#aşk 的搜尋結果

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  1. ": maybe we aren't pretending. Maybe you're just rad. How rad, you may ask? Hella rad." AGREED

  2. 呃這是某湯主回覆Ask(不記得是ask什麼了)總之第一段是說真遙真=大宗,第二段「我不認為哈魯凛作者跳槽到宗凛啦,日本圈對分享多樣西批的心態通常比洋妹紙開放多了,so很多大大只是⋯一心多用」

  3. yo noel is the realist 5sos fan i could ever ask for she my girl af if you aren't mutual go be mutual af w her this her

  4. Tried to get to the police line to ask them what they're doing. Demonstration leaders begged me not to go further, to draw a crowd.

  5. It’s funny, romantic, beautiful and full of action packed entertainment, what else can you ask for! Watch Kick now ->

  6. Ask God to remove anything in your life that is taking the place that belongs to Him.

  7. "That's the problem, we ask what Kim Khardashian thinks. She's not a political scientist! She hasn't studied history."

  8. Kinds makes me giggle when people ask 'is your music on iTunes?' like, er... you could just try your luck and search my name?

  9. Question: you take pipe? Does your mother take pipe? How about your sisters? & when you have a daughter ask her that too

  10. Be the voice for your generation & our planet. Speak up. Ask about climate change:

  11. A lot of people ask, "Asterios, what's the secret of your success?" And I always say, "Please stop being sarcastic, it hurts my feelings."

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIFER LAWRENCE! love you to death..thank you for being the best on screen AND off screen friend/ sis i could ask for <3

  13. 11. Anyways long story short, the day of their anniversary he didn't talk to her at all that morning... Don't ask me why. Dumb dumbs idea.

  14. You said he saved you, but let me ask you.. aren't you gonna save him.. with a vote


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