What We Do

The Institute for Food and Development Policy, better known as Food First, works to end the injustices that cause hunger through research, education and action.

Informed by a vast network of activist-researchers, Food First’s analysis and educational resources support communities and social movements fighting for food justice and food sovereignty around the world. Food First gives you the tools to understand our global food system, and to build your local food movement from the ground up.

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Bring back the bees to Mexico’s degraded farmlands


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Aug 16, 2014

Labor Repression 1950s Style

From “simple” to “bureaucratic” control?  The struggle for workers’ rights and autonomy continues unabated in the State of...
Creative commons_farmworker_strawberries

Aug 13, 2014

Sakuma Brothers Update: Onerous piece-rates and unfair disciplinary scheme

On Monday August 11th over 150 Sakuma Bros Farms blueberry pickers, members of Familias Unidas por la Justicia, protested and...

Aug 8, 2014

Building Food Sovereignty in Euskal Herría

We arrived at the offices of EHNE Bizkaia—the Basque farmers’ union— for the last meeting of our tour,...

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