
Young Leaders - Partners for Change

IPCRI involves Jewish and Arab/Palestinian teenagers from mixed areas in Israel in a process of developing joint community projects that improve shared citizenship.


Mapping Solar Energy Potential in Gaza

IPCRI is mapping PV solar energy potential in the Gaza strip with local Gazan partners to enable the development of renewable energy installations that can contribute to solving the energy deficit in Gaza.


Growing Together: Aquaponics in Rural Israel and Palestine

IPCRI is partnered with Byspokes, an innovative UK-based NGO, to introduce water-efficient food production systems in two communities identified as being disproportionately impacted by the conflict (one in Israel, one in the Palestine).


Breaking Down Walls: Tours

IPCRI organises regular tours for Israelis to Palestinian cities to provide meaningful opportunities to step "beyond the wall" and get an understanding of their neighboring community.


IPCRI's Sustainable Peacebuilding

IPCRI’s “Sustainable Peace Building” initiatives aim to develop and strengthen the public support for peace and cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians as we believe that a just and sustainable resolution will only come about when there is public support. IPCRI's sustainable peace building initiatives have two main objectives; transforming the conflict and creating a shared environment. Our activities include both peace education and people-to-people conflict reconciliation programs, which help lay the foundation for post-conflict peace building.

For 10 years in the 1990’s and early 200’s, IPCRI ran the biggest peace education program in Israel, which involved over 80 schools and thousands of students from Israel and Palestine. In addition, IPCRI also trained educators to facilitate conflict resolution projects for their students. From 2012-2013 IPCRI worked with 300 teenagers in mixed Jewish and Palestinian/Arab cities in Israel where youths aged 13-15 designed and implemented a joint community project that promoted cooperation and a shared citizenship. Please see our “About IPCRI” page to see our other peace building success over the decades.

A large part of our peace building work focuses on the environment. IPCRI’s Environment Department was founded in 1994 and aims to facilitate joint Israeli-Palestinian work on pressing environmental concerns, and encourage sustainable development and understanding between the two peoples. Since its inception, the Environment Department has secured the active involvement of Israeli and Palestinian ministries and agencies, academics from all the major universities in Israel and Palestine, NGO representatives and private businesspeople. In cooperation with our stakeholders, IPCRI has undertaken research projects, organized a series of conferences and seminars, promoted environmental mediation and undertaken development work on the ground. IPCRI has most recently been involved in projects focused on climate change research in the Jordan Valley, agriculture in Gaza, water and sanitation in the northern West Bank, and solar energy in villages south of Hebron, improving Palestinian agricultural export abilities and increasing domestic food production through aquaponics. Please contact us directly if you would like to learn more about our work or partnership opportunities.