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It's a known fact that in certain contexts ppls great strengths become their epic failings
The last half an hr
PMLN doesn't believe in dirty politics rather we follow the principles of fair play nd equal opportunities based on performance&achievements
Baseless thinking that PMLN is behind Arslan. We didn't encourage character assassination during gen elections while IK was our direct rival
IK made personal attacks on Arslan, who got unnecessary media attention. Now Arslan is taking full advantage /IK is pissed off. Dirty game!
The issue is not whether Imran Khan has a child out of wedlock or not, its about his non-stop lecturing to others on morality and principles
Shame on war for killing our children
The new retirees, who have served till 1st July 2014, will get their pensions from direct credit system.
Gov to consider use of IT devices for pension withdrawal to discourage fraud
efforts should are being made to introduce new smart card for pensioner so that they can get their pensions through ATMs
Gov initiative is to revamp & upgrade the old system of processing of pension cases of the retiring Govt servants
#pension cases are not submitted by the respective dep in time despite active follow-up by the pensioners gov will speed up the process
objective of the #PML-N Govt is to simplify & fast track the process of pension disbursement to the retiring govt servants
Chairman #BOI said that #Pakistani businessmen party to the litigation in courts with the Russian Govt have agreed to resolve dispute
The scarcity of people with skills required for emerging roles is cited as the most critical market shortage http://bit.ly/1hK5DOY
Ufffff! 42 degrees now. Friday very hot; Saturday - very hot; Sunday - very hot. Buggered.
#Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif meets terminally-ill boy to fulfill his most cherished wish of meeting the prime... http://fb.me/6zx7ApnP9
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