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Memorandum of association

About the establishment of International Union of Anarchists Founders, independent associations of ...

Programm of IUA

The purpose of IUA is an activity directed on creation a self-governing social system based on fre...

About us

INTRODUCTION International Union of Anarchists (IUA) is an international anarcho-communist organiza...

  • Memorandum of association

  • Programm of IUA

  • About us

Tula anarchists have supported the workers

+ 44
+ 0
09.04.2013 09:03

Tula anarchists have supported the workersMarch 28 IUA's activists with Tula Anarchist Autonomous Resistance held a rally in support of Instrument Design Bureau workers and aslo handed out and sticked leaflets. During the rally anarchist got separated into groups therefore they were managed to hand out about to 100 leaflets and stick 120 more in a short time. Citizens were willingly interested, some of them were joining into discussions. In general, everything went in a friendly, pleasant atmosphere, without provocation and police intervention.


Anarchists first time got to the federal list of extremist materials

+ 6
+ 1
23.12.2012 08:05

Anarchists first time got to the federal list of extremist materialsIn November 2012 to the the Federal list of extremist materials were added 64 items which first time included anarchistic materials (website blackblocg.info). New items 1513-1519 - is a links to the site, which contain a calls for the radical direct actions and advices for their conducting. All of these texts are relate to 2011 and got to the list by the order of Meshchansky district court of August 3, 2012.
In the list wasn't previously anarchistic materials and it mainly contained only nationalistic and islamist materials. The list is available in full by the link: http://www.minjust.ru/nko/fedspisok?theme=minjust


Anarchist and social activist Alexander Pavelko

+ 6
+ 0
23.12.2012 08:01

anarchist and social activist Alexander PavelkoMay 1 2012, anarchist and social activist Alexander Pavelko has been arrested in Dnepropetrovsk by the Security Service of Ukraine. The initial charge was stated as a preparation and causing a terrorist acts in Dnepropetrovsk. After detection of crime and arrest of alleged organizers of the explosion, the terrorist charges was dropped. Against Alexander was opened a criminal cause on a charges of forced suicide of his 7 year old son in 2005. Although his son is alive and doesn't have any claims to father. In 2005 was opened a cause on the parental negligence, when in an accident child fell out of the window. Then Alexander has won the case. Judge has reclassified the case as a forced suicide. Court hearing was organised in a hurry and as result Alexander was sentenced to 7 years of strict regime colony. Now he is therein.


Solidarity forever!

+ 9
+ 0
19.12.2012 11:34

13th December night TulaOn 13th December night Tula Anarchist Autonomous resistance with IUA members held an action in support of left and far-left prisoners. During the action about to 350 leaflets was sticked and 300 was dropped into the city's mailboxes (the content is given below). And also in different parts of the city were hung out banners "Freedom for activists!" and "Fredom for jailed antifascists!". Nowadays repressions is a widespread issue and it's concerns to everyone active person, who are not indifferent to the problems of society and because of this are threatening for the rulling elite. For now plenty of our comrades are under investigation, some are behind bars. We will not put up with outrage of those, who named themselves "an authority"! The members of TAAR were repeatedly under pressure from repressive institutions, therefore we understand to the full that solidarity and unity - are some of the most powerful tools in the fight with system and its scum. To the extent possible we are helping not only disseminate information but also financially. The best example - it's a personal example. We are urging all activists and all just not indifferent people to struggle with this problem by all means! Solidarity forever.



Film about the Belarusian political prisoner

+ 10
+ 0
12.12.2012 08:46

Film about the Belarusian political prisoner: anarchist Igor Olinevich (member of RA - Revolutionary Action - section of IUA) English subtitles included


Free market (ACF UNITY)

+ 12
+ 0
02.12.2012 10:19

Free market (ACF UNITY)In these photos anarchists from the ACF UNITY at the free market and festival of samizdat (D.I.Y. journalism). About to 200 issues of the "Alternative" newspaper was distributed. And newsletter "Black Rose" either. Also was carried out agitation against conscription into the IDF and war in general.



24.11.12. Riga: The rally in support of political prisoners.

+ 11
+ 0
02.12.2012 09:16

24.11.12. Riga: The rally in support of political prisoners.November 24th Social block and the anarchist group held a rally in support of political prisoners in Russia next to the russian embassy in Riga.

In the russian reality the belonging to the any slightest protest movememt - antifascists, communists, anarchists and other social activists - is a crime and fraught with persecutions. It reaches absurdity when stumbled person become a felon when he touch police officer. We, social activists of Latvia, are not standing aside, we are expressing support to all our comrades, who waging their struggle in the neighbor country.


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