Találatok a #qldpol kifejezésre

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  1. Képek · Összes megjelenítése
  2. Is Campbell Newman doing pressers with Koala’s now?… or is that the treasurer?

  3. There is a big difference between stimulating an economy and stagnating an economy as we are seeing now courtesy of the LNP

  4. Here we go again. Abbott government using language such as 'job snob' to ostracize people seeking work. Disgraceful.

  5. One man allows deceased people to be displayed in papers and the other relies on his papers to promote him

  6. The Newman and Abbott governments will be studied for decades to come. Students will question how people were fooled

  7. Firefighters protect us and property. Business is unprotected when Bundy has only 4 Firies on tonight. Increased levy

  8. Gold Coast has 13.8% unemployment & rising. Not enough jobs to go around. So how do young apply for 40 jobs that are not there?

  9. Want to see Jeff Seeney's head photo-shopped onto a pink jumpsuit? Go on, be brave!

  10. Wen Govts find abuse of environmental laws history shows they usually SLAP the company with a wet lettuce !

  11. To ask what's happening to your fire levy and why your community is not fully crewed every shift, tweet &

  12. on 3rd august 1pm at talara school fete you can dunk the AG at the dunk tank-should be fun Time to dunk AG

  13. The Koalas Newman gave to japan are probably some of the 248 koalas that lost their home through development in pine rivers.

  14. Thanks for giving away our Koalas to Japan , are they really yours to give away Mr Newman ?

  15. Major Bne 24hr suburban firestation empty earlier today, no $ for crew. Ratepayers of Rocklea ?

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