
2014 Honda Grom First Ride & Grom Prix w/ Justin Barcia - MotoUSA
MotoUSA takes a spin on one of this year's most anticipated motorcycles, the 2014 Honda Gr...
published: 31 Aug 2013
2014 Honda Grom First Ride & Grom Prix w/ Justin Barcia - MotoUSA
2014 Honda Grom First Ride & Grom Prix w/ Justin Barcia - MotoUSA
MotoUSA takes a spin on one of this year's most anticipated motorcycles, the 2014 Honda Grom 125. Watch as we buzz around the California coast, and battle it out in the first annual Honda Grom Prix with our special guest racer: AMA Supercross Champ, Justin Barcia. Read the first ride report: http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/117/16915/Motorcycle-Article/2014-Honda-Grom-125-First-Ride.aspx- published: 31 Aug 2013
- views: 18604

Polish Special Forces 2013 (GROM, FORMOZA, JWK, AGAT, NIL)
https://www.facebook.com/Dar0ss ''Specjalsi'' - bo tak nazywa się komandosów z elitarnych ...
published: 26 Jan 2013
author: iDar0s
Polish Special Forces 2013 (GROM, FORMOZA, JWK, AGAT, NIL)
Polish Special Forces 2013 (GROM, FORMOZA, JWK, AGAT, NIL)
https://www.facebook.com/Dar0ss ''Specjalsi'' - bo tak nazywa się komandosów z elitarnych Polskich jednostek sił Specjalnych to temat naszego kolejnego filmu...- published: 26 Jan 2013
- views: 268320
- author: iDar0s

Były operator GROM-u o służbie i patriotyzmie. Wywiad dla Surge Polonia
Sprawdź: http://surgepolonia.pl i http://trzynascie.com
Kilka lat temu uczestniczył w nie...
published: 23 Oct 2013
Były operator GROM-u o służbie i patriotyzmie. Wywiad dla Surge Polonia
Były operator GROM-u o służbie i patriotyzmie. Wywiad dla Surge Polonia
Sprawdź: http://surgepolonia.pl i http://trzynascie.com Kilka lat temu uczestniczył w niebezpiecznych misjach specjalnych na całym świecie, dzisiaj opowiada o swoich przeżyciach podczas 13-letniej służby w jednostce specjalnej GROM. Andrzej Kisiel jest autorem pierwszych wspomnień operatora GROM-u „Trzynaście moich lat w JW Grom".- published: 23 Oct 2013
- views: 20890

Honda Grom crash at Deals Gap
I was riding on power pures and between dragging my knee and the peg around the turn I bel...
published: 22 Sep 2013
Honda Grom crash at Deals Gap
Honda Grom crash at Deals Gap
I was riding on power pures and between dragging my knee and the peg around the turn I believe the peg caused the rear tires to come up and slide out. I can't stress enough how important it is to wear gear as it for sure saved me and allowed me to walk away with just being a little sore. As for the bike, I tweaked the forks a bit along with the bars and banged up the headlight a little. It started right up and with the help from a friend and a guy that heard the crash and killboy helped get it back up the hill. Thanks to you guys that helped get the bike out and checking on me and a big thanks to my friend mark that got all this on film. For all your Honda Grom light accessories and more, check out www.sportbikelites.com- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 2685

2014 Honda Grom Oil Service (Filter/Spinner Cleaning)
This video shows the entire process of a typical oil change on a 2014 Honda Grom (MSX125 i...
published: 20 Oct 2013
2014 Honda Grom Oil Service (Filter/Spinner Cleaning)
2014 Honda Grom Oil Service (Filter/Spinner Cleaning)
This video shows the entire process of a typical oil change on a 2014 Honda Grom (MSX125 in Europe/Asia). The oil is drained, and both the filter screen and oil spinner are properly cleaned.- published: 20 Oct 2013
- views: 376

Medal of Honor Warfighter - Bogusław Linda rozmawia z konsultantem z jednostki GROM. Część 1
Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z zapisem rozmowy pomiędzy aktorem Bogusław Lindą a Vincim, b...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: eapolska
Medal of Honor Warfighter - Bogusław Linda rozmawia z konsultantem z jednostki GROM. Część 1
Medal of Honor Warfighter - Bogusław Linda rozmawia z konsultantem z jednostki GROM. Część 1
Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z zapisem rozmowy pomiędzy aktorem Bogusław Lindą a Vincim, byłym żołnierzem jednostki wojskowej GROM, służącym swoją radą twórc...- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 34530
- author: eapolska

Grom W Raju odc 3 , 4 PL / Thunder in Paradise ep.3 , 4
Jeden z "najulubieńszych" seriali z lat mojego dzieciństwa.....
published: 25 Feb 2012
author: Radek Siwik
Grom W Raju odc 3 , 4 PL / Thunder in Paradise ep.3 , 4
Grom W Raju odc 3 , 4 PL / Thunder in Paradise ep.3 , 4
Jeden z "najulubieńszych" seriali z lat mojego dzieciństwa..- published: 25 Feb 2012
- views: 17449
- author: Radek Siwik

2014 Honda Grom First Ride!
Just picked up my Grom and this was my first little ride. Sorry for the shakiness, the bar...
published: 17 Aug 2013
2014 Honda Grom First Ride!
2014 Honda Grom First Ride!
Just picked up my Grom and this was my first little ride. Sorry for the shakiness, the bars were a bad place to mount the camera. No, I don't know what the whining sound is when the bike is running! :(- published: 17 Aug 2013
- views: 978

Greg's Garage - Show 7- Part 2 - The Honda GROM
This video is the second segment of the show #7. Host Greg White stopped by American Honda...
published: 30 May 2013
author: GregsGarageTV
Greg's Garage - Show 7- Part 2 - The Honda GROM
Greg's Garage - Show 7- Part 2 - The Honda GROM
This video is the second segment of the show #7. Host Greg White stopped by American Honda HQ in Torrence, CA to get some more details on Honda's new GROM. T...- published: 30 May 2013
- views: 24262
- author: GregsGarageTV

2014 Honda Grom Quality Explained
Watch and read my thoughts:
published: 27 Oct 2013
2014 Honda Grom Quality Explained
2014 Honda Grom Quality Explained
Watch and read my thoughts: http://www.facebook.com/DodgeRider26 http://www.dodgerider.net Some of my friends: http://www.youtube.com/user/sgtmarkins http://www.motorcycleprojects.com- published: 27 Oct 2013
- views: 1746
Vimeo results:

Offroadpeople 2011: Ural
May 2011
14 Days
24 Peoples
4000 Km
1400 Km Off-road
Moscow - Ural mountains - Moscow...
published: 26 Oct 2011
author: grom1300
Offroadpeople 2011: Ural
May 2011
14 Days
24 Peoples
4000 Km
1400 Km Off-road
Moscow - Ural mountains - Moscow

Russian Off-Road Challenge 2010
Russian Off-Road Challenge 2010 Archeda
Moscow to Moscow - 5500 km in total, but 2000 km ...
published: 18 Oct 2010
author: grom1300
Russian Off-Road Challenge 2010
Russian Off-Road Challenge 2010 Archeda
Moscow to Moscow - 5500 km in total, but 2000 km of that were ferry stages ... 600 km to get to the start near Tambov and 1400 km to get back from Ufa, the finish line. Apart from the ferry stages, there was about 3500 km to ride. About 1000 km of that would be on small sealed back roads, linking together the trails, and the remaining 2500 km (1600 miles) was a great mix of terrain to put the bikes and riders up against.
2 weeks
3 x Honda XR650L
2 x BMW F800GS
1 x Yamaha XT600
1 x KTM 950 Adventure
1 x KTM 690 Enduro
1 x BMW X-Challenge

Offroadpeople: Ural 2012
Year 2012 was the final year of our Ural trilogy. Because of heavy rains we didn’t do too ...
published: 12 Mar 2013
author: grom1300
Offroadpeople: Ural 2012
Year 2012 was the final year of our Ural trilogy. Because of heavy rains we didn’t do too many miles in this two weeks journey. High water in the rivers made us to return and to detour around Nugush Lake a lot of times. But this tries and detours were real off-road adventure that we came for. Wild nature spring gave us a time of awakening and new growth. We met a lot of friendly people and even a friendly bear.

The Moroccan Shakedown 2011
Hot September 2011 in Morocco.
2500 Km offroad.
BMW 650 X-Challenge Adventurized
Stock KT...
published: 02 Dec 2011
author: grom1300
The Moroccan Shakedown 2011
Hot September 2011 in Morocco.
2500 Km offroad.
BMW 650 X-Challenge Adventurized
Stock KTM 950
Stock BMW GS800
Youtube results:

Polish Special Forces GROM AGAT JWK NIL FORMOZA |HD| Created by |Budrs97|
GROM JWK AGAT NIL FORMOZA ,,Polskie jednostki specjalne są wyrazem mądrości, która pozwala...
published: 21 Jan 2014
Polish Special Forces GROM AGAT JWK NIL FORMOZA |HD| Created by |Budrs97|
Polish Special Forces GROM AGAT JWK NIL FORMOZA |HD| Created by |Budrs97|
GROM JWK AGAT NIL FORMOZA ,,Polskie jednostki specjalne są wyrazem mądrości, która pozwala stosunkowo małym siłom pokonać znacznie liczniejszego lub dobrze umocnionego przeciwnika. Operacje specjalne są najwyższym stopniem wtajemniczenia w żołnierskim rzemiośle. Siły specjalne stanowią samodzielne oddziały i pododdziały, złożone z wyselekcjonowanych, specjalnie wyszkolonych i wyposażonych żołnierzy, przygotowanych do działań w niewielkich grupach o różnym składzie, w środowisku podwyższonego ryzyka. Wojska specjalne wykonują zadania o znaczeniu strategicznym i operacyjnym w okresie pokoju, kryzysu i wojny". Z powodu braku materiałów JW NIL choć podana w tytule została pominięta :(- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 10562

GROM Polish Special Forces - Duma Narodowa |HD| Created by |Budrs97|
[JW 2305] Jednostka Wojskowa GROM im. Cichociemnych Spadochroniarzy Armii Krajowej sformo...
published: 23 Nov 2013
GROM Polish Special Forces - Duma Narodowa |HD| Created by |Budrs97|
GROM Polish Special Forces - Duma Narodowa |HD| Created by |Budrs97|
[JW 2305] Jednostka Wojskowa GROM im. Cichociemnych Spadochroniarzy Armii Krajowej sformowana 13 lipca 1990. Polecam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stiZMlnDZzA- published: 23 Nov 2013
- views: 4410

2014 Honda Grom Review
The Honda Grom is perfect for new riders looking for a great learning tool, or the experie...
published: 11 Sep 2013
2014 Honda Grom Review
2014 Honda Grom Review
The Honda Grom is perfect for new riders looking for a great learning tool, or the experienced pilot looking for a good time. Read our full review here - http://www.motorcycle.com/manufacturer/honda/2014-honda-grom-review.html Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Motorcycle YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/Motorcycle Facebook - http://facebook.com/MotorcycleCom Twitter - http://twitter.com/MotorcycleCom Web - http://www.Motorcycle.com Established in 1994, Motorcycle.com is the premiere online resource for motorcycle and scooter enthusiasts. With hundreds of high quality, detailed video reviews on bikes from Harley-Davidson, Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Kawasaki and just about everybody else, it's the best place to go to learn about the latest and greatest two-wheeled creations. There's simply no better resource if you're planning on buying or if you just want to check out some awesome machines.- published: 11 Sep 2013
- views: 5128