Our Greatest Resource Is People

Our Greatest Resource Is People

“Deep calls to deep,” the Psalmist says. God calls to the human heart and mind to deeply love our neighbor. In response, we employ our ingenuity to teach, heal, feed and improve the world.

Poverty is a real problem, but too often governments employ abortion and sterilization to eradicate poverty. As you can well imagine, sterilizing and aborting the poor does not eradicate poverty. In 25 years, our work has uncovered over 180 human rights abuses in 50 countries and has helped redirect $800 million U.S. tax dollars from real abuse to real aid.

The myth of overpopulation we have all learned about since grade school drives this kind of abuse. That’s why we at the Population Research Institute have also fought back against outdated science and inaccurate predictions with a series of funny, fact-packed YouTube videos called Overpopulation Is a Myth. So far, the series has gained over 1.7 million views. That’s right. 1.7 million.

We’re getting the word out to a new generation. And we’ve got more videos and projects planned. With your help, we can keep up the fight to save babies and families.

Steven W. Mosher
President, Population Research Institute (PRI)

Learn More: Latest PRI Update

2014 Aug 19

With its vast natural resources, the African country of Nigeria has the wherewithal to lift itself out of poverty without foreign help.  If it would put its oil money to work educating its population, building a first-rate infrastructure, and creating an industrial base, it could be another Japan.