
Solidarity: a union which betrays its name

Next week Solidarity will organize its anniversary festival in Gdansk. It will be punctuated by such events as a huge mass in a grand cathedral and a ceremony dedicated to union-busting Ronald Reagan.

Zim ship sits unloaded at Port of Oakland

ILWU shift not reporting to work

After Zim Integrated Shipping Service ship Zim Piraeus was kept offshore due to a pro-Gaza protest at the Port of Oakland on Saturday, August 16, 2014, a longshore shift from ILWU refused to cross "community pickets" on Sunday, August 17, leaving the ship docked but unloaded.

Class struggles, climate change, and the origins of modern agriculture

Plantation slavery

Class conflicts and colonial expansion in the context of the Little Ice Age lead to the emergence of capitalist agriculture and the transformation of social relations on a world scale.

Further comments on organisation

Delayed comments on comments on our previous text on organisation...

Robin Williams, mental illness, and the stigma epidemic

The tragic death of Comedian Robin Williams, in an apparent suicide, has placed the issues of mental illness, suicide, and associated ignorance and stigma, firmly in the public sphere.

The national campaign against IKEA in Italy

‘The warehouse worker has no fear’: this is the slogan that has been backing the national day against IKEA launched by the two grassroots unions S.I. Cobas and ADL Cobas for the 26th of July. The campaign against the well-known ready-to-assemble furniture company is inscribed in a longer round of struggles within the logistics sector.

A Home for Everyone: Help Save the Red & Black Cafe

Known as a wonderful radical community space in Portland, Oregon, the Red & Black Cafe has also been an important resource for Portland's houseless community. Now they are in danger of losing their building, so they need our collective help!

Black Circle Records: Reflections on the consequences of conflict in light of the ongoing Israeli offensive in Gaza

Black Circle Records have released a compilation of underground noise/electronic/abstract/weirdo sounds reflecting on the Israeli states current offensive in Gaza.

NHS agency spend: the hidden truth

In 1997 the NHS spent over £700 million on agency nurses. This year the figure will have risen to over £2.5 billion. Why pay outrageous amounts of money to agencies when it is clearly cheaper to employ permanent staff? I will show that in actual fact it is not cheaper to employ permanent staff, and that increasing agency use is just more laying of ground work in preparation for the privatisation of the NHS. launches new working class history Facebook page

Today, 30 July, anniversary of the first recorded strike in North American history, we are launching a new working class history page on Facebook to celebrate our history: people's history.

On workers' organisations: general thoughts for debate

General thoughts on relation between capitalist development, class struggle and communist organisation

The new strikes in China

prd strike

An article by "friends of gongchao" describes the development of strikes in China in recent years as well as the strike at Yue Yuen shoe factories in Dongguan, South China, in April 2014.

Reflections on a rowdy picket line: The July 20th Ritzy strike

Cinema workers have been some of the leading lights of the class struggle in London. A primarily young workforce, they've been active in forming unions and going on strike. How are we, as radicals, to relate to this new wave of struggle that encompasses both self-organisation and trade unionism?

Remember 1934!

Announcement and list of events in Minneapolis for 80th Anniversary commemoration of 1934 Teamsters strike.

"We would no longer show up for classes until payment was made..."

Late wages no more: an account of fighting back and getting paid in the language teaching industry.

Rock bottom or GTFO

On Big Issues and Big Society.

Haden, Charlie, 1937-2014

A short obituary of the seminal jazz bassist and anti-war activist Charlie Haden, who died last week.

Authoritarianism, work and therapy

Reaction to the news that the UK Government have been discussing linking employment support payments to undergoing mental health assessments among the psychiatric population. This short article has a particular focus on the authoritarianism behind this move.

A day in the life of an anxious non-native TEFL teacher

A comic strip on the daily anxieties faced by an overly anxious non native TEFL teacher.

The call centre diaries, part 1

The Call Centre Diaries will be a semi regular series detailing my experiences as a precarious worker. To kick things off I’m going to share my experiences of working at Manpower, a major UK recruitment agency. Hopefully this won’t just touch on my experiences as a worker but also how the environment fostered in the kind of companies that thrive in economies structured around temporary contracts is adversely affecting the lives of both their own workers and the unemployed they are supposed to be finding work for.