirl, let's start some action
Loose tie rods and a fire full of coal
Blowing smoke out the ears
As I head for the hole without a ten foot pole
I don't like the feel of being out of control
You knew the reason but you let it start
This vice would be your end
Now the end has come, you're feeling really dumb
You deserve it but you had no choice, yeah
It falls apart in little pieces on the floor
Too wild to keep together
So you want it more
It falls apart, falls apart, falls apart
You talked a blue streak, but you never gave
Go ahead, crawl in the cave
And now the end has come, you're feeling really dumb
You deserve it but you had no choice, yeah
It falls apart in little pieces on the floor
Too wild to keep together
So you want it more
It falls apart, falls apart, falls apart
Yeah, yeah, yeah
It falls apart in little pieces on the floor
Too wild to keep together
So you want it more
It falls apart, falls apart, falls apart
It falls apart in little pieces on the floor
Too wild to keep together
So you want it more
You may love me
But you won't have me
seems like you'll sleep with anybody else but me
I may love you
But I won't have you
And i'm gonna sleep with anybody else but you
So leave your clothes between the sheets
with anybody else but me
taste the salty, taste the sweet
of anybody else but me
walking round town hand in hand
with anybody else but me
making out in the boiling sand
with anybody else but me
You may love me
but you won't have me
seems like you'll sleep with anybody else but me
i may love you
but i won't have you
and i'm going to sleep with anybody else but you
Anybody else but you...
now the ground is shaking
breaking us in pieces
i'm the spy next door
my vigil never ceases
So put the key under the plant
for anybody else but me
i'll call you up and let you say you can't
for anybody else but you
watch sunset blvd. in black and white
with anybody else but me
sleep in the yard on a stormy night
with anybody else but you
You may love me
But you won't have me
seems like you'll sleep with anybody else but me
i may love you
But i won't have you
and i'm gonna sleep with anybody else but you
anybody else but you...
ohhh... anybody else but you
anybody else but you
A city cloaked in orange
Glowing, heavy clouds
All the belches of indigestion
Weigh heavy all around
A small car buzzing down a wide road
Drifting out of bounds
Out to a place where the noises of light
Make a distant tiny sound
When out come the stars
Pinholes of light
In a moth eaten blankets
Held over night
Tuning the engine
Tuning out the song
Get there but I don't know
How and why it took this long
I need something to burrow
Through my weeds and blast me from the sand
To open up the new twilight
Open up the can and
When out come the stars
Pinholes of light
In a moth eaten blankets
Held over night
Out come the stars
Targets for wishes
And satellite dishes
Reflecting their light
And they're so far away it can't be fathomed
And elephant made of all these atoms
Nature is patient with its jailers
Like brothels will humor all those sailors
Awestruck dumb and silent
Consumed by all that's vast
It's a comfort to know that you're not in control
Of anything but past your when
When out come the stars
Pinholes of light
In a moth eaten blankets
Held over night
Out come the stars
Targets for wishes
And satellite dishes
Back and forth the same
be careful how you frame
your argument
your argument
We've been given all we can
and it finally showed the end
of our tolerance
our tolerance
I know it's hard to say
but throw it all away
But the odds are
we'd be better off
And it's a painful thought
to try another start
but the odds are
we'd be better off
Cast another vote
In our sad terminal
The word is out on us
we have gone delirious
The floor is falling out from under us
It always does!
I know it's hard to say
but throw it all away
But the odds are
we'd be better off
And it's a painful thought
to try another start
but the odds are