
2000 Years of History (1000 BC - 1000 AD)
2000 year animation shows empires growing and countries changing. History of Europe, Afric...
published: 03 May 2009
author: TitusLabienus
2000 Years of History (1000 BC - 1000 AD)
2000 Years of History (1000 BC - 1000 AD)
2000 year animation shows empires growing and countries changing. History of Europe, Africa, and Asia from the earliest countries to the year 1000.- published: 03 May 2009
- views: 378380
- author: TitusLabienus

German Military | 2000 Years German War Machine | 2013 | HD
Tribut An Unsere Truppen - Tribute To Our Troops Song Names: Audiomachine - Super Stallion...
published: 25 Nov 2011
author: GermanMilitaryPower
German Military | 2000 Years German War Machine | 2013 | HD
German Military | 2000 Years German War Machine | 2013 | HD
Tribut An Unsere Truppen - Tribute To Our Troops Song Names: Audiomachine - Super Stallion Audiomachine - Hope And Glory Audiomachine - The Last One Audiomac...- published: 25 Nov 2011
- views: 107224
- author: GermanMilitaryPower

2000 Years - Billy Joel Lyrics (live version)
sorry i know some of the lyrics are off the live version is different than the studio vers...
published: 09 Jun 2009
author: elfie9999
2000 Years - Billy Joel Lyrics (live version)
2000 Years - Billy Joel Lyrics (live version)
sorry i know some of the lyrics are off the live version is different than the studio version so yeah lyrics to 2000 years - Billy Joel.- published: 09 Jun 2009
- views: 13676
- author: elfie9999

Silverchair - Anthem For The Year 2000
Music video by Silverchair performing Anthem For The Year 2000. (C) 2000 Sony Music Produc...
published: 06 Mar 2011
author: SilverchairVEVO
Silverchair - Anthem For The Year 2000
Silverchair - Anthem For The Year 2000
Music video by Silverchair performing Anthem For The Year 2000. (C) 2000 Sony Music Productions.- published: 06 Mar 2011
- views: 654947
- author: SilverchairVEVO

The Rolling Stones - 2000 Light Years from Home - Live 1990
2000 LIGHT YEARS FROM HOME (Jagger/Richards) Sun turnin' 'round with graceful motion We're...
published: 18 Jun 2013
author: TheRollingStones
The Rolling Stones - 2000 Light Years from Home - Live 1990
The Rolling Stones - 2000 Light Years from Home - Live 1990
2000 LIGHT YEARS FROM HOME (Jagger/Richards) Sun turnin' 'round with graceful motion We're setting off with soft explosion Bound for a star with fiery oceans...- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 27313
- author: TheRollingStones

Top 10 Songs Of The Year 2000
Here's the next video in the series: "Top 10 Songs Of The Year 2001" http://www.youtube.co...
published: 13 Jul 2010
author: 16aerosmith13
Top 10 Songs Of The Year 2000
Top 10 Songs Of The Year 2000
Here's the next video in the series: "Top 10 Songs Of The Year 2001" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILBzwp8MTaA These are the top 10 songs of the year, NOT t...- published: 13 Jul 2010
- views: 98782
- author: 16aerosmith13

【Shingeki no Kyojin】 Them, 2000 Years Later 【The Girl who leapt through time】
Reprinted from Nico Nico Douga: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21262842 ☆Drawer: aogaeru ...
published: 20 Jul 2013
author: Crystellarys
【Shingeki no Kyojin】 Them, 2000 Years Later 【The Girl who leapt through time】
【Shingeki no Kyojin】 Them, 2000 Years Later 【The Girl who leapt through time】
Reprinted from Nico Nico Douga: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21262842 ☆Drawer: aogaeru ☆Original Video Description Living in a eventless peaceful world, ...- published: 20 Jul 2013
- views: 14219
- author: Crystellarys

2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: World History #7
2000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: Crash Course World His...
published: 09 Mar 2012
author: crashcourse
2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: World History #7
2,000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: World History #7
2000 Years of Chinese History! The Mandate of Heaven and Confucius: Crash Course World History #7 In which John introduces you to quite a lot of Chinese his...- published: 09 Mar 2012
- views: 757322
- author: crashcourse

Ancient computer 2,000 years old NOVA HD
The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient analog computer designed to predict astronomical p...
published: 12 Apr 2014
Ancient computer 2,000 years old NOVA HD
Ancient computer 2,000 years old NOVA HD
The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient analog computer designed to predict astronomical positions and eclipses. It was recovered in 1900--1901 from the Antikythera wreck, a shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythera. Although the computer's construction has been attributed to the Greeks and dated to the early 1st century BC, its significance and complexity were not understood until the 1970s when it was analyzed with modern X-ray technology. Technological artifacts approaching its complexity and workmanship did not appear again until the 14th century, when mechanical astronomical clocks began to be built in Western Europe.- published: 12 Apr 2014
- views: 1220

Ancient coins found in British cave after 2,000 years
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1bmWO8h
A precious hoard of Roman and Late Iron Age coins ha...
published: 09 Jul 2014
Ancient coins found in British cave after 2,000 years
Ancient coins found in British cave after 2,000 years
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1bmWO8h A precious hoard of Roman and Late Iron Age coins has been discovered in a cave where they have lain undisturbed for more than 2,000 years. Report by Sarah Kerr. ATTENTION - ITN Productions' YouTube channel is becoming ODN! Yes, our channel is getting a new look and name on 21 July 2014. Expect the same news content we've been bringing for years, but with a fresh feel. Stay tuned... Like us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1aENuyJ Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1fta2Qp Add us on Google+: http://bit.ly/17z0Dpd More stories from ITN: Brazil's World Cup dream ends in humiliating fashion: http://bit.ly/1joFOot Are these the people who killed a Palestinian teen? http://bit.ly/1oDXqMc Could ISIS attack the UK? http://bit.ly/1n0D0J0 Pucker up! Our Kissing Day challenge: http://bit.ly/1qNjdEk Weird: Tokyo Science Museum's toilet exhibition: http://bit.ly/1qSvUuZ Toronto Mayor Rob Ford back in work after rehab: http://bit.ly/1rbZEpe Rolf Harris leaves court after guilty verdict: http://bit.ly/1oi9UIY Pistorius 'was not suffering from a mental disorder': http://bit.ly/1vnjPOE Over 130 trapped after building collapse in India: http://bit.ly/1nXjUFW NASA launches balloon carrying Mars 'saucer': http://bit.ly/1z1niqM Iraqi Christians flee ISIS militants near Mosul: http://bit.ly/1qq3Gdw Suarez ad becaomes toursit attraction in Brazil: http://bit.ly/1mMa0ct Brazil's Fred mocks Suarez by biting team-mate: http://bit.ly/1nOuJc1 Firefighters tackle suicidal arsonist in China: http://bit.ly/1pox83R Barack Obama mistaken for England footballer on mug: http://bit.ly/Tv113V Phone Hacking Trial: PM apologises for hiring Coulson: http://bit.ly/1ru7wzu Queen visits Game of Thrones set: http://bit.ly/1pAa5Px Rape victim told to 'quit crying' by 911 operator: http://bit.ly/1lN4g2X Thousands march in anti-austerity protest: http://bit.ly/1q0wqsX See 2013's Most Watched Videos: http://bit.ly/1cKAmGl See our Biggest Videos of All Time: http://bit.ly/18ZACCf- published: 09 Jul 2014
- views: 82

Making 2,000-year-old bread
In AD 79, a baker put his loaf of bread into the oven. Nearly 2000 years later it was foun...
published: 14 Jun 2013
author: britishmuseum
Making 2,000-year-old bread
Making 2,000-year-old bread
In AD 79, a baker put his loaf of bread into the oven. Nearly 2000 years later it was found during excavations in Herculaneum. The British Museum asked Gior...- published: 14 Jun 2013
- views: 4195
- author: britishmuseum

Roman Shipwreck Raised After 2,000 Years
Dive to the bottom of France's Rhône River, and experience the recovery of a sunken Roman ...
published: 17 Mar 2014
Roman Shipwreck Raised After 2,000 Years
Roman Shipwreck Raised After 2,000 Years
Dive to the bottom of France's Rhône River, and experience the recovery of a sunken Roman boat that remains virtually intact after 2,000 years in the mud. Learn more about this ancient Roman wreck: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2014/04/roman-boat/kunzig-text PRODUCER: Hans Weise VIDEO COURTESY: Musée Départemental Arles Antique- published: 17 Mar 2014
- views: 12669

/ERERI/ ~ We meet again 2000 years later ~
Ereri is my fav couple at the moment *-*
Please watch in HD! :3...
published: 02 Apr 2014
/ERERI/ ~ We meet again 2000 years later ~
/ERERI/ ~ We meet again 2000 years later ~
Ereri is my fav couple at the moment *-* Please watch in HD! :3- published: 02 Apr 2014
- views: 558

Atari Teenage Riot - Destroy 2000 years of culture
one of the best ATR videos in my opinion, simple but making impression....
published: 12 Dec 2006
author: Nightbreed27
Atari Teenage Riot - Destroy 2000 years of culture
Atari Teenage Riot - Destroy 2000 years of culture
one of the best ATR videos in my opinion, simple but making impression.- published: 12 Dec 2006
- views: 252410
- author: Nightbreed27
Youtube results:

【Hand-made Titan 2】To You, 2000 Years Later ❇【進撃手描き】二千年後の君へⅡ
The continuation of the【Hand-made Titan】by aoegeru. This really have the feels in it. Some...
published: 05 Sep 2013
【Hand-made Titan 2】To You, 2000 Years Later ❇【進撃手描き】二千年後の君へⅡ
【Hand-made Titan 2】To You, 2000 Years Later ❇【進撃手描き】二千年後の君へⅡ
The continuation of the【Hand-made Titan】by aoegeru. This really have the feels in it. Somehow, every scene reminding me about Levi's squad brings tears to my eye. T_T Song Name: Garnet" (ガーネット Gānetto) by Hanako Oku (Thanks, KunaiKosplay for the info!) Credits to Original Creator: 【進撃手描き】二千年後の君へⅡ http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21745733- published: 05 Sep 2013
- views: 7085

Veritas - 2000 Years
Veritas- Live! In concert at First Baptist Church Jonesboro GA. We operated 3 cameras and ...
published: 18 Nov 2013
Veritas - 2000 Years
Veritas - 2000 Years
Veritas- Live! In concert at First Baptist Church Jonesboro GA. We operated 3 cameras and had 1 locked down- unfortunately, no B-roll. Video produced in Final Cut Express- there were no audio adjustments. Veritas was very well received- they performed Patriotic tunes, Broadway hits, and Christian selections. Visit their web site for digital downloads or CD's of their music or to view their touring schedule. Don't forget to "Like" them on FaceBook!- published: 18 Nov 2013
- views: 87

Hit Songs Through The Years: 2000 - 2013
[ READ BEFORE WATCHING ] So this video is about music through the past 13 years (00's). I ...
published: 12 Jun 2013
author: iHaartMusic
Hit Songs Through The Years: 2000 - 2013
Hit Songs Through The Years: 2000 - 2013
[ READ BEFORE WATCHING ] So this video is about music through the past 13 years (00's). I got songs that were at one point number 1 and/or were feautured in ...- published: 12 Jun 2013
- views: 30394
- author: iHaartMusic