
Pope's Video Fulfills Prophecy
Pope Francis, Bishop Tony Palmer say there are no more protestants and that every christia...
published: 28 Feb 2014
Pope's Video Fulfills Prophecy
Pope's Video Fulfills Prophecy
Pope Francis, Bishop Tony Palmer say there are no more protestants and that every christian is a catholic. That we must put aside our differences and become one.- published: 28 Feb 2014
- views: 46217

ANTI CHRIST! Pope Francis Says 'Personal Relationship With Jesus Is Dangerous'
Pope Francis described as "dangerous" the temptation to believe that one can have "a perso...
published: 05 Jul 2014
ANTI CHRIST! Pope Francis Says 'Personal Relationship With Jesus Is Dangerous'
ANTI CHRIST! Pope Francis Says 'Personal Relationship With Jesus Is Dangerous'
Pope Francis described as "dangerous" the temptation to believe that one can have "a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ without communion with and the mediation of the church. At his weekly general audience Wednesday, Pope Francis continued his series of audience talks about the CHURCH, telling an estimated 33,000 people that there is no such thing as "do-it-yourself" Christians or "free agents" when it comes to faith. http://ncronline.org/blogs/francis-chronicles/church-essential-faith-there-are-no-free-agents-pope-says http://www.wucnews.com/2014/07/pope-francis-warns-any-personal.html- published: 05 Jul 2014
- views: 3311

Pope & The False Prophet Unite (Pt.1)
WARNING! Prophecy has just been FULFILLED! In PARTS 1 & 2 of this video I provide the Bibl...
published: 03 Mar 2014
Pope & The False Prophet Unite (Pt.1)
Pope & The False Prophet Unite (Pt.1)
WARNING! Prophecy has just been FULFILLED! In PARTS 1 & 2 of this video I provide the Biblical Breakdown of what is happening right now. And, in PARTS 3 - 5, I BREAKDOWN the video footage containing The POPE and American PROTESTANT church's PROPHETIC UNION. YOU MUST SHARE ALL 4 PARTS OF THIS VIDEO! Donate @ FORERUNNERCHRONICLES.COM CONTACT @ 4RUNNER777@GMAIL.COM FACEBOOK@4RUNNER777 TWITTER@4RUNNER777 TEXT@ (417) 693-6995- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 5183

The Pope's recent appeal for Sunday to be observed as as a day of rest, following closely ...
published: 08 Jul 2014
The Pope's recent appeal for Sunday to be observed as as a day of rest, following closely on the heals of a private meeting he held with powerful leaders, reveals that we are close to the end! Visit us @ http://ForerunnerChronicles.com Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/4runner777 Twitter @ https://twitter.com/4runner777 Text @ (417) 693-6995- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 3220

Pope Francis Freemason Mass in Bethlehem, Cenacle,The Coming Alien Invasion & Strong Delusion
New To Our Broadcasts? Be sure to catch up! You will not believe how late the hour is: htt...
published: 28 May 2014
Pope Francis Freemason Mass in Bethlehem, Cenacle,The Coming Alien Invasion & Strong Delusion
Pope Francis Freemason Mass in Bethlehem, Cenacle,The Coming Alien Invasion & Strong Delusion
New To Our Broadcasts? Be sure to catch up! You will not believe how late the hour is: https://www.youtube.com/user/PureGraceEvangelism/videos **** Don't forget to sub my channel for the latest in Breaking News Bible Prophecy! For these headlines and more visit us on our Facebook Page Today. Go to the link at: http://www.emoaf.org/- published: 28 May 2014
- views: 24941

Prophecy Being FULFILLED! Rising One World Order, Pope Francis Calls For 'WORLD PEACE'
Pope Francis calls for 'Word Peace' to bring peace treaty on Israel and Palestine. "Peace ...
published: 27 May 2014
Prophecy Being FULFILLED! Rising One World Order, Pope Francis Calls For 'WORLD PEACE'
Prophecy Being FULFILLED! Rising One World Order, Pope Francis Calls For 'WORLD PEACE'
Pope Francis calls for 'Word Peace' to bring peace treaty on Israel and Palestine. "Peace & Safety" sudden destruction is upon us, bible prophecy is being fulfilled at right front of our eyes. One World Religion and One World Government is forming quickly at this end times. Warn the others and get your house in order!- published: 27 May 2014
- views: 1609

Catholic Exorcist Warns: Pope Francis is NOT the Legitimate Pope & Satan Has Taken Over the Throne
Father Jack Ashcraft, Catholic Priest and Exorcist, warns that Pope Francis is NOT the leg...
published: 25 Jun 2014
Catholic Exorcist Warns: Pope Francis is NOT the Legitimate Pope & Satan Has Taken Over the Throne
Catholic Exorcist Warns: Pope Francis is NOT the Legitimate Pope & Satan Has Taken Over the Throne
Father Jack Ashcraft, Catholic Priest and Exorcist, warns that Pope Francis is NOT the legitimate Pope and Satan has pulled off a coup! Your local priest may NOT be legitimate either. Souls in Danger! http://www.trueexorcist.com/- published: 25 Jun 2014
- views: 4554

How to Become Pope
How the new pope is elected after Benedict XVI's resignation. C. G. P. Grey t-shirts: http...
published: 19 Feb 2013
author: CGPGrey
How to Become Pope
How to Become Pope
How the new pope is elected after Benedict XVI's resignation. C. G. P. Grey t-shirts: http://goo.gl/1Wlnd & new coffee mugs: http://goo.gl/xZokH Blog: http:/...- published: 19 Feb 2013
- views: 2499993
- author: CGPGrey

Pope Francis in Israel - The First Day
Live Broadcast from Pope's visit: http://on.fb.me/1jRqEHp
The first day of Pope Francis' ...
published: 26 May 2014
Pope Francis in Israel - The First Day
Pope Francis in Israel - The First Day
Live Broadcast from Pope's visit: http://on.fb.me/1jRqEHp The first day of Pope Francis' visit to Israel began with an official ceremony upon his arrival at Ben Gurion International Airport. The Pope was greeted by President Shimon Peres, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and ministers of the Israeli government. The Pope then flew by helicopter to Jerusalem's Mount Scopus, where he was welcomed by Jerusalem Mayor, Nir Barkat. Following his arrival in Jerusalem, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew met at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher to commemorate a meeting of their revered predecessors, Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras, which took place 50 years ago in the Holy Land. The meeting of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope Francis in Jerusalem is a strong symbolic confirmation of the commitment and determination to continue the path which the two great Church leaders inaugurated half a century ago. http://bit.ly/PopeinIsrael http://bit.ly/elpapaenisrael Follow the visit on facebook http://www.facebook.com/israelmfa On twitter - http://www.twitter.com/israel http://www.twitter.com/israelmfa #PopeinIsrael- published: 26 May 2014
- views: 246

The Medici Pope
http://www.pbs.org/empires/ - Giovanni de' Medici becomes Pope Leo X in 1513 and begins to...
published: 30 Mar 2009
author: PBS
The Medici Pope
The Medici Pope
http://www.pbs.org/empires/ - Giovanni de' Medici becomes Pope Leo X in 1513 and begins to sell indulgences to restore papal funds; Martin Luther protests th...- published: 30 Mar 2009
- views: 162524
- author: PBS

Pope Francis holds historic peace talks at the vatican, and then DECLARES WAR.
Visit us @ ...
published: 26 Jun 2014
Pope Francis holds historic peace talks at the vatican, and then DECLARES WAR. Visit us @ http://ForerunnerChronicles.com Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/4runner777 Twitter @ https://twitter.com/4runner777- published: 26 Jun 2014
- views: 20672

Little boy steals the show from the Pope
Who stole the Pope's spotlight? This kid did! CNN's Jeanne Moos reports on the pint-sized ...
published: 31 Oct 2013
Little boy steals the show from the Pope
Little boy steals the show from the Pope
Who stole the Pope's spotlight? This kid did! CNN's Jeanne Moos reports on the pint-sized papal pal.- published: 31 Oct 2013
- views: 177

Jesuit - Pope Francis I - 666 Mark of the Beast - Final Warning Video
http://religiousmatrix.com/ In the 1970s, Father Jorge Bergoglio faced a moment of truth: ...
published: 14 Jan 2014
Jesuit - Pope Francis I - 666 Mark of the Beast - Final Warning Video
Jesuit - Pope Francis I - 666 Mark of the Beast - Final Warning Video
http://religiousmatrix.com/ In the 1970s, Father Jorge Bergoglio faced a moment of truth: Would he stand up to Argentina's military neo-Nazis "disappearing" thousands including priests, or keep his mouth shut and his career on track? Like many other Church leaders, Pope Francis took the safe route, Robert Parry reports. The election of Argentine Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francis brings back into focus the troubling role of the Catholic hierarchy in blessing much of the brutal repression that swept Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s, killing and torturing tens of thousands of people including priests and nuns accused of sympathizing with leftists. The Vatican's fiercely defensive reaction to the reemergence of these questions as they relate to the new Pope also is reminiscent of the pattern of deceptive denials that became another hallmark of that era when propaganda was viewed as an integral part of the "anticommunist" struggles, which were often supported financially and militarily by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Image: Pope John Paul II reprimanding Father Ernesto Cardenal at Managua Airport for Cardenal's support of "liberation theology" and his work with the Sandinista government. It appears that Bergoglio, who was head of the Jesuit order in Buenos Aires during Argentina's grim "dirty war," mostly tended to his bureaucratic rise within the Church as Argentine security forces "disappeared" some 30,000 people for torture and murder from 1976 to 1983, including 150 Catholic priests suspected of believing in "liberation theology." Much as Pope Pius XII didn't directly challenge the Nazis during the Holocaust, Father Bergoglio avoided any direct confrontation with the neo-Nazis who were terrorizing Argentina. Pope Francis's defenders today, like apologists for Pope Pius, claim he did intervene quietly to save some individuals. But no one asserts that Bergoglio stood up publicly against the "anticommunist" terror, as some other Church leaders did in Latin America, most notably El Salvador's Archbishop Oscar Romero who then became a victim of right-wing assassins in 1980. Indeed, the predominant role of the Church hierarchy -- from the Vatican to the bishops in the individual countries -- was to give political cover to the slaughter and to offer little protection to the priests and nuns who advocated "liberation theology," i.e. the belief that Jesus did not just favor charity to the poor but wanted a just society that shared wealth and power with the poor.- published: 14 Jan 2014
- views: 70

Pope Francis' Message on Christian Unity to Pentecostal Conference
Pope Francis sends a video message to an American Pentecostal conference by way of a Evang...
published: 20 Feb 2014
Pope Francis' Message on Christian Unity to Pentecostal Conference
Pope Francis' Message on Christian Unity to Pentecostal Conference
Pope Francis sends a video message to an American Pentecostal conference by way of a Evangelical Episcopal Bishop.- published: 20 Feb 2014
- views: 37252
Youtube results:

A look at a typical day for the Pope
http://en.romereports.com This is one of the Pope's closest collaborators. For years he wo...
published: 16 Jul 2014
A look at a typical day for the Pope
A look at a typical day for the Pope
http://en.romereports.com This is one of the Pope's closest collaborators. For years he worked with the Vatican's Secretariat of State and then in 2006, he was named a master of pontifical ceremonies. Things changed for this Argentinian, when the Pope was elected. That's him, standing right next to him.- published: 16 Jul 2014
- views: 773

FINAL POPE UPDATE!! + The Coming Alien Savior Deception with Sid Roth, Tom Horn Cris Putnam YouT
published: 11 Jun 2013
author: ChristianPatriarchy
FINAL POPE UPDATE!! + The Coming Alien Savior Deception with Sid Roth, Tom Horn Cris Putnam YouT
FINAL POPE UPDATE!! + The Coming Alien Savior Deception with Sid Roth, Tom Horn Cris Putnam YouT
- views: 312
- author: ChristianPatriarchy

Pope asks all to deny Christ!
A very quick video on something the Pope of Rome said that will no doubt shock you! He is ...
published: 31 Jul 2014
Pope asks all to deny Christ!
Pope asks all to deny Christ!
A very quick video on something the Pope of Rome said that will no doubt shock you! He is doing exactly as prophecy said the man of sin must do to prevent souls from finding Christ as Saviour. This is one major fruit of Antichrist! Additional info shared in the video: Pope Francis says don’t try to convert other people http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/pope-francis-issues-top-10-tips-for-happiness--including-dont-try-to-convert-other-people-9639488.html See what all forefathers have said about the Popes: http://www.remnantofgod.org/4fathers.htm See what all the Popes have said over the years confirming them to be Antichrist here: http://www.remnantofgod.org/beastword.htm- published: 31 Jul 2014
- views: 1157