
Mod-01 Lec-30 Starting feasible solution, Lexicographic method for preventing cycling
Linear programming and Extensions by Prof. Prabha Sharma, Department of Mathematics and St...
published: 30 Jan 2012
Author: nptelhrd
Mod-01 Lec-30 Starting feasible solution, Lexicographic method for preventing cycling
Linear programming and Extensions by Prof. Prabha Sharma, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

Stutchkoff: Web of Words 1 סטוטשקאָוו: וואָרטגעוועב
Including an old recording of "Joe and Paul" by the Barton Brothers and a Stutch...
published: 04 May 2010
Author: leyzertag
Stutchkoff: Web of Words 1 סטוטשקאָוו: וואָרטגעוועב
Including an old recording of "Joe and Paul" by the Barton Brothers and a Stutchkoff ad for RCA Victor radio stores from 1937. Film Contents 1: Begins with static in space, then real WEVD jingle and "Joe and Paul" clothing store ad. Aliens wonder what it means. Reenacted ad for RCA Victor radios with their amazing "magic brain." 2-4: Reenacted "People with Troubles" [episode 110] A classic Stutchkoff melodrama about an arranged marriage, set in a town in Poland before the Second World War. Epitomizes the shtetl myth of authentic, deeply religious pre-war Jews, a world which Stutchkoff reconstructed in many radio programs and in his lexicographic work. 5: Alien interlude. Family trip. 6-8: Reenacted "People with Troubles" [episode 22] Set after the war, a young survivor comes to America, becomes mentally disturbed, and is eventually hospitalized. This episode is the shattered present counterpart to the myth of the past in the previous episode. 9:Alien interlude. Is radio real? On Stutchkoff's program as a virtual community for Jewish immigrants without a home to go back to. 10-12: Invented "People with Troubles" episode, in which Stutchkoff narrates his own life as a melodrama. His first steps as a lexicographer and as a radio announcer. His lexicon of Yiddish rhymes. Includes a reenacted interview from WEVD with Stutchkoff about his thesaurus. Scenes with various philologists about (not) creating the Great Dictionary of the Yiddish Language. Ends in static. 13-14: Alien <b>...</b>

The Trouble With Sloths
A thorough investigation into the lexicographic quandaries raised by the sedentary South A...
published: 12 Sep 2006
Author: knowyourelephants
The Trouble With Sloths
A thorough investigation into the lexicographic quandaries raised by the sedentary South American.

Akademik Blaze Ristovski - Мakedonska enciklopedija - Macedonian Encyclopedia 1
Akademik Blaze Ristovski - Мakedonska enciklopedija - Macedonian Encyclopedia 1/4 &#...
published: 16 Sep 2009
Author: oooMKDooo
Akademik Blaze Ristovski - Мakedonska enciklopedija - Macedonian Encyclopedia 1
Akademik Blaze Ristovski - Мakedonska enciklopedija - Macedonian Encyclopedia 1/4 Македонската академија на науките и уметностите ја промовираше првата национална „Македонска енциклопедија, која по неколкугодишна работа на Лексикографскиот центар и на околу 260 соработници под водство на главниот редактор - академик Блаже Ристовски, е објавена годинава со финансиска поддршка на Владата. Енциклопедијата претставува фактографски приказ без толкување на историски моменти. Во неа се поместени и личности кои имаат контроверзна улога во македонската историја. Академик Ристовски не очекува какви било драматични реакции, бидејќи вели дека сите елементи внесени во енциклопедијата се дел од македонската историја. Првото издание на македонската национална енциклопедија, ќе добие и превод на Англиски јазик, кое ќе го финансира државата. Овој потег на академик Ристовски многумина го споредуваат со она што своевремено во поранешна Југославија го направи Мирослав Крлежа. Macedonian Academy of Science and Art (MANU) launched Wednesday the first national "Macedonian Encyclopedia". Following years of preparation by the Lexicographic Center during which time 260 associates were engaged under the leadership of the chief editor, academician Blaze Ristovski, the Macedonian Encyclopedia was published this year with funds from the Government. Considering the criterion of objectivity, the editorial staff scientifically verified a myriad of facts that are contained in two volumes (A-Lj and M-Sh <b>...</b>

Stutchkoff: Web of Words 11 סטוטשקאָוו: וואָרטגעוועב
Shpizman interview with Stutchkoff about the Thesaurus of the Yiddish Language - reenacted...
published: 05 May 2010
Author: leyzertag
Stutchkoff: Web of Words 11 סטוטשקאָוו: וואָרטגעוועב
Shpizman interview with Stutchkoff about the Thesaurus of the Yiddish Language - reenacted. Film Contents 1: Begins with static in space, then real WEVD jingle and "Joe and Paul" clothing store ad. Aliens wonder what it means. Reenacted ad for RCA Victor radios with their amazing "magic brain." 2-4: Reenacted "People with Troubles" [episode 110] A classic Stutchkoff melodrama about an arranged marriage, set in a town in Poland before the Second World War. Epitomizes the shtetl myth of authentic, deeply religious pre-war Jews, a world which Stutchkoff reconstructed in many radio programs and in his lexicographic work. 5: Alien interlude. Family trip. 6-8: Reenacted "People with Troubles" [episode 22] Set after the war, a young survivor comes to America, becomes mentally disturbed, and is eventually hospitalized. This episode is the shattered present counterpart to the myth of the past in the previous episode. 9:Alien interlude. Is radio real? On Stutchkoff's program as a virtual community for Jewish immigrants without a home to go back to. 10-12: Invented "People with Troubles" episode, in which Stutchkoff narrates his own life as a melodrama. His first steps as a lexicographer and as a radio announcer. His lexicon of Yiddish rhymes. Includes a reenacted interview from WEVD with Stutchkoff about his thesaurus. Scenes with various philologists about (not) creating the Great Dictionary of the Yiddish Language. Ends in static. 13-14: Alien interlude. Aliens turn off the radio <b>...</b>

Blaze Ristovski Makedonska Enciklopedija Macedonian Encyclopedia
Macedonian Academy of Science and Art (MANU) launched Wednesday the first national "M...
published: 18 Sep 2009
Author: Kozabashia
Blaze Ristovski Makedonska Enciklopedija Macedonian Encyclopedia
Macedonian Academy of Science and Art (MANU) launched Wednesday the first national "Macedonian Encyclopedia". Following years of preparation by the Lexicographic Center during which time 260 associates were engaged under the leadership of the chief editor, academician Blaze Ristovski, the Macedonian Encyclopedia was published this year with funds from the Government. Considering the criterion of objectivity, the editorial staff scientifically verified a myriad of facts that are contained in two volumes (A-Lj and M-Sh) in a total of 1.671 pages. The edition contains over 9.000 entries for persons, events, etc. with more than 5.000 illustrations. Блаже Ристовски - Македонска енциклопедија Македонска академија на науките и уметностите (МАНУ) денеска започна првата национална "македонска енциклопедија". Следниве години на подготовка од страна на Лексикографски Центар за кое време биле ангажирани 260 соработници под раководство на главниот и одговорен уредник, академик Блаже Ристовски, Македонскиот енциклопедија беше објавен оваа година со средства од Владата. Со оглед на критериум на објективност, уредувачкиот тим научно верифицирано со огромен број на факти кои се содржани во два тома (А-М и Љ-Ш) во вкупно 1671 страници. Ова издание содржи преку 9000 записи за лица, настани итн со повеќе од 5000 илустрации. Премиерот Nikola Gruevski, добредојде на издавачката на македонската енциклопедија, рече дека тоа сублимираниот на познавање на современите македонски научници за <b>...</b>

Akademik Blaze Ristovski - Мakedonska enciklopedija - Macedonian Encyclopedia 3
Akademik Blaze Ristovski - Мakedonska enciklopedija - Macedonian Encyclopedia 3/4 &#...
published: 17 Sep 2009
Author: oooMKDooo
Akademik Blaze Ristovski - Мakedonska enciklopedija - Macedonian Encyclopedia 3
Akademik Blaze Ristovski - Мakedonska enciklopedija - Macedonian Encyclopedia 3/4 Македонската академија на науките и уметностите ја промовираше првата национална „Македонска енциклопедија, која по неколкугодишна работа на Лексикографскиот центар и на околу 260 соработници под водство на главниот редактор - академик Блаже Ристовски, е објавена годинава со финансиска поддршка на Владата. Енциклопедијата претставува фактографски приказ без толкување на историски моменти. Во неа се поместени и личности кои имаат контроверзна улога во македонската историја. Академик Ристовски не очекува какви било драматични реакции, бидејќи вели дека сите елементи внесени во енциклопедијата се дел од македонската историја. Првото издание на македонската национална енциклопедија, ќе добие и превод на Англиски јазик, кое ќе го финансира државата. Овој потег на академик Ристовски многумина го споредуваат со она што своевремено во поранешна Југославија го направи Мирослав Крлежа. Macedonian Academy of Science and Art (MANU) launched Wednesday the first national "Macedonian Encyclopedia". Following years of preparation by the Lexicographic Center during which time 260 associates were engaged under the leadership of the chief editor, academician Blaze Ristovski, the Macedonian Encyclopedia was published this year with funds from the Government. Considering the criterion of objectivity, the editorial staff scientifically verified a myriad of facts that are contained in two volumes (A-Lj and M-Sh <b>...</b>

Stutchkoff: Web of Words 7 סטוטשקאָוו: וואָרטגעוועב
People with Troubles, episode 22 צרות בײַ ל...
published: 04 May 2010
Author: leyzertag
Stutchkoff: Web of Words 7 סטוטשקאָוו: וואָרטגעוועב
People with Troubles, episode 22 צרות בײַ לײַטן part 2 Starring: Shane Baker Leizer Burko Miryem-Khaye Seigel Eléonore Biezunski and on the violin: Eléonore Biezunski Film Contents 1: Begins with static in space, then real WEVD jingle and "Joe and Paul" clothing store ad. Aliens wonder what it means. Reenacted ad for RCA Victor radios with their amazing "magic brain." 2-4: Reenacted "People with Troubles" [episode 110] A classic Stutchkoff melodrama about an arranged marriage, set in a town in Poland before the Second World War. Epitomizes the shtetl myth of authentic, deeply religious pre-war Jews, a world which Stutchkoff reconstructed in many radio programs and in his lexicographic work. 5: Alien interlude. Family trip. 6-8: Reenacted "People with Troubles" [episode 22] Set after the war, a young survivor comes to America, becomes mentally disturbed, and is eventually hospitalized. This episode is the shattered present counterpart to the myth of the past in the previous episode. 9:Alien interlude. Is radio real? On Stutchkoff's program as a virtual community for Jewish immigrants without a home to go back to. 10-12: Invented "People with Troubles" episode, in which Stutchkoff narrates his own life as a melodrama. His first steps as a lexicographer and as a radio announcer. His lexicon of Yiddish rhymes. Includes a reenacted interview from WEVD with Stutchkoff about his thesaurus. Scenes with various philologists about (not) creating the Great Dictionary of the <b>...</b>

Stutchkoff: Web of Words 4 סטוטשקאָוו: וואָרטגעוועב
"People with Troubles, Episode 110 צרות בײַ...
published: 04 May 2010
Author: leyzertag
Stutchkoff: Web of Words 4 סטוטשקאָוו: וואָרטגעוועב
"People with Troubles, Episode 110 צרות בײַ לײַטן part 3 Starring: Shane Baker Leizer Burko Miryem-Khaye Seigel Eléonore Biezunski David Mandelbaum and on the violin: Eléonore Biezunski Film Contents 1: Begins with static in space, then real WEVD jingle and "Joe and Paul" clothing store ad. Aliens wonder what it means. Reenacted ad for RCA Victor radios with their amazing "magic brain." 2-4: Reenacted "People with Troubles" [episode 110] A classic Stutchkoff melodrama about an arranged marriage, set in a town in Poland before the Second World War. Epitomizes the shtetl myth of authentic, deeply religious pre-war Jews, a world which Stutchkoff reconstructed in many radio programs and in his lexicographic work. 5: Alien interlude. Family trip. 6-8: Reenacted "People with Troubles" [episode 22] Set after the war, a young survivor comes to America, becomes mentally disturbed, and is eventually hospitalized. This episode is the shattered present counterpart to the myth of the past in the previous episode. 9:Alien interlude. Is radio real? On Stutchkoff's program as a virtual community for Jewish immigrants without a home to go back to. 10-12: Invented "People with Troubles" episode, in which Stutchkoff narrates his own life as a melodrama. His first steps as a lexicographer and as a radio announcer. His lexicon of Yiddish rhymes. Includes a reenacted interview from WEVD with Stutchkoff about his thesaurus. Scenes with various philologists about (not) creating the Great <b>...</b>

Akademik Blaze Ristovski - Мakedonska enciklopedija - Macedonian Encyclopedia 2
Akademik Blaze Ristovski - Мakedonska enciklopedija - Macedonian Encyclopedia 2/4 &#...
published: 16 Sep 2009
Author: oooMKDooo
Akademik Blaze Ristovski - Мakedonska enciklopedija - Macedonian Encyclopedia 2
Akademik Blaze Ristovski - Мakedonska enciklopedija - Macedonian Encyclopedia 2/4 Македонската академија на науките и уметностите ја промовираше првата национална „Македонска енциклопедија, која по неколкугодишна работа на Лексикографскиот центар и на околу 260 соработници под водство на главниот редактор - академик Блаже Ристовски, е објавена годинава со финансиска поддршка на Владата. Енциклопедијата претставува фактографски приказ без толкување на историски моменти. Во неа се поместени и личности кои имаат контроверзна улога во македонската историја. Академик Ристовски не очекува какви било драматични реакции, бидејќи вели дека сите елементи внесени во енциклопедијата се дел од македонската историја. Првото издание на македонската национална енциклопедија, ќе добие и превод на Англиски јазик, кое ќе го финансира државата. Овој потег на академик Ристовски многумина го споредуваат со она што своевремено во поранешна Југославија го направи Мирослав Крлежа. Macedonian Academy of Science and Art (MANU) launched Wednesday the first national "Macedonian Encyclopedia". Following years of preparation by the Lexicographic Center during which time 260 associates were engaged under the leadership of the chief editor, academician Blaze Ristovski, the Macedonian Encyclopedia was published this year with funds from the Government. Considering the criterion of objectivity, the editorial staff scientifically verified a myriad of facts that are contained in two volumes (A-Lj and M-Sh <b>...</b>

Can you crack the combination lock? - Solution
The sequence 11221 contains all 2-digit combinations using the numbers 1 and 2. A sequence...
published: 13 Dec 2011
Author: singingbanana
Can you crack the combination lock? - Solution
The sequence 11221 contains all 2-digit combinations using the numbers 1 and 2. A sequence such as that is called a De Bruijn sequence. I show you three methods to find such sequence. The first two involve making diagrams called graphs, and either taking a path that visits every node of a graph (a hamilton path), or a path that visits every edge of a graph (euler path). The third method is an algorithm for making 'Lyndon words' which if you string them together will make our De Bruijn sequence. De Bruijn Sequences: en.wikipedia.org Hamilton Path: en.wikipedia.org Euler Path: en.wikipedia.org Lyndon Words: en.wikipedia.org There is an efficient method of generating a list of all Lyndon words of lengths that divide n, using the digits 1 to k, which involves a lot less crossing off. This is the method I used to make the final sequence in the video. I did not describe the method in the video, so let me describe it here: Start the list with a sequence of n 1s, ie 11 . . . 1. We will generate successive words until we reach kk . . . k. For any word A = a1a2 . . . an, the successor of A is obtained as follows: 1. Let i be the largest value such that ai is less than k 2. Let B = a1a2 . . . ai-1(ai + 1) 3. Then the successor of A is the first n characters of BB . . . B. We then decided to reject, replace, or keep the successor of A depending on the value of i: 1. If i does not divide n, the successor of A appears earlier on the list under rotation. Generate a successor to the word <b>...</b>

Darsul Quran. al-Nisa [The Women]: 79 (2)-84.
Wheresoever you may be death will overtake you even if you be in strongly raised towers. A...
published: 15 May 2012
Author: TahirArchive
Darsul Quran. al-Nisa [The Women]: 79 (2)-84.
Wheresoever you may be death will overtake you even if you be in strongly raised towers. And if some good befalls them they say 'This is from Allah' and if harm befalls them they say 'This is from thee.' Say 'All is from Allah.' What has happened to these people that they can barely grasp anything? Whatever of good happens to thee is from Allah; and whatever of harm befalls thee is from thyself. And We have sent thee as a Messenger to mankind. And sufficient is Allah as a Witness. Whoso obeys the Messenger indeed obeys Allah; and whoso turns away then We have not sent thee as a keeper over them. And they say 'Obedience' but when they leave from thy abode a group of them spends the night scheming against what thou sayest. Allah records whatever they scheme by night. So turn away from them and trust in Allah. And sufficient is Allah as a Protector. Will they not then meditate upon the Quran? Had it been from anyone other than Allah they would surely have found therein much inconsistency. When they conceive (rumors concerning) a matter of peace or alarm they spread it about. Whereas if they had referred the matter to the Messenger and those in authority among them surely of them those who had critically examined the matter could know the truth. And had it not been for the bounty of Allah upon you and His mercy most of you would have followed Satan. It is important for the explication of the subject of these verses to comprehend them in the light of the writings of the <b>...</b>

Stutchkoff: Web of Words 9 סטוטשקאָוו: וואָרטגעוועב
Aliens discuss Yiddish radio as a virtual home after the Holocaust. Film Contents 1: Begin...
published: 05 May 2010
Author: leyzertag
Stutchkoff: Web of Words 9 סטוטשקאָוו: וואָרטגעוועב
Aliens discuss Yiddish radio as a virtual home after the Holocaust. Film Contents 1: Begins with static in space, then real WEVD jingle and "Joe and Paul" clothing store ad. Aliens wonder what it means. Reenacted ad for RCA Victor radios with their amazing "magic brain." 2-4: Reenacted "People with Troubles" [episode 110] A classic Stutchkoff melodrama about an arranged marriage, set in a town in Poland before the Second World War. Epitomizes the shtetl myth of authentic, deeply religious pre-war Jews, a world which Stutchkoff reconstructed in many radio programs and in his lexicographic work. 5: Alien interlude. Family trip. 6-8: Reenacted "People with Troubles" [episode 22] Set after the war, a young survivor comes to America, becomes mentally disturbed, and is eventually hospitalized. This episode is the shattered present counterpart to the myth of the past in the previous episode. 9:Alien interlude. Is radio real? On Stutchkoff's program as a virtual community for Jewish immigrants without a home to go back to. 10-12: Invented "People with Troubles" episode, in which Stutchkoff narrates his own life as a melodrama. His first steps as a lexicographer and as a radio announcer. His lexicon of Yiddish rhymes. Includes a reenacted interview from WEVD with Stutchkoff about his thesaurus. Scenes with various philologists about (not) creating the Great Dictionary of the Yiddish Language. Ends in static. 13-14: Alien interlude. Aliens turn off the radio and encounter their <b>...</b>

How can we better understand customers?
Google TechTalks July 18, 2006 Ely Dahan At MIT's Sloan School of Business, Ely Dahan ...
published: 23 Jul 2007
Author: Google
How can we better understand customers?
Google TechTalks July 18, 2006 Ely Dahan At MIT's Sloan School of Business, Ely Dahan taught high tech marketing and new product development. He now develops new models and methods for developing products at UCLA's Anderson School of Business. Dahan has developed internet-based market research methods, mathematical models of parallel and sequential prototyping, the economics of cost reduction, and strategies for mass customization. Prior to entering academia, he was national product manager for WR Grace and NEC until 1984, when he founded a computer networking company in Maryland, serving as CEO until the firm was acquired in 1993. He is the recipient, along with his coauthors, of the INFORMS...
Youtube results:

Stutchkoff: Web of Words 8 סטוטשקאָוו: וואָרטגעוועב
"People with Troubles," Episode 22 צרות בײ&#...
published: 04 May 2010
Author: leyzertag
Stutchkoff: Web of Words 8 סטוטשקאָוו: וואָרטגעוועב
"People with Troubles," Episode 22 צרות בײַ לײַטן part 3 Starring: Shane Baker Leizer Burko Miryem-Khaye Seigel Eléonore Biezunski and on the violin: Eléonore Biezunski Film Contents 1: Begins with static in space, then real WEVD jingle and "Joe and Paul" clothing store ad. Aliens wonder what it means. Reenacted ad for RCA Victor radios with their amazing "magic brain." 2-4: Reenacted "People with Troubles" [episode 110] A classic Stutchkoff melodrama about an arranged marriage, set in a town in Poland before the Second World War. Epitomizes the shtetl myth of authentic, deeply religious pre-war Jews, a world which Stutchkoff reconstructed in many radio programs and in his lexicographic work. 5: Alien interlude. Family trip. 6-8: Reenacted "People with Troubles" [episode 22] Set after the war, a young survivor comes to America, becomes mentally disturbed, and is eventually hospitalized. This episode is the shattered present counterpart to the myth of the past in the previous episode. 9:Alien interlude. Is radio real? On Stutchkoff's program as a virtual community for Jewish immigrants without a home to go back to. 10-12: Invented "People with Troubles" episode, in which Stutchkoff narrates his own life as a melodrama. His first steps as a lexicographer and as a radio announcer. His lexicon of Yiddish rhymes. Includes a reenacted interview from WEVD with Stutchkoff about his thesaurus. Scenes with various philologists about (not) creating the Great Dictionary of the <b>...</b>

Lec 2 | MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008
Lecture 2: Operators and operands; statements; branching, conditionals, and iteration Inst...
published: 20 Aug 2009
Author: MIT
Lec 2 | MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008
Lecture 2: Operators and operands; statements; branching, conditionals, and iteration Instructors: Prof. Eric Grimson, Prof. John Guttag View the complete course at: ocw.mit.edu License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at ocw.mit.edu More courses at ocw.mit.edu

Clase 2: Operadores y operandos: declaraciones, ramificaciones, condicionales e iteración
MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008 Operators and operand...
published: 02 Oct 2010
Author: manueltamez
Clase 2: Operadores y operandos: declaraciones, ramificaciones, condicionales e iteración
MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008 Operators and operands; statements; branching, conditionals, and iteration

The Yiddish National Discourse in Israel
כנס ירושלים: מא...
published: 04 Jan 2010
Author: HebrewUniversity
The Yiddish National Discourse in Israel
כנס ירושלים: מאה שנות יידיש 2008-1908 The Jerusalem Conference: A Century of Yiddish 1908-2008 Sponsored by: The Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University and The Israel Science Foundation with the support of: Israel National Commission for UNESCO The Yaakov Groper Foundation (Jerusalem) The Yiddish Forward (New York) YUNG YiDiSH (Israel) the organizing committee: The Yiddish Chair, The Institute for Contemporary Jewry, The Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. DVDs of the full conference are available for purchase. Please contact hguys@vms.huji.ac.il or dovsadaninst@mscc.huji.ac.il ------------------------------------ יידיש והזהות הלאומית בישראל יום 1 יום שני 7 דצמבר 2009 דייגו רוטמן מוישעלע, גאלדעניו הרבי מפלונסק: המנהיגות במדינת ישראל ובתיאטרון הסאטירי של דז'יגן ושומכר (עברית) אילנה שוהמי הציונית ומדיניותה הלשונית ויידיש (עברית) The Yiddish National Discourse in Israel Monday, December 7, 2009 Diego Rotman Moyshele, Goldenyu and the Rebbe from Plonsk: The Leadership in the State of Israel and in the Satiric Theater of Dzhigan and Shumakher (Hebrew) Elana Shohami Zionist Ideology and Yiddish (Hebrew) כנס ירושלים: מאה שנות יידיש 2008-1908 The Jerusalem Conference: A Century of Yiddish 1908-2008 יִדישע נאַציאָנאַלע אידענטיטעט אין ישׂראל דיעגאָ ראָטמאַן- משהלע, גאָלדעלע און דער רבי פֿון פּלאָנסק: די אָנפֿירערשאַפֿט אין מדינת-ישׂראל און אין דזשיגאַן און שומאַכערס סאַטירישן טעאַטער (העברעיִש) אילנה שהמי ייִדיש <b>...</b>