The belagines were written laws which, according to Jordanes, were given to the Goths by Dicineus / Dekaineos, the Dacian-Getic legislator, Zalmoxian priest at the time of Burebista.
These belagines laws entered in the tradition of the Ostrogoths but it doesn’t exclude similar Visigothic traditions, since the Dicineu / Dekaineos tradition no matter how literary it may be, points to Dacia.
Belagines (described by Jordanes as "compiled laws") is the transcription of the Gothic word *bi-lageineis "laws". The singular *bilageins is based on *bi-lagjan "lay down, impose"..
The Origo Gothica (555 AD) contains the Gothic term belagines for the tribal law. But the author claimed that this law had been written down in the distant past
The only place in the antique literature that the word belagines occurs is Jordanes' Getica. Karl Müllenhoff suggested that either Jordanes or Cassiodorus got this information from Dio, and that it related to the Getae
According to Mircea Eliade, Jordanes mention in the book The Origin and Deeds of the Goths, 551 AD, the Belagines, as a code of Dacian law in written form is also one of the few references to a Dacian written language
What kind of cat hangs out in your house? HOUSE CAT!
What kind of cat hangs out in the alley? ALLEY CAT!
What kind of cat is a chocolate candy bar? KIT KAT!
What kind of cat are you? What kind of cat are you?
Tell me tell me true, what kind of cat are you?
I'll give you some clues. What kind of cat are you?
What kind of cat has the first name of Tom? TOM CAT!
What kind of cat is really really scared? SCAREDY-CAT!
What kind of cat hangs out at the copy shop? COPYCAT!
What kind of cat is actually a fish? CATFISH!
What kind of cat breaks into places at night? CAT BURGLAR!
What kind of cat hangs out with Bat Man? CAT WOMAN!
What kind of cat has a thousand legs? CATERPILLAR!
What kind of cat is a big expensive car? CADILLAC!
What kind of cat is a great big disaster? CATASTROPHE!
What kind of cat is an even bigger disaster? CATACLYSM!
What kind of cat rhymes with that and is a long religious ecitation?
What kind of cat is connected to the engine of your car?
What kind of cat facilitates a chemical reaction? CATALYST!
What kind of cat comes in the mail from Sears? CATALOGUE!
What kind of cat is a group of things that are similar? CATEGORY!
What kind of cat is a whole bunch of cows? CATTLE!
What kind of cat throws stuff over the wall of a castle? CATAPULT!
What kind of cat tunnels under the castle? CATACOMB!
What kind of cat floats on two pontoons? CATAMARAN!
What kind of cat takes a picture of the inside of your body? CAT SCAN!
What kind of cat obscures your vision? CATARACT!
What kind of cat is being followed by a moon shadow? CAT STEVENS!
What kind of cat is the capital of Nepal? KATMANDU!
What kind of cat hangs out in your house? HOUSE CAT!
What kind of cat hangs out in the alley? ALLEY CAT!
What kind of cat is a chocolate candy bar? KIT KAT!
What kind of cat are you? What kind of cat are you?
Tell me tell me true, what kind of cat are you?
I'll give you some clues. What kind of cat are you?
What kind of cat has the first name of Tom? TOM CAT!
What kind of cat is really really scared? SCAREDY-CAT!
What kind of cat hangs out at the copy shop? COPYCAT!
What kind of cat is actually a fish? CATFISH!
What kind of cat breaks into places at night? CAT BURGLAR!
What kind of cat hangs out with Bat Man? CAT WOMAN!
What kind of cat has a thousand legs? CATERPILLAR!
What kind of cat is a big expensive car? CADILLAC!
What kind of cat is a great big disaster? CATASTROPHE!
What kind of cat is an even bigger disaster? CATACLYSM!
What kind of cat rhymes with that and is a long religious ecitation?
What kind of cat is connected to the engine of your car?
What kind of cat facilitates a chemical reaction? CATALYST!
What kind of cat comes in the mail from Sears? CATALOGUE!
What kind of cat is a group of things that are similar? CATEGORY!
What kind of cat is a whole bunch of cows? CATTLE!
What kind of cat throws stuff over the wall of a castle? CATAPULT!
What kind of cat tunnels under the castle? CATACOMB!
What kind of cat floats on two pontoons? CATAMARAN!
What kind of cat takes a picture of the inside of your body? CAT SCAN!
What kind of cat obscures your vision? CATARACT!
What kind of cat is being followed by a moon shadow? CAT STEVENS!
What kind of cat is the capital of Nepal? KATMANDU!
Some houses are made of wood; bang on them and they sound good!
I live in a big kalimba; bang on them like a big marimba!
They come from trees, which came from seeds, which grow out of THE
Which lives in a house that's spinning 'round and 'round
If you get dizzy, get out into the sun
And bang on the door of the house where your house comes from!
Some houses are made of metal; bang on them they sound incredible!
I live in a big tin can; bang on them like a steel drum band!
They come from iron, which came from ore, which came from mines,
which came from rocks, which came from THE GROUND!
Which lives in a house that's spinning 'round and 'round
If you get dizzy, get out into the sun
And bang on the door of the house where your house comes from!
Some houses are made of plastic; bang on them they sound fantastic!
I live in a styrene dome; bang on them and call 'em home!
They come from plastic, which came from petrochemicals,
which came from oil, which came from Saudi Arabia, which came
Which lives in a house that's spinning 'round and 'round
If you get dizzy, get out into the sun
And bang on the door of the house where your house comes from!
Some houses are made of cloth; rub on them they might fall off!
I live in a cotton weave; rub on them like the rustling leaves!
They come from cotton, which came from plants,
which came from seeds, which came from THE GROUND!
Which lives in a house that's spinning 'round and 'round
If you get dizzy, get out into the sun
And bang on the door of the house where your house comes from!
Some houses are made of flesh; bang on them and speak gibberish!
I live in a house of skin; squeeze yourself like an accordion!
You came from your parents, who came from their parents,
who came from their parents, who all came from THE GROUND!
Which lives in a house that's spinning 'round and 'round
If you get dizzy, get out into the sun
She got mad and lost her head
Sky turned black and the trees fell dead
Cleanup crews were working hard
They had to change that postcard
Oh, oh, oh, the mountains gonna blow!
Oh, oh, oh, the lava's gonna flow!
Oh, oh, oh, the ash is gonna rise!
Oh, oh, oh, there were pieces of the
mountain in your eyes, Up your nose
and down your chest! A little bit
deeper on every breath! She don't
care your point of view, now the
mountain's part of you!
Truman lived by Spirit Lake
They told him to leave, he said,"Aww,
give me a break!"
"I've lived on this mountain fifty years!"
"Ain't nothing moving me from here!"
May 18th, at 8:32
In 1980 that's when she blew
Old man Truman did not dodge
She covered him up inside his lodge
Ten years later I came by
Looking at the sights and the things
to buy
In between the mobile homes
I see she's got a brand new dome
Hey, hey, middle of the night
Hey, hey, everything's alright
Hey, hey, what's that sound?
Nocturnal animals coming 'round
Over by the thicket, I heard the CRICKETS
Over by the lake, I heard the SNAKES
Over by the thicket, I hear the CRICKETS
Over by the bog, I hear the FROGS
And over by the lake, I hear the SNAKES
And over by the thicket, I hear those CRICKETS
Over the roof, I hear a WOLF
And over by the bog, I hear the FROGS
And over by the lake, I hear the SNAKES
And over by the thicket, I hear those CRICKETS
Over by the door, I heard my brother SNORE
And over the roof, I hear a WOLF
And over by the bog, I hear those FROGS
And over by the lake, I hear those SNAKES
-foot dragon and a four-foot boy
The boy has a weapon, but it's only a toy
The dragon is big and mean and scary
Boy has the advantage; dragon is imaginary
Dragon says, "Boy, I'm gonna EAT YOU UP!!!"
The boy pulls out his paper cup
The dragon says, "Whatcha gonna do
with that?"
The boy says, "It's my magic hat!"
Can you believe? Imagine THIS!
Can you believe? Imagine THAT!
Can you believe? Imagination where it's at!
The boy put the cup on top of his head
The dragon started laughing, and his face
turned red
The boy got a string and tied him up
And covered his snout with the paper cup
The dragon said, "Hey, let me go!"
The boy said, "Uh, how '"
The moral of the story is a big sensation:
Watch out for little boys with a
I spy with my little eye
something that rhymes with FALL
It's something in this room --
it's the ... WALL!
I spy with my little eye
something that rhymes with HAIR
It's something in this room --
it's the ... CHAIR!
I spy with my little eye
something that rhymes with CRUMB
It's something in this room --
it's the ... DRUM!
I spy with my little eye
something that rhymes with ______
It's something in this room --
Traveling, traveling, traveling on
I bumped into my friend John
I said, "Hey John, which way should I go?"
He said, "Follow the animals, they all know....
You gotta BEAR to the left...."
But something was lacking, so I went back, and
he said, "Oh yeah -- I forgot:
You gotta BEAR to the left and SNAKE to the right...."
But something was lacking, so I went back, and
he said, "Oh yeah -- I forgot:
You gotta BEAR to the left and SNAKE to the right
WEASEL on down and DUCK outta sight...."
But something was lacking, so I went back, and
he said, "Oh yeah -- I forgot:
You gotta BEAR to the left and SNAKE to the right
WEASEL on down and DUCK outta sight
HORSE around, FLOUNDER about...."
But something was lacking, so I went back, and
he said, "Oh yeah -- I forgot:
You gotta BEAR to the left and SNAKE to the right
WEASEL on down and DUCK outta sight
HORSE around, FLOUNDER about
WORM your way in and BUG out!"
I STEERED straight home, I YAKKED on the phone
There's a fruit store on our street
It's run by a Greek.
And he keeps good things to eat
But you should hear him speak!
When you ask him anything, he never answers "no".
He just "yes"es you to death,
And as he takes your dough, he tells you...
"Yes! We have no bananas
We have no bananas today!!
We have string beans and onions, cabBAges and scallions
And all kinds of fruit and say
We have an old fashioned toMAHto
A Long Island poTAHto, but
Yes! We have no bananas
We have no bananas today!"
Business got so good for him that he wrote home today,
"Send me Pete and Nick and Jim; I need help right away."
When he got them in the store, there was fun, you bet.
Someone asked for "sparrow grass"
and then the whole quartet
All answered:
"Yes, we have no bananas
We have-a no bananas today.
Just try those coconuts
Those wall-nuts and doughnuts
There ain't many nuts like they.
We'll sell you two kinds of red herring,
Dark brown, and ball-bearing.
But yes, we have no bananas