Adventure Time is an American animated television series created by Pendleton Ward (a former writer and storyboard artist of The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack) and produced by Frederator Studios for Cartoon Network. The series follows the adventures of Finn, a 14-year old boy whose best friend is Jake, a dog with magical powers such as growing and shrinking or stretching into many shapes. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. Ward describes Finn as a "fiery little kid with strong morals," while Jake is based on Tripper Harrison, Bill Murray's character in the movie Meatballs.
The series is based on a short produced for Frederator's Nickelodeon animation incubator series Random! Cartoons. After the short became a viral hit on the Internet, Cartoon Network picked it up for a full-length series that had a preview on March 11, 2010 and officially premiered on April 5, 2010. The series has been a critical and commercial success. This series is rated TV-PG.
Following the animated short, Frederator Studios pitched an Adventure Time series to Nickelodeon, but the network passed on it twice. The studio then approached Cartoon Network, with creator Pendleton Ward delivering them an early storyboard for "The Enchiridion", showing that the premise could be expanded into a series while maintaining elements from the original short: funny catchphrases and dances, an awkward kiss moment with the princess and an "Abe Lincoln moment". Cartoon Network greenlit the first season in September 2008, and "The Enchiridion" became the first episode. The series was initially known as Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, a title still used for some related merchandise.[citation needed]
Oh, me!
Oh, moy!
Oh, fa la loy!
Everyone sing my song of joy!
The child of man,
who touched the lamb,
is soon to be my new best friend!
All to me,
can't you see?
For I will never sent him free!
I had no bro in all of Ooo,
but now I've got one,
Marceline: La da da da da,
I'm gonna bury you in the ground,
La da da da da,
I'm gonna bury you with my sound,
I'm gonna drink the red from your pretty pink face,
I'm gonna…
Sorry I don’t treat you like a goddess,
Is that what you want me to do?
Sorry I don’t treat you like you’re perfect,
Like all your little loyal subjects do,
Sorry I’m not made of sugar,
Am I not sweet enough for you?
Is that why you always avoid me?
That must be such an inconvenience to you, well
I’m just your problem,
I’m just your problem,
It's like I'm not, even a person, am I?
I’m just your problem
Well, I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I shouldn’t have to justify what I do
I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I shouldn’t have to prove anything to you
I’m sorry that I exist
I forget what landed me on your blacklist,
But I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I shouldn’t have to be the one that makes up with you, so
Susan strong, this is where you belong, hanging with me on a fallen tree.
Don't you think you deserve this to live up here on the surface? I think you
do and I think all your friend do too. How long have you lived in the
darkness? I just want to show you the light, because you're a human just
like me Susan and I want you in my Life. Susan Strong you turn my heart
Prince Gumball:
I feel, like nothing was real, until I met you.
I feel like we connect, and I really get you.
If I said, "You're a beautiful girl," would it upset you?
Because the way you look tonight, silhouetted, I'll never forget it.
Oh, oh, Fionna. Your fist has touched my heart.
Oh, oh, Fionna.
I won't let anything in this world, keep us apart.
Prince Gumball and Fionna:
So Finn and Jake
Set out to find a new home.
It's gonna be tough
For a kid and a dog on their own.
Here's a little house
Aw, Finn's sticking his foot in.
Well, that's a bad idea dude
Cause now that bird thinks you're a jerk, Finn!
And now they're chillin' on the side of a hill!
And thinkin' livin' on a cloud'd be totally thrillin'
Unless they find something inside
Like a mean cloud man and his beautiful cloud bride.
A beehive, oh nooo-ooo-ooo!
Don't put your foot in there, guy!
Y'all tried that before
And you know it didn't turn out right!
Big shell, go inside.
Look around, it seems alright.
Frog jumps out,
And barfs a tiger!
Throwin' down potions for food and fiiiiiire!
You know you should've stayed
And fought that sexy vampire lady.
Jake was feeling terrified,
He was super scared of her vampire bite.
Which is understandable
'Cause vampires are really powerful.
They're unreasonable
And burnt out on dealing with mortals.
Oh, Marceline,
Why are you so mean?
I'm not mean,
I'm a thousand years old,
And I just lost track of my moral code.
Oh, Marceline,
Can't you see these guys are in pain?
No I cant,
I'm invested in this very cute video game.
So there go our boys,
Walkin' on the icy ground.
Headin' toward their destiny,
Tree Trunks:
Dream of love,
Is it really over?
Can I overcome these tears?
I close my eyes,
Feel that he's still with me,
Still standing with me here.
Dream of love,
Are we truly parted?
Must this pig forever walk alone?
In my dreams,
Our love is just a dream to me.
But in my heart,
It lives, and breathes, and grows.
Tree Trunks:
And even though,
We ain't allowed to be together,
I cross my heart
And promise to be true.
Well I'm still lovin' you, girl
From halfway-cross this great, big world
And in my dreams, I'm holding hands with you.
Dream of love,
Dream of love,
It's only a dream of love,
Dream of love,
Dream of love,
It's only a dream...of love.
Tree Trunks:
I close my eyes,
And feel his arms aroudreams
In my dreams,
Daddy, why did you leave me?
You created me
So don't you wanna see me?
Daddy, why did you make me
If you're not gonna take me
To get a burger and a shake-y?
My cursed blood is your cursed blood
Come on back and be my bud
I can count your visits on my fingertips
Come back and give me presents from your business trips
Daddy, why did you father me
If all you wanna do is bother me?
Don't you know that I love you?
I only wanna see more of you
Daddy, why did you eat my fries?
I bought them
And they were mine
But you ate them
Yeah you ate my fries
And I cried
But you didn't see me cry
Daddy, do you even love me?
Well, I wish you would show it
Because I wouldn't know it
What kind of dad eats his daughter's fries
And doesn't even look her in the eyes?
Daddy, there were tears there
Daddy why did you eat my fries?
I bought them,
and they were mine.
But you ate them
Yeah, you ate my fries
And I cried
But you didn't see me cry
Daddy, do you even love me
Well I wish you'd show it
Because I wouldn't
Know it
What kind of dad eats his daughter's fries?
And doesn't even look her in the eye
Dady there were tears
Im a buff baby that can dance like a man.I can shake ah my fanny i can shake ah my can. im a tough tootin baby and i can punch-a-yo buns. Punch-a- yo buns. I can punch all your buns. If your an evil witch iwill punch you for fun!
I can't keep pushing this down any deeper,
Why do I keep trying if I can't keep her?
Every move I make,
Is just another mistake,
I wonder what it would take,
Because it feels like there's a hole inside my body,
Like there's a hole inside my heart.
It's like this feeling is gonna consume me,
If I keep waiting for this thing to start.
Oh, I feel like I'm all gummed up inside,
It's like I'm all gummed up inside,
Adventure time.
C'mon grab your friends,
we'll go to very distant lands, with
Jake the dog and Finn the human.
Working for the master,
Preventing a disaster,
Puilding giant robots
from aluminum and plaster.
Faster, a cast to build a blaster.
Yes for foam and water,
Yes for when it's hotter.
I got it, it's no bother,
I'm gonna build me a Never Ending Pie Throwin' Robot,
That throws never ending piii-ies
on Jake's ugly faaa-ace!
And he won't know what hit him,
cause the pies are
nnnn-never nnn-never nnn-never ending!
Three baby spiders,
Three bitty baby spiders,
Were playing in the sun.
The rain came down but it was no fun
Cry cry cry cry goo ga goo
Oh me oh my eyes are raining too
The first spider drownd,
And it was never found,
The second spider cried,
Til he died,
But the babiest of all,
Splashed and had a ball
He grew up very tall, and lived inside a wall
Sometimes the sun shines
Even on baby spiders
I'm gonna take you on a flight,
I'm not gonna take you out tonight
The last thing you need, is a night on the town.
You've got to settle down, settle down, settle down
You've got to settle down, settle down, settle down.
We're gonna go to unseen lands,
And I'm gonna take you with both hands
And tell you that it's the happiest that I've ever been
It's the happiest, happiest, happiest that I've ever seen.
And the days go on
And the days are so long
And the days go on
And the days are so long
My calendar pages are worn
And the pages are torn
I'm gonna take you to the sea
A bags of chips between you and me
And we're gonna watch the waves crash at our feet
And you'll say "you're the weirdest person, you're the weirdest person"
I will ever meet
I'm gonna make you close your eyes
And I'm gonna take you in disguise
Take you to a place where no one knows your name
No one knows, no one knows, no one knows
And you've got me to blame
And the days go on
And the days are so long
And the days go on
And the days are so long
My calendar pages are worn
And the pages are torn
And the days go on
And the days are so long
And the days go on
And the days are so long
My calendar pages are torn
And the pages are worn
My calendar pages are torn
And the pages are worn
We're gonna do nothing at all
And sit in the cloak room by the hall
And not say a word and drink cups of tea
But it's just you and me, you and me, you and me