You might recall Texas held its primary last March and awarded Hilldog 65 delegates and Obama 61. Media outlets quickly declared Hilldog the winner of Texas despite the fact that only 126 of the state's 193 delegates were awarded that night. It seems that early on folks forgot that there were another 67 delegates yet to be selected through the caucus process... and the earliest polls indicated that Obama was doing well among Texas' caucus participants. Nonetheless, many national media outlets declared the state for Hillary which, in part, added to her momentum and gave her reason to continue her campaign.
In the days following the Texas primary, a number of news agencies recognized the fact that Hilldog didn't necessarily have Texas in the bag, but that the caucus results weren't going to be finalized until June. Rather than return Texas to "Undecided" they created primary maps with stripes over Texas. Just take a look at this one from NPR. Unbelievably, a number of maps are still painted in solid for Hilldog (ex. ABC, CBS and FOX.) This latter group is simply ignoring 67 delegates! To put that in perspective, 27 states* have less than 67 delegates each.
Well, the Texas Democrats held their state convention this weekend, and shortly before Hilldog announced she was dropping out officially, the Texas caucus results were finalized. What was the result? 29 to Hilldog and 38 to Obama; add that to the primary results from March and Obama wins 99 to 94!
Credit: Off the Grid
That's what we call the Texas Two-Step.
So now I'm calling on all you media pundits out there to update your maps. Obamanos!
*27 States with less than 67 delegates-- State/# of Delegates:
NH/30, NV/33, SC/54, AL/60, AK/18, AR/47, CT/60, DE/23, ID/23, KS/41, NM/38, ND/21, OK/47, UT/29, LA/66, NE/31, ME/34, HI/29, RI/32, VT/23, WY/18, MS/40, WV/39. KY/60, OR/65, MT/24 and SD/23
Post Script: I'm still on sabbatical but am finding small pockets of free time to blog, so you might check in weekly. Will be back full-time in August.
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