Article by WN.Com Correspondent Dallas DarlingAlthough election fraud in America is as common as apple pie and baseball, you would at least think the Trump administration and mainstream press would be reporting of at least two election systems in Florida which were hacked by Russia in the 2016 election ... Still, millions of votes are spoiled ... Shirer....
We all are made to believe that brown things are always better than white. Be it brown bread or brown rice and the same goes for brown sugar. But what is really better for your health- brown or white sugar? Is there really any difference between the two or is it just a myth?. How are they processed? ...Nutritional value ... ....
The Kremlin on Wednesday condemned as unacceptable an alleged US ultimatum to Turkey designed to force it to cancel a deal to buy RussianS-400 surface-to-air missile systems and purchase US Patriot missile systems instead ... “We regard this extremely negatively ... [Reuters] ....
A former Uber driver has been found responsible for torturing a man during Somalia‘s civil war more than 30 years ago. Former Somali army colonel YusufAbdi Ali, known as “Tukeh” or “the crow”, tortured and shot Farhan Mohamoud Tani Warfaa, a civil jury in the US capital of Washington DC found. ... Subscribe now ... EPA ... AP ... AP....
Japan will ask the world to call its prime minister by his correct name, Abe Shinzo, instead of Shinzo Abe, 13 years after he first took office. Taro Kono, the country’s foreign minister, said he would ask overseas media outlets to identify the leader with his family name, “Abe”, first ... Subscribe now ... EPA ... ....
photo: Creative Commons / Glenn Beltz from Goleta, USA
China's three biggest airlines have filed claims seeking compensation from Boeing over the grounding and delayed delivery of 737 MAX 8 aircraft following two deadly crashes, Chinese state media... ....
By Chris Kahn. (Reuters) - Half of all Americans believe that the United States will go to war with Iran "within the next few years," according to a Reuters/Ipsos public opinion poll released on Tuesday amid increased tensions between the two countries ... But if Iran attacked U.S ... interests, an assertion Iran denies ... military should retaliate ... ....
FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — Daimler CEODieter Zetsche is handing off to his successor after 13 years at the helm as the company faces challenges from the transition to electric cars and digital transportation technologies ...Successor Ola Kallenius moves up from head of development at the company’s Mercedes-Benz luxury brand ... All rights reserved ... ....
General NewsAmazon China has partnered with a Lightning network service provider Bitrefill to “make it easier for residents to live with Bitcoin and altcoins”. The service allows users to load and recharge Amazon balance’s through Bitrefill-provided Gift card codes or mobile applications.Bitfinex and Tether have asked Judge Joel M ... dollars....
PresidentDonald Trump has effectively banned US companies from supplying Huawei and affiliates with the critical components that have helped it grow into the world's largest supplier of telecom networking equipment and second-biggest smartphone maker ... are going to be supported" ... - Dire threat - ... ....
It was a daring gambit. Juan Guaidó, Venezuela’s opposition leader, stood by a military base alongside dozens of uniformed officers and political allies, calling for a military uprising against PresidentNicolás Maduro. Three weeks later, Mr Guaidó is shuttling among a half-dozen safe houses to escape capture ... We’ll tell you what’s true ... Subscribe now....