Doraemon versi bahasa banjar (lucu)
Anak kampung (versi banjar)
13 Des 2013 YKS bahasa banjar Bopak & Olla Ramlan
Banjar - Song - Kabul Express
Dua Dunia Banjar JIN TAK MAU PAKI BAJU full
Lagu Banjar-tasipak rinjeng.wmv
Banjar Patroman Open Road Race 2013 - Race Day
Lagu Banjar - Galuh Banjar
Perkawinan : bakawinan adat banjar ba usung jinggung
Kulaan Urang Banjar di Daerah Kerian, Perak
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 02.06 Waluh Batu'up ~ Zulfikar ( Kai Jujuriring )
Lagu Banjar - ANAM BULAN
Doraemon versi bahasa banjar (lucu)
Anak kampung (versi banjar)
13 Des 2013 YKS bahasa banjar Bopak & Olla Ramlan
Banjar - Song - Kabul Express
Dua Dunia Banjar JIN TAK MAU PAKI BAJU full
Lagu Banjar-tasipak rinjeng.wmv
Banjar Patroman Open Road Race 2013 - Race Day
Lagu Banjar - Galuh Banjar
Perkawinan : bakawinan adat banjar ba usung jinggung
Kulaan Urang Banjar di Daerah Kerian, Perak
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 02.06 Waluh Batu'up ~ Zulfikar ( Kai Jujuriring )
Lagu Banjar - ANAM BULAN
Video Bugil Siswi SMU Beredar di Banjar
Bisakah Besurah Banjar
Pusaka Warisan Banjar
BANJAR feat. Kunal || Namyoho Studios || Official Video
Lagu Bahasa Banjar UTUH WALA
MarQpat prapatan banjar
Toilet; Twilight Banjar-Mode
Prapatan Banjar by MarQpat
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 01.01 Siti rope'ah ~ A. Hamid
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 01.02 Babuah Duka ~ Ita Riswana
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 01.03 Maras Diaku ~ Adhi Saladri
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 01.04 Cinta Batikap ~ Ita Riswana
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 01.05 Kapala Pusing ~ A. Hamid
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 01.06 Parudan Batagar ~ Ita Riswana
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 01.07 Arbayah ~ Adhi Saladri
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 01.08 Kawin Lari ~ Ita Riswana
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 01.09 Kada Sakapur Sirih ~ Adhi Saladri
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 01.10 Marista ~ Ita Riswana
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 02.01 AmuntaiKu ~ Zulfikar ( Kai Jujuriring )
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 02.02 Lakasi Bangun ~ Zulfikar ( Kai Jujuriring )
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 02.03 Jangan Lakas Manimburu ~ Zulfikar ( Kai Jujuriring )
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 02.04 Kapiraga'an ~ Zulfikar ( Kai Jujuriring )
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 02.05 Syukuri Nang Ada ~ Zaida Novariani
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 02.07 Jujuriring ~ Zulfikar ( Kai Jujuriring )
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 02.08 Tamakan Lempeng ~ Zulfikar ( Kai Jujuriring )
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 02.10 Mabuk Sabu ~ Zulfikar ( Kai Jujuriring )
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 03.06 Adat kawin ~ Nanang Irwan
Lagu Banjar (Kal-Sel) 10.10 Oh Saeba... ~ Elly Tamala
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 03.08 Bapukung ~ Nanang Irwan
Lagu Banjar ( Kal-Sel ) 03.04 Batimung ~ Nanang Irwan
BADATANG - A Ganie Samatha - Dangdut Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
Banjar Malaysia & Banjar Indonesia
PITUAH KUITAN - Arif Maulana - Lagu Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
Ima Khairi Maikat Janji
MASKOT BANUA BANJAR - Arif Maulana - Lagu Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
PAPADAHAN - Arif Maulana - Lagu Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
Rantauan - DAMAR DUA - Nurul - Lagu Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
KARINDANGAN - Nanang Irwan - Dangdut Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
Rantauan - MANCARI UNTUNG - Arif Maulana - Lagu Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
Rantauan - JAUHI NARKOBA - Arif Maulana - Lagu Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
[ Rantauan ]- DOA GASAN UMA - Haji Abdul Basid Ismail - Lagu Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
Dundam Rantauan - MAAYUN ANAK - Nasrullah - Lagu Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
Tirik - PALIHARA TANAH BANYU - Haji Abdul Basid Ismail - Lagu Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
RUMAH BANJAR - Kalimantan Selatan
Siti Ropeah
PENARI GANDUT - Arif Maulana - Lagu Dangdut Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
Tingkilan - NGALIHNYA MANGGANTI IKAM - Lagu Banjar Kalimantan Timur ( ID )
Along the Canals of Banjarmasin - Kalimantan
MUYAK - Dangdut Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
AIYEP - Banjar Dance 06/07
Lagu Banjar-Pasar Tungging
TAGANANG SI JANTUNG HATI - Nurul - Lagu BANJAR @ Kalimantan Selatan
ceramah lucu ustadz hamdhani akbar kalimantan #1
ceramah lucu ustadz hamdhani akbar kalimantan #2
ceramah lucu ustadz hamdhani akbar kalimantan #3
ceramah lucu ustadz hamdhani akbar kalimantan #4
ceramah lucu ustadz hamdhani akbar kalimantan #5
ceramah lucu ustadz hamdhani akbar kalimantan #6
ceramah lucu ustadz hamdhani akbar kalimantan #7
ceramah lucu ustadz hamdhani akbar kalimantan #8
ceramah lucu ustadz hamdhani akbar kalimantan #9
ceramah lucu ustadz hamdhani akbar kalimantan #10
Balisah by ita
Busu by a hamid
Cinta tapatri by adhi saladri
Japin rantauan by adhi saladri
Jimus barata by adhi saladri n ita
Kada sakapur sirih by adhi saladri
Manuntut janji by adhi saladri
Marista by ita
Banjar may refer to:
Kabul Express (Hindi: काबुल एक्स्प्रेस, Urdu: کابل ایکسپریس) is a Bollywood film that was released on 15 December 2006. The film stars John Abraham, Arshad Warsi, Pakistani actor Salman Shahid, Afghan actor Hanif Hum Ghum and American actress Linda Arsenio. The film is produced by Aditya Chopra under Yash Raj Films and is directed by documentary film maker Kabir Khan.
Kabul Express is the first fictional film for director Kabir Khan who has made several documentaries over the years in Afghanistan. According to him Kabul Express is loosely based on his and his friend Rajan Kapoor's experiences in post-taliban Afghanistan.
Suhel Khan (John Abraham) and Jai Kapoor (Arshad Warsi) are Indian journalists working for Star News who are sent into Afghanistan to create a report on what life is like in the country following the US Invasion of the country in September 2001. The two are shocked at the state of the country and the ruins that remain due to years of rule by the Taliban Regime. They take a tour of the country in a Taxi starting in Kabul. This follows an escape from capture by the Taliban.
Translators: Andrei Cunha
m: ugo-ugo lhuga no pizzicato five
r: bonjour mademoiselle
m: bonjour
r: ca va?
m: ca va?
r: oui tres bien.
album no chanson wo
furansugo koza de
yatte mimashoka?
m: yatte mimasho!
r: ja saisho no kyoku...
premiere chanson wa
";tokyo wa yoru no shichiji";
m: hai
r: kore wa furansugo de wa...
";il est sept heures de nuit
a tokyo"; (*)
m: il est sept heures... euh..
a tokyo...
r: sept heures de nuit
m: sept heures euh..
r: so! ";de nuit"; wa ";night";
tte iun desu ne
m: mmm
r: sept heures de nuit
a tokyo
m: ";yoru"; tte iu
koto desu ne
r: so! repetez
apres moi...
il est sept heures de nuit
a tokyo
m: il est sept heures euh...
nuit a tokyo
r: c'est ca!
tres bien mademoiselle
subarashii desu
deuxieme chanson
love love show
m: love love show
r: love love show
sugoi title desu ne
m: kore wa...
eigo janakute
nihongo janakute
furansugo de iu to
r: kore wa desu ne...
amour amour mon amour
m: amour amour mon amour
r: so desu.
kanari ii yaku desu ne
dakara mon amour wo
chotto kanjo wo komete
mon amour
m: mon amour
r: c'est ca.
godard no yo na
eiga wo ukabete
mon amour mademoiselle
mon amour
m: mon amour
r: oui c'est ca tres bien!
troisieme chanson
kore wa shiritori (**)
m: hai
r: shiritori wa furansugo ku
nihongo de
yatte mimashoka...
m: shi-ri-to-ri
r: so desu ne
";ri"; no hatsuon wo shite
itadaku to ikki
furansugo ni
narimasu ne
kore wa furansugo no
yosa desu ne
m: shiritori
r: tatoeba
oyohen de
yakitori (***)
m: yakitori
r: so desu ne
yakitori tte iu
to furansujin ga
tabete iru yakitori
ni narimasu ne
sate tsugi tsugi no
kyoku wa
nan desu ka
m: tsugi no kyoku wa
do re mi
to iu kyoku desu
r: do re mi
do re mi tte
iun desu ne
ja kore mo
chotto furansugo
ppoku de itte
m: hai
r: tatoeba ";do"; wa ";du"; (****)
m: du
r: du re mi
m: du re mi
r: tatoeba chotto
du re mi
toka ne
m: du re mi
r: du re mi
m: du re mi
r: du re mi
m: du re mi
r: oui c'est ca
yonkyokume wa
nan desu ka
kore wa
m: tsugi no kyoku wa eh...
me japanese boy
r: me japanese boy
so desu ne
me, japanese boy
desu ne
kore wa desu ne
moi, garcon japonais
m: moi garcon japonais
r: so!
onna no ko no furansugo
tte arimasu
onna no ko no
furansugo wa
totemo kawaii
m: moi
r: so!
kuchi wo motto ageru
wa wa!
m: moi
r: so! c'est ca
moi garcon...
m: moi garcon...
r: so!
";comme des garcons"; (*****)
no garcon
moi garcon japonais
m: moi garcon japonais
r: mademoiselle!
tres bien desu ne
ii seito desu yo!
m: arigato gozaimasu
r: iie iie
sate la derniere chanson
saigo no uta wa
nan desu ka
m: otona ni narimasho
r: ah! ii title desu ne
kore wa furansugo de wa
sois sage
m: sois sage
r: sois sage
m: sois sage
r: soyez sage
m: sois sage
r: soyez, soyez
soyez sage
otona ni narimasho
sois sage
otona ni narimasho
kore wa desu ne
meireikei desu
otona ni nare
otona ni narinasai
to iu imi desu ne
m: hai
r: nomiya-san
otona desu ka
m: otona desu
r: watashi mo
ja kono ato de
m: pizzicato five's ugo-ugo lhuga
r: hello mademoiselle
m: hello
r: how do you do
m: how do you do
r: i'm fine thank you
so... what if we tried to
pretend this is a french class
and translated all the songs
titles to french?
m: let's do it!
r: ok so... the first song is
";the night is still young";
(seven pm in tokyo)
m: you got it
r: so in french you should say...
";il est sept heures de nuit
a tokyo";
m: il est sept heures... euh..
a tokyo...
r: sept heures de nuit
m: sept heures euh..
r: that's it! ";de nuit"; means
";night"; in english
m: mmm
r: sept heures de nuit
a tokyo
m: it means ";yoru"; in japanese,
r: precisely!
repeat after me...
il est sept heures de nuit
a tokyo
m: il est sept heures euh...
nuit a tokyo
r: exactly!
very good mademoiselle
okay so...
the second song's
title is...
love love show
m: love love show
r: love love show
*some* title we've got here
m: so how do you say this in
english i mean
japanese i mean
how do you say this in french?
r: this is
amour amour mon amour
m: amour amour mon amour
r: that's it!
and a good translation it is
now let's try to give it
some feeling
mon amour
m: mon amour
r: that's it.
try to think of
a godard film
mon amour mademoiselle
mon amour
m: mon amour
r: that's it very good!
ok now
the third song
is called shiritori
m: yes...
r: the french don't have
an equivalent to
our shiritori
so we'll have to stick to
the japanese word
m: shi-ri-to-ri
r: yeah...
all you have to do is
say ";ri"; with a french accent
and it sounds
like french...
that's what's good about
m: shiritori
r: for instance let's try to
apply the rule
say ";yakitori";
m: yakitori
r: that's it
if you pronounce
yakitori that way
it sounds like
you're a french chick
ok so
what's the next song?
m: the next song
is called
do re mi
r: do re mi
so dore mi it is
ok so
shall we try to
pronounce this
with a french flair
to it?
m: ok
r: for instance ";do"; goes ";du";
m: du
r: du re mi
m: du re mi
r: for example you
might try to
sing it
do re mi
m: du re mi
r: du re mi
m: du re mi
r: du re mi
m: do re mi
r: that's it
ok so
the fourth
what's the fourth
it is...
m: the next song is... mmm...
me japanese boy
r: me japanese boy
yes it's
me japanese boy
this in french
would be something like
moi garcon japonais
m: moi garcon japonais
r: that's it!
in french
there's a special way women talk
in french
women go like
really cute
m: moi
r: exactly!
the mouth a little up
wa! wa!
m: moi
r: you got it!
moi garcon...
m: moi garcon...
r: there you go!
garcon like in
comme des garcons
moi garcon japonais
m: moi garcon japonais
r: mademoiselle!
that was tres bien
such a good student
m: thank you very much
r: i mean it!
ok let's see the last song
the last song
what's it called?
m: let's be adult
r: classy title!
and in french you say
sois sage (behave, act your age)
m: sois sage
r: sois sage
m: sois sage
r: soyez sage
m: sois sage
r: soyez, soyez
soyez sage
let's be adult
sois sage
let's be adult
this is
a french imperative
get adult
become an adult
that's the meaning
m: i see
r: mademoiselle nomiya
are you an adult?
m: i suppose i am
r: yeah me too
so what do you think
about later...
Little town it's a quiet village.
Everyday like the one before.
Little town full of little people, waking up to say.
[Man #1]
[Man #2]
[Woman #1]
[Man #3]
[Man #4]
There goes the baker with his tray like always.
The same old bread and rolls to sell.
Every morning just the same since the morning that we came,
To this poor provential town.
Good Morning Belle!
G'morning Misure!
Where you off to?
The book shop...
I just finished the most wonderful story,
About a beanstalk and an ogor and an...
That's nice. Marie! The bagettes! Maria!
[Group of Women]
Look there she goes that girl is strange no question.
She's can distracted can't you tell?
[Woman #1]
Never part of any crowd.
[Man #3]
Cuz her heads up on some cloud.
No denying she's a funny girl that Belle.
[Man #1]
Good day!
[Man #1]
How is your family?
[Woman #1]
[Man #4]
Good day!
[Woman #1]
How is your wife?
[Woman #2]
I need six eggs!
[Man #2]
That's too expensive.
There must be more to this provintial life.
[Book Shop Clerk]
Ah! Belle!
Good Morning! I've come to return the book I've borrowed!
[Book Shop Clerk]
Finished already?
Oh I couldn't put it down. Got anything new?
[Book Shop Clerk]
Not since yesterday!
That's alright. I'll borrow...this one!
[Book Shop Clerk]
That one?! But you've read it twice!
Well it's my favorite! Far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, a prince in disguise!
[Book Shop Clerk]
Well if you like it all that much, it's yours.
But sir!
[Book Shop Clerk]
I insist.
Well thank you! Thank you very much!
[Group Of Men]
Look there she goes that girl is so peculiar. I wonder if she's feeling well.
[Group Of Women]
With a dreaming for a look.
[Group Of Men]
And her nose stuck in a book.
What a puzzle to the rest of us, that's Belle.
Oh! Isn't this amazing? It's my favorite because you'll see. Here's where she meets prince charming. But she won't discover
that it's him till chapter three.
[Woman #3]
Well It's no wonder that her name means beauty, her looks have got no parallel.
[Man #1]
Very different from the rest of us.
She's nothing like the rest of us. Yes different from the rest of us is Belle.
Wow! You didn't miss a shot Gaston! Your the greatest hunter in the whole world.
I know.
No beast alive stands a chance against you. And no girl for that matter.
It's true Lafue. And I've got my sights set on the one.
The inventors daughter?!
She's the one! The luky girl I'm going to marry!
But shes...
The most beautiful girl in town. That makes her the best! And don't I deserve the best!?
Well of corse, I mean you do, I mean...
Right from the moment when i met her, saw her, I said she's gorgeous and I a gal as old as she, who is beautiful
as me. So I'm making plans to rule and marry Belle.
[Gaston Groupies]
Look there he goes, isn't he dreamy? Misure Gaston, oh he's so cute!
Bestill my heart, I'm hardly breathing. He's such a strong, tall, dark, and handsome brute.
He wakes up and wonders how his life has passed him by.
And his solitude compels him, something’s wrong I’m losing all my drive.
Please believe me it’s better if we stray a little bit.
I feel so tied down, burned out leaving is the only way around.
Hey - picture it, would they save us from ourselves or leave us here to die?
We have laid in this for days, would have been high if you noticed me.
Where do we run to when times are wrong ? we are here not long.
She wakes up and wonders why her son has stranger’s eyes.
All these failed prescriptions fill the void, but leave us empty in our minds.
Hey yeah picture it - would they save us from ourselves, or leave us here to die?
We have laid in this for days, would have been high if you noticed me.
Where do we run to when times are wrong ? we are here now.
There you go again excuses fill the plate no need
to contemplate we just leave it up to fate.
We have laid in this for days, would have been high if you noticed me.